TTC #1, Looking for iui Buddies for February!

MrsB - Your symptoms sound soo promising! I can't wait to hear what the Dr tells you tomorrow! Please keep me posted! FX!
Hey MrsB thanks for cheering me on! It was negative this morning, but a slightly less concentrated sample (if that makes any difference). I dont know what to think now :wacko: I had severe pinching pains on my right side all morning yesterday - and there were two follicles, so maybe that's why I'm getting conflicting symptoms? So confusing! I will continue to test. Every month my husband comes home with a ton of FRER bc he gets so excited lol At least with another negative this morning, I know the shot is definitely out of me.

I did the math over and over yesterday for Ovidrel - if you're curious here's how I did it: I took the 250 mg one which has 6700 IU and a half life of 29 +/- 6 hours. (Not very helpful with that much variation) The Easy@home pregnancy can detect a minimum of 25 IU. So Ovidrel will be below the test threshold at an average of 10.8 days, minimum 8.6 days and a maximum 13 days :wacko: I got a positive at 10 days and the negative one was at 8 days, so who knows. If there's a next time I will test more often to watch it go down and I wont have this torture!

I still think I'm preggo and I think positive thoughts help. So i'll just wait for the 15th to give up all together.

MrsB this is my second IUI :)
Still negative. Still no period lol. My body hates me. I test again Monday morning if no AF.

Weird that it keeps switching em! I think false negatives are more possible than false positives though, so who knows! :dust:
So frustrating Mrs B! Have you ever had a cycle where you ovulated late before?

I'm rooting for you Emily! I think testing again in a couple days makes sense!

Had my baseline ultrasound yesterday and my AFC was 19 which I thought was decent. Started femara last night. So now we are off and rolling again! I'll go back next week on CD 10 for another ultrasound and likely back again on the 12th. They're wanting me to use OPKs even though I'm having a trigger shot. But I'm not to use the digital OPKs, I have to use one of the lined ones. I've always sucked at reading those lined OPKs lol.
Got AF today. My body can't be trusted and I am getting very tired of playing the baby game.

Good luck Em! Good luck Belle, sending you both a tone of baby dust! :dust:
So sorry Mrs B that AF showed! What are your plans for your current cycle?
So sorry Mrs. B! That is so frustrating.

I got the same result - negative. I started spotting on Friday even though I was taking progesterone (that's new). I still held out hope because some women get spotting and still end up pregnant. I waited until this morning tested again (16 DPO), and it was negative. The spotting had started to become heavier, so I'm officially out this month :cry:

I'm so confused. I felt very distinct implantation pains all morning on Tuesday, but something is preventing these fertilized eggs from sticking. The docs say my lining is good, so I'm out of ideas. :shrug: Guess we'll try our third IUI now.

Cycle Day 1
Oh I'm sorry Emily! I also wonder if implantation is my issue. I hope the 3rd times the charm for you! Are you switching anything up for the 3rd IUI?
Thanks Ladies, So sorry Em!

Just "not trying" this cycle. I have one more IUI in the bank but hubby's probation at work is 6 months, not 3. And he's been off a few times now from injury, so I don't want to push our luck.

I'm out, to be honest. Ready to give up (they say thats when it happens). Hubby still wants to do everything possible (IVF/Adoption/Surrogacy are not options financially) so the next course of action, when we are able will be our last IUI.. and then if no go, onto acupuncture and naturopathy maybe.

I have things that I want to accomplish in life though (I've opened my own salon and am working towards being open full time) and I would like to put some money in the bank to travel. Hard to make travel plans though when you don't know if you'll be pregnant down the road! lol.

I feel so many different pains/cramps/twinges throughout my cycle I really couldn't tell you if I implant at all. Unexplained infertility sucks.

Em, I hope this cycle works for you, but if it doesn't what is your next step?

Belle, I hope this is your cycle too!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi all!

Wanted to update you all since I have been out of touch for a bit. Per our docs recs, we aren't going to continue with the 4th IUI due to the first 3 being no luck despite good numbers for both him and me. We will probably start the IVF process on the next wish us luck!

