TTC #1 Hopeful and Obsessed! lol

Its honestly such a great book! The success she had was amazing! I've been taking various supplements for awhile now but haven't really stuck with any one thing for long. It was so great to read and read scientific evidence about what works and what isn't safe to use! I totally would have started using L'Arginine otherwise.

Totally relate on the deep freeze, its been bitterly cold up here too. You have a pretty wicked storm down south though, so I don't envy you! You're definitely colder than we are right now!

Mnelson I completely agree, I hope all of us can have our sticky bfps this year! I honestly can't even believe the amount of supplement pills i take in a day. Its like a couple handfuls 3 times a day. I've been taking supplements off and on since June so I gotta hope they'll start working soon!
In in California and the weather cannot make up it's mind. Two weeks ago we got so much rain that it flooded the streets, then last week it was in the 80's, and now it's raining again. How do I constantly have to switch between winter clothes and summer clothes? It's so obnoxious.

It starts with an egg, I've heard of it, is it a religious themed book? Not sure why, but I get the feeling that it is?
Nope, it is not religious at all. It is all about a lady who studied microbiology and when through IVF. She takes a lot of scientific research and studies that prove you can improve egg quality. Apparently she went through IVF the first time with poor results with DOR. On her second attempt after researching more about it, she retrieved 21 eggs I believe and all fertilized with 19 making it do day 5 blasts... which is quite unheard of. I think she set a record at the CCRM.
She recommends this for women who have had previous losses, are struggling with infertility or those about to undergo IVF. Its all about starting with the best possible quality egg you can to have the highest success either naturally or through assisted reproduction.
Highly recommend!
Mnelson summed it up about right. I felt so hopeful after reading her story that there was finally "something" that I could do. She even acknowledged unexplained infertility in her book which made me feel so much better! I've read other treatment focused fertility books where UE wasn't mentioned at all. It gave me hope that maybe this could work for me if I put in enough time.
Well, I think I'm about 9 dpo today. I'm not spotting (which I usually don't until about 11-12 dpo) but I did have a bit of cramping last night after having a bit of fun which usually happens for me a couple days before AF. My cp also feels kind of open which is how it usually feels around this time when AF is coming. AF should be here on Wednesday. I can't say I'm surprised lol. Either way, I've enjoyed taking a bit of a break this cycle.

This time next week I will be starting femara. I'm not getting my hopes up, but I will keep an open mind. Its worth a try. Otherwise I think we'll start IUI either in the summer (if I feel up to it then) or in the fall. I have enough saved up that we can do 2-3 IUIs if we want. If those fail then I guess we will just start saving up for IVF. We'll be asking our families to help out, and I see no shame in that. We are young and are paying around $900 a month in student loans on top of everything else. Whatever we can't manage to save I guess we'll just put onto credit.

I keep changing my mind about IUI/IVF and I give myself permission to do that as many times as I want LOL.

As always, thanks for listening guys
Belle, you must be around 12dpo today? Hows the spotting-watch going?
Hoping something unexpected happens for you this cycle!!

AFM - still waiting around to O. Temp was pretty low today, so it should be happening in the next few days here I believe. I had very watery CM a few days ago which is very off for me for CD 11/12 since I usually O on 16/17. I am really hoping that it was just a one off and it wasn't like my body got all confused this month about what to do. Ugh. Always waiting.

This will be the last tww and last AF until surgery!!!
Hey mnelson, you've got it, I'm likely around 12 dpo! (but might only be 11 dpo). No spotting so far. If I am 12 dpo the tan cm will show up sometime this afternoon and then its just a matter of time. So far so good! If I do get a bfp this cycle I will be flat out shocked lol. Not only did I not track anything (we just BD'd on what I guessed were my best days) but I also really did not behave at all this TWW. I embraced the break and if it comes to it, we will be ready to start again the next cycle.

Ahhh! So excited that this will be your last cycle before your surgery!! Seriously so excited! Watch, with your luck this will be the cycle you get a bfp LOL. Maybe with your watery cm you'll end up Oing a little bit early?? I hear ya, so sick of the waiting!
Well there was no spotting at my last check at 4PM!!! If I am 12 dpo that's great news! Im trying not to get too excited though because it's also very possible that I am only 11 dpo. Either way I should spot tomorrow, so that will be the real test
Well I'm either 12 or 13 dpo today. As of last night there was no spotting. I'm trying to squash my hope by telling myself that I am likely only 12 dpo today and that the spotting will show up later this afternoon. I guess we will see what the day brings! I hope you have a happy Valentines day! If spotting shows I'm planning to console myself with champagne! lol
That is really good news to hear so far! I will be checking back for updates this afternoon! Hoping you get the best valentines gift ever!! And if not, the champagne sounds delicious!!
Well got a bit of tan cm today which is how the spotting always starts. So I'm considering myself officially out. AF will show tomorrow evening or Thursday morning. I'm thinking I must have O'd on CD 14 this cycle, so will have a nice 27 day cycle If the ovaboost I've been taking delayed my O an extra day then I'll count that as a good thing! Hopefully the same thing will happen next cycle! I will likely start femara on Saturday. I know fertility drugs don't do much for unexplained infertility, but I don't think it can hurt and its the next step anyway.

