TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

No real news. Been having the same weird irregular contractions again this evening but they're still not coming to anything. Not even sure if they are contractions or just my BHs have gotten more painful.

I'm so sore as well, its not even funny. Its like I just can't get cumfy or into a position that doesn't set off more BHs, and every time the baby moves it hurts. The only position I can get into that doesn't leave me all achey is kneeling on all fours, but then after a few minutes of that position my neck starts to hurt from having to look up :haha: I can't win!

But on the other hand I can't complain too much, at this point in my first pregnancy I was just coming to the end of day two of my three day labour-marathon. I'd much rather have a few false starts followed by (hopefully) a shorter established labour than 3 whole days of regular contractions.

Glad you had a good party, saz and wishing Rex a happy birthday for tomorrow :) I hope you get a minute to relax after finishing your jobs, I can't even begin to imagine how tired you must be!

Sounds like you had a productive day, kyles :) I'm desperate to get out onto my garden, I feel like crying when I see all the weeds that have sprouted in my flower beds since I last managed to get out there. DH refuses to do anything in the garden besides cutting the grass so its all getting overgrown around the edges now :(
:hugs: Sarah. Could baby be back to back? They sound very like what my sister had in her labour :shrug: Hope your body's doing all the early dilation work.

You know the problem with your child turning 3? They're old enough to know it's their birthday so get up at the crack of dawn :dohh: I didn't get to bed til 11.30 & Rex was up at 6.30 :wacko: He's already opened his presents & is playing with DH on his new Hornby train track :) I hope he sleeps well after all the festivities today cos mummy needs some shut eye! I really hope I don't go into labour tonight cos I wouldn't have the energy to do it!!
I don't know, baby was the good way around at the last midwife appointment but that was a week and a half ago. I have no pain at all in my back though, the ache I'm feeling is from all the pressure I'm having down below. :( I'm really hoping its a bit of early dilation work too (I use the term "early" very loosely, mind you, because there's nothing "early" at all about this baby! :haha:) And maybe when I go to my next midwife appt on Wednesday she'll find I'm already 5cm dilated or something :)

Aww bless Rex, it must be so exciting to have the first birthday you actually know about! I bet he will have a really good sleep tonight after all the excitement....and then after a good night's sleep you can get back to work on getting that baby out! :)

Olivia was up at 5:30 this morning :dohh: thankfully DH was kind enough to get up with her and now there they're playing with her Easter present - a crayola ink stampers set. Not sure how well its going though, as I just heard DH comment on the colour of her hands. I'm guessing someone's going to need a bath this morning :haha:
I'm really, really hoping for the same news at my sweep on Thursday. If she doesn't tell me I'm at least 3cm, I swear I'll have an emotional breakdown :haha:

Rex better sleep well tonight but after the birthday cake, Easter fun with his cousin and the Easter chocolates, I'm not holding out hope!

:haha: sounds like Olivia loves her Easter present! Hope DH cleared up for you before you got up!
Happy Easter!

Sarah sounds like labor pains are starting for sure. Fingers crossed it is going to get better or a ba y arrives soon!
Happy birthday to rex!

Kyle woke up after 7am today which gave dh and I time to hide the eggs. Every morning kyle wakes up and comes in our room. Not this morning lol. He went straight to the baskets so dhand I jumped up to see his excitement lol

This is the first year he gets it so its pretty great. Wish he waited for us lol

I will check back in later with you girls and see how ur doing.

After mulching my lower back is killing me. Taking it easy today.
I think I'm getting a sweep on Wednesday too. I'm a bit nervous about it actually because I didn't need on last time so don't know what to expect. What's it like? Is it painful and does it even work?

AW it sounds like kyle has had a fantastic day! Olivia and I spent the afternoon at my best friend's house today, she has a little boy a similar age to olivia so they always have a great time together. She organised an Easter egg hunt in the garden for them and then they painted eggs together so she's had a lovely time too. We had planned to do another little egg hunt for her at home this evening but I think after all the chocolate she's had today we might wait till tomorrow :haha:

I hope Rex has had a great day today too :)
It's lovely when they're old enough to properly understand the festivities, isn't it :) I wonder if these second babies will understand things earlier cos their older siblings will explain it?

