TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Hi girls :)

Sarah it is the age, Kyle is going through that now as well. Melt downs for NO reason, Mommy wash hands ok lets go, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i don't want to WHAHHHHH melt down! Kid can't make up his mind! It's frustrating but you just have to laugh it off inside. Best saying ever ( This to shall pass) :)

Saz- hooray for Rex's room getting almost done, VERY exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies I have been so awfully sick now for 6 days :( I can't sleep I am coughing, and I have NEVER had so much mucus in my throat/nose in my life! This is the worst!

MY doc gave me antibiotics to take if i struck a fever, but i haven't :( Debating on if i should start them or not :( Don't want to hurt this poor peanut that is growing but the doc said that they would be ok to take. I just hope i can kick this soon.

I lost my voice on friday afternoon and it's still gone 3 days later! My husband bless his heart has been so great this weekend since I couldn't even talk to my son :(

Trying to take care of a 2 year old with no voice is IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Do you think I should take the antibiotics? Or just see if one day this cures itself?
Awww kyles that sucks. I'm so sorry you're feeling so rough :(

What kind of antibiotics are they? I had to take amoxycillin for a uti a couple of months ago and my doc (& Google) told me it was absolutely fine to take in pregnancy
thanks :)
It is amoxycillin.
I called the doc and they said do not take it unless you have a fever :( This is my primary doc office not my obgyn. I think i should just fill it and take it.

When I was pregnant with Kyle i had the almost same identical symptoms and i took meds to clear it up.
IDK :(
If it was me I'd probably just take it, I don't see what harm it can do really, surely its either going to help or do nothing. But that's just me, I'm a bit of a what-the-hey kind of person :) xx
agreed, I am going to fill it tonight. Tired of feeling this way........ Thanks for the advice :)
:hugs: Kyles. Sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly :( I agree with Sarah. Take the antibiotics. I think it's safe to say that after 6 days, your body isn't going to fight the bug off on its own.

When I was pregnant with Rex, I had to take a course of pretty strong antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis as it could've caused early labour :( Rex came out fine! The risk of early labour outweighed any possible harm from the antibiotics. That's the way you've got to look at it. You can't take care of Kyle while you're so poorly & you've got to think of him too :hugs:
Thank you girls so much! I started the antibiotic last night, It is NOT going to kick itself at this point. Was up all night (TMI) throwing up mucus :(

I'm glad I got the antibiotics, let's hope i start to feel better in a couple days. It's a 7 day one pill 3 times a day kind of wait......... BLAH....

XOXO you two are so sweet.
Hope the antibiotics kick in soon for you, Kyles :hugs:

I have a ridiculously active baby tonight! My bump is moving & jerking all over the place!
Aww lovely :) I suspect my LO is bum-up already as I'm still getting loads of kicks in the ribs, always on my right side.

did you have your next MW appointment yet, saz? Mine is next Tuesday.

How are you feeling today kyles?

aww active babies! I feel this one alot as well. Feels like little thuds ;)

I am feeling a little better. Slept most of the night so thats great!
The antibiotics are definitely working. Thank goodness I took them.
Glad you're feeling better. Its a good job you decided to take your tablets in the end.

Yay, you're feeling kicks already! :) x
Good to hear you're starting to feel better, Kyles :thumbup: Yay for movement too!

My MW appointment is tomorrow, Sarah. :) Will have to take Rex with me so I hope he behaves cos I'll be there quite a while I think whilst they attempt to get blood out of me as usual no doubt :dohh:
Good luck tomorrow Saz! Hope the appointment goes well and that Rex behaves :) Keep us posted!
All fine at the MW :) But baby was being very awkward when she got the Doppler out :haha: Every time she found the heart beat, baby kicked/punched with all its might so she couldn't actually measure the heart rate. But she said she wasn't worried as it was obviously very active & the heart beat she managed to hear were good & strong. She seems to think that baby is breech at the minute :( I know I'm no expert but I don't think I agree! Every time it gets hiccoughs, I feel them really low down :shrug: She did say that at this stage, it's pretty hard to tell the difference between a head & a skinny bum :haha: If it is breech, it had better turn. I want my home birth!!! I'm measuring ever so slightly bigger but only 1cm so nothing to worry about just yet. Getting blood was tough as predicted. Ended up having it out of the back of my hand which really hurts :cry:

Rex was well behaved, thankfully. He took his doctor's set to help when I explained we were going to the doctir's :cloud9:

Rex had his first real nightmare last night :cry: He woke up crying & screaming for me & then when we got to him, he was creaming about a giant spider in his room. He was petrified, poor thing :( He wouldn't settle back to sleep so ended up in our bed. Not good for sleep for me but he slept like a log!
Good to hear everything is ok with the LO. There's plenty of time for him/her to turn if they are breech so I really wouldn't worry at this stage. how totally cute that Rex too his doctors kit to help with the checkup! :)

How awful about him having a nightmare, poor little lamb. There's been a couple of times liv has woken up in the night screaming and when I've gone to her she's already packed up her rabbits and her sippy cup and is stood waiting to come into our bed (she has 3 rabbits that go everywhere with her) her speech is still not good so she doesn't say why but I assume nightmare :(

So yesterday my work put on a bus trip to go and see our new office in york. You were right, saz it is very central. The office looks nicer than the one we have. It did bring it all home that I'm going to be a commuter working long days very soon though :-/ we start there on the 10th Feb. Our new office has a nursery on site that I have fallen in love with. You can look out of my office window and see them playing outside. I would feel so much better knowing she was just there. Its £200 a month more than we already pay for Olivia though so we just can't afford it :cry: but maybe the little one will go there one day after we've moved house and olivia has gone to school etc..
Hooray for an awesome visit! Glad the baby is doing great!
Rex is so cute!

Scary the dreams.... I'm glad he was able to go back down easily.

Thats great Sarah about the new office. Oh i would LOVE to be able to watch kyle all day play :( I hope it works out and you do get to send the kids there.

As for the night wake ups, do either of your children have there 2 year old molars? The very far back teeth. Kyle would wake up screaming at night, and as of this week both the bottom teeth in the back broke through the skin. He has been a trooper through them breaking through. Lots of drool though...

He officially has the AWFUl cold that i am still getting over. I feel so bad for him :( Runny nose and barking cough. Hope his heals quicker than mine did :(
Rex got his 2 yr molars just before his 2nd bday. He was a pretty early teether. I do remember them being awful coming through though :( We had many sleepless night. Lots of medicine!

Aw, Sarah, the nursery sounds amazing. But the fees sound steep! Probably cos it's so central :( Hope she can go there one day.

I'm off down to London tonight for a weekend with my uni girls. I went at 35 weeks when pregnant with Rex & was pleasantly surprised at how many people gave up their seat on the tube for me. Fingers crossed for the same this weekend!
Olivia has all her back teeth now thankfully. But possibly at the time I was talking about when she would wake up crying might have been around the same time she got her furthest back one come to think of it.

Poor Kyle! I hope he doesn't get it ss bad as you did :(

Saz, hope you have a lovely time! :)

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