ttc#1 new looking for buddy!

Oh goodness! I'm nervous for twins, as I was a twin, but the other never developed.
I think you'd could be hungry this early from all the hormones! And as for the bump.... Idk?! Seems early for that!

So, I finally googled what the supplements I'm taking do... AH! It makes me so excited!!! But I don't want to get my hopes up!!! The ones I take help my ovaries prepare the egg better for the sperm to attach, and help create progesterone. I've been taking them for only a week now, but I totally notice more fluid down there! Fx! The ones hubby is taking increase the mobility and count of his spermies!! We start SMEP tonight!!!! Woot! Haha! I feel super positive about it, but I know it's because I've added something new to our cycle, but I sooo don't want to get too excited! It's hard!
Wayyyyy too early for a bump, my husband is torturing me! I know it!

It's good you're taking the supplements for sure. You got an extra confidence boost too. It's so exciting. :)
I am glad you aren't feeling totally yucky! :) My friend had a small bump at the beginning and freaked out that she was showing so early. It ended up going down after about 2-3 weeks and was there due to bloating so don't let him torture you. lol

Michele- I am glad your feeling positive! What supplements are you taking?

I am feeling positive too this month! I am trying to change my whole mindset and relax a little more. I have been taking my temp, recording it, and not obsessing over the chart. I have also been doing some deep breathing before bed and when I wake up to just help has really helped! I already had trouble falling asleep because I let my mind think about all my stress and ttc has just made it insane. The deep breathing helps me ficus on something else rather than thinking about absolutely everything stressful in my life. lol I am trying not to jinx myself, but the Vitex seems to also be helping. My opk's have been progressing a lot more than they did last month. :)
Jules that's all great!!! Fx!!

I'm taking ovex, symplex f, and wheat germ oil. I like them so far! My body has been sooo tired this week, but I've actually been sleeping pretty well! Trying to make sure I'm getting at least 8 hours! But with the weekend coming, I'm hoping I get more!
Thinking about it's probably bloat. I"ve been gassy and on and off constipated. Not really nauseated though, which is good. :)
Happy Friday ladies!! Yay!

I have been exhausted too this week. I don't know what is wrong with me since I know I am getting plenty of sleep. I think the culprit is the weather. I am a summer, sunshine, and outdoors kind of girl. This cold, overcast, drizzly weather is for the birds! I think I may start taking some Vitamin D to see if that helps...who knows!
We did set up all of our Christmas decorations so that makes me a little excited for the holidays. My husband keeps saying that the only thing that could make it better is a baby. I wish I could be so sure and relaxed as he is. lol

Luckybug- Constipation is the worst! But I would take it over nausea any day. lol I am glad everything is going well for you. :) Thank you for updating us!

Oh, where the heck did Tina go? lol I feel like one of us always disapears for a little bit.
Yay Friday!!! :happydance: even tho we have no plans! Actually I think we will do some Christmas shopping tomorrow! I'm kind of bummed, but we just got married in August, so this year we decided to not do Christmas gifts for each other. Oh well! I got a husband this year so that's ok with me! I'm hoping my gift will be a bfp! I don't remember if I said this already, but AF is due the 23rd so if I don't start, I think I'd wait til the 25th, Christmas Day, to test!

Jules I think vitamin D would help! That's a great idea! I'm totally ready for warm sunny weather!! After today, I don't work a full week, for the rest of the year! I'm looking forward to short weeks!

I had a glass of wine last night with dinner and all I kept thinking was "drink til it's pink" lol! That saying makes me laugh! I love it!
I am around lol. AF has officially ended and am waiting around to start smep tomorrow! Stoll hoping for a Christmas bfp!

Going out tonight with a friend for karaoke. Will probably have a Glass or 2 of wine with dinner beforehand to loosen me up for singing in front of people. Lol
Tina- Glad your still around and af is finally over! lol Karaoke sounds like fun!!

Michele- We got married in Sept. 2013 and did the same thing. It was hard enough getting everyone else gifts and we were just happy to be together. We did end up getting each other a small silly gift, but nothing over a few dollars. That is super exciting that you will be testing on Christmas! That would be the best present ever! I am so jealous you have short weeks...I am still debating on whether or not I want to work on the holidays. That holiday pay is so tempting! lol

I am leaving early today! Woohoo! I love when I work enough hours so I can leave early on makes it so much sweeter. lol :)
I'm a very shy person so karaoke is hard for me to do unless I'm feeling a bit tipsy. Lol
I don't blame you! I would have to be way more than just tipsy. lol
Happy Monday...ughhhhh! I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Still no O, but I feel it coming so fingers crossed it is the next few days. If it comes this week there is still a possibility of a Christmas bfp..though I would also take new years or a random Tuesday as well. lol :)
Happy Monday!!!! Boooo! Haha! I got almost all my Xmas shopping done! Just gotta get a few more things, me and hubs decided to just do stocking stuffers for each other. And I had to buy for all our nieces and nephews! Got our tree up! It was actually a good, but busy weekend! I wish I could have relaxed more!

