shortcakes- That is interesting. I have not tried either of those, just the Vitex. Make sure you keep me updated on how those work for you!
Tina- Thank you! I hope af isn't too evil for you.
Michele- So glad you concert was fun!
Jessilou- Welcome! Have your cycles always been all over the place or just since stopping bc?
mamabunny- So happy that your husband found something quickly! I am sure he will be fine since he did so well fixing up your own home.
To the ladies who feel rough with announcements...I feel ya. It is so difficult to see others with families when we want one as well. I went to a meeting today where 1 person announced a pregnancy and another's wife is schedule on Tuesday to be induced. Everyone then continued to talk about their's sad because I am the only one in the group without an experience to share. It just made me feel so left out.

I just keep reminding myself that it will be my turn soon and I am sure that everyone will be happy for me.
Also, here is a good article I found that talks about some of the stuff some of us are going through.