Good luck to all of you on this journey. This process is stressful, but I encourage all of you to let everything happen and try not to think about every twinge and pain. I think, at least for me, it makes everything much harder (especially if there is BFN at the end of the crazy train!). I was honestly hoping not to have to reach the IVF route, but God has other plans for my Husband and I. Please pray for us as I will continue to pray for all of you struggling. Good luck and I will keep you all posted if I have any good news!

Emily-I started AF with my progesterone on day 14 as well. I guess the body knows what to do. :) Good luck to you!

Mrs B any thoughts about combining the acupuncture and IUI? I've heard good things can happen when the 2 are put together. I know what you mean that this whole ttc process really does derail your life. It sounds like you have a good plan in place, and either way in the next few months you will have your life back!

kk all the best to you with IVF. I know it's disappointing to reach that stage, but it's exciting in a way too because IVF has such good success rates! You've got this!

Had my CD 10 ultrasound yesterday. They found 3 follies 14mm, 14mm, and 13mm. Lining was on the thin side, only 5.5 (hasn't grown at all since CD 3 ultrasound). But they said it had a nice trilaminar appearance. I'm hoping with the extra follies that I'll end up producing more estrogen so that lining will catch up. I'm honestly a bit surprised to have 3 as I was on the lowest dose of femara. I thought for sure it would just be 1. I'll be going back tomorrow so we'll see how everything is doing! They'll likely trigger tomorrow and do the IUI on Saturday.
Belle that is so great you have 3 follies! I hope all three keep growing and the lining will thicken up as the follies grow. Did they also do bloodwork to check your estrogen level? Good luck with your next scan.

kk, I'm really sorry IUIs didn't do it for you, but wishing you good luck with IVF! My plan is also to move on to IVF after 3 IUIs.

Emily, I'm really sorry the witch got you. It sucks. My AF still came right on time while I was taking progesterone. I'm not sure what it means (is my natural progesterone level low or normal?), I have to remember to ask my doctor next time.

MrsB I'm really sorry that AF got you and that your body is messing with your mind! Are you in Ontario? IUIs and one round of IVF are covered by the Ontario fertility program (if your clinic is participating). We only pay for the drugs and the sperm wash for IUI. The waiting list for funded IVF is pretty long (12-14 months at our clinic in Ottawa), and we'll still have to pay for the drugs. We got on the list in October 2016, so really hoping to get the call before Christmas this year.

I'm just hanging out in the tww...waiting for AF so I can call in my CD1 and start my next IUI cycle. :coffee:
Hello everyone -- I'm new to this site, although a veteran to the TTC game (PCOS/anovulatory; some male factors involved; TTC for a total of over 8 years now). I hope it's okay to join y'all!

Had our first IUI this cycle combined with Letrozole 5mg and Pregnyl 10,000 un. Had 2 mature follicles, one in each ovary. I am currently 14dpiui with BFN HPT on 10 and 12dpiui. Had wicked cramps and back pain last evening and felt certain AF was on her way. This morning, nothing, even though she's due. Testing tomorrow if still a no show... but no other symptoms. No spotting, nothing. Has an IUI cycle had delayed AF for anyone else? Don't feel like this cycle worked, but it's not over until AF shows. Ugh, this is the worst part of the TWW, I swear!
Good luck to all you girls on your next cycle!
I have left over injectables that I could donate, my insurance covered all my meds except for a small $20 copay so I have quite a few boxes left of Menopur and 1 of Gonal-F. Don't know if this is weird... but I've read a few of you girls had to pay for meds so I thought I'd offer.
cb have you been taking progesterone? Sometimes that can delay AF. Hope you get some answers soon!

Thats a really nice offer Melissa! I'd take you up on it but I don't think I'll be heading down the injectible route.

Well CD 12 ultrasound today was good. I had 3 follicles 17, 17, 18. Doc decided they'd wait a day and trigger me tomorrow and do IUI on Sunday. But I ended up getting LH surge this afternoon. So IUI will happen tomorrow without trigger. Lining was only 6.72mm this morning. I hope it will thicken up a bit before O. I've read that 7mm isn't terrible (and its kind of the absolute minimum that you would want) but that over 8mm is associated with better chance of success. I think I should be able to make it up to at least 7mm by tomorrow. But of course now I'm worried that I'm about to O 3 awesome eggs without a lining to support them. They'll be putting me on progesterone as well.

