TTC #1 :) cycle buddie

Good morning everyone!!! How are you all doing?! I'm pretty good...My temp went up a tad again today so im hoping that's a good sign!!! I'm 4DPO today and i've noticed that i'm VERY bloated....does anyone know if this is normal!? and (TMI sorry) I have had a lot of cervical fluid today....
:kiss::kiss::kiss:ASTER THE BRACELET IT BEAUTIFULL :kiss::kiss::kiss:
The poem is rather lovely as well :hugs: thank you so much it has really brightened my day :friends:

jmc -im not testing this one just going to wait for :witch: i dont even feel pregnant i know in my heart and my head its not my time this cycle sooooo rather than waste my money on pg test i shall buy some tampax!!!!:rofl:

brit- i am feeling lots better thank you :hugs: although i still getting nasty cramps across my tummy :wacko:

also jmc- i have no idea about the cervical fluid thing,i was under the impression it drys up before af but i always get loads!! its a difficult thing for me to get to grips with plus it can change for so many different reasons but fingers crossed its for a good one hunny :dust:

right im off on a driving lesson so toot toot beep beep get out my way or il run you over hahahahahaah

laters potaters xxxxxxxxxx:winkwink:
Thanks for the good laugh XKLFX...I really hope next month is your month then!

That's so odd about the CM!!! It's like runnin out at times haha sorry way too much TMI

Ok here might be another "make ya laugh" questions of mine haha....Ok, so i've seen some ladies say something about a BIG "D" in their this is a symptom...what the heck is a big "d"!? Am I being dense?
Ok here might be another "make ya laugh" questions of mine haha....Ok, so i've seen some ladies say something about a BIG "D" in their this is a symptom...what the heck is a big "d"!? Am I being dense?

:shrug: I haven't got a foggiest!! It would be interesting to know though.

KLF that made me giggle about the tooting. It reminded me of being in Sicily 'cos that's all they do!

I'm soooooooo excited.... I'm off to Australia tomorrow for a whole month!!! I just had a bit of a panic on though 'cos I just asked DH whether I'll be able to get internet access. Phew... Looks like I'll be able to at times. Good, good.
Austrailia?!?! How are you girls always traveling so much!? A whole month?! What for?! We'll miss you!
Hey there, I'm kind of new to this whole thing... we've been trying for about 3months now and must admit it's hard not to get horribly disappointed when the tests come back negative. I haven't taken any ovulation tests, but kind of guess it but think I may invest in one of the digital ovulation kits Bumble Bee mentioned... Just finding this whole thing depressing, esp as my twin sister has two kids and keeps saying 'your time will come' which is so true, yet so frustrating all the same.

If anyone has any tips to help then please shout! My period is completely erratic - I've been getting pelvic twinges which my sister said could be plantation signs but so far absolutely nothing. I now fear that perhaps I'd been reading too much stuff and it was just me mentally thinking I had it?! Don't know... hard to guage.

I keep getting told to stop thinking about trying to fall pregnant but it's sooooo hard, esp when it feels like everywhere I look someone is preggers.

Sorry, I'm venting... xxx
Austrailia?!?! How are you girls always traveling so much!? A whole month?! What for?! We'll miss you!

It's a biggie holiday for my DH's birthday. :plane: I'm a lucky girl really.

Hope27, where are you in your cycle? I know exactly what you mean about all this ttc being depressing, it is very difficult to stay positive but it will happen for us, we just have to learn to be patient - will you remind me that I said this come a few weeks?! I'm the worst at being patient - I want everything like yesterday!! Don't worry about venting though, you vent away - it's what we're here for :hugs2:.

As for the erratic AF, I've heard that Agnus Cactus helps sort out this but tbh don't know all that much about it.
Girls, just refer to me as k if its easier i only had this as my user name as it did not like anything else i put in:wacko:
Jmc dont worry about tmi i think we are all guilty of it but it dont bother us :thumbup: i know what you mean though sometimes it feels like af!!!!
i dont know what big d mean either but as before if you find out let us know :kiss:

Brit you are soooooo lucky!!!!! have a fantastic time xx:kiss:

Hope27 welcome! we are all in the same boat here so vent away :thumbup: i think we all get down by things ive been trying for 6-7 months and my sis is due next month,everyone around me is getting preggers just thinking about it!!!!
:friends: i have to say we are a brilliant group :blush: i know its been a great help to me coming on here and havin a chat/vent its not obsessin but sometimes its just better to speak to women in the same position as you coz they know!!!

hope everyone has a good weekend xxxxx:kiss:
Sorry I haven't been around! Wrote my CA exam the past three days, boy am I glad that it's done.

No new news here, I'm 8 DPO so I'm stating to get the itch to test even though I know I should wait a while! :) I'm had tender breasts for the past week...

Brit - have fun in Australia!!!
Hello girls!!!!!!!!

