TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Banana I didn't ovulate at all when I BF Henry and he slept through the night early on (like 12 weeks). I didn't ovulate until I completely stopped feeding him on his 1st birthday. My next two cycles I did ovulate I think but not until day 20/21 and then LP was 8 days, then this month with agnus castus I didn't ovulate at all and AF has definitely started so it was a 3 week cycle and I spotted for 6 days before starting AF! I'm not taking agnus castus again! Just going to wait and see how long it takes for my hormones to settle as I'm not in a hurry. It's just more frustrating to have things not working right (as your guys know!).
So your plan to start earlier is a good one I think if you are keen to get going quicker. I think bf massively messes up hormones, the longer you feed the worse it seems to be for me!
hey Hann

I'm not expecting to ov while bf but if I did I'd be happy to be 9 moths again this time next year!!

you hear so many mixed stories about getting pregnant or not while bf. it's good you not in a hurry you would have drove yourself potty! I think the longest I will feed for is 6 months but if I really want to get pregnant I will stop at 3 month minimum. I'd say you're right they totally run havoc on your hormones so to add that to all the problems we had last year could be a total disaster! den again I've known a few people to have trouble ttc and next time sound st ended up a surprise!

they say it's mother natures contraceptive sounds like they right!!
oh did I tell ye my sister who is 4 years trying is now 4 months pregnant told us last month. got it on her 6 th and last iui.

dh just rang me pissed as a fart and with no signs of stopping, pray I don't go tonight!!! I'll be stranded in the countryside with a v drunk husband in town!
Banana, that's great about your sister!!! Sorry about DH though. I'm lucky mine doesn't drink....he is however a video gamerholic! lol I'll go into labor and he'll be like, "just a min babe, gotta build this thing over here first..."

Men :dohh:
Oct 30 is my 40 weeks but we don't expect I'll go that long. The goal is 37 weeks. That's full term for twins. A lot of my twin mom friends went around 31-36 weeks.

The longer we go the better chance they won't need NICU.

I'm planning to go vaginal if Brooke (Baby A) is head down. If she's breech it will be a c section. If I do vaginal my doc insists strongly on an epidural in case baby b gives us complications. I'm not happy about that but I've accepted it. Who knows, maybe once those contractions start I'll be thrilled to be getting it! Haha
I remember on one born every minute a woman having twins refused an epidural she had 5 babies without doctors nearly begged her to have one as even if baby a was head down ready to go as soon as baby a war out baby b would somersault into any possible position and have to be turned manually by hand which without an epidural but would excruciating but bearable with. she regretted not getting it is all I can say! I'd go with doc advice on this one if I were you! so really your looking at end of September or early October!

I am seriously considering epidural now have discovered despite what I thought for last 7 years I was only 5cm when I got it with ds even though they told me I was nearly too late the midwife looked up last week and seen who my midwife was back then and said It explained everything she was an old witch. she said it was most likely the gas and air that made me hillocanate but it shouldn't have happened. I'll still play it by ear but not so worked up about having it or not anymore. I know I'll need some sort of pain relief and I know I won't take the Gas and air and if I have to choose between mental control or physical control I'll choose the mental and have the epidural and at least have my wits about me. god when I think back now I was so out of my mind last time like I was still screaming after the baby came out. I just know no matter what I do not want it to be like last time in any way shape for form.

I am very ready to go now I just want to be a normal person again have suffered so many aches and pains this Pregnancy nothing like the first one which was a breeze dunno if it's cause i older or second generally worse or just coincidence but I'm over being pregnant now!

need to double check my hospital bags tomorrow, I know they 95% ready but there were 1 or 2 things to go in them and other stuff that can't go in until last min like blowdryer and hair straightener and phone charger, change of clothes etc I'm using all my maternity clothes now have hardly any but will be wearing them straight after have no romantic ideas of fitting into normal clothes nor a evergreens a gigantic muffin top, will be living my maternity leggings for quite a while I think!

had a good big contraction while typing all that, wishful thinking it will amount to anything. anyway nearly midnight here I'm off to sleep. chat ye tomorrow :-)
Yes Banana - my doc said that very thing. If he needs to manually turn baby b I definitely don't want him doing that without an epidural! Plus if I did have to do emergency c section for Baby B I'd have to be put completely out and I'd miss it. So I'm resigned to the epidural. I was upset at first but now I've just accepted that twins isn't a normal pregnancy experience. I don really care how they get here as long as they get here safe and healthy!
I read a post about women feeling they shouldn't get the epidural cause they would feel less of a woman or mother and how they feel they should feel the pain of childbirth I was nodding the whole way through until I ready a comment at the bottom which a woman said no-one would get a tooth extracted without pain relief why on earth would someone feel they should push a whole baby out their vagina without it! made me giggle and feel better about probably having It!

we carry our babies for 9 months and whether it's epidural or fully natural or a c section birth it's only the cherry on top at the end. as long as they and us are safe and healthy at the end who bloody cares. there are women who have to give birth knowing their baby will only live for seconds or even that they might die as a result of other conditions.

that's how I'm looking at it now for next few weeks anyway. plus be grateful we have the option look a women in poorer countries without anyproper maternity or medical care.

