ok, here we go! I know my husband is going to have a silly look on his face when he gets home tonight. Im going to cook him a nice, romantic dinner and Brady is going to bed early! This mama is having her last glass of wine tonight for the next 10 months! (hopefully!)
How long can an egg survive? Im getting all paranoid already!
You typically ovulate 12-36 hours from the time you get a +OPK. It just depends on how long your surge is, and when you catch it. Then the egg can survive for 12-24 hours once its released.
I know for me I typically get 3 days of positives I ovulate the last day I get the +OPK. I also start getting fertile cm a day or two before my +OPK. It's my very first sign that I'm entering my fertile window. Maybe it will be like that for you too?
haha sounds about right!i actually have an excuse to force my partner into sex now! i'll be in bed and i'll text him and tell him to come up and he goes 'no i cant be bothered' or 'im too sore and tired' blah blah blah! so i text him back going 'so much for baby making!!!' and he comes up lol, wrapped round my pinkie finger! so happy for you, hope you get a BFP in two weeks time! x
Haha that's funny, same with my hubby. He told me last night that after I'm pregnant we're not having sex for months to give him time to recover lol Yeah right![]()
My hubby has always been at me for more sex and wepretty much everyday. Though he has commented that he finds TTC a huge turn on....I can't count how many times he's stopped mid-deed and asked if I wanted him to knock me up...ummm yeah!
My hubby has always been at me for more sex and wepretty much everyday. Though he has commented that he finds TTC a huge turn on....I can't count how many times he's stopped mid-deed and asked if I wanted him to knock me up...ummm yeah!
haha sounds about right!i actually have an excuse to force my partner into sex now! i'll be in bed and i'll text him and tell him to come up and he goes 'no i cant be bothered' or 'im too sore and tired' blah blah blah! so i text him back going 'so much for baby making!!!' and he comes up lol, wrapped round my pinkie finger! so happy for you, hope you get a BFP in two weeks time! x
Haha that's funny, same with my hubby. He told me last night that after I'm pregnant we're not having sex for months to give him time to recover lol Yeah right![]()
my partner didnt want to have sex after i was pregnant because during my pregnancy he swore he could feel the baby moving and it was grossing him out lol! so i told him he'd better get as much sex now as he can, because in a few months time he wont want to come near my huge belly lol! x
My hubby has always been at me for more sex and wepretty much everyday. Though he has commented that he finds TTC a huge turn on....I can't count how many times he's stopped mid-deed and asked if I wanted him to knock me up...ummm yeah!
We have the exact opposite problem!
Ever since we started TTC, DH seems to feel like it's more of a chore.
I don't know what to do. I make it clear that sex isn't just about having a baby for me, and I make sure we DTD outside of my fertile window too.
My hubby has always been at me for more sex and wepretty much everyday. Though he has commented that he finds TTC a huge turn on....I can't count how many times he's stopped mid-deed and asked if I wanted him to knock me up...ummm yeah!
I am on the fence about what to do for a second birth (MD or Midwife). Sad for me, in our area we just had two midwives dragged through the mud in the media due to some deaths that allegedly could have been prevented had they intervened appropraitely. Im sure my MD is going to convince me that he is the way to go. Pretty nice guy, but Im still not sure. My first time I had to be induced due to high blood pressure. I was hooked up to the fetal monitor the whole time since I received Pitocin. HOLY COW that drug is awful! Within 15 minutes of receiving the Pitocin I had full blown contractions 2-3 minutes apart. They were SOOOOOO painful. I had to wait to get an epidural for about 2 hours since the Anesthesiologist would not give me one until I had two FULL bags of saline given through my IV. The poor nurses were practically sitting on the bags trying to get them in me faster! It took four times for the epidural catheter to be placed in my spine, and of course the whole time I was having some serious contractions! After the epidural started going, it wasnt too bad. I ended up getting an anti-naseau med since I was heaving and slept for 4 hours. In all, my labor was only 11 hours and I pushed (well he pretty much *popped*) out a 9 lb baby with a huge head, so pretty proud of myself.Holly, that's so cool you used a midwife...I never thought I would consider it, I thought I'd be the "epidural now!" typeBut my best friend had her first in the hospital and had an awful experience so her second time around she did her homework and ended up having a home birth with a midwife and loved it! So much so that she became a doula. Her experiences made me start researching and asking a lot of questions and the more I learn the more confident and convinced I am that midwives and home births just plain make sense if you have a healthy normal pregnancy. I'm grateful medicines there for when it's needed but I will not be one of those women who get force interventioned right into an operating room for unnecessary c section. So insane! How did you like the midwife experience. How did you feel about it In a hospital? Did you go natural?
I love hearing how people's births went....anyone else want to share theirs too? I know most of you are TTC #2
So my big news is that I did another cm check about an hour ago and the Ewcm is back and getting stretchier! (TMI? Lol well hey, if we can't share that stuff here where can we right?) so I'm going to OPK here in just a bit....
Hahaha! All this talk about dtd and stuff. You girls are very lucky. I get it once or twice a month-literally ever since my husband got his hernia. Sex and golf and lifting heavy things are painful for him, but he refuses to go get it checked out. He knows it will require surgery, and that's not something he wants to do. Plus he thinks we can't afford it ($6500) which we can't. Anyway- please pray he's feeling better and in the mood tonight. I really want him to want this as much as I do. Not just do it to appease me!