TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Thank you MamaMac. Hope you're doing well. I just tried on wedding dresses today and found the perfect one!

Oh fun! When's the wedding?? :) will the dress work with a growing belly or is the wedding going to be after baby is already here?
Finally have a real bump! I look pregnant now instead of just fat haha
Also 14 weeks today! Officially second trimester! Yay! :happydance:


Heard both babies heartbeats at the midwives on Tuesday. So exciting! HRs were 150 and 140.

Bad news is my blood pressure was crazy high. I'm convinced I have white coat syndrome and keep freaking out in the office worrying about getting bad baby news. But it was so high my midwife freaked out and sent me to the ER! It was something like 175/105. Scary high!

She's also transferring care to an OB. I got kicked out of midwife practice! I'm bummed but also think it's probably for the best. I'd rather transfer sooner than later and with twins who knows what complications will come up. The OB I'm being referred to is one my midwife recommended and he's supposed to be open to natural birth options so we'll see.

Anyway I went to the ER and by the time they checked me my bp was 124/80! Totally fine! I seriously just freak out in the office. It's so dumb. But I'm glad it's not constantly so scary high.

Ultrasound next Wed! Can't wait!
i havent been on in so long either... catch me up really quickly EVERYONE pregnant???
Yeah I think we all are runnergirl! I got pregnant with a little help had iui which resulted in twins but lost one very early on. I'm almost 29 weeks with another little boy and feeling fairly good. Banana is about 25-26 weeks team yellow. She got pregnant with clomid and trigger shot I think? Mama as you can see is pregnant with twins after taking femera I think? Happy just had a baby girl few weeks old! So us few stragglers finally got our bfps took some time but got there in the end!
How are you and your boys getting on?
Hey girls

Hey Runnergirl, I was thinking about you the other day was going to send you a private message to let you know we were finally ALL PREGNANT!! Hard to believe it was just over 2 years ago you started this thread! Issac is right I finally got my BFP after 18 months of ttc went to a fertility clinic and did 2 months of clomid and triggers and got it on 2nd month was due for IVF with icsi the following month!

We had just one left to go then mama but she kept going and boy was it worth waiting for she is 14 weeks with twins now!!

Omg I just cried, but wanted to thank you for setting up the thread, none talks about ttc to much well not around here so I am pretty sure I would have totally lost my marbles if it wasn't for this thread!!

Phew anyway, great to see you looking so well mama, it sooo exciting to get the bump isn't it! nothing worse then the fat stage!! I cannot wait for the results of your US. You won't be able to tell if they are boys or girls yet will you? Are you going to find out when you can? Hope the bp keeps down x

Question for you ladies, if I have not asked already yet, during the US if its a girl can you see anything ??

I ask because, I told them I didn't want to know as soon as I went in for my scan. Half way through the scan I joked to DH "don't you be looking for bits and bobs!". Few mins later the lady doing the US said to DH " did you see anything there" to which Joe replied "No" then she said "Oh I was right in-between the legs there". So I am fully sure she has told me indirectly that its a boy. Do you ladies know is there anything to see if its a girl??

I don't actually want to know but I do love the guessing!!
Banana think with a girl you can see three distinct lines and boys an obvious willy and scrotum. I saw this little one by accident at 16 weeks so had to confirm it at 20 weeks really! Are you hoping for certain sex? All well otherwise?
Mama great bump pic and great news about hearing both heartbeats!
Here's my nearly 29 week bump feeling large! 4 week countdown at work


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Hey ladies! Ha my ultrasound today and both babies are looking great! Moving around and soooo cute! It was awesome!

Currently though I'm at the ER. I have some random numbness in my upper left thigh. Called a nurse hotline and they freaked me out. Wanted to send an ambulance for me! So I rushed to the ER (I literally live across the street thank goodness so no crazy ambulance needed) and after seeing the triage nurse it appears the nurse hotline is a load of crap. Annoying as I'm now stuck here waiting for who knows how long but I'm happy it doesn't appear to be as urgent as it might have been. Hopefully all is well.
Oh mama - Are you ok!! Sounds so dramatic!! I would imagine its something to do with blood changes or babies sitting on things moving and trapping nerves ?????

Hope you are resting anyway and taking it easy regardless.

All well here nothing to report really. Didn't feel a whole pile of movement last night or this mornign was going to call doc but the karate kicks are in full swing again now thank god. Other then that feeling well. Still very tired but nothing worth complaining about really!

Going mad, I have a list of stuff I want/need to get done with the house by the end of June, I've put money aside from savings and its like trying to get blood out of stone trying to get tradesmen to do the work or even just come and quote us.

