TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

I cant imagine how anxious those of you that have gone through multiple cycles feel. I feel like every hour that I am waiting to O is like a year, and Im only on my FIRST cycle. I though waiting for AF to come back was bad, this is like pulling teeth!

Based on the limited knowledge I have gained about charting, I *think* I will O in the next two days, but I am not sure. My temp dropped on day 10 and then went up on day 11 and back again on day 12 (today). Im thinking I should just disregard the day 11 temp. I am having a hard time telling what my CM is really like the day after BD becuase it seems to be watery but then goes back to C or S the next day.

I have so much to learn!

I'm so with you!!! Waiting for the first o is torture and decoding cm is like a crazy roller coaster! I swear, today it went from watery to c to ew to watery am I supposed to chart that??? Lol
Ok girls- I am sad to say this, but it's not gonna happen for us this month. We just looked over everything we have insurance wise and with all the waiting periods for coverage and getting paid for supplemental, it's just smarter to wait the full 30 days than to risk being denied coverage. I hate it, but it really is the 'responsible' thing to do. And it will be worth $2500.
I am upset though that I am wasting that egg that is just sitting there waiting to be our Valentines Day baby! (what would be our due date) :cry:

At least now I know about when I ovulate!

What's the story with insurance? Wait 30 days for what? Such a bummer for you :nope:
Welcome Sanchez :dust: to you! I'm working on #1 and only on cycle 1 so I'm a newbie to all of this and probably not much help on advice.
I 'll join the party as well! I'm ttc#2 and I just had a positive OPK yesterday. This is my 6th cycle ttc and I am on clomid. Starting to get really frustrated, can't wait to be preggo again!!
Holly, that's so cool you used a midwife...I never thought I would consider it, I thought I'd be the "epidural now!" type :haha: But my best friend had her first in the hospital and had an awful experience so her second time around she did her homework and ended up having a home birth with a midwife and loved it! So much so that she became a doula. Her experiences made me start researching and asking a lot of questions and the more I learn the more confident and convinced I am that midwives and home births just plain make sense if you have a healthy normal pregnancy. I'm grateful medicines there for when it's needed but I will not be one of those women who get force interventioned right into an operating room for unnecessary c section. So insane! How did you like the midwife experience. How did you feel about it In a hospital? Did you go natural? :) I love hearing how people's births went....anyone else want to share theirs too? I know most of you are TTC #2 :)

So my big news is that I did another cm check about an hour ago and the Ewcm is back and getting stretchier! (TMI? Lol well hey, if we can't share that stuff here where can we right? :haha: ) so I'm going to OPK here in just a bit....

I personally hate doctors and hospitals, so thankfully I had a very healthy pregnancy (aside from minor complaints) which allowed for a midwife. In Canada, they are 100% covered under our healthcare though most people use OB's. Main things I loved about the midwife was the extra time they spent with me during my appointments, checking the progress of labour at my home and not having to take LO out for his check ups (they did home visits for the first 2 weeks).
My entire labour and delivery was 33 hrs, though a bit of that was the early stage. I got to 6cm naturally, but ds was stuck (which was causing my cervix the swell closed) so the gave me an epi to get my muscles to relax so he could turn (he was back to back, OP presentation). So after 45 min of maneuvering, he turned and so they shut the epi off. Within an hour of turning the epi off I was 10cm and ready to go. Pushed for two hours (I LOVED pushing - so much better than contractions lol), ds was born 7lbs 3oz on his due date. I had 1 graze, no stitches and had only spotting for my pp bleed.
I bf'd and ds took to it like a pro, with 5 minutes of birth. They didn't even take him for his agar tests (they performed them while he was on my chest for skin to skin) and I was home in my bed within 10hrs of birth (could have been 3hrs had I not had the epi).
Ok girls- I am sad to say this, but it's not gonna happen for us this month. We just looked over everything we have insurance wise and with all the waiting periods for coverage and getting paid for supplemental, it's just smarter to wait the full 30 days than to risk being denied coverage. I hate it, but it really is the 'responsible' thing to do. And it will be worth $2500.
I am upset though that I am wasting that egg that is just sitting there waiting to be our Valentines Day baby! (what would be our due date) :cry:

At least now I know about when I ovulate!

Oh I'm sorry to hear that! We were supposed to TTC last month but didn't because DH wanted to work out finances first, which is better, though it was really dissapointing. It sucks being responsible at times.:hugs:
Holly, that's so cool you used a midwife...I never thought I would consider it, I thought I'd be the "epidural now!" type :haha: But my best friend had her first in the hospital and had an awful experience so her second time around she did her homework and ended up having a home birth with a midwife and loved it! So much so that she became a doula. Her experiences made me start researching and asking a lot of questions and the more I learn the more confident and convinced I am that midwives and home births just plain make sense if you have a healthy normal pregnancy. I'm grateful medicines there for when it's needed but I will not be one of those women who get force interventioned right into an operating room for unnecessary c section. So insane! How did you like the midwife experience. How did you feel about it In a hospital? Did you go natural? :) I love hearing how people's births went....anyone else want to share theirs too? I know most of you are TTC #2 :)

