TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

So glad to hear from you mama. Good luck with your appt.

Isaac I'm glad things are starting for you. What injections do they have you on? Good luck with your IUI.

Banana I'm sorry to hear about everything you've been going through. I hope you get the answers you're looking for and everything turns out well. How are things coming along?

We did go to the dr. By LMP we were 6w3d by FF OV we were 6w0d. We had an ultrasound (the not so fun kind lol) and baby is there and well measuring 6w2d. So the first day I thought I ovulated I apparently did. We also were able to see the baby's heartbeat at 107bpm. Dr said it was on the slow side of normal so he wants us back in 3 weeks for a recheck. He was very suprised there was only one baby. He said my progesterone was pretty high which suggested to him there was 2 or more which was why he stayed in to watch the ultrasound. We only saw one though. Praying we see the heartbeat again at 9 weeks.
Oh wow happy how brilliant your scan went ok hoping your 9 week scan goes well too! Xx been thinking about you!
The injectables I'm having are buserelin ( presuming to down reg?) and gonal f ( to stimulate) and then pregnyl to trigger ovulation! Just ringing around today to see who sells them cheapest my mum works in pharmaceuticals so hoping she can get then cheaper!
Hey girls

Happy great about your scan hope all goes well at 9 weeks :-)

Mama great to hear from you, delighted you are finally getting things moving, you really do deserve it.

Afm just back from fertility clinic. Was a bit whirlwind as AF arrived at 1.10 pm on Saturday just my luck it was 10mins after clinic closed so couldn't make apt for scan or to get prescription. Balled crying for an hour then dh came home and decided we would get into the car at 6am on Monday morning drive ro Dublin for 9am and hope they take me for a scan so did that and fantastically they took me for a scan at 11am. The good news ended there I have a great big cyst nearly 5cm so no baby making again this month. Cried the whole way home. I just feel like its constantly 1 step forward and 3 steps back all the time. Really think Im starting to loose my mind. I'm so sick of being depressed all the time over this. I'm just not coping anymore. I don't k ow what to do. I'm sick of only typing bad news on here all the time cannot remember the last good thing I typed on here.

I must have been the devil himself in a previous life and this us my punishment. Every time we jump a hurdle whether it be big it small a New one is immediately thrown back at us. Sick of it altogether. So
Oh they said for me to come back on my next day 2. They hope it Will burst itself by then if not they Will try to drain it but said its quite painful. Now in my experience if a nurse tells me something wil be "uncomfortable" its agony so if they are telling me its "quite painfull" its must be unbearable. Anymore had a cyst drained before? Or had one go away itself?

She said she couldn't believe I couldn't feel it but every since she said it to me I can totally feel it. I don't know if its in my head since she told me or if I just mistook it for my normal cramps. I usually cramp from attempted ovulation to end of AF so cramp 3 out of 4 weeks., always been like that even when I had the coil in and no periods. She said it was prob the clomid that did it., that's its very normal. No way of telling how long it has been there either weeks or months. My last scan was back in December which apparently had no cysts.
Oh dear banana what are we to do with you? What a shite time your going through! If I was you and this is just advice I'd probably take the rest of the year off ttc to rest and recuperate after your continuing ordeal. I know you want to be pregnant right now as we all do! That's just you me and mama now. I just want to see/ hear your in a better place before you take on the stress of fertility treatment. Again I sound patronising and I really am sorry if that's the case but I'm just worried about you that's all! If it makes you feel better by starting the treatment asap then go for it but try and maybe do some acupuncture or other alternative therapy to relax you! Maybe even start it soon? Regarding the cyst I had a 3cm one before bfp with ds and it went away on it own took about 6 weeks it delayed my period for few weeks! At least your having a cycle and hopefully cd 2 will come around soon again! Please remember you are still very young your bloods are fine no worries there so if it takes a few extra months to get your head and health sorted then let it be! You will get your bfp and beautiful baby in the very near future. Much love xx
I'm here...has been pretty quiet lately in here! How is everyone? And how is the baby bean Happy?
I'm here. I'm just going through the motions lately. Morning sickness finally kicked in full swing and had to get some meds. All is well so far. We go in for another scan today. We are 9+3 today. I had a horrible dream last night I had a MC.

I hope everyone is doing well. Thinking of you ladies.
Happy- that morning sickness is a great sign you know! Wow, 9+3 are going all the way hun. I have a good feeling about it!

How's everyone else?
Hey good luck for your scan happy I'm sure it will all go fine and try and post a picture of your beany baby!
Elt can't believe your so close to having your baby where had the time gone already? You feeling ok?
Afm- well been plagued by dh having yet another urine infection after his normal cystoscopy so he's been on s antibiotics again and has to have an ultrasound now on the same day as our planning appointment for iui! Got my injectables in the fridge waiting to go its exciting but very scary. I just hope I don't suffer too many side effects from the meds! Should be starting in about 3 weeks time when I'm next due on. Currently cd8 and nothing else exciting happening apart from dh sperm analysis last week was apparently very good! I worries because he's had 3 infections in last 3 months but fertility nurse said its feasible to still go ahead with the treatment. Anyway I miss you girls I just wish mama and banana could update us with how they are and all the other girls!
Good luck to you Isaac. I'll be praying for you. I hope DH starts feeling better.

Just got home from our ultrasound. Our little bean is growing and looking great. Hb was 164. I'll try to post a pic.

