TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Cool, I didn't realise you could ask them to post the matB1out, might give my docs a ring later.

I think you'll be fine half term week, sounds like he's got plenty to do! :) and wow looks like you've got it all worked out childcare-wise! I'm still unsure as to what days and hours we'll put livvy into nursery, trying to decide when will suit us all best. There is a toddler group session on a Wednesday morning at the same place and time as tge baby weigh-in clinic so I'll definitely be taking her along to that. They have a mummy and toddler swimming session once a week at our pool that I've always wanted to take her to and they have a free crèche I could maybe put the baby in while we do that so maybe I'll work her nursery days around that.

The trains to york are fairly frequent from here, about every half hour in the peak times so we should be ok getting there and back every day.
Hi ladies!
Sorry I haven't been on in awhile you both look super busy with work :)

Happy New Year!

How are you both feeling?
I wish our pool had a crèche :( Ive taken Rex to a swimming lesson on a Monday morning since he turned 1 but now we're going to have to stop going cos I don't have anyone to have baby (or take Rex for me while I recover from labour, stop bleeding & get the all clear for exercise again). I'm going to look into weekend classes but I know they're over subscribed. At least we'll still be able to go to our usual Thursday play group altogether.

I really want to be able to do some baby groups with baby like I did with Rex. Hopefully I can find some things to do to fit around Rex's childcare. Otherwise I'll feel like baby is missing out :(

I'm feeling ok, thanks, Kyles :) Struggling to get comfy on a night now & frequently waking to change position (in between getting up with Rex when it's my night :dohh: ) So tired as a result but no where near as bad as first tri exhaustion! How are you feeling?
Oh trust me the crèche isn't as good as it sounds, they only do two one hour sessions a week so I need to make sure one of those sessions coincides with one of the parent and tot swimming sessions before I'm good to go! It probably doesn't knowing my luck lol

That's a shame about rex's swimming lessons, I hope you can find some things to do with them both . its going to be hard trying to make sure neither LO misses out.

Hi kyles! I'm good thanks how are you? Did you have a nice new year? x
Sorry you aren't comfy Saz it only gets worse LOL (right) let's hope not!

Swim class sounds fun, we had Kyle in swim class this past fall and he LOVED it, such a fish!

We are starting him in soccer this Saturday, I get to chase him around the soccer field (indoors) for an hour lol lucky me ;)

I am feeling eh ok... Starting to get rid of the 24/7 nauseous feeling which I don't mind seeing long in my past! MS only a few times. Tired still but getting out of it and on to the second trimester thank goodness!

We are at a bad stage with my 2 year old, he loves waking up at 4:30am comes in our room to tell Daddy he is hungry..... He climbs out of the crib all the time and he refuses to sleep in his big boy bed. This transition is impossible! And VERY tiring!

It is freezing here the past 2 days, 3 degrees outside BRRRRRRR.
What is the temp like where you ladies are?
Aw bless, they just love the water at that age don't they! Olivia just has no fear of the water, she jumps in, thows herself back goes on the kids slide all by herself. Crazy little thing! :) Soccer sounds good just don't go over-doing it running around will you!

Yay second tri for you next week! :happydance: I can't believe fast it's going! I'm going to be in third tri in 2 week's time!

Olivia's going through a really crappy stage at the minute too, its stressing me out so much! She's refusing to go to bed on a night and screaming the house down in the process. She gets hysterical, tears rolling down her face and hyperventilating. When she finally does calm down she's absolutely exhausted and she just crashes out for the whole night :(

It's not too cold here actually, I haven't needed to wear my gloves all week :)
I can't wait for Rex to start football classes. All the ones round us are for school she kids though :( Enjoy that running around! :haha:

The cot to bed transition isn't much fun. We still get visits from Rex during the night :dohh: I don't let him stay in our bed unless it's gone 5am. Really hoping when we decorate & he gets a bigger bed that his sleep will improve. FX. But then it can't get much worse!!

We are having a very, very January. Think you guys must be getting the whole world's cold air at the minute. It's like 8 degrees Celsius (don't know Fahrenheit for you, Kyles, sorry!) most days. Ridiculous for this time of year. But we're having windy, stormy weather. No chance of a snow day. Gutted!
You posted while I was writing my post, Sarah!

