So my Dr called me, and said my progesterone test came back that I ovulated. which we kind of already knew
She got the results of my husbands SA... and his morphology, the shape of sperms, is low. at 2% and they consider anything user 5% to be low. so now she is referring us to an infertility dr.

However, I haven't told my husband about this yet, hes at work, and id rather tell him in person. I have sooooo many f-ing emotions right now!

like, I really kind of wish it was me who had something wrong, so that I can take control and do these things to fix it... but since its him, I know im gonna have to be on him to get this shit done. and I know hes gonna want to wait until we are back out in Colorado to continue any care... which does make sense, but I just wanna get this shit over with! my BIGGEST fear, is my husband not being able to give me a child... like.. I have no idea what i would do if that happened. he needs to continue with the process, and I want him to WANT to continue. I know he wants kids, but his whole thinking has always been, "it will happen when it happens" like NO!! we Clearly need to be doing something to help us!! well I feel like I had more to say, but my mom called and I lost my train of thought!! haha! oh! but I did google morphology, and it says things like toxins, heat, or genetics can cause abnormal morphology, and things like sitting at a desk at work all day can cause heat in the testes. and that's exactly what my husband does! but how do you fix that?!?!?! its his JOB!

I really don't want to tell my husband this when he gets home tonight! hes not one to show emotions and ive been crying about it already and I know him, and he'll just shrug his shoulders and say "oh well" or something along those line... NO YOU ASSHOLE!!!! THIS IS SERIOUS AND YOU BETTER DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! ugh! im your wife!! tell me how you really feel about all this! I know work is stressful, but this is your home life, so you need to deal with it!.... maybe ill just tell him that! maybe ill have him just read this post! haha!! also I NEVER cry in front of him, and I don't want to now.. but im sure I will..
on another note. I think I told you guys, idk, but I had pink/white stuff on Tuesday morning... well ive had nothing since then, and then this morning my FMU I had actual red blood.... nothing else has really happened. I still have 7 days til AF.. maybe im pregnant!!! I DOUBT IT! I asked the dr about it when I was on the phone with her, and told her I do spot but its usually brown and 2-3 days before AF, she said it could be stress and not to worry or get too excited yet.... thanks bitch. lol ugh! F today! im so over life!! I just want to move home to Colorado like NOW! So our lives will be better and we can continue this whole infertility shit.... im sorry I cuss a lot!
Thanks for letting me vent! I feel like I really need ya'lls help/advice... even tho there really isn't much you guys can do for me! lol ugh! just saying or typing the word "infertility" makes me cry!! WHYYYYYY!!!!! GAH!