Im so sorry for being around this week, I have been busy in the evenings, and at my new and "fantastic" desk I can't check Internet at all.

Right ladies, my AF time is getting closer. As I mentioned before, I missed OV this month, I thought I would have ovulated on the 7th Sept (Monday), but now I don't know when that happened as on the 7th and 8th the OV tests came up negative, so Im guessing the AF should make her appearance between today and this Sunday. So far I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms whatsoever, so most likely it is going to be another little disappointment. I had a few period symptoms today (slight cramps, etc) which have now stopped, and although my boobs are no sore, they feel absolutely huge. Again, this is normally another one of my AF symptoms, so we'll see.. I will keep you all updated though.

Aster, can I just say what a lovely bracelet you sent me!!!!!! U r so talented!!!! I loved the poem, the wee organza packaging, everything!! I got it last nite on the post and was wearing it today at work, it is so delicate and cute!! Thanks very much pet, I really mean it..xo

Brit, have a fab time in Australia!!! Make sure you buy a pair of Ugg boots, I love them and they are really cheap over there (or so Ive been told..!)

Hope27, welcome to the thread! Don't be stressing hun, keep doing what you are doing, and don't worry, this is what this place is for, have a wee vent anytime you want, or two, or three.. Here is a big :hug: for you!

To you and to the rest of the ladies, K, gina, jmc, have a lovely weekend!

Ha ha ha! I wrote, "Im so sorry for being around this week"! My head is totally pickled!:dohh:
I was bad this morning and tested even though I'm only 9 DPO... it was BFN. And although I know I should keep holding off I'm going to test tomorrow again. lol!

I was staring so hard at the test I convinced myself there was a faint line... but the hubby assured me it was in my head.
G'day girls! You may think me mad but DH has just gone off to print some docs so I thought I'd be secret squirrel and quickly check in on you guys - I'm sure DH would throttle me if he knew.

Gina sorry to hear about the bfn but keep your chin up, 9dpo is still early - although I think I'm gonna be testing tomorrow just 'cos I've been really wanting a glass of wine but have been soooooo good. Athough I really don't think I'll be seeing any positive this month mainly due to those damn antibiotics I took - sorted my tooth out but messed my system up big and proper. I've been spotting weirdly this cycle as well.

We're in Syndey this week and it's fab so far, although kinda blew me away that I lost 9 hours just from stepping off the plane.

Good luck this month girls :kiss:
Aww Brit my sweet I am just catching up!!! You are down under???!!!!
You lucky Mrs!!! Could I be any more jealous! :wink: Sorry I missed you but hope you will still be in here every now and again and not forget about us? :hugs: Got everything crossed and let us know how you get on..... xxxx

Gina - dont fret sweetie, you wait til that witchie shows otherwise you are still in! Sending you loads of dust and hugs.:kiss:

BB - how you getting on? Any sign of witchie? xxx

K – hows you doing?

I have had a busy but nice weekend, I saw my best friend her fiance and godson on Friday night for her last meal before she flies off to greece to get married and it was so nice and exciting to see her but I was a bit emotional about not being at the wedding. Am really looking forward to staying with H for a week though and even my hubby commented on how cute he was (he isn’t that good with other peoples toddlers!!) which is a miracle!! Went out on Saturday night with my friend for her birthday and had a meal which was a bit mad as she was 33 (she and hubby don’t ever want kids) but 2 of her best friends were there and both were 5 months pregnant so just talked about that all night. Can’t wait till I can join in! :winkwink:

Had a meal with the outlaws on subday after going to church at the church we got married in (which is practically next door to inlaws) as they had some repairs done and were doinf a rededication which was really nice as hadn't been there since we got married :blush:

Got more beading to do tonight :happydance: after i have done the washing up and some tidying! :wacko: Will post some pics when I have finished!

Love hugs and dust to all. :hugs::hugs:xxxxx
Hello girls!! Brit sounds like you're havin a blast down under!! I'm so jealous too!!!

Aster!!! Sounds like you're busy workin away again and had a nice busy weekend! I have been running to the mailbox everyday hoping to see your awesome sure it's taking much longer to get to me than the others! I will check as soon as I get home again today!
:flower: hey ladies!
just a quick one today as a lil sleepy :sleep:
had my bestest friend round tonight for dinner,cooked an amazing curry followed but 99 ice creams and tea and chocolate hobknobs!(our perfect night in always results in tea and cake or tea and buiscuits:happydance:)
well no :witch: but i keep gettin lil back twinges and now im bloated and cm disapeared(sorry tmi!) so im guessing she is round the corner :wacko: no other symptoms boobs are fine they actually have not hurt at all this cycle which has been lovely :thumbup: everything seems pretty normal :shrug: think my cycle is a lil messy from being so sick last week, il let you know when af arrives.....this is going to be my longest cycle so far :dohh:

gina your still in it babe xx

night all xxx:kiss: (that wasnt quick at all lol!!!)
Morning girlies!!

