TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

wow that's awful :(
Sorry you have to go through that. She should be telling you that stuff.

I would demand to know all of it!
40+ 13 is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's way to long to wait. I don't think you will have to though. I really think the progress you have been having is showing that baby is making his/her way any day now.

Try to relax if possible. so sorry :(
Thanks kyles, hopefully I won't get that far overdue.
:hugs: for the migraine, Sarah. Did the MW suggest anything got after birth to get rid of them? That is a bizarre dream! Must've been the wine! So sorry that your MW appointment was disappointing :( Gutted about the lack of sweep. And the lack of info :hugs: Hopefully you won't make it to next weeks appointment.

I'm thinking I'll probably get the same response tomorrow at my appointment about the sweep then :shrug: Maybe I should perform a sit-in until she does one for me :haha: I asked at my 38 week appointment if I'd get a sweep & the MW I saw said I would so I'll be p****d off if I don't. I might use my home birth as a bargaining tool & lay it on thick about really not wanting induction in hospital! ;)

I managed to walk/waddle round the country park for an hour. Ooof, it was rough going! My pelvis isn't my friend at the minute as a result. But it might do something to help evict baby. Only time will tell.
Well the midwife did say that if I'd been absolutely desperate for my sweep she would have done it but made it really clear that she didn't want to and I'm such a pushover that I just agreed to wait till next week :dohh: if you stick to your guns you should get yours tomorrow saz.

I asked about the migraines too and she said I could take ibuprofen for them but nothing else if I'm breastfeeding. hopefully that will be enough.

Well done getting an hours walk in today, saz! I took the dog to the park today, its only a 5 minute walk but I was sooooo sore by the time I got there I just stood and threw the ball till she was tired and walked the 5 minutes back again!
I'll just be stroppy tomorrow then :haha: I am desperate!! I'm good at being a cow anyway!! ;)

My ankles are punishing me for the walk now :dohh: Sat on the sofa with my feet up on the birthing ball. They're so puffy!!
Ha ha but that's not what the birthing ball's for! :haha: :winkwink:
aww ouch the dreaded swollen ankles! Glad that ball is getting put to use :)

I feel so bad for all the pain you ladies are in :(

I really hope it ends soon. Pretty soon I will be complaining away!
Aww thanks kyles :) lol i hope you don't get to this stage too. Mind you, there's always something to complain about, in a couple of weeks i'll be complaining about sleep depravation instead :haha:
I really hope you don't get to be overdue either, Kyles. You've got a good few weeks til you'll feel uncomfortable, thankfully.

I'd honestly take the sleep deprivation over feeling this uncomfortable, Sarah! And that's from a mummy of a child who still rarely STTN at age 3, so you can imagine how little sleep I had in the first few months of his life :wacko: I remember in the first week of Rex's life, being so sleep deprived one night that the pattern on the wallpaper in our bedroom was moving. You know it's not good when you're hallucinating!! :dohh:
Ha ha the moving wallpaper sounds familiar!

Actually I really can't complain about olivia's sleep as a baby, she really wasn't all that bad. After the first few weeks she was sleeping a 4 hour stretch every night thanks to her cluster feeding. Ok so she didn't technically STTN until just after she turned 2 but it was totally manageable from about 8 months onwards. Usually just one get up in the night just to hand her a bottle of milk and she'd take it and go straight back to sleep.

It was always during the day time that Olivia was at her worst. She was the definition of a high needs baby from the minute she woke up till the minute she went to bed :haha:

I wonder if this one will be a day baby or a night baby.....
2 days overdue & counting :cry: Zero signs of labour being imminent :cry: Every night I go to sleep hoping that I might go into labour & everyday I'm waking up disappointed. My appointment better bring good news today!!

I slept really badly last night :( I got up to the loo at 3.30 but it then took me an hour to go back to sleep. Rex then got up at 6.30 :dohh: Feeling jaded this morning after our busy day yesterday but it's DH's turn to stay in bed. Hoping to squeeze in a nap this afternoon after the MW.