So champagne it is!

I hope you have better luck than I did this cycle!
Boo! Not the news I wanted to hear. Although, I do like the lengthening of your cycle, that is great! It is crazy how exact your cycle is!

I got a bit of good news, finally a positive OPK. Bd'ing tonight and tomorrow. How crazy would it be to have a baby that was conceived on Valentines day? How romantic of my cycle haha.
Oooh very romantic of your cycle! I hope you have fun BDing!!

My spotting has picked up, so much so that AF could show by tomorrow morning. Maybe I am 13 dpo today and the Ovaboost just reduced my spotting by a day? I would take that as a good thing as well! I guess we will see :)
Belle, any news today? I'm due in four days. Going through the same routine. Pretty positive it's another BFN. If so..... I'm rolling over to a year of trying. Wtf man. :(
Mnelson: SO STOKED for your positive opk!!!!! What is that Will Smith Song from the 90s? "Gettin jiggy with it...nah nah nah nah nahnhanah" lol
Puma! I hear ya! Crossing that one year threshold sucks lol I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling out already. Any chance for hope? Have you thought at all about fertility treatments now that its been a year? I've had a tough time with this one personally. It sucks to accept treatments when theoretically nothing is wrong. I think I just have to accept that something IS wrong, they just can't figure out what.

I'm still spotting. AF will show tonight or tomorrow morning I think. I think the Ovaboost may have lengthened my cycle rather than reduced the spotting. I guess we'll see how the day goes. I'm definitely out though, its just a matter of time. But, if there is any good news its that DH finally admits that his habits (weed and alcohol) could be part of our problem. So I think he's actually committed to not smoking anymore and reducing his drinking. I'll also be starting up femara in a couple days once my new cycle starts.
Yay for DH taking some responsibility! I am happy he is getting more on board that there are some things they don't test for right away in a sperm sample. Therefore, just because his count and morphology and motility were all great, doesn't mean there aren't issues on a deeper level.
Hopefully this next month of some cleaner living on his part and the addition of femara on yours will do something to shake things up a bit!

Puma- I second Belle, are you guys thinking of a fertility specialist? Or due to the other circumstances only willing to try naturally for a while?

AFM - BD session complete yesterday, and then I checked today with another OPK and it was seriously darker than control so looks like round two will be tonight as well. Really not expecting much out of this at all. I've got way too much junk going on in there. Cannot wait to be cleaned out and have real faith in a cycle.
Mnelson I am seriously so excited for you to have your surgery!!! Like can't wait lol. Enjoy round 2 tonight!

I contacted my fertility clinic to see if I can set up an ultrasound to re-assess my lining. This was something that I had wanted back in the fall, but they switched my RE on me so the ball got dropped. I should have demanded it then, but I was feeling anxious and was really just hoping that the acupuncture would do the trick and that it wouldn't be that much longer. Well, Theoretically my lining should be "fixed" by now as I have been doing acupuncture for several months and using vitamin E all that time as well and still nothing. So I sent them a message to see if I can schedule an ultrasound to get this checked again. I don't want to waste money on an IUI down the line if the lining is truly our only issue. You have to advocate for yourself with these things, and I haven't been doing a good job of it because I've been feeling so overwhelmed! So I'm feeling good about myself for sending that request in :) Will see what they come up with
I've missed you guys!!

Belle - Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear OH is still using, but its promising that he's now acknowledging that he's part of the problem. Really bummed to see that AF came this week. Let us know how you like Femara.

Puma - wow a year. I'm sorry to hear, but really happy that OH is fully on board with having a kid and not so worried about your immune system issues. Any update on this cycle? Looks like you haven't updated your calendar in a few days.

Mnelson - officially in the TWW now? I guess you and I are cycle buddies this time around. I really hope you get a positive and have to delay surgery :p after surgery, will you have to skip a month or more of trying? If you catch this month, you should totally tell your kid he was conceived on V-day ;)

Happy - :hugs: so sorry again for your loss, dear. I hope this next bean comes quickly.

AFM, we're now NTNP. OH moved back in about a month ago. I finished my month of BCP and decided not to stay on them. I'm about CD17 today, so probably O'd very recently or about to. I'm grouchy as all hell, so I feel like I have already. I'm still uncertain about our relationship, but we're working on things, seeing a counselor. I don't really want to have a kid right now, as we're both basically unemployed and there's a lot in flux, but since we hadn't conceived in 9 months, I figured we were safe to stay off birth control. Plus, with the way TTC luck rolls, we'll get pregnant when we're not trying and I don't have insurance. Wouldn't that figure.

I've missed you guys, and I always hope when I log back in that I'll find one of you has gotten pregnant. I haven't lost hope yet <3

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