Sil - go send OH to a biology course! Good grief. It kind of makes me happy I'm keeping my OH mostly in the dark as to my testing and obsessing (that and I didn't want to add any performance pressure during those times of the month). But it is promising that you've had your two boys with this same father! Irregular cycles must be the absolute pits. Hang in there girlie! Fights are normal, dont stress about it.
HappyZ - screw cheapies (except wondfos). While we're at it, screw curved FRERs and blue dye tests. There's nothing left that I feel i can absolutely trust. Any more spotting today?
Belle - so Friday morning then, as you'll probably want FMU and to call ASAP right? I'm excited! I'll be even more excited if you don't have any spotting today! If not this month, I wouldn't be surprised if you popped preggo the month after your HSG. What is thanksgiving called in Canada? Still thanksgiving?
Star - yea, that was pretty much my mood yesterday. Destructively pissed. Scribbling on drawings (walls haha!) would have been satisfying. Instead I just listened to an audiobook and enjoy the nice weather. Had some non-baby making sex. What the hell could that commercial even be advertising?! How dumb. One brownish spot does not an AF make! Did you have any more after that? How is today going?
I tested this morning with a cheapie (I caved, but I least I didn't use a pricy test). Neg again, as expected. I would have zero hopes for this month, but I've actually had some weird symptoms, so I was really hoping this would be it. Backache, AF cramps way before she's due to show, dizziness, super closed cervix. My two friends are still pregnant (such a relief), and I've resigned myself to not being their bump buddies. At least this way, I'll have a TON of hand-me-downs when I get pregnant here in a few months (knock on wood).