I had a chinese last night and just snoozed on the sofa so didn't get any beading done!:blush: and now feel really fat and guilty!:cry:
Gave me crazy dreams too and not nice ones either... had horrible nightmares about having a MC...:cry::cry::cry: and hubby said he had mad nightmares too, so maybe I wont be visiting that place again!!!

Got my grocery delivery coming tonight so lots of healthy things and even bought some salmon fillets for their omega thingies!! (I am really not a fish fan but know that when I am PG I am going to have to eat it so thought I could cover it in cajun spices and learn to love it!!! :munch: I want a brainy baby so gonna have to just get over it!! :haha:

JMC - don't fret sweetie, your package will come. My US supplier for beads takes about a week to get to me so it could be tomorrow or thurs yet. Are you testing yet?

K - sounds like a perfect evening, I love ice cream! Fingers crossed that this is BFP symptoms and niot witchie! When are you due? :hugs:

I think I am actually imagining my OV pains now as seem to be twitchy all the time and getting in my daily :sex: just in case! It is funny how before TTC I would not notice OV pains or anything else but now you feel every twinge!!! :roll: I get alot of wierd butterfly type twinges but think it is probably just wind!! :rofl:

:hugs: to all. xxxxx
Morning girls!!! SOunds like a yummy night K!!! And hopefully those aren't AF symptoms you're having....I don't think they are!

Aster...thanks hunie!!! I am just so excited for the beads to come!!! I hardly ever get packages...only bills haha. You get your groceries delivered to you?!?! Wow that would be great! haha...I have to make a trip there at least once a week! I'm not testing yet....I'm only 9DPO today but my temp rose a bit again! I'm not gonna test till 9/30 and that will be 17DPO i believe but AF will come before then if im not prego so we shall see!!! I hear you on feeling all the twinges and little bubbles and everything...haha...I think that's just us being obsessed!!
God, that makes me sound so lazy!!:blush: But I only really get one day off and I don't want to be spending the whole time in the supermarket. It only costs £3 (about $5) for it to be delivered and means that my blood pressure isn't sky high!! We have a really large store quite close to us and it is a total nightmare to go to after work, there are always screaming kids, useless cashiers and by the time I have lugged a 15 kilo sack of dog food to the car, I am not in the best of moods!!:growlmad:
It also helps me stay within budget and planned meals and means that I don't just buy what i fancy eating at that time!! :blush: I totally recommend it to anyone as i have saved a fortune by not having those 'impulse buys' that you get when you walk in the door. :thumbup: And when you have babies, it is a godsend!!! (I used to be a nanny for twin baby girls so we couldn't ever go to the supermarket and did all the shopping online)

Anyhoo, just didn't want you all to think I am spoiled...:nope: hope your all having a lovely afternoon (or morning if you are across the pond) the sun is actually shining here which is a miracle!!! :happydance:

Ast xxx
God, that makes me sound so lazy!!:blush: But I only really get one day off and I don't want to be spending the whole time in the supermarket. It only costs £3 (about $5) for it to be delivered and means that my blood pressure isn't sky high!! We have a really large store quite close to us and it is a total nightmare to go to after work, there are always screaming kids, useless cashiers and by the time I have lugged a 15 kilo sack of dog food to the car, I am not in the best of moods!!:growlmad:
It also helps me stay within budget and planned meals and means that I don't just buy what i fancy eating at that time!! :blush: I totally recommend it to anyone as i have saved a fortune by not having those 'impulse buys' that you get when you walk in the door. :thumbup: And when you have babies, it is a godsend!!! (I used to be a nanny for twin baby girls so we couldn't ever go to the supermarket and did all the shopping online)

Anyhoo, just didn't want you all to think I am spoiled...:nope: hope your all having a lovely afternoon (or morning if you are across the pond) the sun is actually shining here which is a miracle!!! :happydance:

Ast xxx

hahahahah Aster im so with you on the online shopping!!!!:thumbup:
i have been doing it for a year now and for the sake of £5 its well worth it,my stress levels rise to a whole new level if i have to enter a supermarket!
now i just sit on my sofa with a nice glass of something a shop away :happydance::coffee:

well i think i was due this monday just gone,based on my longest cycle which has been 42 days i based it on that,plus although did not get positive opk i think i ov on the 5th september had the ewcm thing! but im not getting excited as my cycles have been getting longer and longer each month plus was so sick last tuesday with that food poisoning i think that has messed my cycle up as well,soooooo still no :witch: but still bloated have the low back ache etc so sure its round the corner!!! will kepp you all posted:kiss:

jmc-i have fingers,toes,arms,(not legs though lol!) crossed for you :dust:
got docs tomorrow for DH smoking :wacko:

chinese tonight and a chill out as feelin a lil tired today,wore myslf out with all that food last night!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx

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