TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Hey runnergrl how are you doing?? Not seen you on here for some time x
Whooo hey Runnergirl. How are you getting on. I was just coming on to say - seems to be just me and Issac left on here!!

You're not going for No.3 too are you :)!

How are your bubs :)

Found another place at home that does private scans and the private medical will cover it too. So booked in for Monday evening. Am starting to show now which should be reassuring but I'm still a wreck wondering!

I thought I just looked a little chunky but last night DH came home and laughed straight in my face and pointed at my belly and said Ha have you really not told work yet!!

They are so sound but I am really dreading telling them cause it is a ball of hassle getting me replaced for 6 months!
I am already in my maternity clothes banana! I have been showing for a few weeks now and my work colleagues are asking me if I'm expecting again. Found the heartbeat on doppler few days ago so that's reassuring and I have a scan Monday and 12 week scan 2 weeks after! How are your symptoms or lack of them? my nausea has really increased this week and the exhaustion is killer!
Im great! just been so busy with work and the boys and I never get on anymore. just wanted to pop in and check on you all! so happy to see you are all well and loving on your babies!!

Ugh so frustrating!! I go from feeling like I'm really showing and super sick etc... to 100% grand the next day no bump much and feeling perfect.

Driving me nuts. Cannot wait for scan this evening. Still convinced will be some bad news but praying its not!

Well as you can see runnergirl we are doing mighty!!!
Good luck with your scan banana sure it will be fine! I had one today and saw baby jumping around measuring bang on dates 10 weeks 2 days. I'm hoping. Sickness is slowly improving last few days have been slightly better than the days before that. I felt awful!
Scan went great. Measuring ahead at 12+1 instead of 11+4 but they are keeping my original dates as the earliest scans are more accurate.

I am just delighted, have told the whole world now well DS1 has we brought him to the scan once I seen everything was ok, we brought him in! Only ones I haven't told yet are work but they know fine well and are teasing me all the time about it but I haven't admitted it yet!. Either that or they think I need to seriously diet!!

Most of my clothes still fit but I caught a glimpse of myself in the window in town today and I just look terrible and fat so I think I'll have to embrace the maternity clothes soon so get rid of the lumpy look!

Hope your sickness ends soon. It never ended for me with James. This one is weird its like day on - day off stuff. No consistenancy!!

So whats your due date 23rd/24th April?
Great news banana so pleased for you! I can't wait to get into the 2nd trimester now I hope I get there. Yeah well they have put my edd as the 21st April but I think I am 23rd/24th how about you?? X
See I don't understand that my EDD is 14th April and I'm 11+6 today but I've seen some people on here who are just a couple of days out from me but a due a week before or after!

Will you find out the sex of this baby!?!? Everyone figures I am mad for a girl but I'm not. Yeah it might be nice to have a daughter but I don't have that really want. Genuinely don't mind what this is. Its the last one and if I have 3 happy healthy baby boys I will be delighted. I did want DS1 and DS2 to be boys will admit that but honestly don't mind with this one. Some people keep going until they get the girl/boy. I know two couples who both have 8 kids and last one was what they wanted!!!

I am sure you'll get to the 2nd tri - chances of anything happening after having good scans and heartbeats drops to almost nothing!! :D Can't believe we due so close again!!

My guess is another boy dunno why just instinct although in theory we BD on CD9 and Ov maybe CD11-12 so should be a girl but god only knows!!

Finally embraced Maternity clothes today. Caught a glimps of myself in the window in town yesterday and I was just so lumpy and fat looking! Much rounder today now!

Hey ladies! Long time no see (or chat lol)

How is everyone doing!? Some of you are pregnant again?? Someone fill me in on who is still here and what everyone's status is!

I'm busy with my twins who just turned 1 a few weeks ago! So crazy how fast time is flying! Here are my little Halloween honeys!


I love being a mom so much! We've been dealing with getting my immigration in order so I can be eligible for health coverage again. Today I finally got to go apply for it. So now we can start thinking baby again! I'm currently on the mini pill as I was breastfeeding but I stopped a couple months ago. Now we are planning to stop my pill and see what happens. I'm going to start chatting again and see what my body decides to do. If in a cycle or two it becomes clear that I'm once again not ovulating and cycle is super long then I'm going to head straight back to my fertility doc and start up meds again. I hear lots of PCOS stories about people who get pregnant easy the second time after a difficult first time. That's happened to a few of my close friends. We are hoping that will be us too but not counting on it. Actually we keep telling ourselves to be ready for twins again just in case! Haha

Anyway so here we go! TTC again! Does anyone know, with the mini pill should I finish my current pack or does it matter? I just finished my period today so I'm thinking I'll just quit the pill now. Thoughts???

Happy to be back! :)
Oh Mama!!!! Been dying to hear from you!!!

