TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

That's a good idea. I might try and get a chunkier soup or some pasta maybe :)
Morning Ladies!
What a crazy busy weekend!
We had Kyle's birthday party yesterday. OMG my house was PACKED full of people and kids. At least 40 + people! I never had that many in my house at once lol.

Glad you aren't eating as much now Sazzler :)

Glad you are doing good Sarah!

Slowing down is tough, I get out of breath now :( I still have a LONG way to go :)
Aw glad to hear that Kyle had a lovely party :) Hope people helped you tidy up!

Happy Thanksgiving, Kyles :) Hope you have a lovely family day planned & can face all that food!

My 20 week scan is on Monday & it's draaaaaaaaaaaging so badly :( C'mon! I want to see my baby again!!!
Yes you both have appointments coming up!!! I can't wait to hear about them!!!!
Mine's Tuesday! :)

Are you still adamant you're staying :yellow: sazzle? I had a moment of weakness a couple of weeks ago and I told DH I wanted to find out but then changed my mind again 2 minutes later! :haha: we have definite names picked out for both genders now so I don't feel the need to know as much anymore and so we are definitely not finding out!

Have you guys thought about any names yet?

Happy Thanksgiving kyles! xx
Hi ladies! No names picked out here yet. We throw some around from time to time.
Yahoo for your scan coming up I can't wait to see pics!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well I officially started MS. I swear this time it's so much worse than with Kyle. I am queasy morning to night. I woke up at 2am feeling awful and finally had MS :-( with Kyle it was instat feeling, run puke and tada back to normal lol. This one is a 24/7 stomach bug whahhh. I really hope it goes away!
Aw kyles I'm so sorry about your MS, that really sucks. I hope it doesn't last too long for you xx
:hugs: Kyles. MS sucks :( At least you know it's not forever. Although it does feel like it sometimes! I was worse this time tan with Rex & I'm sure it's because I'm so exhausted all the time now whereas I just slept a lot with Rex! No rest for us mummies though :(

Yes, Sarah, still 100% :yellow: Going to tell the sonographer when we go in on Monday so there's no slip ups!
Thanks ladies! Team yellow here too. I am so excited for both your scans. The wait is horrible :):):)
Just 2 more days to go till our scan! :happydance:
Sazzle yours is tomorrow isn't it? I hope everything goes smoothly xx

Kyles, how's your tummy?

Ouch, I'm in so much pain today! I've had a cold for going on 4 weeks now and just when I thought it was getting better its gone into my sinuses. My face feels like it's going to fall off and all I can take is paracetamol. it doesn't help that Olivia's not been sleeping very well lately either so I'm in pain and tired :( DH has been great though, he's gotten up early with her for the last 2 mornings, without waking me up on his way too (he normally manages to make as much noise as a herd of elephants when he gets up with her on a morning)

I do have some good news though, I'm finally feeling what I know for sure are baby kicks! I can feel him/her now while I'm typing this! :happydance:
Aww Sar ah I hope you feel better soon. That sounds awful. :-(

Hooray for the week of scans!!! I can't wait to hear both your news!!!

You can feel kicks!!! What an awesome treat!!! Best feeling ever!!

I'm still the same. No MS but queasy morning to night. Started cramping on right side. Growing pains is what it feels like.
:hugs: Sarah. It's so hard when you can't take anything :( Lots of steam & Olbas oil :thumbup: Yay for kicks though :happydance:

Yes, my scan is tomorrow. Not until 3.40pm though! That is so long to wait! At least we've got our usual swimming lesson in the morning to distract me them having my food shopping delivered & by the time lunch is done, it'll practically be here!

We've had a massive sort out this weekend. DH has finally given up his 'boy room' for Rex to have a playroom. My living room feels do bare without of Rex's toys crammed into it. Need my tree to now to fill some space! We're getting our's next weekend. Can't wait!

Our elf arrived last night too & we welcomed her with a special North Pole breakfast :) Love, love, love Christmas!!!
Aww thanks guys. I'm feeling a little bit less sore this morning so hopefully I'm over the worst. Its the pits being ill without medicine lol

Kyles, sorry you're feeling yucky still. I wonder if its a girl this time......? :)

Sazzle, good luck for your scan today, can't wait to hear about it! Mine's a late one too - 4:30! Its probs better that way though because I can still do a full day at work and we can take Olivia with us to see her little brother or sister as she will have finished nursery by then :) she loves looking at the 12 week scan picture, I only had to tell her once that it was the baby and she's remembered she says "mummy's baby!" When we show her it :) yesterday I showed her a picture from my pregnancy book of a pregnant woman where you could see a drawing of the baby through her tummy and she was absolutely fascinated by it. I think she really understands :)

