Wow Elt - that is brill - delighted for ye x
Thanks Hann, the apt went grand wasn't much to it really 10mins on the phone.
All my bloods are ok except my thyroid which is at 0 but they told me about that 2 weeks ago, it won't affect fertility but the recommended I follow it up with my own gp means I have an over active thyroid, typically with my luck I am one of the 1 in 10 people who does not have extreme weight loss with an overactive thyroid!! Ah well I feel fine no symptoms of it. My prolactin was fine and rubella immunity was fine. AMH was normal he said but only just - nothing to worry about its 17 low range is 15 and under he said it wasn't really worth talking about that he is happy with it.
He pretty much told us about DHs SA which again we had already been told by the lab. He said we can still go for the ovulation induction for 2-3 month see how we get on but when I asked what were the chances he said only about 5% but he still thinks we should try it but we did have the option to go straight for ICSI if we wanted. I asked him what would he do himself and he said 2-3 months of the ov induction. So spoke to DH that night (yes we have kissed and made up but i'll be honest I'm just waiting for the next big argument). He said he would like to try the ov induction and improve our lifestyle too, so I agreed, if he had wanted to go straight for ICSI I would have said yes, I honestly didn't have strong feelings eitherway.
So as of yesterday morning we have both gave up smoking, yes I know it should have been done along time ago but now that we have realised how much it is costing us and not financially but the fact its possibly costing us a baby, we are trying our very very best. It is annoying as half of my friends were smokers when they got pregnant, as were we the last time. We are also going to try and walk/run more and eat less carbs and crap. We are not unhealthy people, we don't eat take-aways every week or eat a lot of junk food, we usually have 3 square meals a day maybe a snack or two every now and again. We are very bad at exercise tho, I drive to work, sit in an office all day, drive home and usually sit on the couch for the evening.
So the plan is first day of my next period, I have to ring the clinic and arrange an apt for the following day (knowing my luck it will be a Friday night or something!). They want to do a scan at the very beginning of the cycle just to have a look and see what is going on. Then will start the ov induction drugs then a scan on CD9 to check the follies and if they are not near ready back again on CD13 and hopefully get the trigger then too. Af is due anytime between next Wednesday and Sunday but after last cycle gods knows when she will arrive. Oh DH is also coming with me the day of the 1st scan, he is going to get a blood test to check his hormones and see if there are any deficiencies which he could get medication for to improve his sperm.
If we do this for 3 months, sept, October and November it will probably mean ivf in January. meaning if it does work first time I will be ready to pop at my best friends wedding in October which I am meant to be bridesmaid for. I know getting pregnant is more important but its just total murphys law, we have talked about our wedding days and being each others bridesmaid since we were teenagers, will be so horrible to miss out on it. I know I can still do all the bridesmaid things I just wouldn't be wearing the dress or be in the photos on the day.
Sorry for the long post but you did ask how the apt went!!!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend with either babies or bumps or more unfortunately are in the tww or bding!!