TTC #1 Hopeful and Obsessed! lol

Hey Green great to see you again!, he's been clean for a couple weeks now, and grumpy/stressed enough that it's believable lol. Hopefully he sticks with it!

Wow things have really changed since the last time we talked! I think its great that you are in counselling together. I hope it will help you figure out what you want. Wouldn't that be just the luck, that you end up pregnant now? lol. '

I'm glad you're still holding out hope for all of us! I have just about resigned myself to a childfree life. We keep trying, but I think eventually I'm just going to have to accept that we'll never be parents. It just seems impossible that it'll ever happen. We'll probably do IVF in the end. The one thing that comforts me is that one way or another, this phase of my life will end and eventually we won't be TTC any longer. If we do end up with one kid I don't even know if I'd try for another.
Took my first dose of femara last night and I'm feeling nauseated and dizzy its pretty severe nausea. I hope I won't feel like this for the next 5 days. I was hoping since I was on the lowest dose that I wouldn't experience any side effects. Should have known better. My body has always been very sensitive to hormone fluctuations
Oh really? With femara I had zero side effects while taking it. I never had much of a problem with things like birth control or anything either though so maybe that's why. I was on 5mg are you on 2.5? Maybe it's just a crappy coincidence?
I had a tough time with BCP too, which was why I ultimately stopped taking them years ago. I'm only on 2.5, but feeling dizzy and nauseated. Seems to come in waves about an hour after I finish eating. Maybe it's a coincidence? I dunno, I hope so because if not I'm not looking forward to feeling this way for the next few days
How is life on Femara going now? Hopefully your side effects have worn off!
Still having the occasional bouts of nausea, headaches, and fatigue. The other night I actually had a hot flash. It was bizarre. Felt like I was about to spontaneously combust lol.

How are things on your end?
Just waiting as always! 6DPO today. Shouldn't start spotting until 10dpo, but won't be surprised if it starts tomorrow, apparently my body just likes to be on that schedule now. I blame the polyps. Not very high hopes for this cycle, just waiting to get everything else in motion!

Excited to watch your chart over the next few weeks! It must be nice to have something changing things up, even if it doesn't have high results, it is nice to feel like you are actively doing something different!
Stupid polyps! I'm seriously so excited that this is your last cycle before your surgery! I have super high hopes for you once everything is all neat and tidy in there : )

You pretty much hit it right on the mark. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it is nice to be trying something different!
Any spotting show up for you mnelson? I'm keeping my FX for you!

Well I have a bit of a plan outlined for us for the next few months.

3 cycles with FE and TI

Break in May for brother's wedding

Start IUI with femara and cycle monitoring in June. If responding well to FE will continue with 2 more femara IUI cycles without monitoring, if not responding well to FE (i.e. thin lining) will discontinue IUI with FE and switch to IUI with injectibles for 2-3 more cycles)

If those IUI cycles fail we'd continue to try naturally and save up for IVF for another 6 months to a year. So IVF 2018 would be the plan.

Hopefully something will work out for us along the way. I still can't believe this is happening to us, but I'm starting to accept that we're infertile and need help.
Well I think the spotting held off until today, which I am happy with, at least it didn't start on 7dpo like it had been! This morning had a little tan maybe light pink, but it hasn't kept continuing so I will check again later and see. I was really hoping to make it to 10dpo!!

I think that plan sounds great! I am super Type A, so having a plan really makes me feel better and like I have some form of control in something that I really have no control over haha. I think for unexplained, those are great options for you guys! I am sure one of them will work!
Before you do IUI's, I think it might be worth while to ask for a sonohysterogram. I did my HSG first and everyone thought it looked great, but my RE said he wants to do that one just to make sure they cover all bases and that is how they found the polyps. My HSG showed nothing! They're so small and they are easily squished out of the way so they are typically not picked up on regular ultrasound or HSG. I just think it might be worth a check since you have some spotting sometimes too and before you spend some money on fertility treatments, it might be nice to just check to make sure everything is in tip top baby implantation state in there! Just a thought though!!
Hey mnelson I had an HSG and a sono done at the same time. They said my uterus was lovely lol. Well why can't my stupid lovely uterus and stupid lovely ovaries do what they're freaking supposed to do!

I'm glad your spotting held off a little bit, but I'm sorry that it arrived nonetheless. Well, I don't know if you feel this way, but I feel relieved for you. You finally know that surgery will be happening, you can put some of this frustration behind you and get on with things with a much greater chance of success!

I'm wondering if maybe my spotting is related to egg quality. If you don't have a great egg, you can't have a great corpus luteum so it disintegrates quicker which would contribute to an earlier drop off of progesterone and spotting. That's my theory anyway. We'll see if the FE helps with that at all. Acupuncture has definitely reduced my spotting, so I think things are moving in the right direction either way :)

I'm also super type A and appreciate having a plan laid out for myself. I've gone back and forth on this plan quite a bit, but I feel like now I'm decided. I may change my mind again on IVF, but for now, I know what my next few months will look like, and that makes me happy!
Oh yay! Happy they did both for you!! It is so nice to know you have a nice home to grow some babies in! I can't wait for mine to be a bit more normal! haha.

