ttc#1 new looking for buddy!

Sorry Luckybug. I hope you feel better! I had a rough pregnancy too, and it didn't get better for me, so I'm hoping it does for you!!

I agree, that would frustrate me just the same. I am feeling discouraged again. Missed a day on my smep cuz of my discouraging feeling. My opk was negative anyway. I think I'm just going to quit trying for a couple months. We'll just have sex whenever so that way I won't be hopeful of a bfp. I'll continue to try for Christmas bfp but after I'm just gonna stop for a couple months.

Sorry for that jules. If you guys are ready than you are ready no matter what anyone else says.
Tina that makes me sad! But if you aren't feeling it, then it's best to not stress about it! I wish the best for you! It's hard work! Never thought it would be, but it really is! Just remember, we are here if you need to vent! Let it all out girl! Maybe that could help you feel a little bit better? Either way I'm still wishing all the best for you!

Jules, OMG! Good friend or not, that is so rude to say!! She isn't in your home life! As long as you two have agreed it's the time for this, she should be happy that he is doing well and you guys can move forward!
I never would of thought how hard it would be. Never thought I may have secondary infertility, I'm just hoping that not the case but also don't have the heart to keep going on with hope only to have af arrive. I'll still be here cheering you guys on tho!!
Tina- I am sorry you are having a rough time..this is definitely not an easy process emotionally. We are definitely here for ya whenever you need to let out your frustration. :) Have you thought about maybe talking to your lady doctor about some testing? They can at least do some blood work and check you out. It may ease your mind a bit. It is really hard to remember, but they say it can take up to a year so don't give up on hope even if you decide to take a more ntnp approach to it. Wishing you the best!!!

It was definitely an eye opener of what kind of friend she is. She went through a lot of fertility treatments about a year ago and I was there every step of the way supporting her even though I thought it may not be the best option. They didn't work so she was really sad so I think me bringing up baby stuff may have spiked a jealousy nerve..but still.
Anywayzz.. I just took an opk. It was darker than I have gotten so far, but not quite positive. I think I am going to stop at the dollar store and grab a few of theirs just to compare. I need an eye break from these wondfos. I only have 15 left so it better hurry up already. That is only 7 or so days of testing and I wont be able to get more off amazon until next week.
I took an OPK. Negative, but had a light line, so in hoping tomorrow is O day. But that was my only test!!!! So i just have to hope we get it!
Oh, Jules. The fact that your husband sought help and continues to willingly receive help says a lot about his personality. I would be only concerned if he didn't have some sort of treatment! He's going to be a good, emotionally stable father. Shame on her for even mentioning that, it's his choice, he feels ready, you don't know how long it will take, it's better to try sooner rather than later. It still takes your bun nine months to bake. I read up on temping, since I'm a mouth breather. I'd bought my basal body thermometer and everything! Apparently you can take your temperature vaginally (wouldn't use it for anything else after that) and it's really super accurate. I think it's soooo interesting. Charting in general to me seems fascinating.

Wondfos never seemed to get completely as dark as the control line for me. Even now with pregger tests, I'm seven weeks if I peed on one it wouldn't be darker than the control line. The only time I got a opk that was as dark as the control line, I was already pregnant. (peed on it to see if it was true that they go positive when you're preggers and it is)

Michele, opks for me were always an anomaly. I knew I had ovulated the chemical month, but they were always not as quite positive as I thought they would be? Sometimes super light the day before I O'd. Weird crap. I would trust my body more than any stick! You're on top of it this cycle.

Broke down crying at work, had my hubs bring me zofran and took it. I'm such a nausea wuss, I knew this would be the hardest part, but I can't help but feel guilty for taking something for it. The stress of work plus the sickness, and I was a mess in my office. Cashiers came in to talk to me about my schedule and quickly retreated. It would be hard to supervise a house plant right now, I feel so out of control of my emotions. I'm hoping this sad, hopeless feeling goes away soon. I feel so guilty for so many things right now, I'm happy, but I feel guilty that I'm not showing it enough! My poor little sweet husband is doing all he can for me. I don't know what else he can do. He even bought me hamburgers for dinner and had them waiting on me when I got home from work. Extra pickles and ketchup, just like I like em'. (yes I ate two, do not judge me, because I judged myself)

Have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow to help with my food issues. Hopefully she can give some good advise.
Luckybug, if you want a more natural way to help ease nausea, try ginger! I hear so many people SWEAR by it! Either ginger candy's, or ginger tea!
Don't be down on yourself! Eat 3 hamburgers!.... A hamburger actually sounds really good!!

So after my - OPK and only have 2 nights to bd, I'm already counting myself out this month! GAAAH!!! I hate this process!!! But I'm still gonna stick with my BD schedule!
I've tried ginger everything! It works for a few minutes then I have wonderful ginger vomit. It burns coming out your nose. :(

The most natural thing that's helped me is peppermint tea, but I can only drink so much of that, a day. Zofran has helped, so much I'm so grateful for it.
Luckybug- I am so sorry you are having a rough time. :( Don't feel guilty about taking medicine to feel better or eating unhealthy. Your little one is going to grow to be healthy and strong despite having a few hamburgers here and there. :) Once your hormones start adjusting to the pregnancy it should start to get a little better. Doesn't help the fact you feel yucky now, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I worked in a daycare for 10 years and got the stomach bug every time it went around. The only thing that ever helped was popsicles...sounds odd but it would keep my mind off of the nausea and I knew I was getting some kind of liquid. I hope you start to feel better soon!

