ttc#1 new looking for buddy!

Michele- Soory af came! :( Hopefully you will find some answers at the doctors office. Sending you some good thoughts!!

Welcome mamabunny!! Congrats on your new pregnancy! :)

Well nothing new for me. I have yet to ovulate so it looks like I am in for another long cycle..ughhhhhhh. I called the doctor on Friday so hoping they will get me in to do my bloodwork so I can see if there is something that could be causing all this.
Other than that I have just been busy with work and dealing with annoying snow! When will summer be here??!!!!!
So I finally heard back from my obgyn. My DHEA is still elevated and they believe that is what is causing my cycle problems. I have to go see a endocrinologist. Of course I looked it up and it can be an easy fix with medication or can be linked to pcos. Ugh! I am hoping its not the latter, but ready to get some answers.
At least they have some sort of answer for you Jules! I agree I'm hoping it's not anything with PCOS! I'll think positive for ya!... If you think positive for me!!! My appointment is tomorrow afternoon! I'm excited to get it over with, but nervous for what's to come... I hope I'm all good! But I've had previous medical issues so I'm not too positive!

So I think I'm finally seeing where my husband is coming from, he's had a lot of work meetings about how to get us out in Denver, to open an office out there, and people have been quitting and getting fired... I see the stress he's in, and he's right, now isn't the time for a baby... I still hope it happens, but we need to get to Denver and have a place to live there. I know it would work out even if we did get pregnant but I don't want anymore stress on him! He's been so distant this week and started his week of being on call after hours, so that doesn't help!
Frustrating! But such is life
Hey All! Happy Friday!!! it seems we are all so busy, and have kind of all fallen off the ttc wagon, in one way or another :( but we still share the important things! haha. So I hope you all are doing well!!!

I went to the Gyno yesterday... I felt it was very informative! We went over my medical history and what brought me there, I told her we were ttc for 6 months, and I just wanted to make sure things were working the way they need to! in my past, like 2 years ago, I went in for pelvic pain (this was in Co so a diff dr) and that day they diagnosed me with Pelvic inflammatory disease, a cyst on my right ovary, and during a blood draw found I had extremely low platelets, so I started a steroid and IV infusions to finally get rid of ITP (low platelets) 6 months later! so I let my new dr know all this, and that Ive read online that PID can cause infertility, she asked my symptoms and how they came to the conclusion I had PID, I said basically I was just complaining of a lot of pelvic pain, and test showed I did have a bacterial infection... The new Dr completely disagreed that I ever had PID, she said when they see someone who had PID, they are visibly ill, which I clearly was not, so more than likely my tubes wouldn't be blocked, but the only way to know for sure, is one of 2 ways, either do a dye injection, which she said can be exteremly painful, if they are blocked, if not you are usually good to go about your normal day, the other way would be to go in surgically and check. she said because I had ITP, that puts me at a high risk pregnancy, and risk of an eptopic pregnancy, so if/when I get preg I need to call and go see a dr asap! (after hearing that I was glad I hadn't become preg yet with out knowing my risks)
so anyways we decided to do blood work, test for ITP, test thyroid, and test for prolactin. so we did the pap and she said everything looks good there, she did an internal exam, and said it felt a bit bloated, and could have only just been gas, but could also be caused from a cyst. so she ordered an ultra sound. there is also another test we can do later in my cycle to test my egg quality and make sure im Ovulating correctly. but im not sure if I want to do that one or not yet.. same with the tube testing, I wanna see how everything else turns out first.

So over all, I got a lot of info from her, and im really glad I went! still don't have a bunch of answers, but my blood work should be back by Monday, and then my ultra sound is Tuesday, and I meet with her right after to go over that. she also put in an order for my husband to do a SA, which im trying to get him to do tomorrow. he's able to do his thing at home, and then we have to bring it right to the clinic. they say we need to have it there 30 mins after collection, we live 26 mins away! so we have to leave like the second he is done! haha! well he said he would do it, but he wants me to call and see the cost first, to see if he will do it now, or wait a few weeks. just based on bills and stuff we have right now. so! that was a lot but just wanted to share and catch you girls up! I still love having you guys here to vent to and to understand each others struggles!!!
Hey that's an amazing update! You did get A LOT of info at your visit :thumbup: I'm so happy they are able to look into everything and you will hopefully get some answers. Also, I agree it's very good that you went now and know some of the risks of conceiving before you actually did so you can be well prepared when it does happen. How is it you're getting an ultrasound before me missy?! :laugh2: That's funny your DH basically has to shoot his goods and head out to the clinic! :rofl: Hoping everything turns up A-OK! Keep us updated! :hugs:
Wow! I am glad you got so much info. :) I know you said your putting TTC to the side for a little, but at least now you know when you decide to really try again. Also, now you have some answers to why it hasn't happened right away.