We usually go to playgroup on a Thursday morning but it's not on this week cos of the hols. I stupidly agreed to meet my mummy friends from the group at a play centre this morning. What was I thinking?! We're meeting earky so hope it's not too busy & Rex is well behaved so I can just sit & watch him rather than struggling to keep up with him.
Aww, day two overdue and still no babies :(

I've had no more signs whatsoever, no more plug, no more false labours, no "clear out"


Bad sleep and restlessness is supposed to be a good sign, so you never know! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you today (even if we are grasping at straws a bit!) :)

At least you've got your playgroup to keep your mind off things, I hope its nice and quiet for you.

I'm really not sure what to do with myself today. :shrug: I kind of have the urge to bake so I might make something nice for DH...
I honestly feel like I'm grasping at all straws! :haha:

Ooooh, baking! That might be some last minute nesting coming out!

Where are our babies?! :cry:
Come to think of it I have been cooking a lot lately, I made a big shepherds pie to freeze and a big bowl of pasta salad this week. I think I must be stocking up!

Our babies have to be coming soon! x
Not good news from my sweep :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm hardly dilated at all & still posterior :cry: In other words, it's not going to happen any time soon :cry: The only good news is that my cervix is quite thin & soft so when things eventually (or ever!) happen, she reckons they'll be pretty quick.

Having said all, she obviously managed to have a good poke around still cos I just lost a massive blob of mucus :blush:

Everything is fine with me & baby otherwise so I suppose I should just be thankful for that.

Back to bouncing :(
Should also have said that I'm booked in for a second sweep on Sunday. Someone sill come to the house to do it. They know I'm desperate for a home birth so will give me 3 sweeps. The third will be next Thursday at the clinic again. If things haven't moved on by Sunday, I will cry in front of the MW I swear! After next Thursday, that's it though. I just have to wait for induction at 40+13. But that's bank holiday Monday so don't know when it'll actually get done :shrug: It'll be booked next Thursday at my 41 week appointment :(
Oh saz so sorry to hear :(

At least it will be fast!

I really hope those babies come soon. I can't deal with this waiting :)

The moving wallpaper days OYE ! How I remember those :)

Kyle was a great sleeper starting at 6 weeks he slept a stretch of 6 hrs woke up to eat and then back down for another 4. It was great! He really really was an easy baby.

This child I am sure will be way different.

I booked our flight. We are going to fly. No driving... I feel relieved. Told my mother and she seemed pissed. I guess she would rather me drive 17 hrs? Ugh can't please everyone.
Aww saz, I'm so sorry it didn't go so well today. :cry:

You never know though, it could all change very quickly. That's great of them to offer you an extra sweep on sunday too. I will keep everything crossed that you get some movement soon!

The nursery confirmed today that Olivia will change to her reduced hours starting next Monday (so she'll be home alone with me Monday to Wednesday next week) so I'm giving this baby a deadline of this Sunday to vacate or he/she will be in trouble, and its not a good idea to get off on the wrong foot with the lady who brings your milk! :) I really don't want to be all by myself with Olivia for 3 days in case anything happens :( I'm going to see if MIL can possibly come and spend one day with us if needs be but she won't be able to come every day :(

Come on baby!!!

Oh wow, I want a baby like kyle! :D

That's good you got your flight sorted kyles. A load off your mind I bet. You can't win with mothers though!
So things did suddenly change very quickly like you said, Sarah! I'm typing from a delivery room at the hospital. Not in my plan! Since 4.30, I've had a constant trickle of what I can only assume is my waters. It's clear etc & I'm on my 4th maternity pad. All sounds good until I add that I'm not having any pains whatsoever :dohh: So here I am to find out whether it is really my waters. If it is, I have until tomorrow afternoon to start in labour else it's induction tomorrow afternoon :cry: My home birth is looking very unlikely :cry: I'm currently laid to allow things to 'pool' down there so they can determine whether it is my waters. I'll be totally shocked if it is my waters after what the MW said today :shrug: but the amount coming out cannot possibly just be discharge.

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