TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Hey girls,

Sorry its been a wee while. Great to see everyone doing so well!!

Mama - it is horrible waiting for scans, jes I could have had one every day in the early weeks I think I would have. We had an early one at 9 weeks to make sure there was one 1 in there cause I had 2 eggs when they triggered me. and I paid for a private one at 13 weeks just to ease my mind. Not actually meant to have any scans here until 20-24 weeks which is 15th April for me, day after our 2nd wedding anniversary. jes I remember crying on our first anniversary cause I wasn't pregnant - what a difference a year makes!!

Happy good luck with the bp stuff, my friend had very low bp and was off work for months. as long as they keeping any eye on it :)

Afm 20 weeks now, the SPD hit an all time high last week so I went to a chiropractor well I nearly skipped out of the place I was pain free and sooooo happy everyone said they could see the difference in me not just my normal walking again. Then bang on Thursday 4 days later came back with a bang, going to try it again tomorrow and physio too. Every single step is agony, it wouldn't be so bad if it were near the end but so long left to go! Hopefully tomorrows treatment will stick a bit longer.

Going to run now, poppy (bump name) is going wild with kicks and punches - going to savour it now since I waited so long for it!!

Nite nite x
Banana glad your little poppy is well! Sorry about all the pain though :( hope that gets better!

I see my doctor this morning. No scan though so no idea what they'll do. Hoping maybe we get to do heartbeats at least. I just want to know they're both in there and okay. And of course I'm freaking out a bit. I keep hearing miscarriage stories from around this time of pregnancy and so I feel so vulnerable. I with I could fast forward down the road a couple months and be able to feel them so I could know each day they're in there. I hate all this worrying :(
Banana, I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I hope you get to feeling better.

Mama, good luck today!

My BP has been in the normal range since my last appt. so it was probably just stress related. Yesterday and today I feel like my lower spine is being twisted. I've been having sharp shooting pains in my back before having a contractions. They aren't getting stronger or closer so I figured it must just be her position. I'm trying not to be "that woman" who runs to the hospital every time she hurts these last few weeks. I told DH I wasn't going unless I was crying, bleeding, or my water breaks... Haha
Happy - gla your bp doesn't seem to be a big issue. Mine was up again today a bit at the midwives but may again be from stress. I swear I have white coat syndrome!

Midwife apt went well. I really like her a lot! Had a lot of labor/delivery hopes and dreams smashed today. That was hard. I had wanted a home water birth but knew now its twins that would be unlikely. Home birth is totally off the table which I suspected but also found out my babies can't even be delivered by a midwife at all. I can have them for all my prenatal stuff and they can be there but an ob has to do the delivery. If I even get to deliver vaginally. Ugh. It's just all the realities of twins that I have to accept and I know the babies are what really matters. Just hard when you spent years of fetility issues researching and planning what you hoped for and then have it all taken off the table from the get go. It's just sad to me. But it doesn't matter in the big picture.

They were hesitant to try for a heartbeat as it's still early but I asked if they could at least try. We actually ended up hearing a heartbeat twice. Not sure if we heard the same baby twice or if we heard both. The first time was very brief. The secon was much clearer. 150 heart rate :)

I feel much happier now having heard that! :happydance:
Awe mama! That is wonderful you got to hear your babies! Was DH with you?

I'm sorry they smashed some of your dreams for delivery. But you're right, what matters is that you deliver two happy healthy babies. It doesn't make you any less I a woman if you end up with a csection. I struggled with that myself. Don't be hard on yourself. You have gone through so much to get those little ones to this point. You keep pushing right on forward and keep your chin up. :hugs:
Our little munchkin tried to make her grand entrance. At 36+2 weeks yesterday, I went to the hospital with contractions 3 min apart. There were even times on the way to the hospital I couldn't tell where one stopped and another began. I was in tears when I got there so they rushed me straight to labor & delivery. Once on the monitors they did confirm I was having contractions, got me hooked up to IV fluids and gave me pain meds to try and help me relax. I wasn't dilated yet, so that was good. Because we are 36 weeks, fluids and the pain meds were all they could use to try and stop them. After a few hours they were less intense and spaced to every 5-8 min. They checked again later and I was dilated to 1.5. They increased fluids and have more meds. By about 1:00 am they were almost gone with the occasional contraction every 30 min or so (aside from BH) so we got to go home this morning with instructions to let her cook just a little longer. I'm glad they were able to stop the contractions and give her more time. I know she needs it. I just hope I don't have to go through that again! What's the point of having a scheduled csection if you still have to endure labor pains?!? Haha.
Yikes Happy! What an event! Glad they were able to stop things for now. Hopefully you won't have to deal with labor again before your c section!
Oh my goodness Happy - I haven't been on in a week or so. Hope your little one is holding on a little longer and still cooking.