I'm actually pretty nervous to have my IUI tomorrow. It's my first one. This whole process has been nerve wracking.
cb have you been taking progesterone? Sometimes that can delay AF. Hope you get some answers soon!

Thats a really nice offer Melissa! I'd take you up on it but I don't think I'll be heading down the injectible route.

Well CD 12 ultrasound today was good. I had 3 follicles 17, 17, 18. Doc decided they'd wait a day and trigger me tomorrow and do IUI on Sunday. But I ended up getting LH surge this afternoon. So IUI will happen tomorrow without trigger. Lining was only 6.72mm this morning. I hope it will thicken up a bit before O. I've read that 7mm isn't terrible (and its kind of the absolute minimum that you would want) but that over 8mm is associated with better chance of success. I think I should be able to make it up to at least 7mm by tomorrow. But of course now I'm worried that I'm about to O 3 awesome eggs without a lining to support them. They'll be putting me on progesterone as well.

I'm actually pretty nervous to have my IUI tomorrow. It's my first one. This whole process has been nerve wracking.

No progesterone -- miraculously, the length of my LP and my lining and such all seems to be okay. Just that darn ovulation! :dohh: I bought a new batch of HPT today, including my first digital. May bust that bad boy out for the first time in a couple of days if AF stays away! No sign of her yet.... I'd be perfectly okay with being one of those ladies who is actually PG, HPT's just don't pick it up earlier lol. Have a pretty hectic weekend though, so at least I'll keep busy!
cb have you been taking progesterone? Sometimes that can delay AF. Hope you get some answers soon!

Thats a really nice offer Melissa! I'd take you up on it but I don't think I'll be heading down the injectible route.

Well CD 12 ultrasound today was good. I had 3 follicles 17, 17, 18. Doc decided they'd wait a day and trigger me tomorrow and do IUI on Sunday. But I ended up getting LH surge this afternoon. So IUI will happen tomorrow without trigger. Lining was only 6.72mm this morning. I hope it will thicken up a bit before O. I've read that 7mm isn't terrible (and its kind of the absolute minimum that you would want) but that over 8mm is associated with better chance of success. I think I should be able to make it up to at least 7mm by tomorrow. But of course now I'm worried that I'm about to O 3 awesome eggs without a lining to support them. They'll be putting me on progesterone as well.

I'm actually pretty nervous to have my IUI tomorrow. It's my first one. This whole process has been nerve wracking.
Also, your cycle sounds very promising!! 3 follies are awesome! FX your lining and eggies align perfectly! :)
Sounds like we have the opposite problem cb! I'm doubtful my lining ever gets really thick.
MrsB I'm so sorry to hear you are out (for now). That must have been a very hard decision. I'm glad to hear you are making plans for your life - that's probably the best thing we can all do. If this third one doesnt work, I'm not sure what my next step is honestly. I still have hope and faith that it will happen when its supposed to, with or without medical treatment. So we'll probably stop IUI and just "kinda try" if you know what I mean. Adoption is not an option for us emotionally.

Belle, this cycle I'm doing acupuncture! I'm very excited about it. I've read up on it and first, I like that you dont have to believe in it for it to work. Its not a mind game, they do it on horses, dogs, etc. Secondly, there is scientific evidence that it helps. Check this study out!

I did my first one on friday, and it was SOOO relaxing. The doctor asked if I had stress in my life (past or present). And I realized that stress levels are so relative to your own normal! Maybe I do have high stress and I dont realize it. I do have some signs of anxiety I guess. I'm going to do it a few more times this cycle.

I have my ultrasound on Wednesday. With the spotting, I'm not sure if I counted correctly. It may be an early appointment.

KK I will pray for you too!

Any updates from those in the luteal phase?
Good luck Emily! I did acupuncture for 6 months and found it increased the length of my cycle (a good thing) and reduced my PMS/mood swings. It was very relaxing! I took a break from it due to the cost. I wanted to see where I was baseline without any interventions on our first monitored cycle. I think it makes sense to try acupuncture for the 2nd IUI, can't hurt!

Adoption isn't an option for us either. We will either have our own or life childfree. We are planning on IVF if the IUIs don't work out, but probably not until January. I plan to ask our family for help. I don't feel any shame in that. IVF is not something that you expect you will deal with when you start trying. M

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