That's great Rex is getting his own play room :) we need to get a move on and sort our spare room out, Olivia's moving into it so the baby can have the nursery but I'm dragging my heels because:
a) she's my baby and I don't want her to move into the big girl room;
and more importantly:
b) my shoe cupboard is in there and I don't want to give it up! :rofl:

Yay, your elf has arrived! Have you given him a name? What's the north pole breakfast? I'm dead excited for christmas too, yesterday santa came to town! Every year he drives down our high street on an old fashioned bus waving at everyone while the local radio station play christmas songs, then santa turns on the Christmas lights and they let off fireworks, Olivia (and mummy and daddy) Had a lovely time :)

Liv's been to see santa already, next saturday our tree's going up and next sunday my best friend and I are having a girly day out just the 2 of us going on the train to the Durham Christmas Market, for shopping, mulled wine (hot chocolate for me lol) and there's going to be a special carol service in the big cathedral while we're there. Can't wait!

Edit: wowza that was a long post, sorry! :)
Rex isn't coming to our scan today. He was a bit of a nightmare with wanting to run around but I had no choice to take him as I don't have any childcare on my days off. Luckily, this time, my mum & dad are having their annual shopping trip to Meadowhall (they use a day's holiday) so they're going to have him whilst we go to the hospital. Bless them, cutting their shopping trip short to help us out :) They stayed here last night so they didn't have a long journey to make today. Rex loves it when his grandad is here :)

Our elf is a girl, actually! It's not an official 'elf on the shelf'; it was a cheaper version that came in a pack with a passport etc. off eBay. Her passport says her name is Tootsie Candy-Cane :haha: I got the idea for the North Pole breakfast off Pinterest. It's just a special breakfast with a snowy, sugary theme to welcome the elf. We had Santa hats (strawberries on top of banana slices) and Krispy Kremes with chocolate milk for Rex :)

Rex won't be seeing Father Christmas until the 21st. He's going to one in York where you get a little ride on a steam train. Which he'll love! Then again on the 23rd when we go to Sundown Adventure Park with SIL :)

7 hours til my scan!
Ha ha that's a bit of a coincidence, DH and I were supposed to go to meadowhall for our annual Christmas shopping trip today too. But the car started playing up this morning. We got about half a mile up the road before the engine cut out :( the man at the garage thinks it might be just a blockage so fingers crossed it won't cost too much when we take it back in to get fixed tomorrow.

So we did half our Christmas shopping on our tiny little high street this morning and the rest we'll have to do online. :thumbup:

Rex is going to love his elf and her Christmas antics :) I've heard about that steam train at york, a few people from work have recommended it I think. We have a similar thing just up the road from us, its Thomas the tank engine on the wensleydale railway and it goes to see santa- will deffo be taking livvy there next year :)

When's your sister's baby due? It can't be too much longer now surely?
Morning ladies!
Happy Scan day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The elves are out! Christmas cheer is in the air!!!!!!!!!!

What a crazy weekend!

I love scan day!!! Can't wait to hear/see the results of your day!

Sarah when is your scan?
Mine is tomorrow. I thought it was 4:30 but I just checked and it's 4:00. Good job you asked or I might have missed it :haha: silly me :dohh:
good thing!

What time is it there?
Did Sazz get her scan done yet??!?! I am not patiently waiting LOL
Yes, I had my scan :) We actually went in early. I was amazed! Everything is absolutely fine :D Growing right on track & all the organs are perfect. The strange child was laying face down, all curled up like it was on all 4s :shrug: The sonographer said he wouldn't have been able to tell us what team we were on anyway because of the awkward position. So that's good to know really! However, based on skull theory, I'm firmly expecting another boy :( My Photobucket app is not cooperating at the minute but I'll try & post a pic later. Baby had hiccoughs during the scan. Was so cute to watch :cloud9:

My sister is only just entering third tri, Sarah. She's not due until 4th March. Only 7 weeks between our EDDs! My mum is stressing already! :haha:

Can't believe you were meant to be at Meadowhall today too! Small world :)

I made my Christmas cake today. It smells delicious! Can't wait to cut into it but I always try to wait until I break up for the school hols as it properly feels like Christmas then!
aww that is so excited Sazz!!
Yahoo for an awesome scan!
Another boy oh man!!!

So glad everything looked great!!!!!!!!!!
Team yellow !!!!!!

Rex will be so excited :)

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