I want to:

Paint the outside of the house (and a little inside)
Get built in wardrobes
Get proper bed and lockers in the guest room
Do up my hallway.
Get all my light fittings in
Get some shape on my Garden

We are just over a year in the house now and we kind of got lazy after we moved in so I really want to pull the finger out now. I will never listen to a tradesmen telling me how awful the ression is and there is no work at all out there - LiES!!

How is everyone else, any plans for the weekend? I am on a shoestring budget this week trying to pay for all of the above but my urge to buy baby stuff is overwhelming for somereason just small stuff like blankies, towels, nappies!!!

26 weeks today :) 98 days to go down to single digits!!! :)
Poppy Checklist 2014!

Labour room bag (bring this when going in):
2 Nightdress with buttons at front
Bra and pants to change into after labour
Breast pads
Maternity pads
LIGHT Dressing gown
Slippers and flipflops
Dark Towel
Face cloths x2
Snacks - cereal bars
2 Bottles of water
Hair clips / hair band
Lip balm
phone and charger
Ipod & charger
Hair Brush
Make up
Hand Mirror

For Hospital (Leave in car until assigned a room):
2 Pyjamas
4 dark Towels
Black washing bags
Big Knickers
Socks & Slippers
Nursing Bras
Face Cloths
Breast Pads
Nipple Cream
Maternity pads
3 nursing Bra’s
Arnica tablets
Tea tree oil & distilled witch hazel
2 Bottles of water
Soft baby sponge
Sucky sweets
Clothes to come home in and shoes
Snacks - cereal bars, granola mix for weetabix
Notebook & pen
Shower Gel
Toothpaste & toothbrush
Face wipes/wash
shower cap
Flip Flops Have
hair dryer & Straightner
Hair Brush Have
Hand Mirror
Dettol Wipes

For Baby/hospital (Leave in Car till you in the room):
3 x White baby vests
3 x Babygro’s
6 x Bibs/muslin squares/burping cloths
2 x Blankets
1 x Baby Mits
3 x Soft towels for baby - Hooded towel
1 x Hat
Newborn nappies
Bepanthan nappy ointment & sudocream
Nappy bags
Baby wipes
Sterilised soothers
Pillow cases/fitted sheet for baby’s cot
Super soft baby sponge/Cloth

Baby Equipment @ Home
cot bed & matress & Sheets`
changer for downstairs with bath in it
sound & movement monitor
bouncey Chair
breast pump
Milk Bags
bath towels
change bag
muslin cloths
nappy bin/bags
Car Seat
Cot Mobile
So far so good....the numbness is spreading though. Now it's the whole top and left side of my left thigh. But I called OBs office and they said it's all fine and to just watch for redness, pain and/or heat at the numb areas. So far none of that so think it's fine and normal. I posted about it on my blog and now all these moms are telling me they had it as well. Wish they'd have mentioned it before so I knew it was a normal pregnancy symptom! Lol

Today I've got a massive headache which sucks BUT we find out genders one month from today!!! Yay! It's also the anniversary of when I met my DH today! 5 years now! Love him to pieces :)

Banana thanks for posting the packing list! I need to start thinking about that stuff now as I don't want to be worrying about it if I end up on bedrest early on. I feel the need to get everything in order very early. DH and I are working on house projects and need to start working out the nursery. My mom visits next month so she will be helping with that as well. :) so much to look forward to in June! :) I also turn 32!
Mama did you find out if they are identical or not?? I don't recall seeing, ?

That is annoying about the numb but least you know it's ok and what to look out for.

Yeah I am mad trying to getting stuff done and ready. Went into town yesterday and got a few of the small bits blankets, towels, nappies etc... so exciting!! And I suppose it's unlikely you will go to 40 week with twins do you?
No I can't imagine I'll make it that far. The goal is to get to 37 weeks which is officially full term for twins.

Still don't know of they're identical or fraturnal. They have two sacks and two placentas which I thought meant fraturnal but apparently even identical twins can end up with seperate sacks and placentas if the embryo splits really early on. Never knew that! So if it's boy/girl we'll know fraturnal and if they're both boys or both girls we'll have to wait and see. Might have to do a DNA test to confirm unless they look nothing alike. Haha I'm still predicting boy/girl though :)
Oh a boy and girl would be so lovely best of both worlds! I would say chances are fraternal considering you were on med s, I had two eggs most months I got scanned.

Cannot wait for you to find out!

So I am the only team yellow currently or even in the history of this thread!??!?!?
Hey Ladies

how are ye??? V quiet in here. Any news or updates or is everyone just ticking along.