I lost a tiny bit of my mucus plug this morning just a little while I've had tons of creamy cm whole way through this mar like clear jelly no blood and only a tiny bit got so excited but nothing since. have panicked and double checked my bags and brought my waxing appointment forward to tomorrow instead of Friday! wishful thinking I'm sure but well see!!
ha look at me total 360 turn after being so scared and unsure of what to do just a few posts ago. did a lot of reading on it last night and gave myself the good kick up to bum I needed!
Hey girls quick message as just so busy atm. It's been non stop since Edwards arrival. He is 3 weeks old now and doing really well. Breastfeeding going well also and he is thriving on it. He was weighed yesterday and was 7lb15oz they chunky thing. Not sure what i mentioned about the birth but it went so smoothly although very painful. He was so mellow when he arrived he didn't cry for 24hrs. Midwives say it was probably because he was born in the water with no intervention. I thoroughly recommend water births and would choose it again of another baby was on the cards. I just have a few pounds to shift but otherwise back to normal.
Anyway banana you must be ready to pop if you haven't already? How are you feeling?
Mama hope those twinkles behave themselves so you can have the birth you want. You seem very pro natural! How are you getting on?
Nice to hear from you han. Good luck with ttc #3 how exciting!
Hi to anyone else I've missed.
Isaac your birth experience sounds so positive. Wish so much I could do a water birth with no interventions. Just not in the cards with twins.

I met with an anesthesiologist this week who basically told me everything I feared he would. Makes me dread the epidural even more. Part of me seriously wants to tell them I won't do it but then if something does go wrong with James's delivery we won't have time for a spinal or epidural and I'll get totally knocked out and miss the birth.

So my boss FINALLY hired my replacement. She was supposed to start Monday so I'd just help her get settled and be done but because they took so stinking long to pick someone now she can't started for another week so I'm now working another full week next week. I'm sort of pissed about it as I told them back in July that I wasn't going to be okay till end of Aug. But my boss has made arrangements to make the week easier for me so hopefully it won't be too awful. I'm exhausted today though. So tired of working. I'm having a lot of Braxton Hicks too which makes me think I'm over doing it. I just need to be resting. I'm so worried about them coming early. :(

Banana how are you babe???
30 weeks today! ::happydance::

Banana - haven't heard from you and you've surpassed 40 weeks so I'm assuming your little one has arrived! Can't wait to hear how it went and see pics!!! :) hope you are well!
Hope all is well banana!

Mama!!! You have come sooo far! How are you feeling? Not too much longer for you hun!

Shey, it'll pass by before you know it.

Our LO is 4 months today. She is growing up so fast.
Oh i kno. This is my 2nd baby. My son is 6 yrs old.

Hope all is well banana!

Mama!!! You have come sooo far! How are you feeling? Not too much longer for you hun!

Shey, it'll pass by before you know it.

Our LO is 4 months today. She is growing up so fast.
Thanks Happy, can't believe your little one is so big now!!!

I'm feeling fat haha blimp... Whale....Etc pretty much sums it up. But okay considering :)
Oh I could imagine. I know how I felt prego with one. With 2, you probably feel like I did at 39 weeks. Whew! Keep cooking those babies and take it easy.

I miss being prego :( DH and I can't decide if we any another or not. We would love one more, but financially we know that 2 may be best. It just makes me sad to know I may never feel that feeling again.
Hope all is well banana!

Mama - excited for your announcement! Not long now!

Happy - I felt like you do, having 2 and knowing you may not have another is hard. We think we will have another but who knows. I'm off to see the fertility consultant on 10th sept, think I'm not ovulating at all despite the postive opks, my LP is 8 days at best and I'm showing low progesterone. I don't know what he'll do, possibly clomid but then I will be cares stiff I could end up with twins - nothing wrong with that but I'm not sure how I would cope with two at once plus 2 others. I guess I just wait and see what he says.....
Oh girls Edward is only 5 weeks and already know I'd like another! My plan is to nurse for 6 months and then have my periods return and we'll ntnp for the next year or 2 MAX. We won't be having any more treatments. One because of cost and like han says the risk of multiples is too high and having more than one wouldn't be desirable! Even though I moaned towards end of pregnancy and lost Edwards twin, I love being pregnant and going for scans etc. I sometimes wonder if it's a slightly obsession I have, I don't know? Hope you get your cycles sorted out han xx
Issac - did you have clomid with Edward? It is a tad of a worry for me! Apparently you're more likely to have twins if you are tall too and I am!
No han I didn't take clomid but had fertility treatment. Had iui with injectables to stimulate at time of iui I had 3 mature follicles so we knew the risk. When we had our first scan I was still in shock to see 2 babies. We were overjoyed and got used to the idea of having 2 when we discovered one had passed at nearly 10 weeks. Was devastated! Banana took clomid though and only has one onbboard. Think it increases the risk a little bit but with monitoring it should be ok. They usually monitor first cycle taking clomid

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