So quick update. Myself and Issac are preggers again after a few highs and lows we both got our surprise BFP within a week or so of each other - both due in April (12-13 weeks now)
And Hann had a baby boy in July I think :)

Very quite on here Runnergirl popped in last week to say hi, she is doing great v busy :)

Oh just look at your little treasures!!

I too was hoping we would be the people after so long trying previously that would just get a very quick oh my gosh surprise bfp but unfortunately it didn't happen for us but yes it does happen for a lot of people so fx it is you.

You sound exactly like me. See how it goes for a wee while and then hit it with a sledge hammer!! Difference this time was there was no fluting around wondering and thinking and investigating. I had said to myself I'd do 3 months of ntnp then 3 months of temping and opks and TI and then see clinic but after 1 month of ntnp and 2 months of temp opk and ti and I knew it was the same as before and went straight to the clinic started tamoxifen that same day. 2 months later we got our BFP!

If you had just one next time wouldn't know yourself it would be a breeze compared to two!!

That's so awesome you both got your bfps around the same time!

And yes, I'm not wasting time this time around. We have to wait till January to see the doctor because of my health card delay so we are going to use that time to temp and see if I'm ovulating and if we can do this one our own. But if it's clear I'm not ovulating then we'll get into the doc ASAP! On the meds it only took 3 cycles last time so I'm hopeful it will work again if necessary.

I'm really excited to start trying again. I actually miss being pregnant hahaha and I miss my tiny babies! They grow way too fast I think! But my toddler babies are a riot and I'm loving every minute of mommy hood!

At the moment I'm sitting in a parking lot waiting for my babies to wake up from their car nap haha so just killing some time on here :) I need to go google around and see if I can just stop my birth control today or if I should finish out the pack with a normal pill you're supposed to finish it all but with the mini pill I don't know.

I wanted to temp this morning but couldn't find my thermometer before getting up haha will start temping tomorrow morning :)
What is the difference with the mini pill and normal pill?

Do you still get a regular period on the mini pill?

If you do I would finish the pack at least you will know where you stand cycle day wise?
Finally found online that you can stop the me I pill anytime in your cycle. It works differently. Basically it's progesterone only and it makes your cervical mucus really thick and no good for sperm to travel through. It can prevent ovulation but doesn't necessarily always do that.

Anyway so I stopped it yesterday and took a prenatal and an omega 3 instead haha

Yay for ttc! :dust:
Wow! So much going on :D Congratulations on the BFPs ladies and good luck with TTC Mama.

Looks like we're having a little reunion here haha!

I'm staying very busy with a 2.5 and 5.5 year old. Having a third is not even on my radar. Must admit I think you're all a bit crazy haha
Oh mama could that be an ov dip - can't wait to see over next few days!!

Were you having a regular cycle while on the mini pill!?!?

I've been flat out on gender prediction sites and every single person maybe 20+ in total say girl!!

Would be lovely but I honestly don't mind this time!! (I did have a secret preference for boys with Billy & James!)

Have you been BDing mama!!

How you feeling Issac - my sickness has pretty much lifted now just the odd bout. SPD and round ligament pain is killing me tho and still exhausted all the time.

Yeah I'm wondering if it could be an ov dip but that seems to easy and way too good to be true haha

With the mini pill I never had a regular cycle, I'd just bleed every month or so. I wasn't charting well or anything so it may have been more regular than I think, but it's definitely different than a normal birth control cycle. Apparently the mini pill doesn't even necessarily prevent ovulation from occurring. It just messes with your cm to make it too hard for the :spermy: to get to the egg.

I actually wonder if I did ovulate last cycle. I recently finished breast feeding (maybe 1-2 months ago) and let my milk dry up and I wonder if that's let my normal cycle restart. When I ov I just get crazy horny haha and I had a day like that last cycle and aunt flow arrived 1-2 weeks later. So I wonder if that's what happened. Makes me hopeful I will ov on my own now but we shall see....

We BD yesterday morning and I'm gonna drag him to bed for round two tonight just in case haha If by some miracle I am ovulating I don't want to miss it.

Hope you guys are doing well and those beans are growing well! :)
Thanks marieb and mama!
How exciting you're trying for #3 mama you skipped trying for #2 having your twins. I reckon you'll get your bfp in no time good luck Hun.
Banana what did you do with the gender prediction sites, upload scan pic or something?? Have you got a pic for us to see to take a guess?? I had my 12 week scan the other day official due date 22nd April all looked fine so just waiting on the downs results now bit nerve wracking. Slowly feeling bit better but nausea has hit me bad today, grrrr! We are staying team yellow this time as we found put with the boys so going to do it differently as this will be our last. I'm staying very much in the middle I have no idea what's in there. X
So my temp jumped back up today but not high enough to convince me....will see over the next couple days. DH didn't come to bed in time last night haha I was already dead asleep so no BD. hopefully we didn't miss it if it did happen.

How's everyone doing today? :) how are those beans doing?? :)

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