TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Just stopping in to say :hi:

Baby's section has been scheduled, so Cooper Liam will be born on 11-11-13, and we are so excited!!
That's very exciting elt! Cute name too!

Banana - how did you appointments go?
Wow Elt - that is brill - delighted for ye x

Thanks Hann, the apt went grand wasn't much to it really 10mins on the phone.

All my bloods are ok except my thyroid which is at 0 but they told me about that 2 weeks ago, it won't affect fertility but the recommended I follow it up with my own gp means I have an over active thyroid, typically with my luck I am one of the 1 in 10 people who does not have extreme weight loss with an overactive thyroid!! Ah well I feel fine no symptoms of it. My prolactin was fine and rubella immunity was fine. AMH was normal he said but only just - nothing to worry about its 17 low range is 15 and under he said it wasn't really worth talking about that he is happy with it.

He pretty much told us about DHs SA which again we had already been told by the lab. He said we can still go for the ovulation induction for 2-3 month see how we get on but when I asked what were the chances he said only about 5% but he still thinks we should try it but we did have the option to go straight for ICSI if we wanted. I asked him what would he do himself and he said 2-3 months of the ov induction. So spoke to DH that night (yes we have kissed and made up but i'll be honest I'm just waiting for the next big argument). He said he would like to try the ov induction and improve our lifestyle too, so I agreed, if he had wanted to go straight for ICSI I would have said yes, I honestly didn't have strong feelings eitherway.

So as of yesterday morning we have both gave up smoking, yes I know it should have been done along time ago but now that we have realised how much it is costing us and not financially but the fact its possibly costing us a baby, we are trying our very very best. It is annoying as half of my friends were smokers when they got pregnant, as were we the last time. We are also going to try and walk/run more and eat less carbs and crap. We are not unhealthy people, we don't eat take-aways every week or eat a lot of junk food, we usually have 3 square meals a day maybe a snack or two every now and again. We are very bad at exercise tho, I drive to work, sit in an office all day, drive home and usually sit on the couch for the evening.

So the plan is first day of my next period, I have to ring the clinic and arrange an apt for the following day (knowing my luck it will be a Friday night or something!). They want to do a scan at the very beginning of the cycle just to have a look and see what is going on. Then will start the ov induction drugs then a scan on CD9 to check the follies and if they are not near ready back again on CD13 and hopefully get the trigger then too. Af is due anytime between next Wednesday and Sunday but after last cycle gods knows when she will arrive. Oh DH is also coming with me the day of the 1st scan, he is going to get a blood test to check his hormones and see if there are any deficiencies which he could get medication for to improve his sperm.

If we do this for 3 months, sept, October and November it will probably mean ivf in January. meaning if it does work first time I will be ready to pop at my best friends wedding in October which I am meant to be bridesmaid for. I know getting pregnant is more important but its just total murphys law, we have talked about our wedding days and being each others bridesmaid since we were teenagers, will be so horrible to miss out on it. I know I can still do all the bridesmaid things I just wouldn't be wearing the dress or be in the photos on the day.

Sorry for the long post but you did ask how the apt went!!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend with either babies or bumps or more unfortunately are in the tww or bding!!

How exciting Elt!

Banana - Glad you have a plan now. Maybe you'll be like us and have that BFP with the ovulation induction. It took 100mg of Clomid for us and a goofed up month of BD'ing. I looking at your chart, are you going to hold out for the AF? Or will you start testing soon? Just in case? I'm only asking as it looks like you had another rise after FF indicated ovulation. I also think its great you and DH made up and are getting healthy together. My DH and I did that together and it made it more fun with encouraging each other.

Mama and Isaac, I hope you ladies are doing well.
Thanks happy. Jes no won't be testing Will just wait for the witch she Will arrive couldn't cope seeing a bfn . We were on 100mg for 3 months we don't think I ov at all on any of them I fecked up two bloods by taking the progesterone cream so got really high ones making me presume I had ovulated the too emonths I didn't take the cream I got super low results way lower den before clomid so tbh I not holding out too much hope for this New medicine to make me ov but at least it Will be monitored.

How are you now any more sickness?
Hey girls yeah all good here thanks so happy as dh has had the all clear from his urology investigations urologist thinks he could've past a bladder stone who knows but he is fine now! He also agreed to check his sperm again before we start fertility treatment which is handy. Cd 15 today and no smiley face as yet which is fine cuz dh was sore yesterday from his procedure but today he has woken up fine and raring to go!

Banana glad you're have a plan for next few months! I really think you should try and ve positive and believe in yourself. I really think you did ovulate those months on 100mg clomid some topical skin cream would not give you progesterone levels so high yes it would make them higher but I think it's safe to say you did! Remember han and her bfp month her prog was 35 using the cream! Good luck on stopping smoking too. We're having iui hopefully in October maybe 2 rounds of that and if it fails ivf in the new year hopefully we'll get our bfps together fx'd.

