TTC 18 months....

Hopefully his SA come back ok lisa!! fingers crossed for you guys!!
Hopefully they send out his app for next week hun!! Is he nervous??
My Oh just came in from work there and i told him about you guys and he said he's so nervous its him...
I'm absolutely sweating buckets today!! and i have a flippin sore throat I always seem to feel a little ill around ov!!!
how's the studying going??
He doesn't seem too nervous, maybe he's just hiding it well :shrug:
The studying is not going well... I had to have a little nap before cos I was up till 2am, bit of a false economy :haha:

Ah well... best just keep plodding on!

Do you continue your studies throughout the summer???
we finish up here in april!!
def ovulating today, so i jumped on my Oh before he went back to work!!
made him late for a job!! :haha:
any plans for the weekend??
:rofl: imagine the excuse... so Mr sbl why are you late.... well my partner was having this really good EWCM so we had to :sex:.... sorry :blush: :haha:

& yeah cos it's open uni there are various start times of the modules through the year & they last for about 9 months each. So the 2 modules I'm doing now I started in Feb & have exams in October, & I'm afraid study is my only plan this weekend boooo haha.
What are you up to apart from more :sex:

:rofl: I think its a legitimate reason, lol!!
so how many modules do you have to do in total??
no plans for the weekend have a wedding coming up soon so gotta get something to wear and save a little to give to the happy couple!!
I swear sometimes a wedding invite is worse than a bill!!!! :haha:
:haha: yeah the party is nice but it's hard when you are trying to save up yourself.. & it's worse if the couple are loaded anyway :rofl:
I feel like getting engaged just for the pressies sometimes :blush:

and.... I have a sister and 2 step sisters and a step brother & between them they have 8 kids.... 8!! Xmas is a nightmare, costs me a fortune & I get nothin because... wait for it "no point getting each other anything cos it's so expensive just to buy for the kids!!"

So their kids get pressies off me (don't get me wrong I don't want to deny the kids a present, but while I don't have any I think it's only fair that I get a gift instead lol) I've spent about £200 each xmas for about 6 years now... anyway, sorry for the rant there, got a bit carried away :blush:

I've gotta do 12 modules & I'm up to number 4 at the moment, will take a while, but I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end.

Make sure to have an engagement party!! we didnt, but my Oh's cousin and his now wife did and they made a fortune!!!
To make it worse they had it in a marquee and text everyone to bring at least two bottles of spirits each!!! grrrrr!!!:growlmad:
as for xmas i know the feeling I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, and 5 nieces and nephews with 2 more on the way in dec!! eeek!! its gonna b an expensive one!!!
I agree that it would be nice to get atleast some token of appreciation I got nothing for a few years and then last year i got pressies from the kids!!
I think my mum mite have said something!! i'm the baby in my house!! lol!!
How long will it take in total??
I think its better that way, over here for my care assistant/nurses aid course i had to do 10 modules over 7 months with classes mon to thurs and work exp on fridays its pretty rough!!
how does open uni work?? we dont have that over here so i'm a little clueless....:dohh:
Hey morning!!
So i just thought i'd let ya know that this morn i got a letter from ob/gyn's office to come in for a scan in 3 weeks!!!
I guess my doc must've realised how annnoyed we were with her!!!
Morning... well afternoon now lol, I've been very disciplined today and done lots of work.. I'm knackered now though haha!

So glad your doc is taking you seiously, that must me a relief, does that mean you are still going to go to your private appt or not now?

I reckon my degree will take about another 3 years, depending on whether I pick up the pace or not haha, it's up to me how many modules I take at once you see :thumbup:

The open uni is available to anyone no matter where you are in the world, have a look at The only thing that will probably differ is the price of the courses, but they are all on there too & you can ring them if you have any specific questions.

The only thing is, is that a lot of the courses are academic only, ie you couldn't train to be a doctor as that would require a lot of practical work which they can't really do on a distance learning course, but for maths I find it ok.