I don't think any 2 yr olds sleep well tbh. Well, neither Rex or any of my friend's children do/have. I'm sure they'll get better soon. But it is so hard being pregnant & dealing with nighttime issues :(
Thanks sazzler, that's reassuring to know its not just us. she seems to go through these weird regressions every month or so and it is just exhausting its like one day she's going to bed and sleeping fine and the next she's like this :(

Guess what, i think we're officially potty training as of this weekend. She's finally showing signs of being ready. She tells us she needs a wee or a poo and then does it on the potty! We might actually have one out of nsppies before the next one comes along, Woohoo! :happydance:
It is freezing here the past 2 days, 3 degrees outside BRRRRRRR.
What is the temp like where you ladies are?

OMG kyles, I've only just seen in the news What you're talking about with the freezing temperatures! That's CRAZY stuff! :wacko:
Good luck with the potty training, Sarah :thumbup: I trained Rex back in July. I didn't want to take nappies on holiday! By the end of day 2, I was ready to throw in the towel & try again in a month. Then, as if by magic, he woke up on day 3 & it just clicked. So don't despair if you seem to be getting nowhere! Now we very, very rarely have accidents, he takes himself for a wee on the potty complete with pulling his pants & trousers up & down :) and he's doing no. 2s on the toilet happily now. He needs help to get on the loo though so I think the potty will be around for a while yet until he's tall enough to himself onto the loo using his step.
Congrats On the potty training! We have been going at it for over a month now.
Kyle goes on the big potty and little potty. LOVES to go, only did #2 once I think he thought it was bad... Tried to stay as positive as possible i was sooooooo proud!

Had my ultrasound last night :) HB 145 and baby looked super healthy and kicking all over the place!

From the pic it looks girly to me :) I am going to post it in the guessing page and see what others think lol
The head shape is way different than what Kyle's was.


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Yay to a healthy baby, Kyles :happydance: I am rubbish at gender guessing so I have no idea on team pink or blue, sorry! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's a girl though :)

Got some lovely news last night... My best friend is very cautiously pregnant :happydance: They've been TTC for well over a year & have had a couple of chemicals. They were actually due to start having fertility tests this month! She has an under active thyroid so I'm keeping everything crossed for a sticky bean for her :D
Thanks Saz!
What fantastic news for your friend!!! Please keep me posted. That is so amazing for her!!!!
I will pray for a sticky bean :)
Kyles what a gorgeous picture! :) I'm no good at skull theory and I can't see a nub. I think the head does have a similar look about it to Olivia's scan pics though...

Congratulations to your friend saz, that's great news :) I hope all goes well for her. How lovely your LOs will be so close in age :)
We hit double figures today, Sarah :happydance:

Argh! So much to do in these next 99 days!
Woohoo! I hadn't noticed that :)

I'm not doing too badly, apart from needing to make those decisions about childcare I was talking about last week and sort out my maternity leave.

We just have a few more essential things to buy, Olivia has now moved into the big bedroom but we still have to buy her new furniture. I also want to get potty training sorted before the small one arrives. So on second thoughts, I do have a fair bit to sort out in the next 99 days after all! :haha:
congrats to you both for the double figures today!!!!!!!!!!
Don't mention child care to me at the minute, Sarah! :nope: I thought we had it all sussed out but it turns out we don't. Stress! Our childminder has asked us to pay a retainer for baby until it starts next January, which I was expecting. But I thought it would be a one off payment like a deposit. But no, she's saying she wants us to pay half of what we will be paying from next Jan which is like £150 per month for the next year. That's crazy money! Especially when you consider that most nurseries only want a deposit of between £50-£100 to secure a place. So we need to sit dine & do the sums to see what will actually cost us less in the long term. The issue is, the retainer may be ridiculous but the childminder is cheaper than a nursery usually so need to weight the two up against each other. If we decide to look at nurseries, Rex will probably have to use his free hours at the nursery & not go to foundation, which isn't really what I wanted. I'd hate to move him somewhere new when he's so settled :cry: Aaaargh!!! I could do without this stress. Really wish being a SAHM was an option :(
Aww saz so sorry to hear bad news... That is crazy though to have a retainer this early on. The baby isn't even here yet! If you change your mind and go a different option will you get the money back? I hope things work out in the end for you, I am sure they will!

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