TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

Holly, that's so cool you used a midwife...I never thought I would consider it, I thought I'd be the "epidural now!" type :haha: But my best friend had her first in the hospital and had an awful experience so her second time around she did her homework and ended up having a home birth with a midwife and loved it! So much so that she became a doula. Her experiences made me start researching and asking a lot of questions and the more I learn the more confident and convinced I am that midwives and home births just plain make sense if you have a healthy normal pregnancy. I'm grateful medicines there for when it's needed but I will not be one of those women who get force interventioned right into an operating room for unnecessary c section. So insane! How did you like the midwife experience. How did you feel about it In a hospital? Did you go natural? :) I love hearing how people's births went....anyone else want to share theirs too? I know most of you are TTC #2 :)

So my big news is that I did another cm check about an hour ago and the Ewcm is back and getting stretchier! (TMI? Lol well hey, if we can't share that stuff here where can we right? :haha: ) so I'm going to OPK here in just a bit....

I had a not so great birth experience. I had prodromal back labor for five days leading up to actual labor which was really exhausting. I didn't even know thats what it was until the pain got so intense that I went to the hospital thinking I had some infection or a pulled muscle. Turns out I was contracting at least every 4 minutes. I was only 1cm dilated though so I got sent home. Continued to have contractions every 4-5 minutes for the next day and finally went back to the hospital the next evening. I was a 4 so they admitted me. I dilated to 5 pretty easily but after that I stopped, despite the contractions (back labor sucks) coming almost on top of each other. They were also super busy that night so I had to stay in one of those tiny rooms they use for assessments for 12 hours. Only left it to walk the halls and use the bathroom. Finally, that morning around 9 I got a room and opted to get the epidural since I had only dilated to a 6! They broke my water and gave me pitocin in order to encourage things to move along. My body didn't respond right away so there was some talk of a c-section but finally I dilated to a 10. I pushed for 2.5 hours and then DS was finally born! I was so exhausted that the first few hours of his life are a complete blur. I don't even remember hearing his first cry :(

His birth really showed me some of the problems with our maternal care system and that's why I decided to become a birth doula! OH and I both agree that next time we'll be having a midwife attended home birth.
I got a pos HPT at 12dpo too!

For a couple cycles I started testing at 7DPO on. Seeing all those negative results really upset me though. I think at this point I'd rather just get AF than see another negative.

i totally agree on this one.. BUT I can never wait till Im late to test so its a catch 22! I think Gail is wrong...I predict your :bfp: in JUNE with a Girl!
I got a pos HPT at 12dpo too!

For a couple cycles I started testing at 7DPO on. Seeing all those negative results really upset me though. I think at this point I'd rather just get AF than see another negative.

i totally agree on this one.. BUT I can never wait till Im late to test so its a catch 22! I think Gail is wrong...I predict your :bfp: in JUNE with a Girl!

Haha that would be awesome! I really hope you're right.
I find out I as pregnant with DS in June, so maybe it's my lucky month?

FX June will be yours too!
I got a pos HPT at 12dpo too!

For a couple cycles I started testing at 7DPO on. Seeing all those negative results really upset me though. I think at this point I'd rather just get AF than see another negative.

i totally agree on this one.. BUT I can never wait till Im late to test so its a catch 22! I think Gail is wrong...I predict your :bfp: in JUNE with a Girl!

Haha that would be awesome! I really hope you're right.
I find out I as pregnant with DS in June, so maybe it's my lucky month?

FX June will be yours too!
Thanks, but ours wont be in June. It will hopefully be july, so we can switch places, lol.. my next cycle, I am not due to ovulate till the first week in july.. we will be on vacation, so that would be kind of cool to conceive on our 4th of july holiday:) Two March babies would be SUPER!
So now that I caught up on my replies here are my symptoms for 7-8dpo:
Nausea (has severe ms with ds)
Twinges (not cramps but still uncomfortable)
Sore boobs
Frequent urination (I feel like I'm 8 months pregnant again)
Increased appetite
My temps are still up so fingers crossed!

