Okay, finally got a minute to post here!
Got a call from the hospital at 7 in the morning on Thursday the 2nd asking if I could come in right away for the induction. Told them I'd be there in an hour. Yayy it was finally happening!
Paperwork and COVID testing and such took a while but we finally got the Pitocin started at 10.30 (starting at 2 and increasing with another 2 every 30 minutes). That seemed to do the trick as the contractions started to come in slowly but steadily. Started penicillin at 1 pm as you need at least 4 hours between that and birth to decrease the odds of baby catching Group B Strep.
The contractions started becoming more painful and more frequent and I got an epidural at 3.30 pm. Man that felt good
They got it*just* right this time. I could still move my feet and turn and whatever, but no more pain! Just a bit of pressure with every contraction. I was kicking myself for not asking for it sooner lol.
Anyway, the midwife on call broke my water a few minutes later and said I was around 3 to 4 cm. With my first, that still meant it would take hoursssss and hours, but they all assured me that second-time moms progress way faster. It did and I was at 9-10 cm around 6 pm and they just said to call them back in when I felt a need to push. Kinda hard to tell though as I felt this crampy-like feeling in my butt the whole time with every contraction. So I kept wondering; is this it? Well at 7 the midwife said I should just go for it and try to push.
Pushing felt different this time around too. I didn't feel like I was doing it right, but apparently I did as baby girl was out by 7.15 pm! Full head of pitch-black hair and all (very different from my bald/blondish firstborn). She nursed right away for like an hour before they weighed her and took her measurements. We were completely in love with her from the moment she came out and completed our family. Such a wonderful feeling to have a healthy newborn laying there on your chest
Recovery was super smooth too. I could get up and walk without feeling any pain pretty much right away. So, so different than the first time around too. I felt sore for weeks after! I had a first-degree tear the first time, and this time they called it a tiny micro tear... so maybe that had something to do with it? Not complaining!
We stayed (a few hours short of) 48 hours as they want to monitor everyone with Group B Strep a little closer those first 2 days. Little miss slept and ate like a champ and till does. Again, totally different from #1 who never ever slept lol. We've been out and about since we got home and are so thankful for how everything has been going so far. She's 10 days old today and it feels like she's been part of the family forever.
Our toddler is very gentle with her new sister. She helps us get diapers and picks out baby's clothes. It's adorable. I do feel this immense guilt though that she's no longer the center of my attention.
So that's sort of what's been up! How is everyone doing? I'll PM some pictures Dream and TB. Amber, let me know if you're still here and I'll send them to you as well