Elt hoping your feeling ok what are you 5-6 weeks now?
Isaac glad your DH checked out well and is feeling better. I'll be praying for you guys. I hope to see more BFP's soon.

I'm feeling ok. Bbs are a little sore, I'm so unbelievably tired, and morning sickness comes and goes. Nothing horrible and I've only gotten sick one time. I actually wish it was worse. With DD it was much worse. But it's still early and wach pregnancy is different. We go for our first visit on Thursday. We will be 6+0 then from OV date. I havent told DD this. Not anyone really. I'm so scared something is wrong. I just have this feeling. But I'm trying to stay positive.

Not much more to report here. I'm still praying for you ladies. Hope everyone is doing well.
I'm guessing Isaac meant to ask how you were feeling since I'm 29 weeks today, lol. Must be one of those days. Glad you are feeing pretty well. And, don't worry so much!! I know it's easier said than done, but you aren't doing yourself or baby any good worrying. What will be, will be.
I'm guessing Isaac meant to ask how you were feeling since I'm 29 weeks today, lol. Must be one of those days. Glad you are feeing pretty well. And, don't worry so much!! I know it's easier said than done, but you aren't doing yourself or baby any good worrying. What will be, will be.

Thank you Elt. I'm trying to chill. When I had my bloods dr said I was 1-2 weeks from OV which would put me at 3-4 from LMP when bloods were taken which was right on. I did buy one of the advanced digitals with the week indicator and took it the other day. It showed up 2-3. So I'm hoping that means my levels are rising since it had been a week since bloods were taken. I'm so scared of a blighted ovum ESP with DH's sperm issues. I've read it's more common in those cases. I'm sorry, I know this is supposed to be a happy time and I'm normally a happy positive person. I just seem to be "waiting for the other shoe to drop."
I'm guessing Isaac meant to ask how you were feeling since I'm 29 weeks today, lol. Must be one of those days. Glad you are feeing pretty well. And, don't worry so much!! I know it's easier said than done, but you aren't doing yourself or baby any good worrying. What will be, will be.

Thank you Elt. I'm trying to chill. When I had my bloods dr said I was 1-2 weeks from OV which would put me at 3-4 from LMP when bloods were taken which was right on. I did buy one of the advanced digitals with the week indicator and took it the other day. It showed up 2-3. So I'm hoping that means my levels are rising since it had been a week since bloods were taken. I'm so scared of a blighted ovum ESP with DH's sperm issues. I've read it's more common in those cases. I'm sorry, I know this is supposed to be a happy time and I'm normally a happy positive person. I just seem to be "waiting for the other shoe to drop."

I know what your saying, but you just have to hope for the best. I think this is all going to turn out for you...just try to relax and be happy deserve it!

thanks Issac - I really wish I had your positivity! Suppose we will never know for sure if I ov'd or not those two months and I suppose it doesn't really matter now anyway.

Happy, glad you aren't feeling too bad, I know I'm the worst at it but do try to stay positive and not worry like ELT said :)

Runnergirl, hope all is well with you, no I have asked for mama a few times but nothing, I checked her chart and she seems to have stopped temping etc... Maybe she is just taking some ultra super ttc free time, I know she said she was going to try the relaxed approached a good while ago. Hope she is ok x

Afm, just waiting on the witch to arrive. She is due any day from Wednesday - Sunday but I think it will be sooner rather then later, have had the usual pretty bad cramps last night and today and tiredness.

Told my boss about where I was a couple of weeks ago when he knew I was in a clinic in Dublin, told him it was an IVF clinic, broke down crying like an idiot, but he was great, told me whatever time I needed and told me lots of stories of friends of his who have kids even his sister in law who has twins through ivf. So at least I don't have to worry about him thinking I am taking the piss when I have to ask for time off at short notice. Like this first time I will have to tell him just the day before for the day off the rest should be fairly predictable.

Question. I don't think DH would have to come with me for every follie scan if he is working, what is the point in him taking time off, unless he is off work that day he will obv come with me and I would get someone to come with me like sister, SIL or mammy. Its a 3 hour drive in the big scary capital (I know I lived there for 5 years but never drove in it until now!!). I think its ok to bring the girls save his annual leave for egg retrieval and transfer etc...??
He will come for the first one because he has to get hormone bloods taken, plus its my first one.
Just checked Mama's last activity on the site was 9th July so nearly 2 months ago. Hope she is ok, sent her a wee message but doesn't look like she is checking them.
Hey Issac - any sign of your smiley face yet???

I'm just waiting on the witch, she is due any day between today and sunday. Temp dropped yesterday and usual boobs pretty sore.

