TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Thanks elt for the encouragement it means a lot! I too will feel it will happen soon. Patience is something we all have defo learned the hard way! Can't wait to feel how your feeling happy and elt xx
Isaac, it will happen. Don't lose hope. I will say lots of prayers for you ladies. It has been an emotional journey. I can't wait to see your BFP.

As far as BD goes, my chart looks like I tried to O on cd15 so DH and I were BD'ing like crazy. I thought I ov'd so we "slacked". Ended up only BD'ing the two days before I actually ov'd and the day after. We also switched DH to boxers a few months ago. This was also our first month on 100mg Clomid. OV time was miserable, but it was worth it.

I appreciate your love and support. I hope to see 3 more BFP very soon!
Looks like 2 days before and the day before seem to be the "happening" days! Also seems like a lot of us ended up with bfps on unexpected months when we didn't really try all that hard around o!
Isaac, it will happen. Don't lose hope. I will say lots of prayers for you ladies. It has been an emotional journey. I can't wait to see your BFP.

As far as BD goes, my chart looks like I tried to O on cd15 so DH and I were BD'ing like crazy. I thought I ov'd so we "slacked". Ended up only BD'ing the two days before I actually ov'd and the day after. We also switched DH to boxers a few months ago. This was also our first month on 100mg Clomid. OV time was miserable, but it was worth it.

I appreciate your love and support. I hope to see 3 more BFP very soon!

Did you do a digi yet today Happy?
Elt I didn't do a digi today. I hardly slept last night and woke up 3 times to potty. I had so much water yesterday that my urine was VERY diluted. Still BFP on FRER this morning. I am going to wait until the day AF is expected to use my digi. I'm going to go ahead and call my doctor tomorrow and have my blood checked. My progesterone was very low with DD and was put on progestin. I don't want to take any chances with this one.

Already feeling very nauseous pretty much all day off and on. I was with DD until about 17-20 weeks. DH asked if I was ok. I just told him its a very welcomed feeling and he will not hear me complain about it one time.
Looks like 2 days before and the day before seem to be the "happening" days! Also seems like a lot of us ended up with bfps on unexpected months when we didn't really try all that hard around o!

I'm with you Elt. Less stress and those "magic" days. Lol

I know it's hard to not stress over TTC. But this month after the ultrasound tech pretty much said we weren't ovulating yet and may not this month, we just chalked it up to another lost month and went on about our BD when we wanted to. I was upset when I found out later she was wrong, but I believe it was a blessing from God to help ease our minds and relax our bodies for what He had planned.

Huge congrats darling!!! I'm still silently stalking you all and was soooo pleased to read this news!!! Hopefully this is the start of a wave of BFP's!
congrats Happy!!! so excited for you!

Sorry I've been MIA lately. been enjoying snuggles with my new little man. He was born on Aug 3rd weighing 7lbs exactly and 19 1/2 inches long. He was born at 38 weeks just like his brother. Life has been a bit hectic and waking up every two hours to nurse is challenging, but so amazing. I still check up on you all often and am rooting for all of your BFP's! I know it will happen!

Here is a pic of my new love:)


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Good Lord - logged in for the first time in over a week, was barely expecting any posts let alone a great big BFP!!! Congrats Happy well done - so so happy for you !!! Don't go running off and leaving us now we still need your kind words and wisdom!! and a baby announcement from Runnergirl, Congrats, he is just gorgeous and looks more then happy to be snuggling up to mammy! :)

Hey sweetpea, good to hear from you, hope all is going well for you :)

How are you issac? Any plans for this month?

Mama - where are you??? Hope you keeping ok :)

Afm, not quite as good news in our camp (sorry to bring it down after such good news!!). Well haven't been on all month as am trying to have a ttc free month since we know i'm not ovulating this month and next 3 months were planned for the ovulation induction but anyway, got DH's SA results back today and its not good news I'm afraid. Everything is low. Count is gone down to 17mill needs to be at least 20mill. Movement is 31% needs to be at least 50% and normal shape is 15% needs to be at least 35%. So the lab are recommending to the consultant that we are only suitable for ICSI so to bypass the ov induction, IUI and even regular IVF. Bit upsetting have to say but at same time at least its explained. We have an appointment with the consultant next week so he will have the final say on what we do next, lab said he might still chance 1 IUI before ICSI. We can discuss all with him then anyway. So just trying to enjoy the ttc free month but this has put a bit of a spanner in the works.
Aww runnergrl! So very happy for you and your family he is just perfect! Hope the birth was ok. Huge congratulations xx

