TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

OMG exciting! Can't wait to see pics of the little one when you feel up to it!
Thanks! I'm excited and nervous - I think thats why I keep saying its going to be overdue just to give myself a bit more time to get my head around labour. Mind you I don't think I'll ever be prepared as such! My backs so bad at the moment I know I'm going to struggle to have a natural birth just because its hard to get into the best positions but I'm still going to give it a good try!

Banana - I'd do the IVF too if you have to - sounds like the odds are far better and thankfully at least your insurance will cover part of the cost. Its crazy how expensive it is though. I saw a consultant this week (he was 80) and he set up the first IVF unit in Scotland. Very interesting man! Really hope you don't need it though and that the increased clomid does its job!
Hann - I want to see a final belly shot if you're up for it! :) I'm sooooo sooooo excited for you!!!!! :)

Banana - such a hard decision to come to. Hopefully you won't need it and the clomid will work! Fx!!!! I really hope we don't have to go down the IVF road. Oddly enough I've had 2 different friends make serious offers to be our surrogate in the last few weeks! I have no idea if that's something i'd ever be okay with but amazing to know I have friends that would honestly do that for me!

Good luck Shey!

Afm - went ahead and got another thermometer (DH says I'm crazy and obsessed lol) but going to start comparing the two just to be sure. Maybe I'm totally wrong but my guts saying this thermometer is off. We'll see.....still guessing I haven't ovulated but you never know if the thermometer is indeed off. We'll see I guess.
Witch just got me this eve was totally expected but still gutted :-(
:( banana I'm so sorry. Hopefully the bigger clomid dose will help.

Mama - will post a bump pic over the weekend, some days I feel huge and others not so much. Will see what you think. Most people think I'm having a boy, I have no idea though. Just hoping its bit much more than a week over if its over as I'm properly uncomfy now and can never sleep!!
Morning ladies!
Big hugs banana so sorry the witch got you, i would imagine being on tge clomid gave you a little more hope of getting a bfp. I know it did me when I was on it! . Read a few posts back and do you mind me asking how old you are? I think its good to discuss other options like ivf but I really do think you'll get there without it. My fertility nurse says most people about 85% fall pregnant within a year then the majority of the remainder in the 2nd year and it can be completely normal! I know how hard it is but charting and opk's are the best thing for you as you are ovulating but probably at different times each month! How about you get your amh levels checked first to see how your ovarian reserve is and then you'll know if you have time to safely try naturally some more? Totally understand if it's something your going to do though I just have a good feeling about you!

Han- Good luck on the upcoming birth of little one I remember when you got your bfp like it was yesterday! Pics pics please

Mama- any sign of ov yet? Hope you don't have to use provera

Happy- how are you hun? How's the clomid treating you?

Elt- your gonna soon be in 2nd tri can't believe that hopefully all the sickness will be less intense for you then!
Runnergrl- so glad all is going well with you too

Afm about 7dpo not feeling any symptoms maybe slight nausea in the mornings but not unusual for me! Used opk's this month and got + on cd 13 and think I ov'd on cd14! Got my tonsillectomy on the 21st of this month and I ov shortly after so even if I'm poorly we'll give it one more shot naturally then onto clomid for 3 months but not expecting miracles on it as it didn't work before! I'm not ready to except the ivf route yet probably give it the rest of the year and I'll make up my mind when I turn 35! My life is still perfect with my boys and if I can't have any more children I am more than lucky with what I have. My one friend has just had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and my other friend has found out sge's not ovulating so needs some help! X
Hey issac thanks for your post. Jes I really really wish I had half your strength and patience. I just turned 28 last week so yes I know time is on my side but that doesn't make me feel any less impatient! I think its with my BF getting pregnant this week my patience has got even shorter. I text her and told her I got my period does she want to swap course she said yes just need to figure out how!

As for ov doc put me in doubt if i have been ov at all last few months.

I am going to complete the next 2 months of clomid then we Will be into cycle 14 and then I have to have the tube dye test the following month then make apts in fertility clinic then they say the procedure from start to finish is about 8 weeks. So could be the end of the year before it would even happen.

I just want to have my decisions ready so we don't waste more time deciding when the time comes.

