TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Hi kyles, glad you enjoyed your trip :) I can't believe you're still getting MS at 19 weeks! How awful for you :hugs:

This probably isn't what you want to hear right now but its been quite warm here today :) in fact its actually been a really mild winter on the whole here, we've had no snow at all and I don't think we'll get any now. There's flowers in my garden and blossom on the trees. Now if only it wasn't so bloody rainy....! :haha:
Good to hear from you, Kyles. Glad your trip was good. But 6 planes in 6 days?! That's madness! :hugs: for still feeling nauseous.

I've felt so sick today :cry: I felt sick all day on Saturday but just assumed I'd eaten something dodgy on Friday night when I had a take away. But with it being back today, I'm wondering if it could be MS again? A quick google tells me that many women do get it returning in third tri :( I only fancied Hula Hoops to eat tonight which is what I wanted in first tri when I felt sick. Friday night & last night, I didn't sleep very well either. I just couldn't get comfy & saw every hour on the clock :( Wondetinh if being tired makes me feel it worse? :shrug: I hope it goes away again soon. I can't make it to the Easter hols if I feel like this every day :nope:
Turns out it wasn't a return of MS but a bug I think cos Rex threw up in the night too :( Just once & then was left with a temp but I'm thinking that's probably what was wrong with me. He's fine today now his temp has gone down so obviously wasn't a serious bug.
Thanks girls!
Ugh Sarah you are so lucky! This is by far the worst winter we have had in 20 years! I am so over snow!

The only positive about it is i get to work from home when it does snow :)

The MS is annoying, i really thought it would be away by now. I really think i was sick on the trip because of the driving, but yesterday morning when hopping in the shower i just felt so sick and when i brushed my teeth it decided to show it's ugly face...

I couldn't get comfy at all last night, i needed 3 pillows. Tossed and turned all night as well. You are both so much further along than me and i really hope this pregnancy takes a turn for the better. So far i will never want babies again feeling like this :(
Awww huge :hugs: to both of you feeling so I'll. There's nothing worse :(

I'm also feeling a bit sorry for myself today. The past couple of weeks I've felt fantastic and full of energy but today its all hit me like a brick wall! All of a sudden I'm achey, slow and completely knackered. I've also got this sore spot on the left side of my bump that just aches and aches. I'm hoping its just stretching pain or a baby body part poking me from the inside.

Just fed up :(

Good news though, my boss has okayed me to take a day off every week in the last 6 weeks before I finish work (so starting the first week in march) I'm going to take every Wednesday off so that I only ever have to work 2 days in a row.
Oh Sarah hugs to you too!

That is amazing news! Your boss is so nice! That is a great idea 2 days working with a break :)

I think this baby is going through a growth spurt. I am soooo itchy on my BB's and stomach and the stretching on my stomach is awful WHAHHH LOL
That's good news about work, Sarah :thumbup: Hopefully that will make those last few weeks much easier for you. Sorry to hear you're feeling rough :hugs:

I totally understand the tiredness coming on all of a sudden. I went to bed at 8pm last night :haha: I feel more human today as a result :) But I can't do that every night! Starting to regret saying I'd work right up to Easter but there's no going back now as the school has no cover for me til then so I'll just have to cope!

Definitely sounds like a growth spurt, Kyles :)
That does sound like a growth spurt kyles, very uncomfortable for you :hugs:

Oh saz, I hope you don't tire yourself out too much with work. If you're anything like me though the tiredness comes and goes, and next week you could have another burst of energy. I think the trick is not to stop!

Well I feel a lot better today, I had a good sleep last night and its helped. One weird thing that's happening to me at the minute is I just can't be filled! I normally take soup and a bread roll to work with me for lunch with a yogurt for pudding, and mid-morning I normally have a cereal bar and a banana which keep me going fine. But today by lunch time I was starving! I ended up going out and buying a big tuna salad sandwich, then I had my yogurt followed by a chocolate biscuit and I was STILL hungry! When I got home from work I was starving again so I've just had a peanut butter and jam sandwich followed by 2 chocolate digestives! :haha: I wonder if I've reached that point in pregnancy where they say you need to up your calorie intake slightly??

