TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Hey girls! Yeah banana have almost sorted my bags out the babies is all sorted just got to get a few things forward mine. I'm going by experience and getting prepared sooner as I was in hospital when pregnant with ds at 34 weeks having steroids incase of early labour. Already had 3 day admissions so far with this pregnancy last one only on Thursday. Nearly collapsed at work and was having tightenings. Turns out I'm low on iron and magnesium and probably caused my an arrhythmia with my heart! I was at the right place at work anyhow. On supplements now and resting over next few days then all systems go again.
After much deliberation we have decided with the help of ds that this little one will be called Edward Arnel. Middle name after grandfather, pronounced ar-nel! Loving all the names maybe not justice so much!
Mama you'll soon be feeling those babies and boy will they give you some jabs and kicks. This little one is laying across me atm and he kicks me all over the place. Great scan pics

Banana I noticed a huge growth spurt at your stage I literally doubled overnight. Midwife said to me not to be alarmed if fundal height went off the scale for a while it's stayed average last few times I've been measured! I'm planning on lots of beauty treatments when I finish work in two weeks time. I so need it to come around quickly. Can't wait to meet my little fella now!
Haha glad I'm not the only one who doesn't love the name Justice...hopefully it's not an issue but if it's 2 girls I'll be fighting that one!

Glad you're okay Issac! That sounds scary. Glad you were right where you needed to be though! I can't wait to stop working and I'm not even half way yet! Haha enjoy the downtime before little guy arrives!!! He'll be with you soo soon!
Hi guys! I'm 18 Weeks today! Yay!

Had my anatomy scan yesterday. Everything is looking great but Baby A wasn't in the most cooperative position so I'm going back in 3 weeks to finish up the angles they weren't able to get yesterday. Babies are measuring ahead of schedule. Baby A was 18+3 yesterday and Baby B was 18+5. Due date hasn't changed though.

The scan took so long I literally fell asleep on the table! Haha

After it was over the tech asked me if I wanted to know the sexes. I asked if she knew and she said she felt pretty certain about Baby B but didn't know about Baby A because of the less than ideal position. I told her to hold of telling me till next scan in 3 weeks. I've felt strongly that Baby B is a boy and now I feel it even more. I'm thinking the reason she felt so "certain" is that she must have seen a little willy! Haha but that could just be my wishful rationalization! Haha

Here's a pic of Baby B:

Just logged on here for the first time in forever and am so pleased to see everyone's news. Congratulations to all you. I am so, so happy for you all :)
We had our gender scan on Monday and did our balloon box reveal that evening! We are officially team :pink: & team :blue: !!!!


My husband is so excited! I have 3 step daughters so he is so thrilled to have a boy! I love that my maternal instincts were right! I thought baby b was a boy and baby a was a girl!

I posted our reveal and scan story on my blog with a bunch more photos if anyone wants to take a look:
Wow mama what a blessing a girl and boy! So so happy for you finally all that waiting has paid off. How are you feeling? X
Thanks Isaac! :)

Feeling really good. I'm finally feeling the babies move around a bit each day which is so much fun!

How are you doing??
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Mama that is so exciting!!! Delighted for you I really really am :)

So am I officially the only team yellow!?!?!

Dosed with the flu at the min had to take yesterday off work, I don't think i've ever taken a flu day but being 31 weeks with a bad dose will do that I suppose. So officially single digits today 9 weeks to go. So excited really wish it was now. Even tho in saying that I have came to a total stand still on the bags. i know I still have stuff to get but feel a bit at ease that I have all the big stuff, cot, crib, sheets, blankets, clothes, milk, car seat and buggy. Everything else can wait if really needs be. I'll try AGAIN this week to get the motivation to put stuff into bags!

