TTC # 2 - CD 8 today, 1/26 -looking for buddy!


Mommy of a 7 year old
Jan 26, 2015
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My SO and I have decided we want to start trying for a baby. I currently have a daughter who is 6 but this will be his first child. We are SUPER excited and I am praying that we get pregnant this cycle but I'm also worried that it won't be that easy. For my daughter, I got pregnant right away!

I am currently on CD 8 and took an OPK today but it was negative (luckily since my SO works 24hour shifts). I o'd last month (+ OPK) around CD14.

Hoping to find a buddy to share symptoms with!! :blush::winkwink:
Hey :)
I'm TTC#2, our son has just turned 5. Been ntnp since October so this is our first cycle properly ttc! Our son was a happy accident so I'm not really used to all this ttc stuff!

I'm on cd9 today and also had a negative opk. Feeling pretty impatient already!
Feel free to pm me!
x x
Yea, this is my first time actually taking OPKs and all of that! I have no idea what to think or do, haha, but I'm just really hoping that it won't be long! I barely remember being pregnant with my daughter!
Haha I know. I'm far too impatient. I really hope it happens this cycle too but I'm thinking its not going to be that easy since we have been ntnp for 5 months and bd pretty regularly but still haven't conceived. I just know I'm going to get obsessive over it!
Yeah pregnancy seems like decades ago! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a bit of a gap between #1 and #2! Another reason why I'd like to hurry things along a little!
Same here! I feel like I'm only getting older. I've wanted another one for the past 2 years but I just wasn't ready financially. I took another OPK today and as I figured...negative. I probably won't o until next week but I want it to hurry up! Haha.
Yeah same here. Been wanting another one for about 3 years but I was at uni and wanted to finish that first. Still not great on the job/finance situation but we've decided enough is enough with the age gap.

Yeah maybe give it 2 days or so and retest. I didn't do a OPK today, holding off til tomorrow, since the one I took yesterday was nowhere near positive. I ordered some of the Clearblue digi ones (along with some Conceive Plus!) but Amazon is saying they won't be here until Saturday, which is CD14 for me, so too late :(
Aww..that stinks. I just stocked up on HPTs! I am a So, I made sure I have enough for when that time comes! Still no sign of o today.
Haha yeah. I'm trying not to stock up on HPTs for that very reason!

No sign of o here either. Pretty much stark white. Trying to find out how quickly it can get darker but can't seem to find an answer. I'm on CD11 now so it doesn't seem likely I will o by CD14 now x
Well, I took an OPK this morning and it was just as dark as the control line but the control line looked a little lighter than Good thing we BD last night because my SO is working a 24 hour shift today! Makes me want to drive to his fire station and get a quickie in tonight...haha. I'm so afraid I'm going to miss it.
Took a digital OPK and didn't even get a flashing smiley face so I'm probably still a couple days away! I have noticed more CM than I've had the past few days.
Haha I'm sure he would be pleased!

I took a digital just there. It's not an advanced one so it doesn't do the flashing smiley but I got no smiley at all. Pretty sure I wouldn't have got the flashing one even if it did. Might try a dipstick one later anyway!
Haha..when I told him, he got excited. But since I got a - OPK..I'll just wait until tomorrow. I am the most impatient person ever.
Me too! I just keep remembering that I've still go the tww after this too :(
Well, earlier at work, I got a positive OPK! I took a digital and got the solid smiley face. And my SO doesn't want me driving our there tonight because it's a pretty far drive. =( I'm so bummed. I hope this doesn't mean we missed our shot.
Woooo! I wouldn't worry. You've been testing often so this will only be the beginning of your surge and you should be most fertile for around 48 hours now x
Thank you for that boost in confidence!! I've been cramping since last night. I never know whether I cramp before or during ovulation. Hopefully, before! How are you today??
I asked that question in the TTC forum the other day because I was getting bad cramping and was worried I had missed my o. Most ladies said they got it for quite a few days before hand.

I tried a digi opk in work yesterday, which I can't normally do, but thought trying a different time of day might be the answer, but still negative! I want to get a hold of some cheapie dipstick ones again just to see if there's any progression with my line but the shop I usually get them in only has HPTs now :( So going to go on the hunt while I'm out today.

Hubby prefers a relaxed approach to it all so we are just BDing regularly despite the OPKs. And used some conceive plus last night too because it finally arrived!
Oh and I also tried a HPT yesterday because there was no sign of o and I've been feeling sick for two days, plus had a weird period this cycle, but unfortunately that was negative too! Must just be coming down with something!
Yay finally a positive OPK today :) Exactly on cd14, which is when I always thought it was. Strange how I've had such light lines and then a sudden positive so I did a digi one to double check and it said positive too.

Now I just need to avoid awkward questions from my friend tonight about why I'm not drinking!
Hahaha! I didn't drink for the Super Bowl and I just told everyone I wasn't feeling well. I've been cramping all day today pretty bad. Congrats on the + OPK!!! Now for the TWW. -_-

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