Charting has been really interesting now that I got the hang of I am a super science nerd so I totally feel like I need to analyze everything. I think next month I may switch to vaginally to see the difference. I am not a brouth breather usually, but my when my nose is stuffy I do.

Michele- Honestly I do not trust these opk's at all. Your doing great with all that bd going on so I think you will be fine! :)
We BD'd last night... And to my surprise my hubby was with one to be like "ok baby makin time let's go!" Usually it's me telling him "ok let's go to bed now!"
And right after when I was lying there, I starting having some cramps, and have felt some very mild ones today. When I did opk's I had cramps then O'd a few days later, but I've read that the best times are a few days before and day of O, so I'm really hoping these 2 days get it! But at the same time trying so hard not to think about it!

Lol lucky bug- reading about your ginger vomit, totally made me gag! Ick! I'm sorry!!! Take those meds! I hate throwing up, not that anyone enjoys it! But it's like a fear for me I feel like, and I'm so sure in gonna be sooo sick when I get pregnant just because of that!
Michele- I know you are going to be good this month! Don't stress and have fun on your vacation!

I got the darkest line I have ever gotten on an opk today and having some slight cramping so fingers crossed I O tomorrow or Sat. I have said this before, but I am being positive! :) I told hubby we need lots of baby making in the next few days so we can get that Christmas bfp! lol
Thanks Jules! We BD'd again last night! I hope it's enough! This trip should de-stress me! But then I'll still have 1 week of waiting when I get back :/
Keep yourself super busy and don't even think about it!

New book time!
OMG I have been so emotional today! I like balled my eyes out earlier cuz I just totally miss being here in Colorado, and I want to move back sooo bad! I miss my family and friends so much. And I want to be around them all when I'm pregnant and have a child. And then I got all sad and teary eyed cuz I miss my husband and I wanna go home and be in my own bed! Haha! Ridic!

I'm only on cd like... 17?? Maybe 18... I'm not even sure any more, I'd have to look at my calendar! But either way I still think it's too early for implantion.

How's everyone else doing?!
Hey there ladies. I'm 28 and new to the TTC scene (relative to others I'm sure). My we have been trying for over three months now. I,too, have recently moved away from family and am having a hard time thinking of what life with a child will be like without my known support system. How long has every one else here been trying?
Michele- It's never too early in pregnancy to have an overly dramatic emotional outburst. I 110% believe that as soon as my egglet had been fertilized it made me a less sane more forgetful person.

For example, lady with a kid skipped a bunch of kids who had been waiting patiently in line behind us to see the voice actor that voices Mario. (husband is a big nerd and had to get an autograph) Raged out on the lady, thought we were going to have a fight.

Hubs was like "Go honey Go!" He loves it when I'm feisty.

My fingers and eyes are crossed for you. <3
I am doing the same. Still discouraged. Wanted to try this month still but just never got around to bding so no Xmas bfp for me. Going to quit trying for a couple months, need a break from the disappointment of af showing up every month. I'll still be around tho.

Hi danni! I have been trying for 5 months, this would of been my 6th if i felt more into it, but sadly didnt.
I just feel like it's too early for implantion! Unless we got the spermies early!

So my friend who's preg now, says "when you are, you'll just know".... Well I'm like how the hell do I know?! I've NEVER been preg! Idk what I'll feel like or act like! Well idk but I just feel like I am... Like idk why, maybe because I'm in my head and we took the fertility supps this cycle so I'm just so hopeful. I hope I'm right, but at the same time I feel like, no I can't be cuz it's never going to happen!

And again crying today! Also kinda have felt neasous, but like just from being hungry... I miss my husband like crazy!!!! Tomorrow is my last full day here and then I fly out Tuesday morning.
Michele- I hear that! It is really hard when people say that because I have felt that way every month we have been ttc. If I had something to compare it to then it would be a little easier, but I don't so it is hard to know what "that feeling" is. Sounds like you are having some signs so I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!! I hope you are enjoying your trip!

Luckybug- Good for you sticking up for those kids! I am not a confrontational at's an issue

Tina- I am sorry you are getting discouraged! I hope things get a little bit easier going forward. It is all so very stressful so I hope some time will help ease some of it for you. I hope you stick around tho! We would miss you!

Dannibelle- Welcome! It can be hard being away from family, I know how that feels. Feel free to vent, ask questions, and join in on the craziness that is ttc. lol :)

My temps are confusing me due to me falling asleep on the couch and not knowing if my temps were up due to that or not. I also ran out of opk's on Sat, but they were super dark on Friday and Saturday so I am thinking O may have happened yesterday or today. I am going to grab a few cheepies at the dollar store just for the heck of it, but not buying anymore wondfo's..they have been way too confusing. We are also going to continue bding every other day until I get 3 high temps in a row.
Your lil' egg is fertilized it starts producing progesterone. It helps your uterus get ready for implantation. There's oestrogen too, so if you feel different it could be a good thing. It can implant anywhere between 4-12 days, but the average is 6.

What made me convinced (at least in my heart) is that I felt different. I just did, that's the reason why I came back, it was like I just knew. So, I firmly believe in intuition. Even if you don't get your bfp, your intuition may be right, you may have a chemical, or you may have an ovum that doesn't implant. I say, keep your optimism rolling!

Jules, wondfos are confusing. I can pee on one of their pregnancy tests now even though I'm 8 weeks and it'll still be light. It's ridiculous.

Tina, maybe not give up 100% do ntnp? Maybe taking the stress out of it will be better, throw away all the charts and not think about it? Hopefully relaxing will be the best thing for you.

Danni, Hi! Welcome to our lil' chat. :)

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