Banana- nice to hear from you! So sorry to hear about your dh sperm analysis was that done by who criteria and testing? Hoping you get some good guidance on what to do next! Enjoy this month off ttc. As for us cd 3 today and not doing anything special this month clomid is defo not for me. Just a hope and a prayer is all we're going on this month. Dh has to have a Cystoscopy around fertile time so I really don't know how it will pan out? Anyway moving on to treatment in few months but have to raise the funds first!

Hi sweetpea lovely to hear from you too!

Happy I agree with banana we need you on here no disappearing!
I've been silently stalking as well but had to come and say CONGRATULATIONS!!!

I really do hope this is the start of BFPs for the rest of you. You are all definitely deserving.

And congrats again runnergrl. Brooks is so precious!

Sorry about dh's sperm analysis, Banana. I'm sure that was difficult to take in but at least now you know and are able to put a plan in place.

Good luck and lots of love to you all!
Runner, congrats on your newest addition. He is beautiful.

Banana based on DH's count we were also told ICSI was our only option until we met this dr. I put him on a Fertility Blend for Men and switched him over to boxers from boxer briefs. We haven't had him rechecked but I really feel like the boxers might have done the trick. Don't give up hope. I'm glad they have a plan for you though.

Isaac - I hope you get your BFP before IVF. Wouldn't it be nice to save up the money and not need to use it on IVF? Use it on a nice babymoon :)

I promise I do not plan on going anywhere.
Wow just checked in and saw the bfp!! Massive congratulations happy! I am thrilled for you!

Runnergrl - congratulations on your little guy too'
Thank you Hann and Isaac. I took a digital test the other night and it finally showed a BFP. We got our labs back from the dr, Beta HCG is at 56. She said that was right on track. I have an appt in 2 weeks. I've had some morning sickness off and on but overall just tired, some crampy feelings, and a dull backache which I think is enhanced by this crappy weather.

I hope everyone is doing well.
And then there were two!!! Unless Mama comes back to us - looks like its just you and me issac!!

Suppose statistics were right there must have been about 15-20 of us who have passed through here in the last 16 months. Statistics say 50% of people will be pregnant in the first 3-6 months and 80% by 12 months and 90% in 18 months the final 10% will need help.

Hope the morning sickness isn't too bad Happy and glad your beta HCG is good :)

Issac where are you in your cycle - are we anywhere close to each other??

I'm on CD20. FF says I O'vd on CD13 but I don't believe a word of it plus even if I did its unlikely with Dh's SA results anything would happen - anyway this was our not trying month don't think we had sex at all this week in fairness we were fighting but I have to say it was refreshing to know that we could fight, if this was any other month we would have had to falsely apologise to each other if it was bding time and bd!!

I don't know why I am laughing, it was a pretty awful fight - to the point where I was looking for somewhere else to live. We have semi resolved it - well I have backed down even tho I still think I am right and believe 99% of people would agree with me but again that is a totally different story.

We have the telephone consultant apt tomorrow to talk about the results and the next step - almost didn't happen as DH agreed to work overtime so I have to go and sit in the car for 4-5 hours near where he will be standing on duty (he's a Garda / Policeman). so when the consultant phones he can come straight over to me, why they cannot pin point me a time is beyond me even if they just said it will be after 3 or between 3&% greee. I said we could put it off to another week or two even tho it would mean missing a cycle as AF is due next weekend and treatment should be starting that month. Tbh I don't mind it being delay as due to our fight - I'm not sure if we are quite ready/strong enough to go through with it yet DH said there is every hurry and he wants to do it now and start whatever the treatment is asap.

Anyway will talk to the consultant tomorrow and see what is said then I'll talk to DH once he has calmed down a little more he is still on a bit of a high since the fight.

Mama if your reading - miss you!! Hope you are ok :)
Banana really hope you are okay, arguments are never nice. Also hope the appointment goes well tomorrow :-)

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