TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Tomorrow is D day for you both correct?

I hear dyson is huge in the UK.

I will keep you posted on what happens tonight to see if we get a refund or not :)

Bounce on that ball Saz! Sarah rest tomorrow that will be sooooooo nice!!!!

I will have grape fruit juice while you both are enjoying a nice glass of wine :)
Yes, D day for both of us. Only the thought of a glass of wine tomorrow night is helping ease the disappointment! :haha:

Yeah, Dyson is massive over here. It's a British company, I think. I've had two Dysons in a row now & couldn't go back to any other brand! I sound like a right saddo saying that don't I :dohh: :haha:
D day is here & I'm still pregnant :cry: No signs of labour coming anytime soon either :(

I slept really badly last night so I feel really lethargic today. I just couldn't get comfy & was tossing & turning from about 4.30. It's time to come out baby! I swear I'll get more sleep with a newborn to feed than I am now :dohh:
Well, here I still am on D Day

I had another stupid false labour last night (if that's even what its called) started at 8:30 pm with mild contractions every 5 minutes and they continued for an hour. It got to 9:30 and I thought I would go to bed and try to get some sleep before the contractions started to get more painful. By the time I'd walked upstairs the contractions had stopped :cry:

It just sucks, nearly every night this happens and I get my hopes up :nope:

Deffo looking forward to my glass of wine tonight. Then it's my sweep tomorrow so hopefully that might get things started properly.......

Kyles, how did you get on with your dyson? Really hope you got your refund

Lol Saz you big saddo! I'm the same though, we've had nothing but dysons for years :)
Stupid false labours getting your hopes up, Sarah :( I had quite a few tightenings last night & was starting to get a bit hopeful but they disappeared before bed :(

At least your sweep is tomorrow! I have to wait til Thursday afternoon for mine :cry:

I'm looking forward to the vino tonight too :)

I think I might try & get in for a pedicure somewhere later on today as a treat. DH's gran gave us both some Easter money & seems I can't reach my feet & they're a mess, I thought it might be a nice D day treat. You watch everywhere be booked up now :( Daren't book ahead just in case!
Aww that sounds similar to what keeps happening to me on a night, they're not strong enough to be real contractions but more painful than just braxton hicks. Then by bed time they're gone :( Definitely hoping the sweeps do something for us.

Very much looking forward to our vino tonight. I've also treated myself to a tube of Pringles and some dip to go with my vino :) I wouldn't normally treat myself to something so fattening but I'm past caring now :haha:

A pedicure sounds lovely! I've been fancying going for a facial for a couple of weeks now but same as you I daren't book ahead!

My ticker says our babies are the size of a jackfruit this week. I had no idea what a jackfruit is so I googled I'm scared. Those things are bloody massive! :rofl:
Oh god! I just had to google that jack fruit too. Wish I hadn't!! Ouch! :haha:

I really don't think some Pringles & dip is fatty, Sarah! Especially not at this stage! You enjoy it!

Managed to get in for a pedicure at 3.30 :D Can't wait! You watch my contractions bloody well start now :dohh:

SIL phoned up at 10am to see if DH & Rex fancied going swimming with them so I'm home alone. Just had our Tesco delivery so sorted all that in peace & sorted some washing but not I'm at a loose end. Going to bounce & catch up on some tele while I've got some peace! Hope you're enjoying your day of peace, Sarah :)
Ooh lovely you got in for your pedicure. Enjoy! :)

That's really nice of your SIL to take Rex out for the day, now get your feet up and enjoy some telly! :thumbup:
Happy D day ladies!!!!!!!!!!
Get those babies out!!!!! I want to know if you are having a boy or a girl already! I am so impatient!!!!!!!

A pedicure sounds amazing!
And so does a spa day... I would love either of those.

Dyson status- took it back, we paid $400.00 for it 5 years ago, because we didn't have a receipt we got the price they last had it in the store for at $250.00 for store credit, ended up getting the newer version ($399.00) guy gave us a coupon for $80.00 off our dyson! so we spent $69.00 on a brand new vacuum! Better than nothing for my son destroying it :)

I had to look up a jack fruit OYE!!! That is massive!!!!!!!!!! I am scared!

While in the car yesterday for maybe an hour tops with Kyle he was saying he wanted to get out :( Not sure we are going to drive this trip...... may have to fly. I hate being so "up in the air HEHE" about this trip. I should have just said no we are not going.
Nice one kyles, a brand new vacuum for $69. That's brilliant! :)

Oh a spa day! That would be SOOOOO lovely! I got a surprise cheque for £215 from the bank today, I wish I could spend it on something like that. DH says I have to spend it on the car tax though. :sigh:

Oh dear, toddlers and road trips don't really mix that's for sure! My mum lives 6 hours away and Olivia is an absolute pain in the arse every time we go. I couldn't even comprehend 17 hours with her in the back of the car. I'd end up leaving her on the side of the road with a sign saying "free to a good home" :haha:
That was a real bargain with the Dyson, Kyles :thumbup:

Hmmm, I'm thinking that flying may well be the better option if Kyle didn't enjoy an hours journey. If we go on long trips, I just put films on the tablet for Rex & attach it to the back of the headrest for him. Gives me a quiet hour & half! He also quite likes audio books now he's a bit older. We're currently listening to the Roald Dahl books :)

The pedicure was so lovely :) Definitely needed! However I came home to Rex in a demon of a mood :( Think he's playing up cos he's not seen me all day :dohh: What is the baby going to do to his behaviour?! Argh!!!
Thanks ladies lol yes we are very lucky! Now I can vacuum tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad you had a nice pedicure! poor Rex, that glass of wine I bet sounds really awesome right about now.