Yesterday was CD 12, and I was sooo in the mood all day! We BD'd twice! Morning and evening! I was even having sex dreams! Haha! I'm hoping that ups our chances!! Haha! Two more days of bd for us, tomorrow, (Tuesday), and Wednesday! Then I'm outta here! Colorado time! I'm so excited to see my family and friends!
I don't have any O pains... So I hope these supplements are taming the pain... I found 1 OPK under my bathroom sink, I think I'm gonna take that tomorrow, since in the past I've O'd on cd14! Fx.
I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet. It is so stressful. lol I have 2 nieces, 7 nephews, my 2 brothers, their gf's, my dad, my dads gf, my mom, my husband, and my in-laws. Along with 2 gifts for work. I think I am doing a group gifts for each of my brothers family, but I haven't figured out what We did decorate our apt. though so at least it feels a little Christmasy.

That is awesome you are BD crazy! lol Hopefully a super great fertile sign! I also am excited for you to go visit family, that will be a nice break for you. :) Fingers crossed for a bfp when you get back!
Luckybug how ya feeling?! Your sign says morning sickness starts, have you had any?!

I just think it's odd I haven't had any O pain. But I plan on using my last OPK I found tomorrow! To look for any sign of a positive! But at the same time, I don't wanna take it cuz I don't want to stress! I'm nervous it's not gonna stick! I think I'm use to seeing bfn's so that's all I've come to expect!
I've had pretty bad, sit there all day feeling nauseated won't allow myself to puke morning sickness. Which is bad for me because when I'm nauseated my eyes start watering, my nose starts running and it's like I have the flu! I look awful/feel miserable. At the same time I know it's a really good thing, it's really comforting to know my body is doing all the right things.

I was prescribed some zofran, but I'm hesitant to take it. Only if I really really really need it.

My husband says I look beautiful, but I feel so ugly. It makes me want to cry all the time. All the gross but wonderful things happening. I can't wait to be out of the first trimester so I can start to feel grateful again. (I hope) I feel like such a horrible person for not embracing all the things that are happening to me.

Oh, and my nipples are now sticky! Like, they stick to the inside of my bra and fuzz always finds them. I'm constantly feeling like I have something in my bra, but it's just my nipples being gross. :wacko: There's so many things that no one tells you can happen, but they do!

My first ultrasound is scheduled for the 29th, so I can't wait to get Christmas over with. Just two more weeks and six days.

Anyhow, I would take the not having O pain yet as a good sign, and not worry about it! Easier said than done though. You're doing all the right things, you're taking supplements and a vacation. I feel so positive for you. :)

Santa is going to miss our house this year. I'm not even going to bother wrapping anything, or putting up a tree. I just feel so bah-humbug!
Luckybug- Ughh!! That doesn't sound fun at all, but at least you know it's little bean getting nice and comfortable for their 9 month stay in your belly. :) Your hubby sounds sweet and encouraging through all of it.

Michele- I am anxious to see if your opk comes out positive. Fingers crossed it happens before you leave. Not having O pains is not that odd, some months I get it and some I don't. Not everyone feels it at all.

I am having some weird twinging in my right side today. I am hoping O happens tomorrow so we can get one more bd in before it happens. I'm not sure though as I have not gotten a positive opk. I haven't taken one today yet so we will see what happens. I just want to stop stressing out about it! lol
Luckybug- I'm sorry! That doesn't sound so fun! I don't think it's bad of you for not feeling excited. A lot is changing. You'll be happy once you feel better and I'm sure after your ultra sound that will change your mind set as well!

Jules- I totes forgot to take my OPK this morning! So I'm gonna try to remember to take it at my lunch break! I hope it's + !! I told my hubs this morning today and tomorrow are our last baby making days of this cycle, we gotta get it! He was excited and said "we got this"... God I sure hope so!
So I made the mistake of telling my sister we were trying, I had some questions as to how long it took them to concieve their 2 children... Ugh! Bitch is mrs fertile mertle! So she asked about it yesterday and I said no luck yet, and she says "aw it will happen! It's not been that long and you can do it!"..... :growlmad: I know she's just trying help and be encouraging! But it just annoys me! Like 'you don't have this problem so don't say that!' Lol! (FYI- we don't have the closest relationship)
That is super frustrating..some people think it is so easy! I kinda know how you feel with that! I had some questions about the charting and stuff like that so I told a friend because I know she is good with it. Biggest mistake everrr! She gave me a huge lecture about how bad of an idea she thinks it is for us try right now and she doesn't think my husband is ready for a child. blah blah blah. I was pretty angry. I told her that I didn't want a lecture, i just wanted some help. This is a decision that we made together and is something we feel we are ready for. Let's just say I have not went to her about advice again and decided to keep ttc to myself.
Back story: My husband has a history of depression and went through a rough time about 2 years ago that resulted in misusing the medication he was given. They basically gave him one that made it worse so he took more desperately trying to feel better. Since then he has been on no medication and sees a psychiatrist on a weekly basis. We put ttc off for a year just to make sure he was in a good place and felt ready to go forward.

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