Some of the courses that do require a bit of practical application have residential schools but they are quite pricey. Anyway have a look if you were interested in any further study it's quite reasonable at the moment, but from 2012 the fees will go up for any new students.

Hey you must've got plenty of work done today!! good on ya!!:thumbup:
yeah its brill, so happy she is finally doing something for us!! yeah we're still gonna go, i dont want to take the chance of missing this app as we may need private doc again in the future...but hopefully not!!
I've still got another 3 years left so i feel your pain!!! lol!! if i wanted to go on to do medicine then i would have to do an extra 3 more!!! so thats a big no no for me!!
anything interesting planned for the rest of the day??
How is the :witch:???
my ov pains are pretty bad this month, do you think thats a gud thing??
Ov pains could be a good thing, hope so for you, although I don't think I have ever felt my ovulation :shrug:

The :witch: is fine, almost gone, she never stays long haha! I mentioned that to my GP & she said they'd check out my hormone levels to see if there was any problem & she said they'd check my lining later on too. We seem to be in the fairly same boat what with studying / working & TTC... I often wonder if it might be stress related?

I think me & my OH are gonna take a wander into town soon, I always have a couple of drinkies during the :witch: as I tend not to for the rest of the month these days, although the doc said a few :wine: a week wouldn't be a problem until we get our :bfp:

You got any plans?

Hoping ov pains are gud sign!!
Thats really great they are checking everything for u!! it must be a relief for you and Oh that things are being properly checked out.:thumbup:
is your af very light?? i dont think i've ever had a light af apart from this month!
I really do think that stress has allot to do with it, I really get myself worked up about everything!
I think if i do finally get my BFP I will defer uni for a year or 2 cause i dont think i could juggle everyting. what will you do if you get prego with regards your course??
My best mate was here and she is going for mri scan this eve as she has had allot seizures recently so i'm worried about her too!
A few drinkies cant be any harm during af, i find it a little difficult explaining things to my friends about not drinking etc some of them just do not understand!!
Yeah it usually only lasts 2-3 days & I only actually use tissue most of the time. After day 1 the tissue usually stays clean and it's only when I go to the loo & wipe then there's blood, it's weird! (sorry if thats TMI) :blush:

I think it would depend where I was up to with my course, like if I was pg now then my exams are in oct so that should be fine, but the next module starts in Oct. If I'm not pg by then I'll start it as they only last 9 months, but I think I could defer if I found it was getting too hard. I think it would probably be after having the baby though that things would start to get difficult, but then I have a good OH so I guess I'd just have to see how things went.

Yeah the not drinking thing is difficult, but most of my friends know that I've been trying a long time now & so I think they understand that I'll try most things :haha:

Hope your friends scan is ok :thumbup:

Hey Lisa,
I bet when you weren't ttc you were grateful your AF was so light!!! We never seem to notice these things till something just isnt going right!
I bet u save a fortune with not having to buy tampons/pads etc!! I could go through 2 or 3 in one day if i'm having a particularly bad af!
what can they do in order to build up your lining??
when is your next app??
thats good that you can defer, i would have to defer as my work placement part of course requires lifting patients which is not ideal for a pregnant lady. I also wouldnt be able to do shifts on the wards at work as most patients in my unit need to be lifted so thats out!! hopefully i get work doing meds/in the office!!

did you enjoy your few drinkies??

Yeah when I wasn't TTC it was wonderful haha, I'm not sure what they could do if I needed to build up the lining, I guess if theres a problem it would be due to a hormone deficiency so I'd imagine I'd have to pop some pills or something & yup it is a bit of a money saver just using tissue :thumbup:
I'm going in on monday to give my day 5 bloods so they can check those for the right hormones and then I have to go in again on Thursday for my internal... can't wait :haha:
You have your appt on Thursday too don't you? what time do you have to go in? Is your OH going in with you?