Sounds like Olivia's had a lovely day :D

Rex has been utterly spoilt. For the first time, I seriously feel like we don't have enough space for all his toys! I only had a clear out a couple of months ago in prep for the baby toys coming out again & now I think we need a bigger house. Especially if by some miracle, this baby turns out to be a girl who will want completely different toys! My IL's did an Easter egg hunt for Rex & his cousin & they did brilliantly searching for all the clues. He has a ridiculous amount of eggs. I think we might have to 'help' him with his eggs :haha:

I wouldn't say a sweep is painful, Sarah. It's uncomfortable but totally bearable, don't worry. I actually had 2 last time. At the first one when I was 40+2, I was amazed to discover I was already 2cm dilated & 50% effaced, which gave me some hope that things were happening. The MW actually said that she'd make me a 41 week appointment & book my induction but she didn't think she'd see me. She then told me that if I hadn't had any movement over the weekend, to ring back on Monday & get in at one of their other clinics on the Tuesday, which I did cos I was still pregnant & desperate at bang on 41 weeks! At the second one, I was 2.5cm dilated & about 90% effaced she said. She also told me she could've broken my waters easily if they did that in clinic. I had a bloody show after that second one too. My waters went at 11.30pm that night & Rex was born at 7.41am the following morning :) I think she did a much better prod around in the second one so that got things moving tbh. I didn't have a show or anything after the first. On Thursday, I'll definitely be telling her to do a good poke around :haha: I do not want to see 41 weeks again! :wacko: I'm seriously struggling to move now. I'm pretty sure this baby is going to be bigger than Rex. I'm guessing a 10lb giant!
I know, its so lovely to see them enjoying things like Easter and Christmas and birthdays at last! I think the little ones probably will get into it at a younger age. Its funny how it just happens with younger ones, they like to copy I think :)

Aww sounds like a great day for Rex today too. I know what you mean about the toys, I felt the same after Christmas!

OK so the sweep doesn't sound too bad, I think I can cope with that. Really hope I don't end up needing it but its not looking good so far :( no more contractions at all today. I think baby has gotten stuck in there or something :haha: I feel like a beached whale most of the time too, and still just so uncomfortable. Also, if that wasn't bad enough, the messages have started going on Facebook today with people asking if the baby's arrived yet :dohh:

I'm sure its not going to be a 10lb-er, i take it they've been keeping an eye on baby's size this time after Rex was born so big? How much did he weigh again?
I feel exactly the same :( I honestly feel like I'm too big to move! Getting up from sitting or laying down is just a huge trauma! As is reaching for anything :( Baby needs to get out now!!

The only extra monitoring I've had due to Rex's size was the GTT. I've never measured more than 2cm ahead so haven't had to have a growth scan or anything. My bump is so solid though, I'm convinced it's all baby again. Rex was 9lb 1oz at birth but then he was 8 days late so he could well have been half lb lighter if he'd bothered to turn up on time!
Ugh, tell me about it! Just getting up out of a chair is a major operation at the moment :wacko:

2cm ahead doesn't sound too bad, I'm sure its not baby-zilla in there :)

I can't believe its D Day tomorrow. And we're still here. When are these babies coming??? DH is back at work tomorrow too so I'm back to being on my own during the day :( I think DH is disappointed the baby didn't come this weekend too, he was hoping for 2 more weeks off work I think :haha:

Olivia was up at 5:30 again today, what's the deal with that?! Now she's laid on the sofa complaining she's tired :dohh: you and me both, lady!
I'm gutted that we're both heading towards D day :cry: At least we get our little tipples!

Baby has 7 more days to make an entrance before my DH is back at work. He was looking forward to 4 weeks off, I think! I'm dreading next Monday if I'm still pregnant. I'll have Rex all day on my own & I'll just be too huge to do anything with him. That day will be a nightmare :cry:

Rex was up at 6 today :wacko: so you have my sympathy on the early start. I have no idea why he's suddenly started getting up so early again. Bad timing, little man!

Not really sure what we're up to today. Maybe just a quiet bank holiday around the house.
I know, totally gutted as well. I am looking forward to our tipple tomorrow though. I hope its a nice wine, the girls at work gave me it as a leaving present and it looks a bit posh by my usual standards but it's the only wine we have in the house :haha:

I know the feeling, I stupidly told the nursery that olivia will start her reduced hours on the 1st may as it makes it easier in terms of billing and childcare vouchers etc. It didn't occur to me that on the 1st may I could potentially still be pregnant and having to cope on my own with a 2 year old!
Aww girls you both sound so miserable which is the perfect way to feel. That means these babies will be arriving soon. Cheers to the wine to get things rolling. I miss wine lol.

Glad the kids had a blast yesterday. Kyle refused to nap due to all the excitement so he passed out early last night.

Im down 1 lb from when I started this pregnancy journey. Everyone was saying I look great and looks like I lost weight. Now if this baby will take the weight from my hips we would be set!