Went for Glucose test this morning was awful i was soooo hungry! it was meant to be done 10 weeks ago because my father is diabetic but the nurse that couldn't spell, file or take blood (do you remember me telling you about her) said I didn't need the test so there was a big hullaballo on Tuesday when i went in for regular check up and had to have it done this morning. I'm sure its all grand, I've never felt anything was wrong. Will know later today hopefully.

Baby is head down, which got me excited for about 2 mins until I googled and even if its headdown early doens't mean labour will start early. I will be going with every old wives tale in 5 weeks (36 weeks!). Every day counts when you have to fit into a bridesmaid dress and go on a Hen party 3 weeks after the baby is born!!

I took this this morning. Best Father's Day gift ever!


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Yay! Congrats Shey! What an awesome Fathers Day Surprise!!!

Banana - hope all is good with the diabetes test :) sounds like you're feelin ready to go!

Had another scan yesterday which confirmed the boy/girl! We're so excited! Babies are both measuring a bit ahead. I was 20+4 yesterday and our little guy was measuring 21+5 and our girl was 21+1 I'm happy they're growing so well! Finished up our anatomy scan yesterday and all looks great! :happydance:

Got the nursery all done up while my mom was visiting last week. It looks awesome! So happy with how it turned out. Can only ever post one photo at a time here so if anyone wants to take a look I posted lots of nursery pics on my blog:
Thank you mamaMac. We are happy and excited ! How are you?
Congratulations Shey :)

Mama, think I might be more excited for you then myself! Twins aaaghhhhh!!!

We haven't done anything to babys room yet. He will be in his cot in our room for anything 3-12 months. DS1 was in our room for 12 months but a few friends have since told me they ship them out to their own room once they start sleeping through so I think I'll go with that plan. DS1 is mad for baby to stay in his room but I think that idea will wear off him as soon as the roars and cries from baby start in the middle of the night!. Ah he will be nearly 8 by the time baby moves to its own home so we'll put him in the "girls" room as we call it despite not having any girls yet!

Ha just how strongly I am saying he and him! I don't actually know but have very very very strong feeling its a boy!

I do not have gestational diabetes anyway got results on Monday. I do have low Iron though so need to start taking tablets for that. its not really low but getting low she said. I do feel tired but I just though or presume its normal pregnancy tired.

Peeing at night is becoming a nightmare esp with my pelvis not getting any better. I'm fine with normal every day tasks to a degree now but when I wake in middle of night for a pee its really sore getting up out of the bed. Last night was only 2 times and then I slept in, usually its 4 times in the night/every 2 hours!

Started packing my bags on Saturday, have pretty much everything just a tiny few wee bits to get but they not essential. Have all the important stuff anyway for both home and hospital and seperated them into 4 bags, my labour room bag, baby labour room bag (tiny just a vest, gro, blanket, nappie and hat) and my hospital bag and babys hospital bag. I'm glad I seperated my stuff and babys stuff for the hospital I remember last time going through one huge bag trying to find sock and seeing nothing but vests and nappies!

Was meant to have an antenatal class yesterday but DH was working and I didn't want to go on my own so skipped it like a naughty school girl. From what I remember they were crap last time I went with DS and spoke to a few of my friends last week who did them recently and they said they were pretty pointless, they teach how to breath which not one of them or 1 gave a hoot about in the throws of pain last time.

I am still a little worried about pain relief. I told the MW at last appointment that I do not want any part of the labour to be like the last time, I was hysterical, hilousinating (can't spell), I had no control, I wasn't told what was happening or asked permission to tear or cut anything. I want to be fully aware of everything this time. She said it was probably a reaction to the gas and air and not the epidural. But when I think back why did the MWs not stop my gas and air if I was going mad?? I can only describe it as being unbelieveably drunk and remember snips of the whole thing. I remember them putting the cathater tube in to make me pee after the epidural as I obv couldn't feel if I had to go or not but it went everywhere cause there was so much of it and the MW was roaring at another to get another bed pan it was just so horrible. I'm nearly crying thinking about it now. I was told to keep down my screaming because i was upsetting the other patients, I just remember being hysterical from start to finish and mostly having no control. From my experience and from talking to them recently they are very pro epidural up there. I don't know what to do DH is useless at that. He is a real mans mans and does not want to talk about that kind of stuff the only thing he said was he didn't see the point in being in pain if there was relief there? Two friends that I have asked one said - Just get it its the best thing every why in gods name would you not and be in pain? and the other never had it but purely because she has had 3 really quick labours with no time for epi but she said she was fine and didn't see the fuss about it?