Went to the gp yesterday as noticed my thyroid was swollen, it was swollen before about 3-4 years ago they did a scan and biopsy and all was ok it was just fluid and went away after they drained it. But this time I am a little worried. Before it swelled up the other day, I don't know if I mentioned the IVF Clinic told me my TSH level was at 0 which meant I had a hyperactive thyroid. typically I am the 1 in 10 people who don't have dramatic weight loss with a hyperactive tyroid. My levels were always low but never anything to worry about or do anything about but as I said they are now 0. So went to the doc about the lump at the bottom of my neck and to get my levels rechecked as advised by the clinic. I told him the clinic said it wouldn't affect my fertility but he said it would that the thyroid controls hormones so of course it would. That was fine, then I asked him if my second blood test showed same low or zero levels what would happen and he said I would probably need to take medication to regulate it only problem is I would have to be on it for anything from 1-3 years and cannot get pregnant during this time they would have to prebscribe the pill along with it if that didn't work I would have to get some iodine treatment done leaving me infertile for years. These are all scenarios nothing confirmed yet but quite possible. So of course I asked him if I refused the medication because I wanted to ttc more he said he would have to monitor me very very closley. I told him I feel 100% but he said I would eventually get all the symptoms such as dramatic weight loss, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, dioarreha (sp?), excessive sweating, loss of concentration, fatigue the list goes on....

So just waiting on the results of bloods and have to see him again next week to discuss.

I was pretty upset, really starting to consider the possibility of not being able to have anymore. God obv doesn't want us to, we are going against everything he is throwing at us. Timing (We should have started for number 2 years ago but we broke up, got married lots of things happened in between then and now), Me not ovulating, DH's poor SA and now this thyroid issue.

DH said we will have more kids no matter what, but you read stories of people trying for 12 years and so on. Bet they never imagined it would take them 12 years. What if IVF just doesn't work for us. I don't know if I could cope, having no more kids was never ever an option that crossed my mind ever.

F this whole thing :(
Hey banana quick reply as on holiday and signal rubbish! Sorry to hear about your health concerns I top once had a dodgy thyroid which corrected itself! I suppose it's up to your fertility specialists at the end of the day! I did indeed get mt smiley face on Tuesday cd 18 which is again late for me got some being yesterday and day before so who knows? Started a new thread in ltttc section just search me and you'll see it some lovely supportive girls in same situations to us on there! Still love the ladies on here though xx catch up when back
Hey Issac - Hope you enjoying the Hol.

Chat when you get back :)
Hi everyone,

It's funny you guys were just wondering about me the past few days and this morning I got a little nudge in my mind to come and check how everyone is doing.

I've basically fallen off the ttc planet the last few months and honestly it's been a huge relief! It's been good to just not think about it and just go about our lives. Haven't even been temping for awhile. Went on holidays for a few weeks and didnt take any meds, no prenatals or anything. I'm back on them now though as well as my metformin but that's the extent of my efforts. I haven't ovulated that I know of. I did get a period around cd70 last cycle but nothing since then.

Finally a week or two ago my new fertility docs office called to schedule DH and I our first visit. We go in for the initial consultation the first week of October! Finally I'm hoping I'll be talking to a doc that actually gives a crap and actually knows a thing or two about pcos and fertility! I'm nervous to see what he has to say and to learn what sorts of tests and procedures we're facing but also excited and anxious to get on with it. So, 1 more month of ignorant bliss then full steam ahead back to being ttc obsessive! Lol. Come to think of it I should probably start temping again just so we have a clue where I'm at presently.

I'll try to pop in a few times between now and then but going to keep to ttc focus to a minimum until my apt. But I'm sure that week my ttc spark will be renewed and I'll be back here with more regularity.

I hope you're all doing well! Hope your little bean is doing well Elt! Hope all the new babies are happy and healthy! And hope it happens for the rest of us soon!

Lots of love!
Just going back over some of the posts I've missed...

Runner - your new little one is ADORABLE!!!! Big congrats!!!! ::hug::

Happy - sooooooo excited for your :bfp: :wohoo: that is amazing!!! I'm sure I'd be just as worried and guarded as you are feeling. Prayers that all is well and you'll have a healthy sticky bean for the next 8 months! :)
So glad to hear from you take all the time you need, but do try to check in every now and then! We missed you!
Hey mama nice to see you've checked I can completely understand you not wanting to be on here so much and taking a ttc break I felt the same several months back! Hoping your app in October is full of promise and hopefully get you closer to getting your bfp! Dh and I have our planning appointment for iui on Oct 8th and already been sent a prescription for the meds I need am doing injectables, Eeek!
Happy- did you have your scan at 6 weeks everything ok hun? X

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