TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

You both are so sweet! Thank you for the positive vibes!
I know daddy will be good to him. I am just wondering how I am going to sleep withoit the static of a baby monitor lol. Probably peacefully!
Yikes nits are the worst!!! I woyld shave kyles head if he had those suckers! Impossible to get rid of. How is Rex so far?

We do not have fruit pastilles here but I think you get what I mean heheh.

Doc appt went great. Babys heart was thumping away :)
Still no sign of the lice, thankfully! Hoping he's escaped them.

Yay for hearing the heartbeat, Kyles :) Love that part!

If you seriously do struggle to sleep, download a white noise app for your phone. I use one on the rare occasion I'm away & find it really relaxing :thumbup: My fave is rain shower noises!
Great news from your doctors appointment, kyles :)
Thanks girls!
Great idea Saz! I will be downloading that for sure!

Great news about Rex. FXing he does not get them!
Rex is at a birthday party this morning at a play centre. DH is staying at home to build Rex's new furniture as we're hoping he can spend the first night in his new room tomorrow night :) But that means I'm flying solo at the party. Luckily it's at a smaller place where you get exclusive use during a party so it won't be mobbed like a normal play centre on a Saturday but the main way into the play equipment is through two big vertical foam rollers which are a squeeze at best of times for adults. There's no way I'm getting through them in my current state! Rex best be well behaved otherwise I'll have to ask another parent to take pity on me & go get him out for me :dohh:
Oh dear, them rollers don't sound good for us horizontally-challenged ladies!

Olivia was at a soft play birthday party on Tuesday and I was worried about the same thing but she was great going off on her own and making friends with other toddlers. There was one tiny incident when she took a bowl of ice cream on the slide without me noticing :-/ but a lovely friend of mine went after her for me (and chased her round for a good 10 minutes before she finally surrendered the ice cream!) :haha:
:haha: That was sneaky of Olivia! Thankfully, Rex was really good. There was one little incident where he pushed a bigger boy but that was on floor level so easily sorted that!

Best get off here & get on with sorting his room out!
He pushed a bigger boy?? Go Rex! :haha: glad it wasn't too stressful for you otherwise :)

How did you get on with the decorating? Will he be sleeping in his nice new room tonight?
He ALWAYS starts on bigger kids :dohh: He has no fear & is so blooming confident. I have to watch him like a hawk!

Rex's new room is all done. Dead pleased with it :)


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Wow that looks great! I love the name above the bed with Thomas pictures in it :)
My hopes that the excitement of a Thomas bedroom might out do the change of a new room & bigger bed were unfounded. Rex was up twice last night & ended up in with us at 4am. So tired today :( Really hope he gets used to his new room soon. FX.
The room looks awesome! Rex's name looks so cool!

So sorry he was up at night :( It will get better, it's new he will eventually like it.

Kyle slept in his big boy bed for the first time on Friday night. That was it though :(
He did great. UP at 5am but that is impressive :) We still have to finish it up :)

I just now have to find a way to put him in the big bed and KEEP HIM THERE! He just wants out and to play play play. Tired of laying donw with him for over an hr to put him to sleep. Sigh.. This will get better right!

Glad you both had a great time at the parties and not to much trouble for the kiddies :)
Rex is generally the opposite of Kyle. He goes to sleep at bedtime just fine. It's staying in bed through the night that's the issue :dohh: I really try to tell myself that no school age kids need help getting to sleep or get up through the night. We can't have much longer left until our first borns are perfect every night. But who knows what a newborn will do to disturb their sleep :dohh:
Amen to that!!!!

I was told to just keep putting him to bed and leaving over and over to break the habbit of sitting in there waiting for him to pass out.

It will be frustrating for sure, but i guess i have to do it :( Sigh these kids need to get trained ASAP before #2 gets here :)

I leave tomorrow to fly to the other side of the country :) I will try my best to get on this site as much as i can but with the time difference etc it may be limitted. If i don't chat i hope you both have a wonderful week!!!!
It took Olivia a couple of weeks to get used to her big girl bed and new room and even now she has the odd night when she doesn't want to go to bed.