Haven't been offered the amh test yet am sure I Will in the fertility clinic or maybe not cause of my age.

Was telling dh the other day I hope this is only because of BF getting pregnant so unexpected and my hormones being all over the place with the witch but if this low even depressed state doesn't lift in the next few days Im going to have to go to the doc. Will wait until witch leave then see how I feel.
Hey banana I so know how you feel with the sadness and depression especially at af time of the month, a new cycle always give me a fresh hope though! Hope you ok. I've been in the same situation if you remember my sil got pregnant and neither of them really wanted the baby, now they have a 2 week old and its all going really well but hearing them talking about abortion just killed me when I want another baby so badly.
I'm no expert but I really feel like you are ovulating on your own its a shame you've only juat started charting then you would've known for sure. My guess is your ovulating later in cycle maybe at different rimes and when your getting cd21 bloods done your progesterone isn't high enough, am I right in thinking it was 28? Which is not far off 30! Didn't you once adjust your cd21 bloods to 7 dpo after you suspected ovulation? What was it then? My friend just had hers and it was 3.1 so defo no ovulation for her but yours seems like a reading that may indicate ov but maybe just not in the right time frame for cd 21 bloods? Hey what do I know? Just don't want you to give up on yourself, you need to believe it will happen. Charting and using opk's should pin point ov for you!
Are you in Devon this year, we should meet up?
Hello ladies. I'm sorry I haven't been writing much lately. I have been following and trying to stay caught up.

Banana - I'm sorry the witch got ya. I also understand you wanting to take the IVF route. I turned 27 this year and DH and I have started talking about IVF and when we might want to start taking that route. We aren't sure though. I hope it doesn't come to that for any of us. It's stressful and overall hard on our bodies.

Isaac - Good to hear from ya. Maybe Clomid will work for you this time or maybe push your body along so it'll happen naturally.

Hann - Can't believe it's almost time!

Elt - Hope you're feeling better. I'm sorry about the GD but at least they know early so you can manage it better. It's healthier for you and baby to know early.

AFM - Waiting to ovulate. The side effects from the Clomid are different this cycle. Less CM, nausea, and more bloating. Last time it was mostly just hot flashes. OV will be soon. I can feel it. Lots of pelvic pressure and lots of cramping. Looking at my temp, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened today. We are using preseed since I have little to no CM and its much thicker this time with what I do have. Not holding out much hope though. Overall not feeling much at all about TTC. After my meltdown last cycle, I slowly feel myself turning off my emotions towards it. After we go back to the dr I may just take a break from TTC for the rest of the summer.
Hi girls - sounds like lots of you are waiting to ovulate again with clomid.
Happy - your chart looks like you are having your dip before a temp jump FX!

Banana - I'm sorry about AF :( I agree with IsaacRalph that your test results point to the fact that you are ovulating, just later in the cycle. Hopefully the extra clomid might bring it forwards though.

Isaac - great to hear from you, you do have a great attitude to it all, although I can imagine you have up and down days. I really hope you get a BFP this month so that you don't have to think about next steps.

As requested here is hopefully my last bump pic - I think it will show up sideways:


This was taken about 10 mins ago. My physio thinks my bump has dropped, I have loads of pressure in my pelvis so I'm guessing shes right. I am literally exhausted though, not sleeping well in the slightest which is really annoying. I'm literally up for 3-4 hours per night in the middle of the night, but for no reason apart from insomnia. Despite the pelvic pressure and engagement I still see myself going overdue but we'll see.
I'll keep you all posted. :)
That's a super cute bump han, your so slim too! Can't wait to hear all about your birth story etc.... Thanks for the well wishes I do hope it's my turn soon xx
Hey girls :)

Banana - so sorry about AF babe :( I know that's so rough. Hang in there. The higher dose of clomid may just do the trick. I agree with the others, I'm sure you do ovulate so hopefully by strengthening the ovulation with the clomid you'll get that bfp!

Isaac - you have an amazing attitude!!! I need more of that! :) :hugs:

Hann - adorable bump!!! Can't wait to see pics of that little cutie!

Happy - :hugs: hang in there. I know exactly how you're feeling.

