TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Good luck saz! I'm sure he'll be fine.

It's funny how suddenly things just don't matter to them anymore isn't it?

Olivia used to absolutely love her bottle but when she started to chew through the teats they had to go. I threw them all away one night and gave her a sippy cup in the morning. I thought she would kick off but she didn't care one bit!

My MIL told me that when DH was a baby/toddler he loved his dummy and wouldn't sleep without it. Then one day at about age 2 she said to him "right Jason, you're big boy now you don't need a dummy anymore" so he took the dummy out of his mouth, threw it in the cot and never touched it again!
It honestly is like a switch has just gone off inside him & he suddenly doesn't need his dummies anymore. He didn't even ask for one at bedtime tonight. And he slept all the way til 4am this morning & even then I think it was a bad dream that woke him up cos he was shouting for me & talking some muddled rubbish about blood :( DH got in bed with him to settle him & he then slept until after I got up :happydance: And I've not heard a peep out of him tonight so far despite this ridiculous gale force wind that honestly sounds like it might blow our house down!!

One less thing to battle once baby arrives anyway with the back of the dummy. It's definitely the right time for another baby! All the big stuff with Rex is sorted like potty training, no bottles, sleeping in a bed, feeding himself & even things like getting undressed etc. Just need to go through it all again with baby! :dohh:
That's good he slept well the other night, how did he get on last night? It was super windy here too, I thought our windows might blow in and land on our bed wizard of oz-style at one point :-/ Olivia slept right through it all.

We're getting there with Olivia too, we've given up on potty training for now but everything else is just about sorted. Let's just hope they don't regress when the babies get here!
Last night was pretty much the same as the night before. He woke up once & DH settled him in his bed. But he was up for the day at just before 6 :( Gutted on my day off when I could've had a bit more sleep before we had to get up to get ready for play group.

Going to spend another half hour decluttering the nursery this afternoon so I can start to strip the wall paper. Still so much to do!!
Haha its always the way. DH was working from home yesterday and the day before and Olivia slept in till 7 both days giving DH a lovely lie-in. Today it was my turn to do the nursery drop-off and therefore get up a bit later and guess what time Olivia gets up - 6am of course! :dohh:

I was a really mean mummy this morning, Olivia was refusing to put her coat and shoes on and we were late so I scooped her up without any shoes or a coat on and put her in the car like that :-\ i feel a bit bad about that now :blush: I don't think she will do it again in a hurry though! (Obviously I did bring her coat and shoes with us to nursery, I wasn't that mean!)

I didn't realise you were redecorating the nursery too, what do you have planned? We're not re-doing ours as its gender neutral and still looks nice enough.
I don't think that's mean, Sarah! I've done that before! And carried him round the corner to the CM's in the same state! :haha:

I'm not fully redecorating the nursery. Our's is gender neutral too. It just needs patching up thanks to DH's totally non-existent DIY skills & a couple of mishaps :dohh: Mishap no. 1 involved him attempting to put some shelves up & failing miserable. This resulted in about 30 holes on the one wallpapered wall. Grrrr! I'm going to attempt to just strip off the one drop with the holes in and see if the leftover roll I've got in the garage is still ok colour wise. Hopefully what's on the wall won't have faded too much cos the blackout blind got left down most days. Mishap no. 2 was due to our leaking ensuite toilet which caused a bit of a damp patch on the nursery ceiling so I need to very careful repaint the ceiling. We've also got an off cut of carpet cheap that we're gonna put down cos the carpet in there is pretty stained with milk spills, Sudocrem etc. But that's 'all' I'm doing :dohh:

I managed to finish clearing it today. Just need to get DH to put some stuff up in the loft & need to wait for our bin to be emptied tomorrow so I can chuck some rubbish!! So at least the furniture can all go into the middle of the room now to make space for stripping the wall paper.
:rofl: that's hilarious your DH managed to put 30 holes in the wall for a set of shelves! Your touch ups sound straight forward enough, should look good as new :)
I think I'm being conservative by saying 30 holes too :dohh: And the shelves only stayed up about a week! They flopped down as soon as I put something on them!! Rex still goes on about daddy breaking his stars :haha: (the wallpaper has stars on it!).

DH is soooo bad at DIY bless him. I do most stuff with the help of my lovely dad. Although SIL usually helps me wallpaper :thumbup: DH's forte is electronics & gadgets. Our whole house is networked up etc. & he's always getting phone calls from friends about their computers & internet issues but ask him to do anything remotely practical :nope: :haha:
Ha ha brilliant! :haha:

My DH isn't too bad when it comes to DIY, its just getting him to do stuff in the first place. He's really lazy. He still hasn't put up the bathroom blind that I bought when I redecorated the bathroom last august :dohh:
My DH can be lazy too but once he gets it into his head that something needs doing, you can't stop him!

We had my sister's surprise baby shower yesterday. She was very shocked when she walked in! :) One the games we played involved cutting a length of tape to fit around her back & bump. I used my existing bump & cut tape to match that. May as well use my resources :haha: I was the closest but my tape was still an inch bigger :dohh: She's 7 weeks ahead of me too! I'm obviously growing a monster!!