Mama how is the numbness, countdown is on for your gender scan!

Issac. Are you all set, When are you or have you packed your bags.

I think I'll try to have mine packed for 32/34 weeks may as well, will do no harm - just incase. Although knowing my luck I'll go over again DS was 9 days over. I told DH come July he will be on full bding duty again (like ttc) and i'll be pounding the streets while sipping my raspberry tea, he says fat chance that I can barely waddle at the moment doubt i'll be running or pounding any streets come July!

I know its silly and should be the last thing on my mind but the though to squeezing into a bridesmaid dress 6 weeks after is tormenting me. I wasn't exactly skinny minnie before but I'm an all or nothing kind of girl - starve or stuff and if I wasn't pregnant I would have went into starvation mode before the wedding and went down to a UK8/10 (US6/8 - i think) but I know I'm going to be a UK12-14 (US10-12ish). I know I'm going to struggle mentally and physically not being able to diet in the weeks before the wedding while breastfeeding. The instinct is just in me to starve before an event. I don't want to sound petty or silly and I know whats important hence why I am still choosing to bf instead of bottle and diet, I just know how hard it will be.

I think all this stuff about loosing weight while bfing is a bit exagerated. I told couple of my friends what I eat now which is my carefree what I want style and they said its still not enough for bfing?? and I read on the bfing forum that f all people loose weight while feeding :(

At the mo I have maybe

Bowl of Rice Krispies and/or two slices of toast with butter and marmaldae
Sandwich or wrap or soup and bread
Dinner could be anything from spag bol to salad to creamy pasta, spuds meat and veg.
Before bed, a yoghurt and fruit maybe sometimes a naughty bag of tayto but certainly not every night.

Banana - sounds like you're better than me. I'm eating constantly! Lol

My body aches and pains are getting intense and I'm not even halfway yet. Blah. My tailbone pain is sooooo bad and my numb thigh aches by the end of the day. Feels like I've been walking around Disneyland all day everyday!

Can't wait to find out gender! I want so bad for my doc to tell me to stop working. Haha I'm so tired and achy and working is getting hard but I can't afford to just up and stop working. If I get a doctors say then I can get sick pay for a couple months till my maternity benefits kick in. Otherwise I have to suffer through the summer till End of August to keep my pay. Blah. So just want to be resting up and preparing for babies!
Oh mama - you sound in pain!! Have you been to a chiropractor, I had never been before but have found them just amazing. I would be curled up in a ball right now if I hadn't went to her I'm sure. If you do see if you can get once who specailises in pregnancy or even just knows a thing or two about it.

Ha if I was let be home all day I'd just sleep all day! So I'm better of where I am!

Feels like ages away but myself, mammy and sister have booked into a hotel in Dublin in July with a spa treat so can't wait for that just wish it was now!

Getting my hair done on Friday and a very very much needed facial my skin just seems to be in crap lately. Which is an oldwives tales for a girl apparently if its a boy you will glow but if its a girl she will steal your looks!! So we'll see. I'm still stuck on two boys and two girls names but apparently thats not bad going some people have no idea until they are born.

Have you though of any names yet mama??

Banana I'm so jealous! I want a spa day! That sounds fabulous!

What are the names you've picked out? We have our names picked for boy/girl twins.

Brooke Alishea Rose
James Adam Phillip

If it's two girls we will use the girl name for one but no clue on the second girl. Hubby loves the name Justice but I'm just not keen on it at all.

If it's two boys then we'd break up the boys name between the two as James Adam and Phillip are all special family names and I wouldn't want to give them all to one boy and none to the other. But I don't have any name combinations figured out for that. I'm so dead set that it's a boy and a girl that I've decided not to think about other names for now haha
Ha mama one of our boys names is James!

Dylan James Evans
James Michael Evans
Kara Louise Evans
Charlotte Louise Evans

Both James, Michael and Louise are special family names. Ds is Billy Peter Evans christened William but never been called that.

I love your names mama but I wouldn't be gone at all no justice at all so hope you win on that one!

You feeling movement yet? When is usual for twins earlier or later?

I'm v uncomfortable not sore just uncomfortable last 2 days and seem to have doubled in size. Think baby is doing a full 360 turn as we speak v weird feeling!

Other den that all Good have to say
Oh I like your names as well. Very nice :)

I'm uncomfortable too. I swear each night sleeping gets tougher. Last night I kept waking up with hip pain, heartburn and numb hands that just ached. Blah.

No movements yet I don't think. There's been a couple times I thought maybe I felt them but it's so brief I can't be sure. Can't wait to feel them more regularly.

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