For a while I was having to get into bed with her till she fell asleep but it didn't really work because she would wake in the night and cry because I had gone so in the end I had to just be firm with her and tell her no. I told her she could have a gold star sticker if she stayed in bed all night and so far that seems to be working. We're getting through a lot of stickers because she now expects one every morning but its a small price to pay lol

Today was my first day at the new office in York. Its been a long day but not as bad as I thought. The only problem was that I had an appointment to get my whooping cough jab at 5:30, the train got me back home for 5:00 and Olivia's nursery closes at 6:00 so it was a proper mad dash to get from the train to the car, get Olivia from the other side of town and get back to the doctors in time for my appointment.

Olivia was a little monkey at the doctors too. She made straight for the play area but I needed to be in a different waiting area so I had to get her out of the play area and into the boring waiting room. First she started climbing on the seats, then she ran away down a big long corridor and I had to run after her. She was a good girl while I was getting my jab, thankfully (so the nurse gave her a sticker because mummy had been so brave lol) but it went downhill again from there. She had done poo so I took her into the disabled toilet to change her nappy. I thought I might as well have a wee while I was there....and Olivia thought it would be fun to pull the emergency assistance cord. Cue nurses urgently banging on the door to make sure we were OK while I frantically tried to pull my pants up and dress back down before they burst in and exposed my bum to the whole waiting room :dohh: luckily I managed to make myself decent just in time!
finally, just to top it all off she ran away outside while I was trying to queue up for my prescription of gaviscon and refused to get in the car afterwards. I don't think I've ever been so mortified :haha:

Kyles- I hope you have a lovely trip, enjoy all that relaxation time! :) xx
Oh Sarah that sounds like an exhausting day, it made me tired just reading it!!!!

I hope you can rest and put your feet up the rest of the night, yikes! I refuse to take Kyle to my doc appointments because i am afraid how he would react LOL
at least it's over now :)
Lol never take your toddler to the doctors unless its absolutely positively necessary :)

She's gone to bed now thankfully. Tomorrow and Wednesday DH is working from home and therefore will do the nursery drop off and pick up so it should be a little easier for me.
Oh, Sarah! That is an absolute nightmare of a trip to the docs!! :hugs: Shame you couldn't have a big glass of wine after that!

This is what most trips to the docs are like for me with devil toddler :dohh: :haha: I hate taking him but unfortunately, MW clinic is in my day off when I have no childcare. I always feel like I can't listen properly & forget to ask things because I'm too busy trying to stop Rex trashing something. For example, she didn't mentor my whooping cough jab & I forgot to ask. Will have to ask next time.

Good to hear your first day in the new office was ok though :)

Kyles, I did 'rapid return' to get Rex to sleep in his bed at bedtime. I sat on the landing just outside his door & when he got up, straight away I'd put him back to bed without saying a word. The first night, I was actually sweating by the end of it!! I put him back over 50 times but eventually he gave in & every night after that, he got up fewer times until he was falling asleep on his own. It's tough going to start with but worth it in the end :thumbup:

Rex actually stayed in bed all night last night :happydance: May have been a complete fluke but we'll see!
I'm like that too when I take Olivia somewhere important with me, just can't concentrate on a thing anyone says because I have one eye on little madam the whole time. Definitely ask your midwife what she thinks of the whooping cough jab. Mine was adamant I should have it done.
Unplanned, Rex has gone to bed without a dummy for the first time tonight! We lose them constantly (I think he stashes them places :haha: ) but made the decision not to buy any more since the new year. We were down to 2. One is in his bag but we couldn't find the other one at bedtime. And Rex didn't seem bothered at all :shrug: I can't believe it cos he appears addicted! He went to sleep just fine but who knows what the night waking a will be like. Wish us luck!

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