TTC #1, Looking for iui Buddies for February!

Hey ladies, I'd like to join in! I'm starting IUI in May and I'd like to follow you ladies an see what has worked and hasn't worked for you. I've poked through a few of the pages and see that some have already gotten BFPs, this is great and gives me hope that maybe IUI could actually work for me too!

We are on our 21st cycle TTC with unexplained infertility. I O regularly every month, HSG is clear, DH had off the charts high counts (580 million total count, 70% motility, 10% morphology) and we still aren't pregnant! I had an ultrasound done in the summer that suggested thin lining might be an issue, but I've had a heck of a time trying to convince any of the docs to take it seriously or check it out again. So I've decided to go ahead with IUI and cycle monitoring so that at the very least I can keep an eye on my lining and what it's doing. I'm considering our first IUI as being mostly diagnostic.

Does anyone know if there is a benefit of doing the trigger shot beyond timing the IUI correctly? My clinic gave me a choice of doing trigger or not and I'm really not too sure what to do
Hey Belle, love to see you made it over here :)
The benefit of the trigger shot is that it will most likely cause you to ovulate all of your mature follicles. So, if femara causes you to get 2-3 mature, the trigger will help ovulate all of those 2-3 for better success as there are more targets to hit. When you do not use the trigger I believe the majority of the time your body will only ovulate the most dominant follicle and the rest will not make it through. Of course, you could still ovulate more than one, just as you could in a regular cycle when people get fraternal twins without intervention.

Hope this helps with the decision!
Thanks Melissa, I'm doing ok. When is your first ultrasound? Any symptoms yet? I'm 7 dpo and half way through my wait! I'm going to try to wait until 13 dpo to test. The progesterone My boobs are so sore and heavy and I'm so bloated and gassy!'s so cruel how progesterone symptoms mimic pregnancy.

Welcome Belle :hugs: I really hope IUI does the trick for you! There's something very comforting about being monitored. I think the trigger also helps to mature the eggs. Personally, I found it really reassuring to know that the IUI was perfectly timed exactly 36 hours after trigger, rather than figuring it out for myself with opk's.
Thanks Mnelson and Wishn, I kept going back and forth on the trigger. I think the ease of mind is worth it though. I contacted the clinic and they said they would do the shot for me, which I feel even better about! Now I just have to wait for May! I still have mixed feelings about needing IUI (like why couldn't it have worked out naturally for us!) but ultimately having a baby is more important to me than the details of HOW that baby was made. Who knows maybe the monitoring will show that thin lining really is the issue and I'll finally get the treatment that I need for it. I have come to the point where I feel like we're just spinning our tires and going nowhere, so may as well pursue treatment.

Mnelson my IUI cycle will be starting right around the same time as your sonogram appt. I hope that goes well for you!

Wishn I'm still rooting for you that you'll get lucky this cycle!
Welcome Belle. I'd do the trigger too, that way you know for sure when you O. It's more controlled so better chances for success plus also what mnelson said! Good luck on your IUI.

Wishn, yeah...progesterone is not fun! Thankfully this last cycle I didn't get too many symptoms from the progesterone other than just feeling gassy. Heh.
So, I went in for my scan today instead of tomorrow because I started bleeding yesterday evening. I've been having some brown spotting since before I tested positive (about 10dpiui) which I thought was a sign my period was about to start.. contacted my Dr as soon as I tested positive and they reassured me it was normal so I continued on. I started noticing that the spotting would be worse after the gym so I put a stop to it last week. Took it easy and the spotting stopped but as soon as I get back to work I start spotting again and yesterday it actually tured into bright red bleeding. I was freaking out so they worked me into the schedule today for an ultrasound.. And there was a little embryo with a heartbeat :) A little on the low side 102bpm but possibly due to early gestational age. I'm only measuring 6w0d. I follow up in 2 weeks :) but due to the bleeding I'm taking the next 2 weeks off work to rest, especially because of my prior history of miscarriage at around this week.
Oh and no symptoms yet... just the feeling of AF coming.. not very hungry, a little more tired than usual, and gassy haha.. probably still from the progesterone.
Thanks Melissa. Congrats on your little embryo. Gives me hope that maybe IUI could work for me too.
Thanks Belle. I think the trigger is a good choice, especially if they will do it for you. Are they also going to give you progesterone supplements after the IUI?

