TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Happy - glad your little one is doing well!!

Hann - so good to hear from you again and can't believe you're starting work on #3!!!! So exciting!

Banana - next month!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! And I love we both picked James! Charlotte was one of my girl picks too haha but DH wasn't keen on it.

Hope you're all surviving the heat. We actually had a major cool down yesterday and last night I actually slept well and used blankets! It was fabulous!

Yesterday my fingers swelled up a bit and my wedding ring got stuck! I managed to get it off but decided it should stay off. Feel naked without it! Might run out this weekend and get a cheapy fake ring to wear so I don't feel so weird! Haha
Hello ladies. So nice to hear for you Hann.

Banana, all normal worries hun :)

Mama, so glad the twins are doing well.

Anyone heard from Isaac?

So we are having a bit of a "scare" at the moment. DH and I haven't decided if we want more babies yet. We wanted to give it a few years and we opted for the Mirena IUD for birth control. AF arrived the day before it was implanted and I have bled off and on since. Now, this was June 11th and my first cycle after DD. I have bled off and on since. We did have sex before the IUD was placed and my doctor also did a pregnancy test before it was placed. I always dream of fish/water when I'm expecting and I have been having those same "pregnancy" dreams as I did the whole time with our LO. I'm too scared to take a test. I am just wondering the probability of being pregnant WITH the Mirena. I googled and most of the stories I found were of women who just went on and missed their period or it was months/years after having it inserted. Since I have been bleeding on/off this whole time I'm guessing I'm being paranoid. Any stories of friends or family members would be greatly appreciated. I know the only way to know is to test but I feel scared and silly lol.
Happy - I'd just test Hun, so often our bodies and especially our minds react to our fears. The bleeding could just be your body adjusting to the Mirena I bet. Or your body just trying to get its groove back after baby. The dreams could easily just be coming from your fear that you are pregnant. If yourself a test then at least you really know. Sometimes the stress of not knowing makes it all worse.

Plus, I have no idea I'd this is an issue but does Mirena pose any risks to a baby? If there is a little one in there it's probably better and safer to know sooner than later.

:hugs: good luck babe and let us know!!!
Oh Happy, i just logged on after ages and seen your post. Have you tested yet. As mama said it could just be a reaction to the mirena and your body trying to adjust. I had the mirena in for nearly 5 years before ttc this bump. I never bleed with it the whole 5 years except just after it was inserted a little. I know people who have full regular periods with it. Everyone is different.

Hope all is ok x

Anyone heard from Issac, she must be due about now she was 2-4 week ahead of e and I have only 4 weeks left???

Mama, I would feel so naked without my wedding ring, my feet have swollen up a few times but it always goes down again. Once they were so bad i couldn't walk they felt like cushions! Watch out for the swelling, you know it can be a sign of preeclampsia (sp?) and if you have said before you are overweight I think you could be slightly higher risk. Saying that I'm sure its jut the heat, there are lots of non pregnant women over here complaining about swollen feet!!

How you feeling in general mama?? Excited/sick/sore/great??????

Yeah I've been worried about preeclampsia. I'm overweight to start and having twins increases the risk and so does giving higher blood pressure and I've always been borderline high. Then I got all swollen and put on 9 pounds in a week so all of that made me panic. But I talked to two different nurses and both told me everything sounds normal so far. I'm supposed to watch for blurry vision, nasty headaches and a spike in my blood pressure. So far none of that so I think it's all just normal pregnancy blahness.

I'm feeling pretty awful now. My numb thigh is soooo sore all the time and I can't stand for more than 5-10 mins at a time without needing to sit and rest. But pregnancy is going well overall so it's all okay.

How are you feeling Banana?? Can't believe you're almost done!
I know I am starting to get so scared now 4 weeks left. I had to go on a few days bed rest last week - got very painful regular contractions last Wednesday morning for about 4 - 5 hours. Was told it could start up again or they could disappear and not come back for 4 weeks no-one knows. They said it was too early (35+5) but if it did happen they wouldn't try to stop it. Thankfully resting did the trick and nothing the same since. Alot of Braxton Hicks ALOT but I know the difference between them and the ones I had last week.