In the middle of the baby shower yesterday, DH FaceTime'd me to show me a huge egg on Rex's head that he got from running into the edge of a door at my SIL's whilst charging around with his cousin. He didn't warn me he'd done it so when I saw it on the screen, I burst into tears :cry: I felt so guilty that I wasn't there to comfort him. :( By Rex's bath time last night it had gone down but I still hate knowing he was hurt & I couldn't give him a big hug & kiss :( Think the pregnancy hormones must be making me more emotional!
Aww poor Rex! :hugs: That was a bit thoughtless of your DH doing that without any warning, men just don't have the same instinct at we do, he just won't have thought about how you would feel seeing that out of the blue.

Sounds like your sister had a great baby shower though :)

We had a lovely day out as a family today. I don't know if I mentioned but because our work moved offices at such short notice they are paying for all our travel so DH and I now both have a season ticket for the train to york.

So today we thought we'd use it to have a day out paid for by work! :) DH and I used our season tickets and Olivia was free because she's under 5, Olivia was over the moon that she got to go on a choo choo train! We went to the railway Museum which is free entry, followed by pizza hut for lunch. So we had a family day out and only had to pay for the food :)
Aaawww, sounds like a fab day out, Sarah :D We may well have crossed paths on the train station today! I caught a train back to Donny from York this morning. After a lovely 11 hours sleep at my mum's :) I was in bed for 9 last night :haha:

Rex absolutely loves the NRM. But then he is obsessed with trains! If the weather is bad next week when I'm on half term, we'll be making a trip there on Monday with my mum. If it's nice, we're planning a trip to a petting farm up near Thirsk (can't think what it's called).

Rex's head looks way better today, thankfully. There's no lump there at all now, just a bruise. I wish he could just slow down a bit & he might not injure himself so much :dohh: A typical boy!!
Ha ha I think you would have known about it if you'd crossed our path yesterday, I would have been the one with the toddler having a tantrum because she didn't want to get off the train/into her pushchair/walk by herself/insert any other perfectly reasonable request here. :haha:

I wonder if you mean monk park farm? We went for a day out there last summer and it was great. There's loads for them to do besides seeing the farm animals. There's a petting shed, tractor rides, a huge sandpit and play ground, there's even a little toddler section where they can ride on toy tractors away from the bigger kids. You definitely need a nice day for it though as its all outdoors.

Glad Rex's head is looking better now. Head bumps always look bad to begin with then the next day you can barely see them. Its not just boys, I think barely a day goes by when Olivia doesn't injure herself in some way. Yesterday walking back from the station we stopped at the park and she bumped her head on the top of the slide :dohh:
:haha: Sounds like a typical day out with a toddler then :haha: At least Olivia will still go in her pushchair. Rex point blank refuses now & if I manage to strap him in, he just takes his arms out then sits forward pulling at the lap belt & tipping the whole buggy :dohh: I've given up! We're getting a buggy board for when baby arrives instead.

Yes, that's it. I do mean Monk Park farm. Rex has been a couple of times, once with me & once with my parents. He still talks about it! If it's not rainy or windy next Monday, I think we'll head there. Last Feb when we went, it was cold but fine & we still had a lovely morning.

Maybe injuries are just a toddler thing then!
Lol at Rex tipping the buggy over! :haha: The trouble with Olivia is that she doesn't want to be in the pushchair but equally doesn't want to walk anywhere either. She wants me to carry her everywhere :dohh:

I've been looking at buggy boards too. I'm planning to wear the baby everywhere initially so don't need one straight away but once the baby gets too heavy/squirmy I will be getting one :)
I've got my Moby wrap ready to go again when baby is here. It was the only way I could any washing etc. done in the first 3 months with Rex cos he hated being put down & scream if I left him :dohh:
Sounds a lot like Olivia was as a newborn. :haha: i had a crappy mothercare one last time with loads of clips and straps, it was so fiddly that by the time Olivia was in it she'd be hysterical and I'd have to take her straight out again :dohh: this time, being so*determined to get one that LO actually likes, I've*bought 2, a moby and a mei tai :)
The Moby was a bit of a pain to tie at first but you soon get the hang of it with a bit of practice. It'll def be coming with us to playgroup so I can run around after Rex & not have to abandon baby :thumbup:
Hi ladies! :wave:
I am back!
Longest week EVER!

Just finished reading all your threads. Poor Rex's head! And the nursery oye! Hubby's and the way they fix things :)

The baby shower sounds like it was a great time!

Glad the trip on the train was success! Sounds like fun i really need to take Kyle on one soon!

Our weather here is so awful: ( SNow SNOW SNOW!!!!!!!!

We will have snow till Spring it looks like :(

The trip to Seattle was awesome, got to sightsee and tour around alot, The plane rides are NOT FUN especially pregnant :( I am done flying for quite some time!

I was able to visit my sister in California as well and that was really awesome.

I only had MS once in Cali and of course this morning as well. I am 19 weeks HELLO baby STOP giving me MS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first trimester is OVER!

I am glad i was able to do all this now because when there are 2 it will be imposssible to travel! I missed my little one and hubby so much! I was so glad to be home! I was on 6 planes in 6 days NEVER AGAIN!! LOLOL

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