When are you due the csec?

Mama - I suppose its nearly impossible to know if its one or two different heartbeats. Did you find out when you are due a next scan?

We have one next Tuesday, very excited as its the morning after our 2nd wedding anniversary. I remember being so upset this time last year coming up to our anniversary that I not only didn't have a baby yet but still wasn't even pregnant!

Kicks are getting really really strong now, alot still v low down but she moves up above my belly button every now and again. There were huge kicks last night in bed DH was at work but it was so obvious to see I took a video on my phone and sent it to him. He couldn't believe it. He hasn't felt any kicks yet because so many of them are low down and he just never seem to be in the right place and the right time.

My pevlis is prob the best its been in a long time, still very sore but going to the chiropractor every monday and am getting great relief. If it stays as it is now I could manage.

How are you issac - any news??

Banana that's so exciting about kicks! I can't wait to feel these guys (or girls!)
At your scan will you find out gender or are you waiting?

Our next scan will be on May 7 to determine if they're identical or fraturnal. Pretty sure they're fraturnal due to meds but you never know.

I have my next midwife apt in 3 weeks. Can't wait to hear heartbeats again! Hopefully we'll be able to know if we are hearing both this time!

11 weeks today! Little limes! :)

Happy how are you doing? Baby still okay in there??

Isaac how are you?
Hey girls, how is all in here :)

Bit bummed had to cancel my scan today as DH was called into court but lucky they were able to squeeze me in on Thursday afternoon. I thought I would have to go myself as when I booked the apt 4 5 weeks ago today was the next date free.
I think this is the big one where they check everything last two were just to check size and hb etc... they were v early ones.

We won't find out what it is girl/boy. I was full sure it was a girl on instinct/old wives tales/how vastly different my pregnancy and shape are so far. Everyone who looked at me and "knew" said girl but in the last week I've been told by these people who "always know" not to put money on a girl!

I honestly don't care as long as baby and I are safe and well come August. But saying that if there was magic button I had no choice but to press I'd prob pick boy while DH and DS would both pick girl!!!

Overall now I'm feeling good, extreme tiredness has gone except towards the end of the week I seem to get one night where I go to bed at like 10.30pm and don't wake until after 11am next morning - marathon sleep! SPD has eased massively since started seeing the chiropractor regularly and sickness just comes and goes every now and again nothing much and its usually 20mins of nausea and one big vomit and I'm good again!!

Issac - how are you?/

I have all the big stuff bought now I think, car seats, stroller, crib, cot, breast pump, bottles etc.... Just the little things now like nappies, clothes (i'll prob borrow white ones from SIL until I can buy pink or blue) etc...

Exciting times!! :)

Thats it tho. Happy how are you? Are you in for your csec??
Hello ladies. Baby girl is still cooking. Our section is scheduled for 4/22. I'm so ready and would no be opposed to her coming on her own. Lots of contractions. They are either really close and not very painful or very painful and irregular. Frustrating.

Glad to hear you ladies are doing well.
Hey Happy.... So have you some news for us!?!?!? Your section was scheduled for 22dn wasn't it!! Hope all is well :)

Hey Mama - How are you ??? Not too long to go for your big scan now, can't belive your 13 weeks already - is it flying or dragging for you?? I felt the first 20 weeks drag something serious couldn't believe how long it felt it was taking, its kind of flying now when I think about stuff I want to get done before baby comes like with the house and maybe change the car etc.. I really only have May and June, I want everything ready to go by end of June just incase anything happened early, like I want to be used to a new car by time baby comes and confident in it and I want to get built in wardrobes in DS and bumps room so don't want dust everywhere want them all done and dusted and filled with baby stuff.