I hear what you are saying about egg quality, but just from my experience, I had my progetesterone tested twice in a cycle. In that cycle I had 7 days of spotting before AF and my progesterone was something crazy like 42 the first test and then 28 the second. It can fluctuate quite a bit during the day, but both numbers they said were pretty high, and I got to see my CL on an ultrasound and they said it looked great. So I guess just some more information to add to this big mess about us not knowing EVER what is wrong, that even with high progesterone and no early drop off, I was still spotting through those tests. I think I did them 6 days after ovulation and then 9 days after.

And feel free to change your mind 15249864 more times before you make decisions! Its your life, and your money and your body. You do what feels right to you at the right time!

I on the other hand CAN NOT WAIT ANY LONGER!! Haha, waiting is KILLING ME! I wish I was better at meditation or something, haha!
Ya, I had my progesterone level checked in the summer and it was also in the 40s. UGH. Its so frustrating not having any idea what the problem is.

And if you're sick of waiting then GO FOR IT! LOL and don't look back :)
Well I'm CD 11 with tons of ewcm. So its great to know that the FE didn't effect that negatively at all lol. I think I'm on track for a CD 13 O this month, I seem to be swapping back and forth between 14 and 13, so this would be a 13-O month.

I'm temping to confirm O this month, but I'm skipping on the OPKs because I hate them lol.
Well I was getting pretty excited this week since I had no spotting at all leading up to 11dpo. I had some on 9dpo in the morning that was a little bit of pinkish tan, and then it went away completely for the next two days. So I was getting a little optimistic! I have never made it to 11dpo since coming off bc without spotting but then had it begin yesterday morning and continuing now. I guess I can't be too mad, since it is moving in the right direction so I am lucky. I just really hope this surgery does SOMETHING because I am starting to worry that it is not the reason why I spot. I cannot wait to have a follow up with the Dr and see WTF is going on in there.

Super excited femara didn't mess with your O! I will be stalking your FF for the next few weeks to see if you get lucky with this stuff at all!
How frustrating mnelson! I've had cycles like that too, where my spotting doesn't seem to show until a bit later. Its hard not to get your hopes up when that happens! I'm sorry to hear that its shown up again! I really and truly do believe this surgery will do good things for you! When is your date again? I know its coming up quick! I can't believe its just about here already!!!

Well I had a significant temp rise this AM, but I'm not convinced that I have O'd already. My post O temps are usually above 36.8 and it's not unusual for me to get a rise like this on CD 12 followed by a little drop and then another rise again. If temp stays about the same or drops a little tomorrow I'll think that tomorrow is O day (as long as it's followed by a rise). Guess we will see what the next few days bring! We'll keep BDing!

I hope I get lucky, but I'm not going to hold my breath! If anything I'm hoping that my AF turns out to be heavier lol, then I'll know that it helped with lining and I'll maybe have a shot with it for IUI
Yeah that is a pretty strong temp rise! I did have that last cycle though, I believe. Where my temps were lower than they normally are post O, but they were significantly different than the pre-O phase of my chart. Hoping it hasn't quite happened yet for you so you can get some more Bding in!

Surgery is 3 weeks from Thursday. I think I might call the nurse this morning and ask if I am going to be put on any meds after the fact, since I will be travelling a couple weeks after the procedure. I see that some women are put on either estrogen or birth control pills or kind of let everything heal inside, so I am hoping that is the case with me and I can keep up with them until I get back from my trip. Since apparently, post surgical first AF is a real B.
Thanks mnelson. I know it looks quite significant! Looking at my past charts though its not uncommon for me to get a bit of a rise around O time followed by a more significant rise into the 36.8-36.9 range post O. So I'm feeling pretty good that we'll get a couple more days in to BD, but I mean who knows! FE could be changing things up for me!

OMG, just over 3 weeks away now! I think it makes sense if they put you on bcp for a little afterwards! I imagine the first AF would be quite intense!! How long does it normally take to heal from a surgery like that??
I think it's hard to tell, I keep reading different things. Some women need a balloon placed in the uterus that is removed after 5 days and then are on estrogen or bcp. Some women nothing happens and they are just sent home to heal. Some times is either pills or balloon. So i have no idea! Haha.

I think on average they have you wait 6-8 weeks though after surgery to ttc again. They may have me repeat a and SHG or HSG again to determine how the cavity heals afterwards before I get the go ahead again. I feel kind of in the dark at the moment. It's just show up at the hospital on the day of, and we will update you from there haha.
Wow thats a significant recovery time. I wonder why some get the balloon and some don't? Maybe it has to do with how much they've "reconstructed" in there? I think it makes total sense to repeat the HSG/SHG afterwards. I really hope you won't be in too much pain!

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