TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Thanks ladies. I guess we shall see what the doc says 2 days before we leave.

Saz sounds like a great bday. Glad you had a nice time! Breakfast in bed yummy!

Sarah dont worry she will come around. She loves you no matter what.

I was going to ask how Rex and Olivia are adjusting!
I was right... Our night was not great :( He didn't go down in the Moses basket til 2. Before that he'd only sleep on me or DH, who did a couple of hours in the chair so I could sleep. But at least, Leo slept til gone 5.30 when he did go down so that stretch was lovely. How was your night, Sarah?

I can never get a good latch lying down. I tried it so many times with Rex but would just end up sore. I've tried with Leo but it was sore. Think my nipples face the sides too much :haha: That's one of the reasons I treated myself to a comfy nursing chair, so I can doze in it if needs be.

I wouldn't say Rex has rejected me as such but he's certainly annoyed at me for not spending much solo time with him. DH & I decided last night that he'd bring Leo right upstairs when Rex gets home from the childminders today & I'll spend some quality time with Rex building a new Lego set we bought with his bday money.
Kyles, I hope your doctor gives you the all clear to go :hugs:

Not a great night at all over here either!

I tried the old hot water bottle in the crib trick and turned on his white noise froggy and he slept there for about an hour initially but from about 10pm onwards he was up and feeding and would not be put back down in his crib. :dohh: Luckily I managed to get him latched lying down again and got a little bit of sleep that way but we were never asleep for longer than half an hour before he'd wake up wanting to latch on again.

I'm shattered! Really hope he starts to sleep longer stretches soon. The funny thing is though, I'm sure Olivia was worse than this! She would never latch on lying down so I must have been up all night with her. Come to think of it, we were topping Olivia up with formula by day 2 or 3.

Sorry Saz, I had to laugh at your nipples facing the sides too much! :haha:

That's great you're getting to spend some time with Rex. Wesley is literally feeding around the clock so DH struggles to keep him happy for more than 5 minutes but we'll have to give it a go. He said he'd try and take Wesley this afternoon so I can bake cupcakes with Olivia. I must get that Moby wrap out actually and see if I can get him settled in it..
These pesky babies! But then you look at their little bewildered faces & you can't be mad can you :cloud9:

I've also been playing white noise on a night for Leo (& me really! I find it really relaxing! :haha: ) Rex slept with white noise til he was 1 :blush: It was great for drowning out noise in the early evening when he went to bed (we live in a street with lots of dogs & kids that play out on the road).

I think Leo is a better sleeper than Rex was at this point too. But back then I could go back to sleep on a morning if he did. Now it's up, shower & get ready for us all so we can get Rex to the childminder or get to playgroup or wherever. I'm hanging in there for the magic 4 hour stretch of sleep! I found that to be the magical amount all in one go where I'd feel fine the following day.

I've got a Moby too & was watching YouTube vids yesterday to remind me how to tie it. I think it'll be invaluable at playgroup when I go solo & on days when Rex is at home cos I daren't leave Leo in his Moses basket with Rex unsupervised just yet. He likes to rock him just a little too manically :wacko:

It's a lovely quiet day for me & Leo today. Rex is at the childminder & DH has gone into work for a few hours to do some revision with his A level students. Leo has gone down after his last feed so I pottered about & got some jobs done. Now I'm sat with my feet up having a cuppa & I'm going to have a snooze until his next feed. This is what maternity leave is all about! :haha:
Ha ha we're just chilling at the minute too! After a whole night and morning of constant feeding, Wesley's finally allowed me to put him down in his bouncy chair. DH has gone out for an hour to see his friends so me and Olivia are having a little sit down watching Wallace and gromit.

Does Leo always go down between feeds? Wesley literally won't let me put him down. If he falls asleep and pops off the boob I put him in his chair and he's wide awake again in minutes wanting fed again. He only goes down and stays down once or twice a day for maybe an hour tops :shrug:

I can't work out how to do my Moby, I tried it earlier today and got him in it but his head wasn't supported. Am I supposed to pull it round his head as well? He wasn't too impressed with it lol
No, he won't always go down. It's hit & miss. He went down after his first 2 feeds this morning but then had some awake time after his next then didn't really settle. Just feeding again now so we'll see what happens this time!