Afm, am feeling really really rough, god I hate complaining when I prayed and begged to be pregnant but sweet jesus, contstantly nauseaus, exhausted, sore everything, am 24 weeks tomorrow, was sure this would have some what lifted by now.... Any remedies!?!?
Hey Banana :)

Have you been checked to see if you're anemic? I've heard that can add to the exhaustion a lot. Although being tired is just a normal thing in pregnancy throughout I bet!

My biggest symptom had bee exhaustion. The last few weeks I've been feeling better but then yesterday I crashed around 3 pm and had to nap so I guess it just depends on the day! Haha

No idea on advice for the morning sickness as I've been lucky and haven't had much. I hear eating constantly helps. I've been grazing my entire pregnancy so maybe that's helped me keep morning sickness at bay. I literally feel famished after not eating for an hour or two.

Last week of first trimester! In some ways it goes quickly. Always seems like my week to week goes quickly but overall it feels slow to me. Probably because I'm always so stressed wondering if they're okay in there. I think once I see them again and see the heartbeats etc and especially when I start feeling them I'll relax a bit and then hopin the time will go more quickly. I can't wait to hold my babies!!!

I also want a new vehicle before babies arrive but my guess is we won't be able to afford it before then but hopefully in next year or so.

Right now I'm working on getting the house better organized. Think I've decided to move my step daughters into our smaller bedroom. They currently have the larger room and we planned to put the nursery in the smaller room but now with two babies I don't know how well 2 cribs and everything else will fit. My girls have bunk beds and really only use the room for sleeping and they're only with us every other weekend anyway so I think the twins may get the bigger room now. So need to get them moved over and start getting the nursery set up a bit. At the moment we just have piles and piles of baby stuff in the small room. It's chaos! Haha

Happy - has your baby arrived???? Can't wait to hear about it!

Isaac - how are you doing???? :)

I'm feeling increasingly more achy everyday it seems. Can't bend over much anymore and getting up and down is tough. Also just don't have any energy. I'll do something like empty the dishwasher or clean the bathroom and have to sit for 20 mins to recover! :dohh: I imagine it'll just keep getting worse from here on out.

Probably tmi lol but DH and I were dtd yesterday and discovered certain positions are already out due to my belly. Not huge yet but the pressure on my stomach really hurts and made my low back ache something awful afterwards. Blah.

Next ultrasound is May 7 to determine identical or fraturnal and then our big 3D gender scan is on June 9th! Can't wait!
Mama, good luck on your upcoming scan. I can't believe you're already almost down with the first trimester. Your little ones will be here before you know it. I can't wait to see ultrasound pics.

Banana, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I can relate though. The morning sickness was horrible with this LO and I always felt bad for complaining. I had to take meds for my nausea though. It's the only thing that helped.

I'm sorry I'm so late in posting but things have been a little crazy here. Brooklynn came into this world via csection on 4/22 at 7:10 pm weighing 8lbs 2oz. She is absolutely perfect. Mommy, daddy, and big sissy are so in love. She started breast feeding like a champ but mommy is having issues. We are meeting with a lactation consultant tomorrow. I had a melt down, but I'm ok now. I just felt like a failure. I so wanted to do this. I'm having to pump I'm so engorged but at least she is getting that. She lost almost a pound in just a couple of days so we had to start supplementing. All that matters though is she is happy and healthy. She is such a good baby.


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Hey happy congratulations on the safe arrival of your little girl brooklynn she looks just perfect! What a dream come true. So so happy for you! Only expected that your going to be busy.

