TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Oh rats. I wrote a huge long thing on here and the page buckled up :(
Hi ladies :wave: you both sure have been busy!

Get those babies out! I am patiently waiting on stand by. I will be checking this site everyday. Lots' of positive vibes and thoughts sent to you both!

Glad all the nesting is completed.

Sarah so glad movement started. I agree the babies are OUT OF ROOM!!!!!!!!!! Time to get the eviction notices ready :)

We finally had a wonderful sunny and warm weekend and we played outside ALL weekend long. Got a little sun burn too! So needed that after our dreary winter.

How are you ladies feeling today? Congrats on maternity leave!! So nice all the gifts.

Saz glad hubby is home with you.

Sarah glad hubby will be home soon enough! You need to hold out at least another day :heehe:

good thing Rex and Olivia are feeling better too!

We saw the Easter bunny this past weekend and Kyle was not scared. Very excited. I love this age! He is being a cuddle bug now and the chattiest thing ever!

Swim class on Saturday was a bust :( He was so petrified of the water. The last thing i wanted was for him to be scared of the water :sigh: now i feel i traumatized him :(

Every morning I drop him off at my moms and he cries and screams because he wants to keep hugging me. I swear that is the worst most heartbreaking feeling in the world. It breaks my heart I can't stay home with him.
I know it is just a phase though. Being a mom is so hard :(
Hi kyles! :hi:

How annoying you lost your first post, I've done that before and its absolutely heartbreaking when you've spent such a long time writing it! :dohh:

Ha ha my baby was given his/her eviction notice at least a week ago, he/she is just squatting in there now!

That's great you're finally getting some nice weather, I was wondering if it was still cold over there. Does it just go straight from extremely cold to really hot where you are or do you get an inbetweeny stage? Its been really wet here all winter but the last few days have been sunny and dry, it's been lovely. Olivia and I have been out dog walking every day this week :)

We don't really have the Easter bunny here, what does he do and what happens when you go to visit him? There's been a lot of Easter egg hunt stuff in the shops this year and I thought about getting some little eggs and a basket for olivia but because baby is due so near Easter I haven't bothered and we've just bought her an ink stampers set as an Easter present instead.

Oh poor kyle! Perhaps you could just take him to the pool one day when its quiet, and let him just splash about in the shallow end? Maybe your DH could go too for extra encouragement.

I can relate to the crying when being dropped off too. Olivia has been through this "phase" dozens of times :dohh: it is awful :( sometimes she clings onto my legs and the nursery ladies have to peel her off me! She does it every day for about a week and then all of a sudden she's fine again. Really weird!
Good to hear from you Kyles :)

It's been lovely here today so we've been enjoying the sun too. Spent ages playing out in SIL's garden with the kids today :) I'm such a summer lover! Really hope we do get this amazing summer that I've been reading news articles about.

:hugs: for the bad time at swimming & at nursery, Kyles. Hope they're both just phase which pass quickly.

With Easter Sunday being Rex's birthday, we haven't gone over the top for Easter treats. I got him a big chocolate bunny & my mum has bought him an Easter egg hunt sack & some chocolate eggs to find after opening his presents. I need to get on with writing our Easter cards. DH's family are v religious (FIL is a minister) so Easter is a big deal to them. We've got a big family dinner there on Sunday.

Another 30 mins on the ball tonight. Feel like I need to try some other labour inducing techniques but not really sure what :shrug: I can't face DTD cos feel so swollen down there :blush: & think it'll hurt! I managed it at the end with Rex but everything seems more tender this time!!
I can't think what other things to try either. I had another walk out this morning and feeling lots of pressure down below now but I don't know if its really helping.

I've got my bath bomb from lush with the Clary sage so I'm going to have a really long soak in it after Olivia goes to bed tonight. Not sure what else... We're having chilli con carne for tea tonight so I suppose I could try adding some cayenne pepper to mine.

Then if all else fails I have a mini bottle of sparkling rose chilling in the fridge ready for our D Day drink :)
Thanks Ladies!

Keep bouncing Saz! Oh did you use the cayenee pepper? LOL Anything to evict these babies!!!!

Easter is a big deal, it's more like a candy Christmas lol. It is a person dressed up in an Easter bunny costume and you just take a pic with him, sorta like Santa Clause.

You dye Eggs from the grocery store in different colors and the easter bunny on sunday will come and hide them around your house. He will also leave you an easter basket with candy and gifts.

We try not to go overboard but this year i think he will enjoy it. Sunday we will have a big dinner at my aunts and another easter egg hunt i am sure.

I haven't DTD in forever. The last time we tried it was so painful. I kinda am scared to go at it again. Better try though!!!!

How are you both feeling today?
I might need a trip to Lush to hunt down some clarry sage! I always eat hot & spicy food so I know that won't do a thing. Oooh, sparkling wine for D Day, Sarah! I've got a bottle of my fave Sauvignon blanc chilling already :haha:

I've just got back from a lovely long lunch with the work girls & DH & Rex are still out so think I might have a sneaky snooze on the sofa :blush: They say you need to be relaxed to go into labour so that's got to help, right?!

Wow, Easter sounds like a huge deal over there, Kyles. Do you guys get Good Friday & Easter Monday off work like us?

