TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Glad to hear Rex is feeling better :)

Oh medicine and babies, we will never win when it comes to giving them straight medicine.

Hiding it is the only way :p

You both are lucky to be done work! I have to work Monday and then the following Thurs, Friday :(

With being pregnant I am trying to save up as many days off as possible before this one arrives.
Aw that's a shame kyles :( Still, it'll be worth it when you have more time with your LO. :cloud9:

I'm also trying to save my leave for when I go off, so rather than taking the whole holiday period off I'm just taking the Christmas week off and then back at work for the new year's week. :thumbup:
How much time off do you get for maternity leave?
We get 6 weeks if Vaginal and 8 weeks if C-section. feels so short......
We can have up to a year. However the last 3 months are completely unpaid so not many people can afford to have that. I had 9 months with Rex & will do this time again. The pay you get for those 9 months depends on your company. Statutory mat pay from the government is around £125 a week but most companies have a benefits package which tops that up for at least some of the time. As a teacher, I get 18 weeks decent pay then 21 weeks of just statutory. I wish we got more pay but I'm just thankful to get a decent amount of leave unlike you girls across the pond :(
Merry Christmas, ladies! Hope you and your LOs have a magical time tomorrow :D
Oh wow that is so nice! I wish I could get that much time off :(

Sad to leave them when they are still so little and developing :(

Merry Christmas ladies!
Hope you all had a fantastic day!
Kyle was so happy and so excited to get all his presents!!!
Hi ladies, I hope you had a lovely Christmas! Sorry I haven't posted till now I've been at my mum's all week with virtually no Internet signal :wacko: :haha:

How are you both? Did your little boys have a nice Christmas? Olivia was so hyper all Christmas day from all the excitement, I thought she'd never go to bed that night :haha:

Yes, Rex had an amazing time :D thanks. I think he was actually a bit worried about a strange man (Santa!) being in his house on Christmas Eve night cos he told me at bedtime that he didn't want him to come!! Bless him! He wasn't impressed with his stocking :dohh: Just kept asking if he had any big presents! Little rotter!! He's been utterly spoilt by us & family. So thankful I cleared out his toys a few weeks back as I've actually managed to find a home for everything this afternoon :thumbup:

We had a night away in a lovely country hotel last night for our anniversary :) Was lovely to have a break from being mummy for a day but I missed my little man. Was sad not to be able to celebrate with a nice bottle of wine though!

Baby is getting very active now. You can see/feel most movement from the outside now which is nice for DH. My mum mum really wanted to feel it whilst we were staying but baby kept going shy every time she came near my bump! Awkward baby! :haha:

I got a Babymel changing bag for Christmas & a lovely knitted brightly coloured blanket & a Gro swaddle :) As well as quite a few mummy to be smellies. These are literally the first things this poor baby has been bought. We just don't need anything but I do feel bad for him/her. I planning to spend the money I got for Christmas from DH's family on a nursing chair. My one extravagance this time around!
Awww bless him! :) Olivia was the opposite, she was so excited about santa coming. We got her a magic santa key because granny doesn't have a chimney but she dropped it and broke it and she was so upset! But granny fixed it with some sellotape so all was not lost! :haha: She baked cookies for santa and then spent ages deciding which ones to leave out for him. Then when time came to hang up her stocking I asked her where she wanted it - under the tree? Hung on the door? No, she wanted it on the front doormat so that it would be the first thing santa saw when he walked through the door! :haha: she had a right old time opening her presents and then helped open ours too!

Haha we still have to do the old toy clear out, we discussed doing it before Christmas and DH decided we should wait till after Christmas to do it but I can't for the life of me remember why- now our house is completely overrun with toys! We need a good book clear out too as they're literally falling off the shelves!

That's so lovely you got away for your anniversary, I bet you had a lovely time. Funny how we miss the little ones though, we spend all our days wishing we could have a day off from being a mummy only to miss them like mad when we do! :)

I'm finally getting some big kicks too but same as you, baby knows when someone else is watching! :haha: last night baby somehow managed to kick me simultaneously in both the ribs and the lady parts. How is that even possible? He/she is only the size of a grapefruit!

