TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Aw sorry you're having such a hard time, saz. That is ridiculous that your childminder wants that much money for a retainer, and for a whole year too! :(

Wow kyles, second tri already! Congratulations! :happydance: :happydance:
:nope: the retainer is non-refundable. DH is adamant we're not paying it & will take the gamble that she has space for Rex & put baby in nursery. Idk! It's stressing me out. Along with the huge to do list I have for before baby comes :(
So, (trying to get my head around this for you saz) ideally you want:

From april-july - he's on reduced hours at the CM
July-sep - at home with his dad
Sep - jan - he will be at the FU for his 15 hours
Jan - sep 2015 - you'd want him to still do his 15 hours at tge FU and go to the CM the rest of the time?
Sep- school starts

So the CM wants you to pay the retainer from july 2014 till jan 2015?

So presumably the FU is only mornings so your options are:

Pay the retainer to guarantee his place with the CM from july till january

Not pay retainer and hope she has a space when the time comes

Put him in a nursery (but you think they will probably not allow him to do his funded sessions at the FU and will insist he does them there?)

What if he did the FU until january and then swapped to nursery? I know you didn't want to disrupt him too much but going back to the CM may be just as disruptive if some of the kids have moved on/ new ones have started etc. At that age they're very adaptable, and also if the baby's going into nursery it might be better to put them in together, as firstly it might help the little one settle and secondly they might give you a discount for having 2 in together.

Or could he do his funded sessions with the CM right from the start? Thus keeping his space open the whole time?
Wow, Sarah! You've worked hard to figure that out.

Yes, you are pretty much spot on. Except that from Jan 2015 he'd only need the CM on my 3 working days. And his retainer would only be from Sept cos we pay her pro rata so we pay her the same every month even though he doesn't ever go in August. So she'll be paid in August anyway. And we'd still the CM at FU cos she does the school run & she's only on our road so he won't forget her or the other kids.

I did consider using the funding at the CM but then he won't be able to go to FU at all as they only do a Sept intake. And I honestly think he's ready for a school type environment with more structure. :shrug:

Come Sept 2015 when he starts reception, I'm really hoping MIL will have retired & might drop him off & pick him up for me. Or we can look at breakfast & after school clubs.

Apparently I only have to pay the retainer for baby from when it's born. So May onwards. But still. That's loads!
Ah I see, yes I agree the FU environment will be good for him at that age, and the CM doing the school run will no doubt be invaluable. What a headache :( I hope you manage to sort something out xx
I've just got back from a trip to A&E Waving goodbye to my sister out of the kitchen window this afternoon, I shut the window on Rex's index finger He screamed straight away & I saw it was bleeding so ran it under the tap for a minute it so only to see that there was a huge chunk of skin missing from the end & some of his nail was missing I had no idea what to do in my panic! All my first aid training from work deserted me. I managed to grab some kitchen roll & raise his arm but as there was only me in the house & it wouldn't stop bleeding, I didn't know what to then do. So I rang 111 who told me to take him to A&E but not to stop putting pressure on it. Rang DH's BIL to come to my rescue as everyone else was at work. Thankfully, a bleeding toddler got seen straight away by triage who put a huge dressing, bandage & sling it on & only waited just over an hour to see the doctor. He doesn't need stitches & has only damaged to the top layer of skin. Thank god. Feel so guilty He's been so brave.
OMG how scary that must've been! Poor little thing, I'm glad he's ok.

Don't feel guilty, hun. it happens to every mum at some point or other :hugs:
Had my GTT today. Did not enjoy the fasting! But the tests were fine. They managed to get blood at me without too much hassle. Usually it's impossible! But I did have to have the second blood taken from my hand which hurts much more :( The two hour wait wasn't too bad either. I took mock papers to mark to keep me busy! They kept my mind off food :thumbup: Just have to wait for the results now. I'll get a phone call if I've got it, otherwise a letter. FX for a letter!

Rex seems to coping ok with his finger, bless him. I can't stop thinking about it & beating myself up though :cry: Hardly slept last night for going over & over it :(
What's the GTT? Is it the diabetes test? If so I think I'm supposed to have that at some point too :( my midwife mentioned it at my booking in appointment becsuse my dad has diabetes. The midwife hasn't mentioned it again since so here's hoping she's forgotten! :haha:

Aww don't beat yourself up about rex's finger, you weren't to know. We've all been through it, Olivia has a scar on her forehead where she ran into the corner of a wall and ended up with a huge gash on her head. She had to have it glued together and I felt absolutely awful for ages after. It stayed bright pink for months and months and I thought it was going to stay like that forever but its barely noticeable now thankfully.

The point is that you held it together and got him to the hospital and fixed. And you were there to comfort him which is the part he will remember xx
Yeah, it's the glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes. I had to have it cos Rex was what they class as a big baby (over 4kg). I highly doubt I've got cos I've never had any other symptoms of if. Just a hoop to jump through to get my home birth.

