Hey girls!
Well I think I should just keep vanishing and everyone will get their bfp's! Lol
I was gone and Happy got hers and then I disappeared for a bit and Isaac gets hers!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh
I am soooooo excited!!!!! This is awesome!!!!!
And then there's me....who is still not pregnant
The past month had been pretty frustrating. I started progesterone to bring on AF so I could start my first cycle of Femara. I took it 7 days and a few days later I had a day or two of spotting but def not AF. I called the doc and told the nurse I'd spotted. She said it would take up to 10 days to get AF so I waited 2 weeks. Nothing. I called the doc and he was out for a week for knee surgery so it took another week to get in to see him only to find out that those 2 days of spotting was enough to call cd1!!! Ugh! So basically because the nurse is an idiot I just wasted yet another month!
Good news was I didn't have to wait again. Doc told me to just go for it and start the Femara. So that's what I did. They did a blood test to be sure I'm not prego already then I took the Femara for 5 days. I'm now cd14 (had to fake a spotting day to start my calendar onto day 1) and I took an OPK today and got a very visible line. It's not quite as dark as control but my history with opks is that I get nothing but faint lines and then when I finally ov I get a darker line but never a true positive. So I think it's show time!
The really encouraging thing is that it's cd14!!!! Even with clomid on the months I ovulated it wasn't until cd20 something! If the Femara will get me to ov on schedule that is HUGE!
So fx this is our cycle but even if not then hopefully this med will at least gr me on a regular cycle so we can try uninterrupted for a few cycles!
Will see with temps over the next few days of I ov. One thing I've noticed on the Femara is that my temps are much more steady so that's a great sign too! After I took the Femara the last day I spotted for another day or two. What I read is that's normal because the med messes with your estrogen levels and that can cause spotting so I guess all those signs means it's doing its job.
So anyway, say a little prayer for us!
Has anyone heard from Banana? Think she and I are the only regulars (not that I can even call myself that anymore! Lol) left without a bfp. Hopefully a break is doing her some good.

to you all and another congrats to Isaac and Happy and a congrats to Elt too!!!!