TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Yay, well done Leo! :happydance:

Wesley wasn't as bad as I thought he'd be last night. I brought his crib down to the living room and set up the camp bed beside it for me thinking I'd probably be feeding him all night and at least I could plonk myself in front of the telly. But by midnight he was soundo so I moved him to his bed and he slept there till 3am! :) then after that I lay him down on the camp bed with me and we both dozed while he fed till 6am when big sister got up.

I'm only just getting to read your posts from yesterday properly, that's fantastic Leo is doing so well with his weight :) and definitely get that leg checked out. Its probably nothing but it needs looking at to make sure.

Kyles - I'm sending you some pink vibes too :)
Well done on a very good second night, Wesley :)

I thought the GP would just send me home & say it was fine or a varicose vein or something. She didn't :dohh: Had to come to hospital for an ultrasounds & blood test. Thankfully the scan was clear but waiting on blood results now. If something is raised in them, I have to come back next week for a second scan :( I'm just sat in the hospital feeding room while we wait for the results.

As a result of coming here, we had to cancel the register office appointment :( Will have to wait til next week now :(
Congrats on Wesley sleeping good!

Saz that is so scary. I really hope the blood results come back ok and you can go home :(
Is it getting worse? Steady? or better?

Very strange......

Were you able to take Leo to the hospital with you?
Oh Saz, I hope everything's ok, let us know how you got on x
The level of whatever it is they test for was high :( The nurse dealing with me did say that having just given birth could cause that :shrug: For the next 7 days I've got to inject myself with heparin as a precaution & have a repeat ultrasound next Wednesday :( Not what I need :dohh:

Yes, Leo could come with me, thankfully. While I waited for the tests they put us in a side room then while I waited for the results we were allowed to leave the ward & go for a bite to eat & use one of the hospital feeding rooms. It wasn't too bad really.
Oh Saz, so sorry :( I really hope it turns out to be nothing serious.

Glad you were able to take Leo so he could eat if needed.

Our hospitals won't allow newborns back once they leave....
Oh that's just what you don't need at the moment, Saz. :( I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Kyles, that's awful they don't let babies go back to the hospital with their mums where you are. What if a mum needed to go back in for a few days, they couldn't just be expected to leave the baby surely?
Yes that is what they do. My SIL had her baby. She had bad prrclampsia and was discharged. She could barely walk and breathe so she went back to the hospital and she had to stay for i think 3 days to see what was wrong. Couldnt even see her baby. It was awful
Thanks ladies.

That is awful about babies being banned from hospitals. I can see the logic; hospitals are germ ridden, but it's not very BF friendly.

Hope you have another good night, Sarah :)
Yes that is awful, kyles.

Hmm, I'm not so sure about Wesley tonight. I've just fed him to sleep and put him in his crib (for the third time so far tonight) he hasn't woken straight up this time but I'm not sure he's going to sleep as well as last night! :haha:
Good luck to both of you on your evenings tonight. Hope you get some rest!

Yes that is the exact reason no babies back in the hospital. To many germs and diseases. Cant risk it.
Thanks Kyles :) Think we have progress here at last! Leo went straight down in his Moses basket tonight for the very first time :happydance: Hope I haven't jinxed it for him going down after this feed!
Woohoo, well done Leo!

I got about an hour and a half sleep out of Wesley and now he's back up again feeding :haha:

The weirdest thing just happened, I think my milk came in mid-feed! At the start of the feed, no milk. Then while he was having his feed I suddenly heard him gulping and swallowing. So worrying about his latch, I unattached him, hand expressed a bit to get him interested again and there's milk! :happydance:
Yay for milk! I remember mine coming in really suddenly with Rex too. I fed him at like 4am; no milk. By 8am, I was like Dolly Parton :haha: It's come in more gradually this time for some reason. My boobs have finally got the message today about how much milk Leo needs. The engorgement has gone :thumbup:

At least you got a block of sleep, Sarah :thumbup: Leo was a bit unsettled after feeding at 2am for an hour. I couldn't figure out what was wrong until he did a huge poo! :haha: But then he was wide awake so had to get him back off to sleep all over again :wacko: Bad timing of poos, Leo!

It's my bday today :) It won't really feel like my bday, just like it didn't 3 years ago when Rex was only a few days old. Good job I stretched out my 30th celebrations last year to make up for this year :haha:
Awww bad poo timing for sure lol. Maybe he wanted to wake you up early on your birthday to be the first to wish you a happy birthday lolol

Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your day. Hopefuoly with some sleep heheh
I forgot to add that im so silly that i thought i would be 32 weeks preggo when flying. Turns out i willbe 34 weeks. Now im nervous. I did ask the doc and he was against it but said just take an asprin. Im so worried now.....
Ha ha we had a "poo crisis" in the middle of the night last night too :haha:

Happy birthday Saz! I hope you have a lovely day, even if its just spent snuggling up with your little man :)

Kyles, that is a little worrying. Is that because you forgot to take into account how far along you'll be when you come home? It's all booked now presumably?
I guess my preggo brain got in the way.....I thought i was going to be 32 weeks......
I just looked at the calendar and I leave May 31st-come back June7th. It's a 2 hr flight only. I really hope this won't be an issue.. What if my doc won't give me a note :X Flight is already booked i feel so stupid :( SIGH...I have one more doc appointment on May 28th so hopefully they will clear me otherwise we may not be able to go :(

This is what the airline says.....

Advice to Pregnant Passengers
While air travel does not usually cause problems during pregnancy unless delivery is expected within 14 days or less, in some cases, traveling by air has been known to cause complications or premature labor. Female Customers at any stage of pregnancy should consult with their physicians prior to air travel. Southwest Airlines recommends against air travel beginning at the 38th week of pregnancy. Depending on their physical condition, strength, and agility, pregnant women may, in some cases, be asked not to sit in the emergency exit row.

Lets just hope my doctor approves :/
Oh no Kyles :( I think if you got some compression stockings as well as the aspirin, you'll be fine on the flight. Just be vigilant for signs of DVT.

I've had a good bday, all things considered. I got breakfast in bed and managed to go out for a lovely lunch with my sister & the babies. Left Rex at home with DH & they had McDonald's! Leo slept the entire time we were out. Little star :)

Not sure how tonight is going to pan out for us. Leo has been really unsettled this evening. Not holding my breath for him going down for the night :(

Hope you have a good night, Sarah.

Weird to think I was in agony this time last week!
Oh kyles, I hope you get sorted. If the flight is only a couple of hours I think it will probably be OK?

Glad you had a lovely birthday, Saz :)

I'm not holding my breath for a decent night's sleep either tonight :( Wesley's been cluster feeding all day long today and apart from once this afternoon when he slept in his chair for about an hour, he hasn't let me put him down :( Every time he falls asleep, he wakes up again the minute i put him down. I'm struggling to get him to latch lying down now too since my milk has come in.

How is Rex being with you now, Saz? I feel like olivia is starting to reject me :( today when I finally got a free minute to play with her I asked if she wanted to do a jigsaw and she just said no and walked away. Then tonight she asked for daddy to do her bath :(

I can't believe Leo is a week old already either! :)

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