I'm due to finish work in 2 weeks but going to go hell for leather over next few days so if something does happen, I can finish in peace and not be annoyed or pissed I didn't get something finished. Very very uncomfortable now but thankfully not long left!!

Went to a breastfeeding class last week to and it was really really good, turns out I did everything wrong with DS thats why it didn't work. Hoping it will work much better this time now with proper latch etc..

Have found a new name that I like, what do ye think of Lucy?

I sent Issac a private message but no word from here - hope she is ok, she is due around now or def within next 2 weeks

Hey girls yeah all ok here thanks for asking about me! Been tied up with on thing or another. So yeah still pregnant just patiently waiting for my little Edward to make his grand entrance. Been having early onset labour pains for last few weeks which is now doing my head in. Having a sweep 4 days after due date if needed as I really am getting fed up now. Not particularly big but the pains are tiring me out. Painful contractions every 3 mins for hours then they just fizzle out so annoying! Anyway so excited to meet my boy and it will all be a distant memory.
Banana thanks for the message. Wow your almost term congratulations on getting so far and o agree I like the name lucy. Choosing a name this time around has been so hard. Finally we both agreed on Edward!
Mama your clocking up those weeks too, your past viability well done! Sorry your feeling awful but when your little twins arrive it will all be forgotten. Just rest up when you can.
Hey han nice to hear from you can't believe your ready to try for #3 when we're still on making #2 you go girl! So the adventure starts again for you! Good luck

Happy did you rule out pregnancy? Update us. Hope your ok xx
Hey Issac - Great to hear from you :)

How exciting you're 39+4 WOW!. Did you expect to get to your due date with the irritable uterus you had before. Cramps and pains are really really annoying and frustrating at this stage. I keep getting one huge contraction can barely breath through the pain and thats it then nothing for hours and hours. Lots of shooting pains and pinching pains literately feels like I have a water balloon between my legs which is about to burst. Everyone says I'll prob go early with so many aches and cramps and as much as I would love to murphys law I'll prob be 10 days over - I think thats how far they let you go before they induce you here.

Had serious issues at weekend, panic attacks about not being ready mentally or physically for the baby. Had a total nervous breakdown because I couldn't remember where I put the crib sheets that I bought, as soon as I went looking I found them but serious melt down before that. Freaked out incase i cannot breastfeed, if I have a cranky baby (DS was so so good) and can't cope. I'm so so tired already what will I be like with a baby. Anyway spent time getting all the baby stuff together in one room and talked to a friend and feel much better now. Still a little freaked out but much better.
Isaac - can't wait to hear about little Edward!!!! Can't believe you're already there!

Banana - sorry about the emotional meltdown. I think that's probably pretty normal with all the life changes and all the hormonal changes piling up.

I haven't had a meltdown really but I keep worrying about specific details like how will we handle losing my pay or how will I cope with no sleep or what if I can't breastfeed or what if I'm a bad mom. I don't really lose it but I sit in bed wondering and talking poor DH's ear off about it all.

101 days to go now! Almost double digits! :happydance:

I just realized something silly, this whole time in the group you guys were working on #2 while I was the odd ball working on #1 and then I ended up getting my #2 as well! Haha

Spent the weekend washing, sorting and downsizing all the baby clothes hand me downs. I had way too much! No way the babies would ever wear it all! I have so much 0-6 month clothes! I feel well prepared though.

Have a meeting with my doula tonight. Looking forward to that :) and a doc apt on Wed. And only 6 more weeks of work (assuming I make it that far!) it's all getting very real!

