Hey All! Happy Friday!!! it seems we are all so busy, and have kind of all fallen off the ttc wagon, in one way or another

but we still share the important things! haha. So I hope you all are doing well!!!
I went to the Gyno yesterday... I felt it was very informative! We went over my medical history and what brought me there, I told her we were ttc for 6 months, and I just wanted to make sure things were working the way they need to! in my past, like 2 years ago, I went in for pelvic pain (this was in Co so a diff dr) and that day they diagnosed me with Pelvic inflammatory disease, a cyst on my right ovary, and during a blood draw found I had extremely low platelets, so I started a steroid and IV infusions to finally get rid of ITP (low platelets) 6 months later! so I let my new dr know all this, and that Ive read online that PID can cause infertility, she asked my symptoms and how they came to the conclusion I had PID, I said basically I was just complaining of a lot of pelvic pain, and test showed I did have a bacterial infection... The new Dr completely disagreed that I ever had PID, she said when they see someone who had PID, they are visibly ill, which I clearly was not, so more than likely my tubes wouldn't be blocked, but the only way to know for sure, is one of 2 ways, either do a dye injection, which she said can be exteremly painful, if they are blocked, if not you are usually good to go about your normal day, the other way would be to go in surgically and check. she said because I had ITP, that puts me at a high risk pregnancy, and risk of an eptopic pregnancy, so if/when I get preg I need to call and go see a dr asap! (after hearing that I was glad I hadn't become preg yet with out knowing my risks)
so anyways we decided to do blood work, test for ITP, test thyroid, and test for prolactin. so we did the pap and she said everything looks good there, she did an internal exam, and said it felt a bit bloated, and could have only just been gas, but could also be caused from a cyst. so she ordered an ultra sound. there is also another test we can do later in my cycle to test my egg quality and make sure im Ovulating correctly. but im not sure if I want to do that one or not yet.. same with the tube testing, I wanna see how everything else turns out first.
So over all, I got a lot of info from her, and im really glad I went! still don't have a bunch of answers, but my blood work should be back by Monday, and then my ultra sound is Tuesday, and I meet with her right after to go over that. she also put in an order for my husband to do a SA, which im trying to get him to do tomorrow. he's able to do his thing at home, and then we have to bring it right to the clinic. they say we need to have it there 30 mins after collection, we live 26 mins away! so we have to leave like the second he is done! haha! well he said he would do it, but he wants me to call and see the cost first, to see if he will do it now, or wait a few weeks. just based on bills and stuff we have right now. so! that was a lot but just wanted to share and catch you girls up! I still love having you guys here to vent to and to understand each others struggles!!!