Afm - temps up pretty good last few days. I've been temping with both thermometers which have been close but not exact to each other so I sort of average it out or take the first one. I think this temp rise may be the real deal because I've felt a lot warmer the last 2 days and last night and today my boobs have started to ache a bit. Would be great if I've oved on my own this cycle! But the bummer is we didnt bd well at all! Dtd Wed night then didnt bd again till lat night after temps had already gone up. In previous cycles its taken a day or two after pos opk for my temp to really rise so hoping that's the case this cycle but if not I'm guessing my odds are pretty low. Still, oving on my own would be great news!
Oh Mama you got some crosshairs this morning - delighted for you. Did you not use any OPKs this month?? Fx crossed for you. This was your clomid / soy free cycle wasn't it???

Happy I hope thats a pre Ov temp dip you have there!!

Afm, still feeling really really low as in don't want to talk to anyone, don't want to see anyone, not joining in the craic in work nothing. Not sure if I should go and see the doc or just ride it out to the end of the cycle and see how I feel. Last month clomid total took away my sex drive for the first time in my entire adult life I didn't really feel like sex and I think this month is shaping up to be the same way. :(
:hugs: banana! that Clomid sounds mean!

Mama- I hope you did O on your own hun! that would be great!

Hann- what a great (perfect) bump! Mine is about that big now and I still have 14 weeks to go! :wacko: I feel like the finish line is so far away! Cant wait for you to meet your baby!!!
Banana - my first month on Clomid I felt like I was going crazy. Even DH thought I was losing it. It seems to be better this month though but we shall see around AF time. That's when it seemed to hit me the hardest. Hang in there Hun. I haven't felt much like BD until I saw my OPK's changing. Now, I'm more in the mood because I know what we have to do to have a chance at having a baby. Can't get preggo otherwise hehe.

Thank you for the well wishes ladies. Like you, I thought that first dip was it only I didn't have much CM at all. OPK was negative too. I have been testing 2x's a day. Then yesterday I got TONS of watery CM yesterday afternoon. OPK was still negative. Had another temp drop and a positive OPK this morning. Im using the CB digital ones this month as I had a decent coupon for them which made them much cheaper than the FR ones that I had used before. Even though they said not to pay attn to the lines... You can't help it. Even though it didn't give me a smiley by looking at the lines, I suspected OV was coming as there hadn't been much of a second line but last night there was a second line that had formed. That with my CM... Couldn't waste the opportunity and I'm glad we got to BD :) planning on tonight and tomorrow too. Hopefully with the temp drop this morning OV will be today or tomorrow.
Hann - I love your bump pic. Can't wait to see pics of the baby! How are you feeling?
Mama - Whooohooo for your chart. Glad you got those crosshairs back!
Morning girls!

Banana - :hugs: I'm sorry you're feeling so down Hun :( also sorry the clomid is affecting you so much. For me my bbt is higher than normal and I get the hot flashes when I'm on it but other than that and less cm during cycle I was fine on it. Hopefully like for Happy te next cycle will be better on it. Hang in there!

Happy - get to bd girl!!! Go get that bfp!

Runner - I think we need a bump update from you lady! :)

Afm - I'm actually feeling really good and positive today! My boobs are aching something fierce, my temps are nice and high (used 3 separate thermometers this am just to be sure haha) and got my crosshairs back! I'm feeling much more confident this time then with my last high temps earlier in the cycle. Feeling very confident this one is the real deal and I'm so psyched about it! I don't know if any of you ladies are very religious but I am and I've really tried this cycle to mellow out and trust my body and trust God. I feel now that having that faith is really paying off! So much so that I've decided to stay off clomid for now. Will prob keep temping and may opk again next cycle (do feel a bit bummed out bd timing was so off this time) but in going to just stick to my metformin (which I also feel is probably helping my body work more like it should) and see how it goes. I've got the clomid for down the road to try again if I need to, but for now if my body is working I'm just going to try and relax and trust it. :) One thing I think I'll do is start the natural progesterone cream during 2ww. Don't feel that can really hurt anything.

Hann - when you took the progesterone you got the bfp that first cycle right? I'm wondering if taking it through the 2ww when do you stop? So you wait till AF starts? Or can it start at all with progesterone cream? Would that prevent AF from starting? Do you keep taking if you do get pregnant or can that harm the little bean? Need to learn a bit more....

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