I actually used the Moby today to walk round to the childminder's to collect Rex. It's only round the corner so thought it was a good trial run! Leo snuggled in nicely :) Go on YouTube & search for Moby wrap newborn hold & watch some videos to help you figure it out. I've watched quite a few times now cos I couldn't get it quite right :dohh: Their body goes in one side, the second side comes up round their neck/head then the bit with the tag secures it all iykwim.

Off back to build Lego with Rex once Leo is finished. We're building a monster truck out of Lego Technic. And it's bloody hard!! :haha:
Hi ladies :wave: so sorry you both had a terrible night :(

The moby wrap i watched on youtube as well. That thing is dangerous without instructions LOL

So my boss was sick last week and this week this other guy in my office has been coughing like crazy!
Of course today i wake up with a serious sore throat :/ AND it's Friday! The doc isn't going to help me out come Sunday. SIGH why do people come in sick when they can work from home? HELLO pregnant lady here and can't take many meds! Unfair and so inconsiderate.

I am having a really low sad depressed day today. My hormones are out of control. I just want to cry all day. I'm sick and still have so much to do to prepare for this baby. This sucks.

I'm just on overload of frustration with the flight status among other things. (sigh)
Just needed to vent. I hate getting sick because I have to take antibiotics and I don't want to. I can never just kick it on its own and i already know this one is gonna be a doozy if you heard this guy in the office he sounds like he is dying :X

I need a break! vacation can't come soon enough... At least I am sick now and not at the end of the month. I just hope i don't pass it to Kyle or DH next. That will be awful going away with colds :(

Last night DH was teasing me. We were talking about our plan for when the baby arrives and what he plans to do with work etc and the flight issue and I got all upset.
I said I need you to encourage me to breast feed this time around.

Kyle wouldn't latch probably so I was never able to breast feed. He kept biting :OUCH: This time i am determined to get it done but i need his support and not frustration and he said he doesn't think my nipples are made for breast feeding :( That brought on the water works. Just really want to do it and if cave women did then i sure can too! It's going to be hard i know but i gotta suck it up and do it. This is the only big concern i have over this new baby issue. I really don't want to use formula again....
Oh kyles! Huge :hugs: I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time :(

Ugh, it makes me so mad when people come in to work sick because they want to "soldier on". All they do is give it to everyone else! :growlmad:

Hopefully your cold will come and go before you go away. :hugs:

Aww try not to worry about the breastfeeding too much. No 2 babies are the same and just because you couldn't BF kyle doesn't mean you will have the same issues again. I really struggled with Olivia. She didn't have the best latch in the world and she used to fight me with every feed. She used to latch on, suck, pull off, scream, latch on again. It used to reapeat for hours and hours until she'd finally fall asleep exhausted. I used to be an absolute wreck by the end of each feed but was so desperate to make BF work I kept on at it. Nobody was able to suggest anything that helped in the slightest and I finally gave up and switched fully to formula at 4 months to save my sanity. To this day I've no idea what caused all the trouble with Olivia, (although recently I'm starting to wonder if she should have been checked for tongue-tie.)
Anyway, along comes little Wesley who has latched like a natural since day one, no fussing, no screaming, no repeatedly pulling off or clawing at my boobs with his finger nails. All of a sudden I'm realising just how hopeless the situation was with Olivia and that it was in no way my fault.

So try not to worry about it this time around, it could just work out fine or at least you will go into it knowing what to do. For example at the moment Wesley is feeding around the clock. When Olivia was first born I had no idea that was normal to begin with so I topped her up with formula whereas now I know its totally normal so I'm just going with it

You'll be fine, we'll be here to help you through it too :) xxx
Thanks :hugs: that means so much to me. Im getting sicker. Throat is on fire. Ughhhh.