I've started being able to see my belly move when our little James gets really active! So fun! He was putting on a show for me and DH last night!
Hey girls say hello to baby Edward had him on the 22nd so he is 2 days old now. Had a natural delivery in a birthing pool it was a painful but beautiful birth. Weighing 6lb 5.5oz he is a dream boat with white blonde hair. No tears no medical intervention and recovering quickly just waiting for milk to come in. Life is good! Catch up soon I promise. Your turn next banana!


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Oh Isaac he's gorgeous!!! So exciting and sounds like a great birth experience!!!! So just Banana and I now! Eeeekkkk!!! So close!!!

Enjoy snuggling that cutie little guy! Big congrats!!! :hugs:
Issac he is lovely!!! Can't believe how blonde his hair is!! DS was born with jet black hair which turned brown same as myself and DH. Delighted everything went smoothly for you it sounds great (apart from the painful part of course!). You have no idea how much you just scared me saying "your next" I feel like someone is about to murder me in a horror movie!!

Oh the FEAR!!!!

Well done you though, update us with the whole story when you get time!!

Isaac! Congrats! He is beautiful! I can't wait to read your birth story.

I'm loving the names banana and mama. I'm happy to see you ladies are coming right along.

Well ladies I'm not prego. I took a test (negative) and then had a proper period a week later that was much heavier and lasted 2 weeks. I'll be glad when this IUD is situated. No wonder its good birth control... I've bled so much I haven't been able to have much sex. Can't get prego if you can't have sex.. Lol

Ok, so it's only been 3 months but I already miss being pregnant. We can't financially start trying again and I'm not even sure we will decide on another. I'm jut trying to enjoy my girls for now.
Congratulations Issac! Amazing news and what a cutie!

Love the names from banana and mama too!

Happy - glad you are getting sorted. :-)

No news from me really - I'm CD 19 - ovulated CD20/21 the past 2 cycles but this month I took agnus castus and I've been spotting since Saturday so think it's going to be annovulatory. Doesn't actually bother me as I'm in no hurry for number 3, but it's annoying nonetheless. I know you girls will understand when I say I just wish my body would work like it's supposed to!!
Lovely to hear all the news :-)
Happy & Hann nice to hear from you both!

Hann I can't believe you're on to #3 already!!!! Crazy! That's what I get for being the last one to the :bfp: party! lol
Mama I still think what a coincidence we were all trying for #2 and you for #1 but you still ended up with 1 & 2 together lol.

Hann I do not miss those days and I dread them if/when we decide to start trying again. Maybe next time it will just happen unexpectedly for us. That would just be lovely. 4 out of 5 people I know with IUD's have gotten prego. My good odds if you ask me. Lol.
Ha ha happy - that could just happen for you then!

I'm not sure no. 3 will actually happen - now cd 22 and still spotting/bleeding! Not ovulated yet. Guessing I messed this cycle up completely. Very annoying!
hey girls

happy glad you got the result you were looking for.

Hann I can't believe your back to it all its so weird! how old is Henry now?

I'm just not going back on any contraception after this one will be hopefully bf for 3 - 6 months so it's possible but unlikely I'll get pregnant straight away. I'd like to do the 6 months of bf but want to be pregnant asap don't want to delay it 6 months then have trouble again plus apparently it's v had to get them to sleep through the night when bf cause the milk is so light it runs through them. unless at 3 month's I can do a formula just at bedtime. ah well see just get It out of me first!!

have kicked off with the old wives tales, raspberry leaf tea, pineapple, nipple stimulation both manual and using breast pump had to stop the pump tho was getting yellow colloquium out, don't want to waste it!

no sex myself and dh have been on v different schedules last few weeks, exhausted all the time both of us plus I don't think he quite fancies me in my current whale like state and I can barely turn over in the bed at night without roaring in agony. might make the effort during the week we both off for few days.

he's out tonight so hopefully out of all my wishing tonight does not end up being the night he'd be drunk in the delivery room!

how are you mama!?!?
mama is 30th October your 40 week due date but do they expect you to go early with twins.

what's your plan, au natural, water, c-sec? ?

met a woman last week she is having triplets!!!!!

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