Have either of you had bad dreams? I keep getting nightmares anymore with this pregnancy. they were GREAT dreams in the beginning, now its' terror. I had a dream that this strange bomb was about to go off right when i tried to grab Kyle out of the way.
I quick woke up and my heart was beating out of my chest!

Scariest dream I ever had. I just hope they go away soon.
Ah glad you enjoyed your pedicure saz, sounds very relaxing. But poor you coming back home to a grumpy toddler! I'm sure he will be fine when the baby comes, you will still be there with him all day, just that you won't have quite so much time for him. Its impossible for any of us to say how its going to go once our babies are here but the best thing we can do when the time comes is just try our best to keep them included and keep their routines going. And pray it all comes together! :haha:

Oh kyles, that sounds absolutely awful! I've had much more vivid dreams during pregnancy but no bad ones. I hope they stop soon! :(

Well I'm very much in high spirits tonight. Stuffed peppers for dinner, Pringles, dip and glass of wine tonight and if nothing happens tonight its off to the midwife for my sweep tomorrow. And, (sorry TMI coming up....) I lost a nice big chunk of plug tonight so I'm thinking that's a bit more progress at least :happydance: simple things, I know! :)
:hugs: Kyles. That dream sounds awful.

I'm certainly praying that it all comes together!

Cheers, Sarah! Just settling down with my glass of wine & the TV remote while DH is out playing footy :thumbup:

A big chunk of plug sounds very promising! :D I've still only had little bits, nothing significant.

I'm feeling crampy tonight but it's probably just from all the bouncing I've done today.
Well, l last night was lovely and relaxing. Shame it was champions league football though, DH parked himself in front of the TV and I had to go upstairs with my treats and watch TV on my tablet. Why do men think they should automatically get the TV whenever there's football on?? :growlmad:

Still, I made the most of it :)

No more plug lost since yesterday and no stupid false labour last night either. I did have a very good sleep last night though, thanks to the glass of wine I had. I think it probably dehydrated me a bit so I didn't need to get up and pee as much! :haha:

So I suppose it's off to the midwife for me again this afternoon. I'll let you know how it goes
And we're officially overdue, Sarah :cry:

Good luck at the MW today. Tell her to have a really good poke around :haha: Hope to hear good dilation & effacement news later.

The wine did nothing here either :wacko: But it did relax me & I had a good nights sleep too. Didn't have to get up to pee for the first time til 4.30 so I practically slept through! :haha:

Think a nice long walk is in order today. Might go to one of the country parks near us so Rex can run around & I can waddle after him & DH!
I know, it sucks saz. We officially have overcooked buns in our ovens :dohh:

Just to add to my misery, I've had a migraine all morning. I'm only just starting to feel normal again now. At least it's reminded me that I need speak to the midwife about my migraines while I'm there today, I had migraines every day for a week after Olivia was born and I really don't want it to happen again. Its obviously something to do with the post-pregnancy hormones that sets them off so I'm hoping they can get me straight on some tablets to prevent them once the baby is here. Assuming I can take it while breastfeeding that is.

On a slightly lighter note, I had a really weird dream last night that I'd had the baby and it was a little girl who was really happy and easy going. But the weird part was that she was covered in hair like a monkey and had a full-on moustache! She also had a full mouth of teeth! :wacko:
Morning ladies! I see no babies have arrived today :(
Glad the wine let you both sleep!

Sarah wow what a crazy dream! I didn't have a bad dream last night thankfully, I was scared to even fall asleep :/ I was in a wedding in my dream. Weddings are happy :)

A full set of teeth and sweet that sounds great. At this rate that baby will have a full head of hair if he/she keeps cooking hehehehe Maybe that's why you had that dream (overdue)

Here's to cheering on that those babies make their way out today!

Saz sounds like a great idea to waddle to the park hehehe..

Good luck at Midwife appointment today Sarah!
Ha ha yeah, that's probably it kyles, our babies will have all their hair and teeth by the time they come out!

Glad you had a better dream last night :)

Well my midwife appointment was a little bit disappointing. I didn't get my sweep :( the midwife said they don't do it till 41 weeks if you're a second time mum :shrug: then she said that they won't induce me unless I get to term + 13 days (which i dont really mind too much) but yet last time I saw her she said she'd do my sweep today and told me all about how they would induce if I got to 40+7. :shrug:

I'm really confused. I just don't get why everyone else I speak to on this forum always seems to get checked for dilation and given sweeps early etc. My midwife never tells me anything. I've never been told what the heart rate is, no idea how dilated I am (if at all) I have to ask what position the baby is in or they wouldn't tell me.I just don't get it :shrug: :nope:

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