I wrapped Rex's birthday presents & his presents from baby this morning so that's one less job to think about. I also wrote our Easter cards & wrapped my new niece's present. I'm ticking jobs off my list all the time. All I need now is for baby to appear!!
Wow Easter sounds like loads of fun over there kyles! :)

Haven't had my dinner yet but deffo going to add the pepper to it. I'm another one who loves her spicy food though so I doubt it will make a difference. You never know though!

The bath bomb you need is the "sex bomb", sazzle :haha: that's the one with the Clarry sage in it.

I've felt absolutely rotten again today :( I was fine when I got up and even managed to do my housework then had a walk into town to meet MIL for a coffee but all afternoon I've felt so ill. All sick, tired, headachey and just yuck. I could barely lift myself off the sofa :( then this evening it just went away and I feel more or less OK again now. Really odd. Perhaps its a sign that something's going to happen soon.....or maybe I'm just tired lol

Aww not long till Rex's birthday now! It would be great if baby came before then wouldn't it :)

I think I've actually got no more jobs to do in prep for baby, other than just keeping the place nice and tidy. I honestly don't think I've been nesting at all this time around, but I am a bit obsessive about making sure the place is clean for when the midwives and health visitor start coming round. Otherwise I reckon I'd be sitting in my own filth by now :haha:
:haha: It doesn't seem right somehow going in & asking for a 'sex bomb' when I look like this! :haha: I'd love for baby to be here by Rex's bday but I'm running out of time now I think :( Desperately don't want to miss his party on Saturday so baby doesn't have too many options for when it can make it's entrance!

:hugs: for feeling rubbish, Sarah. I'd like to think it's your body getting ready for labour for your sake. Is Olivia still going to nursery? Try & get a nap in tomorrow.

I'm not nesting either. Don't have the energy! I keep thinking I should clean the bedrooms & change the bedding but then the lazy voice inside my head says 'but what if your waters break in bed again? There's no point!' :haha: Hoping my mum might help me get cleaned up a bit when she visits at the weekend!
:haha: yes I felt more than a little silly going in and asking for the sex bomb too! Thankfully the lady in there knew about the clarry sage in it and that it was good for helping bring on labour. I think she felt a bit sorry for me actually, she was like "aww have you had enough now, pet?!" :)

Oh i thought the party was on sunday, yeah might be better if baby stays put at least until sunday then! :) but you know sods law says baby will come on Saturday morning now, don't you :dohh:

Yes olivia's still in nursery, I feel guilty putting her in there while I sit on my bum at home but I'm terrified I will go into labour while I'm on my own with her. She's just doing short days though. I will have to try and have a nap tomorrow. I did drop off to sleep at one point this afternoon but I think for only 20 minutes or so.

Ha ha that's the same reason I haven't washed our bedding this week! I think just my luck my waters will go in bed. Did you know that actually only 1 in 10 labours start with waters going though? Most don't go until you're already having contractions. I read it on the NHS website the other day and was really surprised.
:haha: to the Lush woman!

I know, it will be Sod's law :dohh: But it'll still mean I'm early so I don't complain!

Don't feel guilty about Olivia going to nursery. You need to rest while you can. Rex will be back at the childminder after the holidays on his usual 3 days. I want time with the baby & want to keep things as normal as possible for him. He's going to do shorter days too.

I'm in the 1 in 10 from last time then! I knew it wasn't as common as you think from what you see on tele but didn't realise it was such a low number of labours. My waters going was the first I knew of being in labour last time. It'll be weird if it doesn't happen like that this time. I think my labour was quicker cos my waters went first so my contractions were quite intense with no water in there.
I suppose on the plus side Olivia has done all sorts of fun stuff this week with it being the run up to Easter. Every day this week she's brought something home with her, chocolate crispie cakes, cards and today some kind of weird chicken thing made out of crape paper, feathers and a toilet roll tube :haha: and yesterday they took them out to the park for a picnic. If she was at home with, big, sore, slow mummy all day she'd probably be bored :)

Yes I think it probably does make for a quicker labour if your waters go first, my best friend went the same way and had a pretty short labour too.
Oh, by the way I can't believe how much colouring they put in those lush bath bombs, considering they're supposed to be all about natural stuff. I now have a bright pink bath :dohh: :haha:
:haha: Fingers crossed that the clarry sage works!

I've just been sat applying pressure to my thumbs :haha: Apparently that's meant to make the pituitary gland produce oxytocin. Not convinced but worth a go!
Lol I've never heard that one!

There's always nipple stimulation.... :rofl:
Came across the thumb thing while Googling ways to induce labour (my new fave search term!). It's reflexology apparently!

My poor nipples are about to get 6 months of abuse! I'm not starting early :rofl:
You two crack me up!
It's so funny you are trying everything to kick those babies out HEHEHE

I love reading your conversations :)
He he, just you wait. It'll be your turn in a few weeks, kyles :D

Still no joy here :dohh: I'm running out of ideas now lol
:haha: Kyles! We're getting desperate! They've outstayed their welcome now!

Nothing to report here either :( Pineapples were on offer at Morrison's for 75p so I just bought 2 :haha: If nothing else, I get to use my amazing pineapple de-corer & skinner that makes perfect pineapple rings :haha:

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