I know I'll go in with an open mind, I won't rule it out but I would like not to have it but then again they said you will need either epi or gas and i really don't want the gas. I'm so confused, esp if they so epidural up there, they constantly nagged me to get it the last time.
oh my goodness, I did not realise how long that was - I went on a little rant!!

Sorry :)
Banana, you absolutely do not need an epidural for a normal healthy routine birth! As they shouldn't be able to force you to have one if you don't want it. Go into the birth armed with education. Know about each choice and why or why not you want it and speak up. Advocate for yourself. If you go into labor and decide holy cow I'm not doing this naturally then go for that epidural! But don't be bullied into it if you're okay without it and don't want it.

Have you seen the Business of Being Born? That sparked something in me and sent me learning all I could about birth options. With twins a lot of those choices are taken away from me but with one baby and a normal healthy pregnancy you do and should have choices and control over the care and treatments you're given.

Sorry that was a bit of a soap box! Haha I'm all for women having whatever birth they want. If it's the epidural route then go for it! If it's a planned c section you want go for it. If you want a natural birth then do it! What's right for one woman and one birth isn't right for everyone. Just be educated about your choice. They all have their own ups and downs.
Mama! Congrats! One of each. That is so sweet!

Banana, you're coming right along.

Any word from Isaac? I hope you ladies are well. Baby Brooklynn is growing up so fast. She is up to 10lbs now and such a happy baby. I'm praying for you ladies who are getting close to delivery.
Hi everyone! I hardly ever come on we anymore and I'm sorry for being rubbish at staying in contact but it's great to see how well you are all doing!
Huge congratulations mama on expecting a girl and boy, how perfect.

We are just thinking about trying for number 3. I'm now back to thinking about temping and opks. I'm only on cycle 2 since stopping breast feeding, first cycle my LP was 7 days only! I'm hoping it was a one off but guess I'll see this month. Annoyingly I didn't opk or temp since Friday and think I may have ovulated and now not sure when my LP started. Frustrating. I forgot how confusing all this stuff was!
Ah I just logged on to scream how excited I am - no particular reason just got an overwhelming burst of excitement this morning on the way in the car this morning!!

Happy & Hann - so great to hear from ye!! Glad all is going well, Hann I cannot believe Henry is 1 is that right?? and you are going for no.3 its frightening how quickly times goes WOW!! I hope you just get it this time and its not too hard to get that BFP!! Wow can't believe we are starting taking about opks and temps again! Please keep us updated on how you getting on? How long did it take you to get your last BFP, I can't remember?

Well as for my epidural or no epidural - I have calmed down a bit. Woke up this morning with the most horiffic pains turned out to be wind but sweet Jesus it was agony made me decide I will be looking for an epi straight away if they are anything to go by!! Ah no still confused but have a feeling I'll end up getting one, I'm obv a bit of a wimp!

Issac - how are you coping with the heat?? presume its the same over there. I have suffered the last few days bit overcast today thank god!!

Mama, I love love love your nursery. Can't believe we have the same boys name picked!! If my bump is a boy which is suspect it is, he will be James Michael and a girl is Charlotte Louise. I think I am set on them now was swaying between two names but that def seems to be a firm favorite now!

Yesterday was the first day I got to say "next month" when people asked when I was due, all very exciting. Few fears starting to creep in about the baby being ok, downs etc... but hopefully that just normal!


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