That is kinda funny to run to the clinic right after. You don't want the swimmers to get cold! lol I have been bugging my hubby for a while so you will have to let me know. I don't get it..doctors suck, but I would way rather have to do that then what we have to go through. lol

I see you guys as friends, so I think even if we aren't all TTC at the moment we can still share/vent about other stuff. lol

In other news with me. lol Nothing exciting..didn't ovulate yet and I had to go to the dentist yesterday. I haven't been in years (I have dentist issues) so of course I had to get cavities filled. I also haven't heard back from the endocrinologist..of course they are closed today so I will have to wait til Monday. Lameeee! lol
Thanks ladies! You all are totally my friends! And I enjoy sharing! So hubs wants me to call our insurance and see if and how much they cover for the SA, he needs to get his car registered and he doesn't want to have to spend hundreds on the SA right now. But we both agree if not tomorrow then very very soon! I called the clinic and all together it's like $150 which totally isn't bad! But still we wanna see if our insurance covers any of that!

I totally agree Jules, I'd so much rather jerk into a cup then have to do everything we deal with!!
And of course you have to wait! Ugh!!! The waiting never ends!!!!

Hey Tina- GO PATS!! Haha!
That was a heartbreaking loss for seattle fans everywhere. Dumb last call. We had a good season tho. Looking forward to next year! I see us going to the superbowl again. Haha
Tina- What the heck?! How could they take a chance of letting those cheaters win! We were not happy campers at the end of that game. lol There is always hope next year. :) Maybe my Eagles will get their act together....cough cough.
Hey ladies! I had my ultra sound appointment and follow up with the dr far as she can tell I'm good to go!! No cysts, my ultra sound showed I was about to ovulate, ovaries And cervix are as they should be! Pap came back normal! Prolactin is normal, thyroid normal. My platelets are low but nothing to be worried about at this time! But recommends I get a hematologist to touch base with as well. So hubby will do his SA on Friday! And then on the 10th I go in to get blood drawn fort progesterone test, but she is sure it's fine! Such a relief! But also like "ok well why no baby?!" She said to have the SA done and we'll go from there. I hope he is all good too!

I hope everyone is doing well!!! Our lives are all so cray!
I am happy everything went well! Who knows, sometimes the stress of thinking something being wrong can cause things to go wonky. Hopefully now you guys can relax and it will happen on it's own. :)
Great news! Maybe it is just taking you a lil while like it did me. I was so consumed with TTC then when I had finally given up hope and decided we were done trying it happened :thumbup: At least you know everything is looking good so far!
TGIF!!! I just thought I would stop in to see how everyone is doing. It seems as our thread had kind of dwindled down so I hope everyone is doing well.

I finally heard from the endocrinologist..yay! It only took over 2 weeks! My appt. is Feb 23rd. It doesn't seem that far, but geez..this month is going so incredibly slow. I just want spring already!
Jules that's my birthday! Maybe that will bring good luck?! Haha!

We've totally dwindled down! It makes me a bit sad!
My husband did his SA yesterday so I'm hoping we will hear back Monday! And then Tuesday I go in for my progesterone test! ... So would it be weird or a bad idea if we all became Facebook friends? I think we'd still obvi use this for ttc stuff! But I feel we've all become friends! ... Internet friends! Haha! But I do think about you girls and wonder how ya'll are doin!

I hope everyone has a good weekend! We are up to 44 degrees today!! Woot! Haha! The 19 inches of snow we got last weekend is now melting! I'm over winter!!
I'm still here, just lurking. ;)

I just found out I'm having a girl! I'm so excited, and in love!

Only good things in 2015 for all of us! <3
I'm still here. I wouldn't mind being facebook friends! :)
I would be a FB friend! Ginger and I actually became friends on there :thumbup: I'll PM you my info...
Congrats Luckybug! I am so happy for you! Have you guys thought of any names?

Michele- I hope it is luck, I sure need
Good luck with all of your testing! I hope you guys find out some answers.

I wouldn't mind being facebook friends. Just search Julie Kaisner, Lancaster PA and you should find me.:) I don't use it much but I do go on every once in a while.
Lucky bug!!! OMG!! That's awesome!! Congrats I'm so happy for you!!! How have you been feeling?
I've been feeling really good. The worst part is over! I've discovered the ultimate constipation battling food is strawberries for me and since then I've felt like a champ. :)

We're really stuck on names. None of them seem to fit her yet. I like Berlin (because she's going to be born in Germany) my husband like Sybil, there's just too many really to choose from.

We need a big baby book and to sit down with it!

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