I didn't get any baby stuff for Christmas, everyone said I wasn't allowed to ask for baby stuff :( but i did get some lovely perfume, bath stuff, some benefit makeup and a new fairy for my collection (those little fairy in a jar ornaments) so I did get spoilt :)
Rex was the same with presents... I hardly got to open a single one & neither did DH! He even helped my family with their's :haha:

Now Christmas is done I feel like I need to get on with my next project! Itching to get the decs down & start decorating Rex's new bedroom so I can get the nursery sorted for baby. Why can't I just learn to relax?! :dohh:
Hi Ladies! Sorry i haven't been on (been busy)
Christmas was wonderful, seeing Christmas through Kyle's eyes was so special, he was so excited to get all his gifts :) He managed to make it through opening all the gifts! I loved seeing him so excited!

Glad your little ones had an awesome Christmas as well. And what a wonderful anniversary gift you had Saz!

We posted on FB Friday about our pregnancy, we posted a pic of Kyle wearing a shirt that said: Santa is promoting me to big brother in July 2014! Everyone loved it and congratulated us it was really exciting :)

My one girlfriend sent me a text message ( i am her son's godmother) and it says: I am really upset you didn't tell me you were pregnant and I had to find out on FB. Then she went and posted her own status about how FB isn't REAL LIFE among other things to stab at me..... (psycho)

I haven't talked to her in over 3 months and it wasn't like i singled her out and didn't tell her.... I was so hurt by that. She hasn't talked to me in months and i get this as a text? I of course apologized for not telling her, but she still has yet to congratulate me... Some people just can't be happy with others happiness... It really upset me and still has.
Am i crazy?
That's so catty of your friend to do that, kyles! As it happens I have a "friend" who did the same to me. It was kind of my fault because I put off telling her because she is still single and gets upset whenever someone announces an engagement or a pregnancy. (Maybe if she stopped messing around with married men, she'd be settling down too :growlmad:) but same as your friend, I hadn't heard from her in months so to me, it didn't seem such a big deal to let her see it on Facebook. She had a go at me when I saw her and I apologised but now whenever I see her she has a little dig saying I'm not going to cope with two etc. I just ignore her comments now as she clearly can't be happy for anyone.

Glad the little ones all had a good Christmas (and you guys of course!) :)

Sazzle, our next project is also clearing out the spare room and moving Olivia into it. I really want to redecorate it but we're going to be moving house next year so it seems a bit pointless :( we're going to let her choose some posters to put up instead though.
No, you're not mad to be angry at her, Kyles. I bet she doesn't tell you every little thing that happens in her life. I'd be annoyed with her too.

The redecoration won't be a big project. I'm just going to paint the walls a light blue & get a new dark blue carpet. Then get some Thomas wall stickers, curtains & bedding. He'll need new furniture too but think I'm just going to get white pieces from Ikea. Keep it cheap! I don't know what he'll like in a few years time so I want it to be easy to change for him.

Happy new year to you both anyway :) Hope you enjoy your sober celebrations. I doubt I'll see midnight! We're going to friends for a buffet & drinks (for everyone else!) but it's just over the road so I'll just bring Rex home when he's ready for bed & probably won't be far behind him!
Thanks Ladies :) It means a lot to me :) Some people are just so rude!

Happy New Year to you both :) I hope you enjoy your sober celebrations! We are staying in tonight :)
Probably pass out by 9pm like usual :)
Rex's new bedroom sounds lovely! I took Olivia into the spare room today and tried to explain to her that it was going to be her room. Asked if she would like to sleep in the big bed, she said yes. Asked what colour bedding, she said pink and did she want peppa pig pictures on the wall, she said yes, and fairies too. :) I think she got it but tgen again later when I asked where her new room is she pointed at her old one! :dohh: we'll have to see how it goes...

Happy booze-free new year girls! :) xx
Happy new year, ladies!