I feel gross. This pregnancy gives me bad hair and nails. Here is hoping its a girl!
Rex starts his reduced hours at the childminder next Tuesday too. What were we thinking?! :dohh:

You've actually lost weight, Kyles?! I'm seriously jealous. I certainly haven't put on as much as I did with Rex but I know I'll have weight to lose. Ah well, I've enjoyed the cake & chocolate :haha:

DH is taking Rex out to a kids' Easter party at a place near us this afternoon. We only just heard about it from his friend. He's told me I have to stay at home & rest :D TV time for mummy on the sofa I think! :happydance:
What a nice treat for you Saz!
Enjoy it while it lasts :)

Yes actually today it is only (1lb) so I guess you could say I haven't gained any :)

It only looks like it in my upper half of my body. The lower half needs some serious work :hehe:

I think i will start walking every day it is nice out with Kyle when I pick him up from my moms.

This way i can keep my legs in somewhat moving shape!

So we have this dreadful 17 hr drive vacation coming up in a month. I really need opinions! If you were 32 weeks pregnant would you feel safe for you and the baby to fly? Or would you just drive it.

I really want to fly just for the short time frame but I am just worried if flying would have any affect on the baby?

Other news: My DYSON vacuum has passed (RIP) thanks to a red little plastic screw from Kyle's tool bench :( It was the BEST vacuum ever. Hoping I can just return it. What a crazy weekend.

Now I know which object to keep Kyle away from and his little items that he thinks can fit in the HOLES of vacuums (Sigh)
Very jealous you've not put any weight on, kyles :) I've done better this time, I weigh the same now as I did after having olivia so once baby, all the water, placenta etc have all gone I reckon I've only got about 10lbs to lose. If so I'll be happy with that.

That's a shame you've got bad hair and nails, my skin is really suffering this pregnancy, I look like a spotty teenager at the minute :(

I think I'd be OK with flying at 32 weeks. Did you say it's only a 4 hour flight? If so that's not too bad at all. At 32 weeks with this pregnancy I still felt pretty good and don't think I'd have had any problems going on a plane. Plus you've had the go ahead from your doctor. I'd say its fine. I don't think flying causes any problems to the baby, the only thing would be for you to check with the airline that they will let you fly before you book your seat.

I'm sorry to hear about your dyson. Over here we have dyson repair men who come and service them or fix them when they go wrong. do you have anything like that?

Nice one you get an afternoon off, saz! No such luck for me, we've been to soft play this afternoon so I'm absolutely shattered :haha:
I'd definitely go for the flying option over the long drive, Kyles. Like Sarah said, I also felt ok at 32 weeks but a flight will be waaaay more comfortable than a whole day in the car with a toddler.

That's rubbish about your Dyson. There's just no other Hoover that comes close to them! I'm sure it could be fixed :shrug: Kids toys are dangerous!

Hope you've got your feet up after soft play, Sarah!

Today's efforts to evict baby have included pineapple for breakfast, a total of an hour bouncing on my ball & we're going to have a curry for tea. Please come out!!! I know I'm going to get annoyed watching OBEM tonight with all those ladies having their babies but I'll still be watching it :haha:
Thanks girls!

Sarah rest your feet!!!
Aww Saz you are really really trying EVERYTHING. I feel your pain :(

I think we will drive down. After reading a lot on the web it's a 50/50 chance, we will have 2 layovers (one each way) and the cabin pressure may not be ok. I am more scared to fly after reading stories than anything.

I guess we will just have to take our time driving down as much as i really don't want to.

I have a doc appt check up next week. I will see what they say..

Yes I wish we had a repair man to come out, sadly I would have to ship it to them, they said they could (fix it) for $450.00 or we can exchange it for a new model for $319.00 Seriously? How does that make sense?

We are going to try to return it to the store we purchased it from and see what happens.
Well my feet are sort of up, in that I'm having a sit down while I watch olivia play in the bath :haha:

Ha ha I hope your eviction methods help. I've just about given up, in fact I'm looking forward to having a day to myself again tomorrow as Olivia will be back in nursery. I honestly didn't expect to get to D day so tomorrow will be like a bonus lazy day! To make things even better I did all my housework this morning so have very little to do tomorrow :)

Nice one, OBEM tonight. I forgot today was Monday! I know what you mean though, I thought when I was watching last week's episode that by the time the next episode came on I'd have had my baby. :dohh:

Hmm, I think if you don't feel comfortable with the flying kyles then do whatever you think is best, you don't want to end up regretting it. I hadn't read any stories about cabin pressure etc but I agree that is a bit scary in that case.

Its a shame you don't live in the UK actually, because this week Argos are doing a special dyson event where you can trade in your old one and get up to £100 off a new one. I hope you can get yours exchanged or something, though that would be great xx
That's insane that it costs more to fix the Dyson than buy a new one :dohh: I agree with Sarah, travel in whatever way you'll feel comfortable :)

It must be weird for you getting to D day when you didn't last time, Sarah :( Definitely make the most of a lazy day tomorrow :thumbup: I fully expected to see tomorrow still pregnant but couldn't help the small glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't. My new goal is not to see 41 weeks again :wacko:

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