Elt, how is everything coming together for your little one?
Thanks happy and I'm so so made up to see your little baba! I have prayed for us all to achieve our dreams and i'm so glad it's happening to you. I will not give up hope and one day I know it will happen but for now I'm happy x
Happy- beautiful!!

Isaac- So sorry that everything isn't going so smoothly for you and DH, but good news about the sperm analysis!!

afm- I'm feeling pretty good...aches and pains as to be expected though. Little over 6 weeks left for me. I'm starting to feel the nesting urge to get everything done. It really has flown by!
Okay....I'm back!! :) haha

TTC break over and I'm doing really well now! So glad I took that break, I really think I needed it and now can feel really happy and hopeful with the new doctor. But we'll get to that....first things first and that's you guys!

Banana - honey my heart aches for you. This waiting and trying and disappointments are all so hard. ::hugs:: I hope things with the cyst are working out okay. Like Isaac I don't want to sound patronizing but given just coming off a break myself I would recommend a month or two of by thinking about ttc. It really helped me get my head and emotions in a better place to now tackle the fertility doc stuff. Hang in ther honey and we are here!

Isaac - Ooo let us know how the injectable a go? That's something I'm really nervous about! Hoping we don't have to go that route. Great news about hubby's SA! Fingers crossed for you!

Happy - Ahhhhh! So exciting to see your baby!!!!! Gives me hope! So excited for you! :wohoo: :happydance:

Elt - can't believe how close you are!!! :) can't wait to see your little one! How has the pregnancy been for you and how is your dd doing with the prospect of the new baby?

Okay, update for me!

So last week DH and I met with the fertility doc. He is very to the point, like didn't even do an introduction or handshake or anything haha just sat us down, looked at my paperwork, asked a few questions and started laying out the plan. Haha he isn't rude or anything just not a friend doctor, he's just going to tell you what's up and send you on your way. An. Honestly I love it! Finally someone. I don't have to explain my condition to and someone oh isn't going to say, "okay, here's some pills that may or may not work, see ya in 6 months!"

He sent me that day for blood and urine testing. They took 8 vials of blood! I felt like a vampire victim! Lol He upped my dose of metformin and put me on a better version of metformin (can't recall the name) that I can take all at once and is easier on side effects. So far so good. Also started better prenatal pills.

When he told me he'd see me next week I thought he was joking! It was like music to my ears! I had my apt scheduled for tomorrow. Well it turned out I had this afternoon called so I gave the office a call on the off chanc they had a cancellation today. His office lady told me to come right in, that I may have to wait a bit but they'd squeeze me in. What!?!? This is all so new and awesome! I'm in love with this office! So I went in expecting to wait awhile and I was in and out in about 20 mins! I was so worried about more run around with apt times and things like the last doctor. I have a feeling these guys actually care about what they're doing here and actually will work WITH their patients! What a concept! Loving it!

So today he told me my bloods show my thyroid is slightly off. He said it's not enough to worry a normal doc and that my fam doc will probably think he's nuts for giving me a med for it, but that it could totally affect fertility. So today I start that med and a progesterone med for the next week to induce AF. Then I start Femara/Letrazole for this cycle on days 3-7. It's similar to clomid but he told us he's had much better success with it even in patients who have had months of failed clomid. A lot of reports I've read women say it worked the first cycle even after a lot of clomid attempts. So I think I can afford some hope :)

Then I go in for day 21 and day 28 bloods.

Assuming it's needed we'll do 3 cycles like this then if I'm not pregnant we'll do the SA and dye test for my tubes. For now he doesn't think we need to till we give this a try. I find that encouraging that he's had that much success.

So that's the plan for now! I'm sitting waiting for all my new meds...I'm feeling excited again! Hope this works!!!
So nice to hear from you Mama...we've missed you! I'm so happy to hear that you actually found a doctor that you like and will help you! Hopefully, it will only be a matter of time and you will be posting your good news also!!

I'm pretty much at the miserable time of the pregnancy with the soreness, sleepless nights, and nonstop peeing, but still very thankful to be so lucky! This pregnancy is definitely tougher on my body than the last, but I only have a month left, so I'll manage. DD is super excited, but it's such a long time for a 5 year old to wait!

How's everyone else doing?
Hey mama so lovely to hear from you and so glad your feeling raring to go after your little break I think it'smneeded sometimes just to regain strength and focus! Your new meds sound exciting, what are they? Your fs sounds proactive and not like the other cowboys your were under before! My new clinic seem nice and have got the ball running quite quickly! Can't believe I'll be starting in just 10 days or so! Realised for the first time in 2 years me and dh don't have to make love to try for baby now, how novel! Feeling relaxed. Anyway totally love the girls on here still but I started a lovely thread with some ltttc'ers! Just search me and you'll see it! Its called 35 and trying for#2etc.... come join us!
Hey girls, just a 2 second post to let you know I am alive and kicking, I'll try to rejoin you in a few weeks just feeling so blah for the last few weeks. I do always wonder when a regular disappears from a thread, how would we ever know if something happened to them in the "real" world! - So anyway as I said I'm fine just not up to talking about anything yet.

Welcome back Mama & Best of Luck Issac - all my fingers and toes crossed for ye x

:hugs: feel better Banana, come back when you're ready. A break is sometimes the best thing.

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