Urgh, back to work for DH & me this week :( Back to reality! 13 working weeks left for me. Mat leave seems sooooo far away! :(
Happy new year! :)

I've been back at work a week already and it sucks. 13 weeks, that seems so near! I can't believe how quick the time is going! What date do you plan to finish for mat leave? I'm planning to finish on the 11th April as long as baby doesn't make an early appearance! My office is relocating to York in February and I'm going to have to travel to work on the train every day until April so I really hope I'll be able to manage the travelling till 39 weeks :-/
I'm finishing on exactly the same date, Sarah! We can count down together :) That's when the Easter hols start so it's a good time for me to go. It's actually 14 weeks away but I have half term in there :thumbup: Although half term will not be relaxing cos DH works for a different authority & is on half term the week before me :( We only have a term time contract with our childminder & she's on my holiday schedule so I have Rex for a whole week on my own while in third tri. Argh!! Might have to visit my mum's, although she & my dad will be at work so that won't help much!

I'm sooooo jealous that you're going to be working in York!! I miss my hometown so much :( I know we'll never live there (DH won't, it's too expensive etc.) but I do wish I could! Whereabouts are you moving to?
Yay that's so cool we're finishing on the same day! :happydance: I haven't had a midwife appt since 16 weeks and don't go again till 28 weeks so I won't have my matB1 till then and therefore can't officially apply for my mat leave yet but I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with the 11th when I do. It means more time with my babies at the other end rather than sitting at home waiting for labour to start!

That's going to be tough being on your own with Rex at half term! Maybe get stocked up on new activities you can sit quietly and do together - eg play-doh, new colouring books, jigsaws maybe? Oh and lots of DVDs - not ideal I know but its only for a week!

What do you plan to do with Rex when you're on maternity leave? Livvy's in full time nursery at the moment and I plan to take her out when baby comes but maybe still send her for 2 half days a week for the socialising then when she turns 3 put her in for her funded sessions.

Our new office is quite central. Not sure the name of the road but I looked into getting a bus from train station to office (as no doubt I will be struggling to walk by then!) And the nearest stop is on peasholme green?

That sucks you miss it so much. There's something about the place isn't there. I lived in York until I was about 8 and have so many happy memories. Dh and I work together so the plan is that we will move there once my maternity leave is finished as it makes no sense for us to both travel, especially when we don't have any family keeping us here. It is stupidly expensive as you say but cheaper than 2 of us travelling 5 days a week. I think it'll be a nice place to bring up the kids too. Plus I have a good friend from work who is also planning to relocate there so at least I will know one person!
I haven't had a MW appointment since 16 weeks either. I didn't even see one at my 20 week scan as I was a 'see & send' case the sonographer said. I rang my MW team last week when they were at my surgery to ask for my MATB1 & they posted it out to me. I want to give it to work this week so I can get dates officially sorted out. I have unofficially said I'll go til Easter though so they could plan my cover. Everything is done so far in advance in teaching! This month, they'll start advertising &'interviewing new teachers for September!

I think half term will have to be filled with easy things like you suggested. We've got our niece's 4th bday party on the Friday & our playgroup usually runs still on the Thursday so that's 2 days taken care of! Just 3 to fill now! I can always have a morning at a play centre as he'll happily go off on his own.

Child care wise whilst on mat leave, I'm planning to send him to the CM on his usual days but for reduced hours, maybe just a morning or even something like 10-2 up until the summer holidays at the end of July. Then DH will be at home over the 6 week hols anyway. Then in September his free hours start & I've got his name down at the foundation unit at our local school so he'll do half days there Mon-Fri. I'll be able to take him & drop him off for his first full term which will be nice :) I need to officially put baby's name down at the CM for next Jan.

You are definitely in the town centre for your new job. Very handy! In a non-pregnant state, it'd be an easy walk from the station but I agree, a bus is probably best for now! The bus services in York are good though. Really frequent :thumbup: Are the trains frequent? Even more jealous that you're going to be living in York soon!!

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