Hey banana and mama my fellow pregnant girlies how you both doing? Did you get to hear both heartbeats yet mama?? Scan coming up soon its been ages since you had a scan! Banana your big one is coming up too isn't it?
Afm feeling defo pregnant now I've hit 3rd trimester waking at night to go to loo several times and have to manoeuvre a 3 pillow in one pillowcase wedge between my legs everytime I roll over which is not easy. This is the only thing that helps my hips from aching in bed! Also had to have some tests the other week as i was contracting regularly but after fibronectin test was negative I was allowed back home to rest as labour wasn't likely in the following 2 weeks after test. I've just an irritable uterus but need checking out every time I have regular tightenings! I'm almost 28 weeks now so can start to relax a bit about early labour. Not on here as often as so tired but try to catch up when I can.
Happy - Brooklynn is gorgeous!!!! So exciting to see her pic! Sorry breast feeding isn't going how you hoped. Hopefully the consultant was able to help out.

Isaac - good to hear from you! Glad things are going well :) I hear ya on the night time potty breaks! And I also am doing the pillow maneuvers already! Haha I suppose that will just keep getting worse! Can't believe how far along you are! :)

Banana - how you doing Hun? I heard a new morning sickness remedy idea this week. Apparently if you take a few spoonfuls of the syrup from canned fruit it coats your stomach and lessens the irritation that makes us feel like throwing up. Might be worth a try :)
Oh Happy, She just gorgeous - Well done!! Delighted for you all :) Sorry the bf did go according to plan but hopefully it will work out for you x

Issac - Great to hear from you. an irritable uterus doesn't sound like much fun but as long as bubs is doing ok thats the main thing! Are you really tired too, I do get a batch of days where I can barely function from tiredness, I prop do need to get my levels checked like mama said but was in the hospital today and they said leave it a while longer. Your heading into the uncomfortable stage with the pillows so! I didn't realise we were so close I'm nearly 25 weeks (15th August)

Mama - Your scan is next week isn't it?? How exciting, cannot wait to hear how it goes :) The sickeness isn't consistant, I feel nauseous most days but only actually vomit once maybe twice a week, I could even go two weeks or so without vomiting and then out of the blue i go!

Had hospital apt this morning, didn't really see the point they checked my blood pressure, wee and baby heartbeat. Told them about my SPD and asked for advice on Labour etc.. but got little or no answer. Told them I was considering not getting an epidural and received a blank expression. So if its not now god knows when I get advice on labour and pain relif bar the 1980s style booklet they gave me on my first visit! Its all very wham bam thank you mam in there don't know if private would be any different.

Time is finally starting to pass with a bit of speed - oh how the first 20 weeks dragged!
Shey - congrats on your new little bean! :)

Banana - that is dumb how the docs and hospital acted regarding a possible natural birth. I say do your research and decide what you want. Maybe look into hiring a doula? They can be very helpful getting through a natural labour and helping keep the doctors from pushing unnecessary interventions on you that you don't want.

I'm trying to decide how badly I want to try for a vaginal birth now that it's going to be so not what I'd planned on. With twins I'm hearing that I'll have to deliver in the OR with an epidural incase of emergency c section. If I don't get to even attempt a natural birth and may end up with a section for twin 2 even if twin 1 delivers vaginally fine, I feel like what's the point. Just go with the scheduled c section. Then at least I know better what will happen and how it will go. I don't do well with the unknown and attempting vaginal birth with twins just has so many maybes and unsure aspects to it. Not sure I'll handle it well. I think given the time to prepare I'd do better with a scheduled c section.

My only pause to making that call are a) worry about the babies being delivered before they're ready so I'm worried about their lungs and breathing and stuff. If vaginal birth is successful it would be better for them. But even that isn't the biggest issue. Babies are born via section all the time and are fine. My biggest issues are worrying how I'll recover from surgery and care for two babies and biggest of all...what about more kids? I don't want to doom myself to c sections forever. I want to learn more about VBACS and talk to my midwifes about the odds of being allowed to try for one in future. I think we'll want a couple more kids and I'd want natural birth to be an option. Plus c sections get riskier with each repeat so it would be limiting the number of kids I could safely have in future.

So much to think about. :sigh:

Going to see the midwives tonight so hopefully they can share some info and answer some questions.
Thank you MamaMac. Hope you're doing well. I just tried on wedding dresses today and found the perfect one!

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