I really hope this baby latches properly. Im worrying already and i have 10 weks to go lol. I need to take a step back and breathe.

So glad Wesley is doing an amazing job. That really makes me feel so much better!
Oh that sucks. :( try to get some rest if you can.

I tell you what, though. Natural breastfeeder or not, my nipples are SORE! :( Olivia has noticed me cringing every time the baby latches on, so she's been been trying to help me with my "owee boobies", bringing her new doctor's kit with her. Apparently the best medical instrument in her doctor's kit to use on my "owee boobies" is the scissors :wacko:
Ouch!!!! Out of all things...scissors lolol. You poor thing O:)

Going to rest now. Hopefully....
Huge :hugs: for feeling ill, Kyles. Even bigger :hugs: for feeling stressed out about everything that's left to do before baby arrives. I vividly remember having the same panic. I think it's pretty normal with the nesting instinct. You will get everything done & it probably won't take as long you fear either.

Don't worry about BF. I agree with everything Sarah said about it. I'm sure this time around will be completely different for you. And you know what, BF is hard in the beginning & requires complete bloody mindedness to keep going with it. If I wasn't so stubborn & DH so pro-BF then I know for a fact I'd have given up with Rex. He had a slight tongue tie (not bad enough to snip) so he was 10 weeks old before I has truly pain free feeding. That's an extreme example though! This time around, I'm still sore & the initial latch is agony but then things calm down. Leo likes to slip off as he gets drowsy during the feed & just suck on my nipple too. Unlatching him hurts but it's better than having my nipples destroyed! From talking to my (few) friends who have BF, I'm pretty much convinced that the notion of BF being pain free & enjoyable if you're latching correctly is complete bull @£&t!!

Had to laugh at Olivia's nursing skills, Sarah :rofl:

I could actually kiss Leo to death right now. He's just done a 4 hour stretch of sleep & I feel amazing!! Admittedly the first hour was on daddy's chest but I got the magic amount of sleep :happydance: Watch him not go back down now!
Hope you're feeling better after a good sleep, kyles x

Yeah, i also think its bollocks that BF is pain free with a good latch. Wesley is doing great yet I'm still sore. It just takes a few weeks for the nipples to toughen up!

Yay, well done Leo! Wesley isn't too far behind either. He slept most of the afternoon yesterday but because I had taken Olivia to a friend's for a play date I didn't get to join in with his nap. I thought he'd be up all night last night to compensate, but no. He slept for 3 hours straight in bed beside me, then he was up feeding for an hour, then he slept for a couple of hour and a half stretches with feeding in between after that! I'm so proud of my little man! :happydance:

Now I just need to work on getting him to sleep in the piggin crib.....! :coffee:
Thanks girls. Had ALOT of rest last night. My throat is still so sore but i have so much to do.

Hooray Leo gave you a 4 hr stretch. Very exciting!!!

In no time those boys will be slweping sound for 5 hrs lol. Can you imagine!!!

Have a beautiful day todat both of you. I am going to enjoy this sunny weather and wipe away my funky mood!
Ooooh 5 hours would be lovely! :)

I hope you're feeling better soon kyles x
Still sick but trucking along. Very productive day today! Brought ALL the items down from the spare room for the babies room! Now to wash everything! Seems that my cat enjoyed sleeping in our basinet more than Kyle did. So much hair!
:haha: My cat still loves sleeping in the Moses basket given half a chance. We borrowed SIL's basket to save us carrying ours up & down 2 flights of stairs & I have to cover up the one downstairs every night so she doesn't sneak in it :dohh:

Glad you've had a productive day, Kyles. It feels good to start to organised doesn't it :)