As I'm typing this, baby has got hiccoughs for the first time :cloud9: Was just thinking the other day, it was strange I hasn't felt them yet as Rex used to get them loads. I can feel the hiccoughs low down so fingers crossed that means baby is head down & is going to stay that way :)
Aww that's so cute! Come to think of it I haven't felt any hiccups this time around. I've been getting lots of nasty rib-kicks these last few days though :haha:

I've had the day from hell today. Olivia has turned into a monster over night. After having a really good week she has decided she no longer wants to potty train. She's refusing to use the potty and has had 4 accidents today so we've had to resort to pull-ups. And its just been tantrum after tantrum about everything else all day too. I'm absolutely exhausted and currently hiding upstairs while DH takes a turn with her. I can hear her kicking off at him about dinner as I type :(

I'm just absolutely gutted about the potty training. She was having the odd accident at nursery but otherwise was doing brilliantly then it's just like she changed her mind over night. Did yours have days like this?
:hugs: Sarah. I think it's probably her age I'm afraid to say.

Back in September/October I had the most horrendous time with Rex & Olivia is a similar age now. I cried so many times cos I just couldn't cope with him. He was vile for about 5/6 weeks. Tantrums, lashing out at us & other kids at play group, screaming for his own way, a pain at mealtimes & bedtime and his short one hour nap completely disappeared so I had no respite. I was honestly at the end of my tether, what with dealing with first tri symptoms too. I remember one weekend at my mum's, I just completely broke down & told her that I was stupid to be having another when Rex was such a nightmare! But then he honestly just got better. It wasn't overnight. Maybe the space of a couple of weeks. And he's come out the other side so much more grown up & his talking made loads of progress as did things like counting & reciting songs. I think it's probably a developmental leap just before 2.5 yrs that's to blame. Not that that makes it any easier but Olivia's behaviour won't be like this forever. :hugs:
Thanks that helps, hopefully its just a phase. I've completely backed off the potty training today and put her back in a nappy. I think it was just too much pressure on both of us and if she was truly ready it wouldn't be this stressful, right?
Idk :shrug: It could be pure toddler stubbornness? Maybe leave it for a couple of weeks & try again with the potty training?
Lol we've had another turn around today. This morning I put her in nappies and didn't mention the potty once. When I went to change her nappy this afternoon she refused to put another one on. I said to her if she won't wear her nappy she has to wee wee in the potty like a big girl and she said yes, Olivia wee wee potty. She's been using the potty all afternoon without needing any reminders from me whatsoever. Shes not had a single accident! I think i just needed to back off nagging her and use a bit of the old reverse psychology.

Toddlers ay! :wacko:
Woken up with a cold today after having a sore throat all day yesterday :( Coild really do with some Lemsip to get me through my day at home sigh Rex :( Stupid pregnancy immune system!

We can't go to our usual Monday swimming lesson because he still has a dressing on his finger. I took it off last night to bath him. (We weren't allowed to get it wet for 3 days.) It is nasty but not as bad as I feared. He hated looking at it & got a bit upset about it until I dressed it again :cry: Feeling guilty all over again :(

With no swimming, he needs to run off some energy somewhere & it's icy here this morning. So looks like we're play centre bound. Even more fun with a stinking cold :(
Saz so sorry about Rex's finger :( That had to be awful! He will be ok don't worry. I hope your cold goes away fast!

Sarah good luck with potty training ! We are and have been currently trying, he goes whenever he wants to but still goes in his diaper.

He has been putting up a fight when we put his diaper on so i am thinking we should get underwear for him and test it out.......

Kyle was with my mother when she had her curling iron on and he touched it. His whole finger was swollen with blisters and burns. I felt so bad. It took at least 2 weeks for it ot heal. Such a sad sad thing :( Don't worry to much!

Glucose test YUCK i am dreading that!!!!!!!!!!
Good to hear from you, Kyles :) How you feeling?

I hope Rex's finger heals up nice & quickly like Kyle's did. I know young skin heals better than older skin but I'm just desperate for it to be healed up already :( Redressed it again at bath time tonight but thinking that later in the week I should probably leave it uncovered & let some air get to it :shrug: Idk. I don't want him to knock it though :(

Finally picked a colour for Rex's new bedroom so decorating is on for this weekend. Feel like I've eventually got the ball rolling on preparing for baby. Still loads to do though. Eeeeeek!

I'm already tucked up in bed. It's only just gone 8pm :haha: Decided to leave my work until tomorrow night & have an early night instead to try & battle my cold.
Saz i am doing good. Still nauseous from time to time, I think this kid is doing backflips all day and night!

i wouldn't air it out, I remember talking to a doc of mine, the whole "air it out to heal quicker" doesn't make it heal any faster than when it is wrapped up. I would just keep it wrapped for a while longer. You will know when to take it off.

Hooray for the room getting done!

This weekend we were so busy getting Kyle out of the crib and in to his big bed. We converted the crib to the little bed and he did great both nights and naps! So happy, now i just need to get him into his twin size bed in a different room. That is going to be our challenge.........

Have a good night :)

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