Thank you guys! It means a lot. I wish an intervention would work, but my family is too all over the place. I live 2 hours away, my other brother basically said its not his problem (he doesn't deal well with stress), my dad only knows how to yell in these situations, and my mom is trying her best since he lives with her. My mom and I tried a few weeks ago, but he didn't come home so it was a bust. I think the worse part about the whole situation was that it was not accidental, he said he was mad they revived him. It breaks my heart. I seriously wish I could punch his ex in her face. He had a good job, loved his family, had a nice house, was really happy, and then she just had to go whore herself out!
Tina- Let us know how everything goes! I am hoping that no matter what is going on that it is a pretty simple fix. I wish fertility issues were cut and dry, like this is what you have and this is exactly how to fix it. Why can't it be that easy? lol
mamabunny- That place sounds like it was horrible! Doesn't make it easier that he doesn't have a job, but at least he left before he flipped out on them. I would have. lol
Michele- I am glad the talk with your hubby helped.

Hopefully once you guys get settled with moving and what not things will get a bit easier. Maybe he is feeling a bit pressured and hoping that the move will be a bit of a fresh start, especially with TTC? Hang in there! I know how it feels to have that pressure build up. Everything with TTC has been so difficult, I just want things to get easier already!
I am literally counting down the days left before my next appt. I am getting super antsy to find out if I have PCOS or not. I had off yesterday so I did my 24 hour urine sample. Gross! She said my results for everything should be in next Tuesday. Should I call and bug my doctor for the results or wait to go over them at the appt.? lol