TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Aw lovely :)

When do you reckon your due date will be then?
Well girls, DH boss would not let him take off the day of his son's bday! So i have to put my appointment back to Dec12th :( I hate waiting!!!!!
Well girls, DH boss would not let him take off the day of his son's bday! So i have to put my appointment back to Dec12th :( I hate waiting!!!!!

Aw that sucks. What a scrooge your DHs boss is. :(
yes, so unfair!
He and this other guy are the only two reliable people in the department. The other reliable guy is off, and my husband begged to have off, and his boss said, I can't have you and (dave) off at the same time! This place will fall apart. It's wrong. He should have just called out. So now my husband is pissed. He has 8 vacation days left to take and the one day he wants off he can't ??? meanwhile the other guys ran out of vacation days. It's unfair..........(Rant over)
Aw that sucks Kyles :( Your DH should ring in sick just to spite him now :haha:

Sarah, yep, I am nuts! I fully admit it :haha: But I loooooooove Christmas so much!
I wish! I told him to do that in the first place. He always wants to do the right thing though, can't be mad at him for that!

So I switched my appointment back to Dec 12th :( UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOL
At least i will be further along...
How are you both feeling?

My favorite part of this being pregnant thing is that my boobs are HUGE! and perky! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not feeling too bad at all, thanks Kyles. Also sporting huge boobs here too. DH is pleased about that :haha: I haven't had a headache for a few days now *touches wood* & the sickness is long gone, thank goodness. Would just love a bit more energy now! I think baby might be having a bit of a growth spurt over the past couple of days too cos I've been having a lot of tightenings in my bump.

How are you feeling, Kyles? Hope the sickness isn't kicking in yet.
Hooray for no ms and headaches! Sure sounds like a growth spurt going on!!

I am exhausted beyond words and people keep saying I look tired lol I have headaches all the time as well. No MS still early. I do feel queasy from time to time though. Hope that goes away!!!

I just took one of those week pregnancy tests. And it said pregnant! 1-2 weeks yahoo
Aw no fair, my boobs don't change with pregnancy! They go firmer when I'm breastfeeding but still say the same size. I think mine must be broken. :dohh:

I'm growth spurting at the minute too, its not too painful but my tummy just can't be filled. Im literally eating non-stop all day!

Aw kyles, hope you're feeling better soon, I want to fast-forward you through the yucky tired, headachey MS part! :) x
Thanks Sarah! Don't worry after the baby comes I am sure the boob fairy will show up!

The yucky part I do hope passes quickly...

Have you both made it official and told everyone you know?

I was on youtube and found some cute videos of how people told their families, since I was going to try for Christmas and my families LOVE pictures, i was thinking of having my husband take pics and when people say : say Cheese: He could say: Say Val's pregnant: ?
What do you think of that idea? LOL
Yeah, love it!

We announced to family quite early on but didn't annouce on Facebook till after our 12 week scan.

No one around here really bothers with cute, well thought out baby announcements, most just post their scan picture which I find a bit cringey so I got loads of compliments on our announcement (even though I'd say it was a bit basic) I just posted a pic of Olivia in a "I'm the big sister" t-shirt the the caption: "Olivia's excited" and just left it for a few hours while people worked it out :)

Here's the pic. I tell you what though, its not easy getting a 2 year old to pose for a picture so that you can read their t-shirt. I must have taken 50 pictures of her that day and this was the best of a bad bunch!


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I love it! She is darling :)

That's a cute idea!
Aaawww! What a cutey Olivia is :D Lovely idea.

I like your idea too, Kyles.

My family & best friend knew pretty early on & I also told my immediate work colleagues as I feeling so ill. I waited to tell everyone else til after the scan. There's still a couple of friend's who don't know simply because I haven't met up with them in a while & like to tell people to their faces. I won't be doing a FB announcement. I'm sure at some point I'll mention something but not for a while!
How are you girls doing? I think i told you before that I have hypothyroidism and on Friday I went to get my blood drawn because I have to every 6 weeks so I told the docs I was pregnant!
They got my results and said my T3 count was low so I have to go back in on Tuesday, but the pregnancy blood test in fact said pregnant I want to go find out my counts on that on Tuesday as well.

Not sure if any of you are familiar with thyroid issues but having my T3 count low really worries me.......... :(
:hugs: Kyles. My best friend also had an under active thyroid & is currently TTC so I'm well aware of the issues involved with pregnancy. Be positive. Thinking of you & your little bean :hugs:

I'm feeling ok, thanks. The cramping & tightening of last week was def a growth spurt for baby. My bump is much harder & bigger now & baby must've also grown because I can now feel him/her moving every day. Some are proper thumps/kicks now too!
Hi girls, I was just popping in to ask how you both are and you both beat me to it! :)

Kyles, I don't know much at all about hypothyroidism but I hope all goes well at the doctor's. Sending you lots of positive vibes. let us know what they say xxx

I'm good thanks, just ticking along really. Hubby is working away until Wednesday so me and Olivia have got the house to ourselves.

Sazzle I'm jealous of your baby kicks, I'm still just feeling the odd little prod or flutter!
Thanks Sazz that makes me feel so much better.
Thanks Sarah!

I can't believe you are both at least feeling something! I can't wait for that.

The doc appointment is tonight so we will see what they say.
We have Kyle's birthday party this weekend, I can't believe on Friday he will be 2! he is such a sweetheart and a handful!
Yesterday I pulled in our driveway and he loves to run around the car to open the front doors and climb in and play with the buttons, out of no where he darted down the driveway and made it into the street! I never ran so fast in all my life, he was in the street!!!!!!! My heart was in my feet for a good 2 hrs afterwards. I don't know when he got so fast... This age sure scares me, and he doesn't realize it was wrong........
Run-away-from-mummy-all-the-way-down-the-street is Rex's favourite game too, Kyles! He usually does it when I'm putting him in the car though :dohh: He better stop doing it before I get much bigger otherwise I'll never catch him! They sure are fast when they want to be!

When I collected Rex from the childminder tonight she told me he hadn't shut up all day :blush: He is such a chatterbox! You get a running commentary the whole day which can be tiring. Ah well, she gets paid to listen to him!

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