Awesome Holly! Your symptoms and chart all sound/look right on! I bet you're gonna be our first :bfp: here soon!!!! :happydance:
Holly- your chart is looking so good! And your symptoms sound really promising.

The only thing I've noticed is an increased appetite. I am never full!

Yeah I`m usually not like that...I`m the type of person who forgets to eat if they get busy and now I want to inhale everything I see. If I am preggers, I WILL NOT allow myself to gain 40lbs lol! But its not looking good if I havent even tested yet and all I want to do is camp out in front of the fridge:dohh:

Haha awesome :haha: love it!

Holly, I just noticed you're in DH was just telling me the other day his boss threw out the idea of transferring him there at some point. Odds are small at present but was wondering what you think of the area etc. maybe PM me about it if you have a chance :winkwink:
I'm 8/9DPO.

Trying to hold out until June 6- the day after AF is due. Not sure if I'll make it though. When are you testing?

I`m 8dpo according to ff, so I plan on testing on monday (af is due June 5), as I will be 13dpo (I got my first + with ds at 12dpo). I`m not a patient person. If DH would allow it I would be POAS everyday of the 2ww! lol

:haha: I'm the same way....totally test happy. A book I just read says that the tests you can get at the dollar store are every bit as accurate as the pricey ones so I've stocked up on pregnancy and ovulation tests there so as to not break the bank with my obsessive testing....if you simply MUST pee on something that might be a fair compromise with hubby. I have a couple more expensive tests too but saving them to confirm a positive result. Just an idea :winkwink:
Thanks ladies for all the birth xperiences you've posted. I'm finding the more experience I hear of and the more videos I watch (I think I've watched every water birth video on YouTube! Haha) the more confident I feel in myself and my own body to be able to do a natural birth myself. Mind over matter so to speak....the more I really focus in on it the less mysterious and scary it becomes, if that makes sense? :)
Thanks ladies for all the birth xperiences you've posted. I'm finding the more experience I hear of and the more videos I watch (I think I've watched every water birth video on YouTube! Haha) the more confident I feel in myself and my own body to be able to do a natural birth myself. Mind over matter so to speak....the more I really focus in on it the less mysterious and scary it becomes, if that makes sense? :)

That makes perfect sense! When you think of it we are bombarded with negative images about birth in the media. It's really no wonder women are so afraid of it. But when it comes down to it birth can be this incredibly, transformative, experience although you never hear about those stories unless you go looking for them!
Thanks ladies for all the birth xperiences you've posted. I'm finding the more experience I hear of and the more videos I watch (I think I've watched every water birth video on YouTube! Haha) the more confident I feel in myself and my own body to be able to do a natural birth myself. Mind over matter so to speak....the more I really focus in on it the less mysterious and scary it becomes, if that makes sense? :)

That makes perfect sense! When you think of it we are bombarded with negative images about birth in the media. It's really no wonder women are so afraid of it. But when it comes down to it birth can be this incredibly, transformative, experience although you never hear about those stories unless you go looking for them!

Exactly! My friend told me that the pain of labor is extreme but that getting her head into the mindset that the pain was good and natural and serving the purpose of helping her baby out naturally all made it so much easier to handle than other physical pains she's experienced before. Knowledge is power :)

Another friend of mine just had a baby boy a few weeks ago. She did a home birth with a midwife and was literally in active labor/delivery for about an hour and a half! So nuts! (and lucky!!!)
Exactly! My friend told me that the pain of labor is extreme but that getting her head into the mindset that the pain was good and natural and serving the purpose of helping her baby out naturally all made it so much easier to handle than other physical pains she's experienced before. Knowledge is power :)