So my big news is that I did another cm check about an hour ago and the Ewcm is back and getting stretchier! (TMI? Lol well hey, if we can't share that stuff here where can we right? :haha: ) so I'm going to OPK here in just a bit....
I am on the fence about what to do for a second birth (MD or Midwife). Sad for me, in our area we just had two midwives dragged through the mud in the media due to some deaths that allegedly could have been prevented had they intervened appropraitely. Im sure my MD is going to convince me that he is the way to go. Pretty nice guy, but Im still not sure. My first time I had to be induced due to high blood pressure. I was hooked up to the fetal monitor the whole time since I received Pitocin. HOLY COW that drug is awful! Within 15 minutes of receiving the Pitocin I had full blown contractions 2-3 minutes apart. They were SOOOOOO painful. I had to wait to get an epidural for about 2 hours since the Anesthesiologist would not give me one until I had two FULL bags of saline given through my IV. The poor nurses were practically sitting on the bags trying to get them in me faster! It took four times for the epidural catheter to be placed in my spine, and of course the whole time I was having some serious contractions! After the epidural started going, it wasnt too bad. I ended up getting an anti-naseau med since I was heaving and slept for 4 hours. In all, my labor was only 11 hours and I pushed (well he pretty much *popped*) out a 9 lb baby with a huge head, so pretty proud of myself.

I do think next time though no matter who I have or where I go, if I can avoid getting induced I will. I will try everything possible to start contractions and have my water break without intervention. Im pretty sure I will end up in a hospital and not a birthing center though as I think i would be kidding myself if I said I could do it without an epidural. My SIL is pregnant with her 8th baby, and with the first 6 she did it without an epidural, but decided to have one with #7 and said she would never go back!! Everyone is different though, and I might just be a wuss:)

Yeah I got A LOT of grief for going with a midwife, everyone was scared that they wouldn't be good enough. I wanted a home birth (still do) but DH won't allow it. So as compromise, I got the midwife but have to have a hospital birth. I wasn't induced, but was strapped down to monitors due to decels in ds heartbeat. It was agony. Unfortunately, my epi only took to the right side of my body (my sister was the same), so it helped but it was no where near 100% pain free. Lol. I would love to try a birth center but we don't have any, just our crappy (despite being brand new) hospital. I hope to go 100% natural this time if I can. May look into hypno-birthing.
Welcome Sanchez and Clomidgirl!

Sanchez, I can help you with charting if you are interested, but if you want to do opk's several of these ladies are quite knowledgable! Good luck and :dust: to everyone!
So now that I caught up on my replies here are my symptoms for 7-8dpo:
Nausea (has severe ms with ds)
Twinges (not cramps but still uncomfortable)
Sore boobs
Frequent urination (I feel like I'm 8 months pregnant again)
Increased appetite
My temps are still up so fingers crossed!
Holly- your chart is looking so good! And your symptoms sound really promising.

The only thing I've noticed is an increased appetite. I am never full!
Holly- your chart is looking so good! And your symptoms sound really promising.

The only thing I've noticed is an increased appetite. I am never full!

Yeah I`m usually not like that...I`m the type of person who forgets to eat if they get busy and now I want to inhale everything I see. If I am preggers, I WILL NOT allow myself to gain 40lbs lol! But its not looking good if I havent even tested yet and all I want to do is camp out in front of the fridge:dohh:
Holly- your chart is looking so good! And your symptoms sound really promising.

The only thing I've noticed is an increased appetite. I am never full!

How many dpo are you? When do you test?
I'm 8/9DPO.

Trying to hold out until June 6- the day after AF is due. Not sure if I'll make it though. When are you testing?
I'm 8/9DPO.

Trying to hold out until June 6- the day after AF is due. Not sure if I'll make it though. When are you testing?

I`m 8dpo according to ff, so I plan on testing on monday (af is due June 5), as I will be 13dpo (I got my first + with ds at 12dpo). I`m not a patient person. If DH would allow it I would be POAS everyday of the 2ww! lol
Welcome Sanchez and Clomidgirl!

Sanchez, I can help you with charting if you are interested, but if you want to do opk's several of these ladies are quite knowledgable! Good luck and :dust: to everyone!

how do i do the charting ? holly and thanks :hugs:
I got a pos HPT at 12dpo too!

For a couple cycles I started testing at 7DPO on. Seeing all those negative results really upset me though. I think at this point I'd rather just get AF than see another negative.
Thanks ladies for the advice im just waiting for the witch to come ...:( im 10 days late today but i do have have sum symtoms im kinda nausea ,gain sum weight ,boobs are very itchy and sore , strong sense of smell but idk if im making myself think this way ...when should i test again ? i tested tuesday got negative reading ...
Welcome Sanchez and Clomidgirl!

Sanchez, I can help you with charting if you are interested, but if you want to do opk's several of these ladies are quite knowledgable! Good luck and :dust: to everyone!

how do i do the charting ? holly and thanks :hugs:

The beginning of your chart (so cd1) starts on the first day of your period.

Well charting is a way of checking your fertility using several indicators. First is temperature (so you'll need a thermometer (digital is best, cost about $20, try to get one that measures .00). With temp you need to take it everyday at the same time in the morning. It's really important not to get out bed, take a drink or pee first (it will change the reading). If you go to fertility friend you can post your temps there for free.
The second thing is cervical mucous, so yeah you'll have to get your hands dirty. Here is a link to explain the basics
Another indicator is cervical position. Again, gotta get your hands dirty lol. Not everyone uses this method. You are checking to see if your cervix is showing signs of ovulation. Here is the link for that
Using these indicators will tell you when you are most fertile leading up to ovulation as well as what day you ovulated on. When you ovulate your temps should rise, cp should be SHOW (soft, open and wet/ high, soft, open) and cm should be egg white.
This is a very basic rundown but you can get tutorials through fertility friend.
Hey marieb who is gail ? how did she predict it

She's this online "psychic". I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to things like that but it was a fun, cheap thing to do!
We'll see in July if her prediction was right

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