Well hello hello hello!
It has been quite a while just checked back my last post was 2 months ago. Sadly to say there is not much to update you.
The last time I posted, I was just back from the fertility clinic for my cd2 scan before starting meds and they discovered I had a 5cm cyst so baby making was out that month (sept). Anyway went back on Cd2 the following/last month 8th October and the cyst had went down to 2.5cm so they were happy it had ruptured itself and gave me my prescription, first time I ever had left with good news! the mediciation is tamoxifen, same idea as clomid just a different brand. It was fine, made me a little sick every now and again but nothing too serious, went back up on CD11 for a scan to check for follies and there was one but he was only 14mm so had to go back up again on CD14 and he was 25mm so they gave me the trigger pregnal, thank god the nurse gave it to me I would have killed DH it stung like mad but just for a few seconds!!
So that was it, go the baby dancing in that night and the following night then sat tight in the tww, took a test on Sunday which would have been 12dpo but of course BFN, didn't even think I had any tests in the house but took a mad notion Sunday morning before Church and went on the rampage looking for one, anyway as I said BFN as I pretty much expected still don't know what came over me, was so pissed off and upset at myself so after church myself and dh decided to have a "bad day", we ate junk, smoked cigarettes, drank a bottle of wine, had a Chinese take-away and lay around watching telly most of the day - felt like such a lazy pig but it was great, it actually took a bit of effort to do as little as possible!!! Anyway as tempting as it was to stay like that all resumed to normal the following day.
But that is it really, fairly long winded way of saying nothing much to update, 15 or 16 dpo today, can feel AF around the corner, I would say tonight or tomorrow she is due, I think its tonight FF say tomorrow. And no don't say test 16dpo is loads, I usually have a 15day lp so that's why I thinks he is due today but I also usually have a 31 day cycle which would make her due tomorrow, I can totally feel her she is just waiting for a bad time, then she will make her grand entrance.
So Mama, how are you getting on, delighted you finally got to see a good doc that you so deserve, hope its all still going well. Where are you now in your cycle / meds??
Same for you Issac how are you getting on with your meds / where are you in your cycle???
Oh actually I'll pop over to your new thread and see how your getting on
Don't totally abandon us over there tho!! We can be like the 3 musketeers!!!