I've also noticed this week my legs are starting to swell a bit :haha: :dohh:
I agree, Sarah. Once you stop, the exhaustion hits you like a ton of bricks! I think that's partly my problem this week. DH is on half term this week so I've not been as mad busy as normal.

I'm the opposite to you with hunger. I can't seem to fit much in at all! Not by usual greedy standards, anyway! :haha: I do have the odd hungry day but generally I think I'm probably eating less.

Urgh. Naughty baby has flipped to breach again :dohh: It had hiccoughs this afternoon & I could feel them top left of my bump just under my ribs :( It must've turned in the night cos I didn't know it had done it. Please turn back round, baby! I don't want a monitored hospital birth or worse, a section :cry:
Oh no saz! Naughty baby! :(

Are you sure that means the baby has actually flipped? Could it not just be that the whole body is twitching when he/she is hiccuping?
Well, I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure I could feel a boney head shaped lump up the top :( Will see if it decided to go back during the night if it gets hiccoughs again today. I'm worried about it running out of room to flip back now. I know I grow big babies!
Oh dear, I hope little monkey flips again for you :( :hugs:
Today is one of those days where I could reeeaaallly do with a bottle of wine :( Rubbish day at work dealing with annoying people (both staff & students!) plus the end of a hard 7 week half term mean I would love to drown my sorrows in a gorgeous cold bottle of Sauvignon blanc :cry: I neeeeeed alcohol!! Chocolate & Mexican food just aren't gonna cut it tonight!
Mmmmmmm wine! I totally know the feeling. I haven't really missed alcohol until last week when a friend at work told me she was planning on having a nice big glass of rosé after work and ever since then I haven't been able to get it out of my head! :haha:

I've got a big bar of fruit and nut for later tonight but you're right, it definitely doesn't cut it!
My tacos were nice but they'd have been better washed down with a big glass of wine! I've got Maltesers for in front of the tele but again, that's not gonna do it tonight :(
I hope the baby turns! Turn baby turn!!!!
You have plenty of time.

I am having the same type of day. MY boss is really driving me nuts anymore. It's getting harder and harder to deal with him (he is new and doesn't understand how this company works) SIGh... WINE is all I think about, Visiting my sister she had some and it smelled SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. That's as much of a "taste" as i've had :(

I am half way there now! Little peanut is wiggling and kicking me like crazy! It's the coolest feeling ever. Can't wait to start seeing the movement and showing Kyle :)
Yay half way! :)

The kicks are lovely aren't they, except for the big lump (an elbow? A knee?) That keeps poking me in the same spot ALL the time :haha:

Baby keeps hiding from Olivia, he/she will be going nuts but as soon as Olivia comes to have a look it stops!
This baby gets shy too, Sarah. If I try to get Rex to feel or anyone else for that matter, it seems to know & just stops! I've tried to video it a few times when it's been going really nuts but it gets camera shy. How do they know?!

Glad you're getting good wriggles now, Kyles :thumbup:

Me & Rex have just arrived at my mum's for a 3 night stay :) Rex came bounding in to our bedroom at 6.05 this morning asking 'are we going to grandma & grandad's now?' Think he was excited to visit :haha:
Aww that's so sweet he was excited to see his grandma! :)

my dad came to visit this weekend and Olivia was all excited. But then when he arrived she instantly turned into a monster :haha: she was over excited and therefore showing off I think :)
Aww that's sweet (and early) :) Enjoy your stay!

We finally got Kyle in to his big boy room yesterday. We had to put the converted crib in the room with his big boy bed. Added Race car stickers to the walls. He slept like a baby! Loves his new room.

He even helped put butterflies and lady bugs stickers on the NEW baby room (His old room)

Hopefully this works and i can eventually get him to sleep in his big boy bed and re-use this crib. Otherwise im getting another crib lol.

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