Another friend of mine just had a baby boy a few weeks ago. She did a home birth with a midwife and was literally in active labor/delivery for about an hour and a half! So nuts! (and lucky!!!)
I agree! If you can prepare for what you are headed into, you are definentley better off! I know that I had any inkling I would get induced and have pitocin, I would have been so much less scared and anxious if I had at least done a bit of research or been educated by the doctor about what to expect. When you dont know what to expect you freak yourself out!!
Exactly! My friend told me that the pain of labor is extreme but that getting her head into the mindset that the pain was good and natural and serving the purpose of helping her baby out naturally all made it so much easier to handle than other physical pains she's experienced before. Knowledge is power :)

Another friend of mine just had a baby boy a few weeks ago. She did a home birth with a midwife and was literally in active labor/delivery for about an hour and a half! So nuts! (and lucky!!!)
I agree! If you can prepare for what you are headed into, you are definentley better off! I know that I had any inkling I would get induced and have pitocin, I would have been so much less scared and anxious if I had at least done a bit of research or been educated by the doctor about what to expect. When you dont know what to expect you freak yourself out!!

i was in labour for 12hours before i got my epidural in... i woke up at 4am in the morning with what felt period cramps and they were coming every two minutes for 30 seconds each time and it was like that the whole way through my labour... like i said it starts off as 'period like cramps' and they just get stronger! honestly thinking back now, i think i could have coped longer with my contractions if the midwife didnt strap me down to the bed to monitor babys heart rate! x
i was in labour for 12hours before i got my epidural in... i woke up at 4am in the morning with what felt period cramps and they were coming every two minutes for 30 seconds each time and it was like that the whole way through my labour... like i said it starts off as 'period like cramps' and they just get stronger! honestly thinking back now, i think i could have coped longer with my contractions if the midwife didnt strap me down to the bed to monitor babys heart rate! x
Being confined to the bed is not fun.

Well, good thoughts/prayers for all the future deliveries we will all have at some point!!

I do think though that no matter how horrible your pain is or how bad your delivery goes, once that little babe is in your arms, you get the Momnesia and forget all the previous hard times and you just get overtaken with joy! That is all that matters:)
i was in labour for 12hours before i got my epidural in... i woke up at 4am in the morning with what felt period cramps and they were coming every two minutes for 30 seconds each time and it was like that the whole way through my labour... like i said it starts off as 'period like cramps' and they just get stronger! honestly thinking back now, i think i could have coped longer with my contractions if the midwife didnt strap me down to the bed to monitor babys heart rate! x
Being confined to the bed is not fun.

Well, good thoughts/prayers for all the future deliveries we will all have at some point!!

I do think though that no matter how horrible your pain is or how bad your delivery goes, once that little babe is in your arms, you get the Momnesia and forget all the previous hard times and you just get overtaken with joy! That is all that matters:)

And it couldn't have all been bad since here we are willing to go through it all again :winkwink:
Holly testing day is so close!!! I'm a terrible influence, I would totally :test: tomorrow!!
So I'm feeling like I've got a few PMS symptoms the last day or two but I of course haven't ovulated this month...anyone know, is it possible for AF to show up even without ovulation? I know that with bc there's bleeding when your uterus lining sheds even though there was no ovulation. Does that happen when you're off bc? I've read that going off bc it could take a couple cycles for ovulation to start. Does that mean I'll still get my period a couple times before I ovulate or will there be no period until after I ovulate. Just wondering what to expect...feeling confused
As far as I know you can still get your period even without ovulation.

It's pretty common to have annovulatory cycles after bc. I think it took about three months for things to start back up for me.
hey ladies, sorry for crashing so late into your conversations! do u mind if i join? would love to read your journeys ttc#2 im currently ttc#1 and feel like id benefit from your stories! iv had a read through of whats gone on so far so im pretty up to date lol
good luck ladies
As far as I know you can still get your period even without ovulation.

It's pretty common to have annovulatory cycles after bc. I think it took about three months for things to start back up for me.

Thanks Marieb...and during those 3 months did you have any menstral bleeding to signal the end/start of your cycles? What bc were you on if you don't mind my asking? Thanks again! :hugs:

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