Leo has just done a 3 hour stretch in his basket :thumbup: Hoping he'll be able to do another after this feed. We've got a busy day tomorrow (well, today technically!). It's our friends' DS's Mundan (Hindu hair cutting ceremony). There's a huge party resembling a wedding reception from 2-7 tomorrow. Indian people certainly to know how to throw a party! Their wedding was amazing & was 3 full days of (boozey!!) celebrations! Shame I won't be able to drink! I had to go shopping yesterday for something suitable to wear that gave me boob access & actually fit over my jelly belly. Ended up with a maxi dress that I'm hoping I can dress up a bit with accessories. Got the cutest little outfit for Leo & a gorgeous shirt for Rex too :)
Ha ha don't talk to me about cats. Mine's been doing my head in for weeks now trying to get on the baby's things. At night we have to turn the bouncy chair upside down so he won't get on it. :dohh:

Sounds like you had a really good day sorting things yesterday, kyles. It feels so good to start organising for baby doesn't it :) I can't believe you have less than 10 weeks to go now! :happydance:

We had another really good night last night. He slept 3 hours between 11:00 and 2:00; had a feed and then slept an hour (in his crib!), had another feed and came back into my bed where he slept another 3 hours straight! He woke up at 7am, had a feed and then went back into his crib for an hour, giving me time to get up, washed, dressed, sort through some laundry sort the pets out and get Olivia up and dressed! Now I'm chilling on the sofa with both my babies, watching fireman Sam while DH makes breakfast. happy days :cloud9:

Your hair cutting ceremony sounds like it's going to be great fun, saz. Hope you have a lovely day!
Our planned lovely day was totally ruined by the midwife visit just over an hour before we were due to leave. Today is day 10 & Leo has hardly put any weight on since day 5. Only 10g :cry: The midwife today came from another team as the one from my usual team had called in sick. When my MW weighed Leo on day 5, she placed my muslin on the scales first. The one today only put a sheet of tissue down. When I said he'd been weighed the first time on a muslin, she basically told me that wouldn't happen. In other words, I'm a liar. DH weighed the muslin when she left & it weighs 60g; the amount she was saying she'd have liked him to have gained as a minimum. I was then lectured & questioned about my feeding to the point where I got really upset. Despite seeing I was upset, she went on & on & didn't once bother to ask if I was ok :cry: She wanted me to express & top up with that or give him formula top ups. When I said I wasn't happy doing either due to a) not wanting to use formula before the time Rex had any (3 months & we had similar weight issues) and b) not wanting to be chained to a pump on top of feeding Leo which would mean I wouldn't have any time for Rex, you could see she thought I was being difficult as she threatened the paediatrician & hospital. So I now have a sodding feeding plan all over again (déjà vu) & have been left feeling like I don't feed my baby :cry: I have to feed him every 2 hours in the day. Basically I have an hour between feeds to do anything :cry: And every 3 hours at night, undoing all the good sleeping he's been doing & no doubt meaning I'll end up with another horrendous sleeper like Rex :cry: If he hasn't put enough weight on on Tuesday then we'll have to go to hospital.

She also annoyed me because she wouldn't believe me when I said that his jaundice was actually starting to subside. She just said it looked very obvious to her. She even wrote something to effect of 'mum insisting jaundice is improved' as of I was trying to convince her of something that wasn't true.

All in all, a horrendous visit. It felt like getting an inadequate lesson observation when Ofsted are in school :cry: I suck at feeding my own baby. I've been in tears on & off most of the day & only ended up going to the party for a couple of hours :(

Hope you two lovely ladies have had better Sundays than me.
Oh saz, :hugs: you don't suck at feeding your baby, that woman's obviously an idiot. In fact, to be honest if it was me I'd be tempted to just ignore her and see what he weighs on Tuesday. Is Leo having plenty of wet and dirty nappies? Is he fairly alert when he's awake? And is he asking to feed regularly and latching on OK? If so, I would say he's absolutely fine.

Wesley is still slightly jaundice too and he was a fair bit worse last week. my midwives have told me its fine as long as he's alert and wanting to feed. I just have to keep exposing him to sunlight to help break it down.

I'm really angry that she's said all that to you! :growlmad: if it turns out everything's OK on Tuesday I think you should complain about her

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