And then there were two!!! Unless Mama comes back to us - looks like its just you and me issac!!
Suppose statistics were right there must have been about 15-20 of us who have passed through here in the last 16 months. Statistics say 50% of people will be pregnant in the first 3-6 months and 80% by 12 months and 90% in 18 months the final 10% will need help.
Hope the morning sickness isn't too bad Happy and glad your beta HCG is good
Issac where are you in your cycle - are we anywhere close to each other??
I'm on CD20. FF says I O'vd on CD13 but I don't believe a word of it plus even if I did its unlikely with Dh's SA results anything would happen - anyway this was our not trying month don't think we had sex at all this week in fairness we were fighting but I have to say it was refreshing to know that we could fight, if this was any other month we would have had to falsely apologise to each other if it was bding time and bd!!
I don't know why I am laughing, it was a pretty awful fight - to the point where I was looking for somewhere else to live. We have semi resolved it - well I have backed down even tho I still think I am right and believe 99% of people would agree with me but again that is a totally different story.
We have the telephone consultant apt tomorrow to talk about the results and the next step - almost didn't happen as DH agreed to work overtime so I have to go and sit in the car for 4-5 hours near where he will be standing on duty (he's a Garda / Policeman). so when the consultant phones he can come straight over to me, why they cannot pin point me a time is beyond me even if they just said it will be after 3 or between 3&% greee. I said we could put it off to another week or two even tho it would mean missing a cycle as AF is due next weekend and treatment should be starting that month. Tbh I don't mind it being delay as due to our fight - I'm not sure if we are quite ready/strong enough to go through with it yet DH said there is every hurry and he wants to do it now and start whatever the treatment is asap.
Anyway will talk to the consultant tomorrow and see what is said then I'll talk to DH once he has calmed down a little more he is still on a bit of a high since the fight.
Mama if your reading - miss you!! Hope you are ok