What sort of patients do you have then? do you only train in one speciality?

& yeah I really enjoyed my few :wine: we bumped into a guy that my OH used to work with about 10 years ago & we ended up staying out with him & his GF, so that was really nice.. feel a bit :sick: today though, self inflicted but if you can't have a few :wine: on AF then when can you!

How are you doing today?
Isnt it great that they can give you something to help it!!
I had an internal about 6 months ago and my doc said i had the cervix of a 13 year old who had never had sex...:rofl:
bit of a weird statement but good all the same!!! hahaha!!
Hope all goes well hun, whats the story with day 5 bloods???
ah its nice to run into old friends...esp ones who you actually want to see again!!!:haha:
uh you poor thing, hangovers are the worst!! and they only seem to get worse the older I get!!
No i'm doing general nursing and i do work placement in a general hosp for uni (no pay) but i do shifts in an alzheimer's unit cause we need the money. tough going at times.
I'm grand today, very little CM today i reckon i've O'd a little early this month!!
Did you try preseed by the way??
Ah right, I used to work in the HR department in a hospital & we had a lot of student nurses on the Nurse Bank as health care assistants, guess its a good way to get some cash and extra experience.
:rofl: that statement from your doc is hilarious!!.
The bloods are to check the other hormones, the 21 day bloods just check your progesterone as it wouldn't eb high unless you had produces an eggy. The other hormones they check for before ovulation are Oestradiol, Glucose, Liver function, LH & FSH, progesterone (again- should be lower this time) Prolactin, testosterone, Thyroid, Urea and electrolytes & a full blood count. Not sure what they all mean, but thats whats on the paper he gave me, will have a google once I've finished my assignments this weekend.

Ohhh if you ov'd early did you have it covered?? & yeah I've used preseed a couple of times, makes it more difficult for my OH to 'finish' haha so I've been leaving it as long as I've seen enough EWCM, if not then I'll use a bit, but only about 1/4 of what they say to use & he doesn't notice too much then :haha:

yeah i find i do better in uni practical exams compared to the others who only do their uni placement so the experience is great!!
let me know whatever you find out about the test and what they intail/will tell you!
I think we've got it covered, but i've thought that every other month too!!
You cant buy preseed over here in shops so i got some off irish fertility website as amazon wouldnt ship it to my address, any idea of why???
started repainting the house yesterday so its now officially a mess!!! trying to take my mind off ttc, spent a small fortune in B&Q yesterday!!:haha:
again i'll be hiding the credit card statement!! hahaha!!
spending to ease the downer i've been on recently!!
how's your weekend going??
have ye a bank hol 2mro or just us??
Thats really odd about the preseed... got absolutely no idea why that would be. At least you managed to get some though :thumbup:

I will certainly keep you posted on my pokings and proddings :rofl:

My Oh is off for 6 weeks as its the summer holidays & I've got him painting the whole house too :haha: he's finished the bathroom & glossing the hall & landing, I'm back in work tomorrow so I told him he better not start slacking :haha:

My weekend has been good, finally finished my assignments late last night so me & the OH went out for the day today down to the beach, had a nice pub lunch & now I'm just at home chilling before work tomorrow, no bank hol here unfortunately. We have one at the end of August though so that's good.
Hows your CM & temps doing? do you think you have ovulated this month? How long us your LP usually?
what do you work at??
yeah it is really odd, i have no idea at all why they wouldnt ship it here, i also tried to order the his and hers pregnacare conception but it also wouldnt ship that but yet would ship the separate packs???:shrug:
my LP is 13 days, charting coming along ok a little worried i did ov this month tho...:cry: you???
Yesterday i kept smelling curry everywhere in B&Q in Aldi, tesco's everywhere made me wanna wretch!!
I had one bottle of bud last nite and threw up!! weird huh??
Do teachers/kids only 6 weeks off in england??? all the kids off here since late may!!
ah i'm sure he'll be a busy bee while your at work!!

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