Melissa, how scary the bleeding must have been! I'm glad you could get in for a scan and got to see the little heart beat. Good idea to take it easy. I have everything crossed for that everything turns out ok and this baby sticks. :hugs:

My progesterone symptoms seem to be subsiding...Only 9 dpo today and I really really want to hold off from testing until 13 dpo!
Hey guys! Just joining. Im in my second IUI cycle after a year of TTC. I'm so happy one of us has had IUI work so far! Gives me hope. Please keep me posted on your success!! I'm on CD 6 and go in for my ultrasound next week. We're also doing that dye test to make sure no tubes are blocked - that happens on Monday. I think its overkill, but my husband is getting impatient for a baby. He's 7 years older than me and doesnt want to be an "old dad" - he's 36 lol. To be honest, I think its just God's timing - and that there's nothing wrong with my fertility. This past year has made us grow as a couple and as individuals. I think it will make us better parents. Anyway, keep me posted!
Welcome Belle! Welcome Emily! If you scroll back far enough I think we've had 3 successes on this thread, Melissa, Swimming and Ragnhild. Here's to more! :cheers:

KK & Tia, so sorry about your BFN's! They hit hard every time :(

Wishn' did you test? sending you so much Babydust!

Melissa, glad you are resting, congrats on your embryo, you must have been so relieved!

Mnelson, good luck on your Sono!

Thanks MrsB, but my first IUI was a big fat failure. AF arrived right on time, even though I was still using progesterone. We have to take a cycle off and will try again in June!

Welcome Emily and good luck with IUI #2! How did your tube test go on Monday?
Hey 3 successes is not bad at all! We are unexplained and the success rates are lower for IUI for unexplained peeps so I'm trying to keep my hopes realistic. It is so awesome to see that some have gotten success!

Emily I also think I have grown a lot this past year +, and if I do ever get lucky enough to be a parent I will be better for it. Its just frustrating in the mean time.

Wishn I'm seriously so sad that your IUI didn't work out :( The first one is more of a trial run anyway. They'll switch things up for you the second round and hopefully that will do the trick! I seriously have high hopes for you for June's cycle! Like I actually feel more hopeful and positive for you than myself haha
Thanks MrsB and good luck on your next IUI!
Sorry about your BFN Wishn :( I'm kinda invested in you girls so I can't leave this board until I see you and a few others with a BFP! Sometimes taking a month off helps a lot. Good luck in June! Keep me updated
Belle, We are also unexplained :( Two rounds were no go's, and the 3rd has been postponed as hubby got a new job. I'm ok with it though, I didn't have high hopes for the third IUI anyway. I would really like to switch clinics, as I am not sure the one I am at is the greatest having read some reviews :/.

Wishn, so sorry about your BFN, :dust: Crossing everything that June is your month!
We are looking at IUI for January or February. My husband is in the military and may be deployed any day. We are freezing some sperm to do IUI on the 19th December. If my husband doesn't get deployed then we will look at IUI in a few months. Good luck to you.

Congratulations Sarah!
So we dtd 3 times during my predicted fertile window,(2 weeks ago almost) and at the beginning of this week I experienced some abdominal flutters (apparently can be an early symptom). Well yesterday I started getting period cramps, the kind I only get on AF (which is expected May 4th) and by last night I had a fever and chills and headache, which subsided at 6 this morning and now I am feeling fine! I have read that these can all be symptoms and am really hoping so! My doc also said last week or longer that it looked like I was coming down with a cold virus ( a few days after easter) which would have been right around the right time! Any thoughts? I'm trying not to over think it, but not sure why else I would have had a random fever....
MrsB it is nice to know there are others who are unexplained out there too. Such a frustrating "diagnosis" I'm sorry your first 2 IUIs didn't work out. Here's to hoping the 3rd times a charm whenever you get to that point! Of course, one of the "perks" of being unexplained is that technically you could get pregnant randomly at some point. Your symptoms do sound promising! I have heard of other ladies developing a fever during their tww when they were pregnant.
MrsB fingers crossed for your BFP this month! I hope those symptoms are a good sign. The only symptoms I had before my BFP was the feeling of AF coming and some light spotting. So I thought the IUI definitely did not work! Shortly after I got a cold too. Lol. I hope I hope! When do you test?!
well it's only 12dp suspected O. So a bit early for an hpt but i tested anyway and it was -
WishNHopin, the dye test was PAINFUL. Holy cannoli. I started breathing heavy and thought I might throw up. It has made me wonder if I'll need an epidural for pain! I always thought I had a high tolerance for pain... but maybe not! :( Good news is my tubes are fine.

We did the IUI #2 on Saturday and I start progesterone suppositories tomorrow. But my boobs are already sensitive? What's up with that? Oh also there were two follicles (28 mm and 13mm) and I am so afraid of twins! I know I should just be grateful, but I just dont want that!

How's everyone else's cycles going?
Emily, sorry the test was so painful but great news your tubes are clear! Hope this IUI does it for you!

MrsB have you tested again? Fx for you!

I asked my doctor to check my tubes before we do any more IUIs. When we did our initial testing last fall, I had just had a miscarriage, so they didn't bother checking my tubes because at least one of them must have been open for me to get pregnant the first time. I'm having a HyCoSy tomorrow, similar to HSG but it's done by ultrasound not X-ray. I will definitely be taking the two Advil an hour in advance like they recommend! I hope it isn't as painful as my IUI was. I guess all this stuff is just toughening us up for pregnancy and child birth!

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