TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Thanks, Sarah. He's having tonnes of wet & dirty nappies, yep. And there's always a feed or two in the day where in between, he's wide awake & happily lays on his play mat just looking around & having a good wriggle. He never goes more than 3 hours in the day between each feed & I always feed him at the first hunger cues. I don't leave him to cry. Our latch is fine most of the time. I have to pop him off sometimes as he slips off but my nipples are getting less & less sore each day now.

Sorry to hear Wesley is jaundiced too. A MW from my usual team told it's more unusual to find a BF baby that isn't jaundiced though. Rex had prolonged jaundice & we ended up in hospital on day 21 having all the tests, just to be told he was fine & it'd go in its own time.
It sounds like he's absolutely fine to me, saz. I've actually been talking on the phone to my midwife just now and mentioned to her that Wesley doesn't feed as much as Olivia used to and seems to sleep a lot more too. She said its absolutely fine as long as he's not going more than 3 to 4 hours between feeds, having wet and dirty nappies etc.. so I'd say the same goes for Leo too and that woman you saw yesterday is stupid. :hugs:

Yes I'd heard that about BF babies too. In fact when I was pregnant the midwife told me that they were going to do delayed cord clamping on him after birth which she said reduces the likelihood of them becoming jaundiced but even though i agreed to the delayed clamping they didn't do it on the day for some reason. :shrug:
Thanks for the hugs :) I thought he was doing fine but now I'm doubting myself :(

My MWs did do delayed cord clamping. I didn't get to see him for a good few mins cos I was on all 4s :haha: It clearly hasn't worked for Leo though :( Both DH & I were jaundiced as babies. I had it do bad I had photo therapy. So maybe it's a genetic thing :shrug: The delayed clamping caused more issues though cos his temp took a while to come back up to normal cos of the delayed skin to skin so we might've been better off without it!

I just missed a call from a MW to check up on me. I didn't recognise her name on the voicemail so I'm not keen for her to call back. I'd like yo speak to someone I know but I suppose it is bank holiday Monday.
Lol I was on all fours too :haha: I wondered if that was why they didn't do the delayed clamping actually as I struggled to get turned round to hold him and so they cut his cord while I was still facing the other way :haha: from what you say though, it doesn't sound like it really helped much delaying clamping.

DH was jaundiced when he was born, they had him under a light. So it could be genetic. Olivia had it too.

It's the same here this weekend, the midwife I spoke to this morning wasn't my usual one. Have you called her back?
Morning ladies! Saz big :hugs: being sent.
You are the mom and do not listen to the MW. She obviously had a stick up her butt!

You know what is best for your baby. Don't change your routine. If the nappies are wet and the baby is happy and feeding is working you are doing everything right!

Everyone will have their OWN opinions on what is right and wrong. Babies always lose weight in the first week. Kyle was born at 8lbs 6 oz and when we brought him home on day 5 he weighed 7lbs 13oz. Don't worry. It happens. He is getting everything he needs.

I still hope you went to the party :( Sounds like it would have been a blast!

I am still sick :( Sick sick sick ughhhhhh back at work today :(
This weekend was good, between the cat and Kyle i don't know who is worse about climbing in and out of the baby items hehe. Kyle kept climbing in the car seat and trying to buckle it, in and out of the jumper and swing. What a menace! It was really cute though.

Hope you all had a nice restful weekend. Both boys sound like the sleeping is working and hooray for nipples not hurting so much :)
Totally agree, kyles. Wesley lost 8oz in the first 5 days and it will obviously take a little while for him to gain it back again.

Aww sorry you're still feeling rotten :( :hugs: try and take it easy (when you can!)

lol at kyle trying to get in the car seat! Olivia did the same thing with wesley's bouncy chair yesterday. In fact she actually managed to buckle it up...and then got upset because she couldn't get out again :haha:
Thanks for the hugs, Kyles. Hope you kick your illness soon :hugs:

The midwife rang me back & it was a completely pointless conversation. She asked if my feeding was going ok :wacko: I said I thought so & that was pretty much it. What was the point?! I hope to god it's someone I know tomorrow. If he hadn't put weight on, we'll be admitted to hospital according to that horrible MW from yesterday :(

Leo has only lost 6oz! This is the crazy thing! Yes, he's obviously a bit slow to put it on but Rex lost 14oz over the first 7 days! And it took him to day 21 to get back to his birth weight. Leo only needs to gain 5.5oz to do that :wacko:

As a result of two hourly feeding today, my nipples are sore again because I honestly think he's just been messing around at some feeds and not actually getting milk out. He's also been sick 3 times today compared to the same amount in the first 10 days of his life :dohh: I'm obviously over filling his little belly :cry:
Poor little lad, it just doesn't sound right to me. If he only lost 6oz and has been feeding so well I just don't see why the MW would think it was a problem :shrug: is it possible she knew about the issues Rex had and is taking that into account?

I still think she's an idiot though.

Wesley just slept for 6 hours straight :-/ he cluster fed pretty much from 2pm till 6pm and then didn't wake up till 12, I even moved him from his bouncy chair (where he fell asleep) into the crib about 3 hours ago thinking that might encourage him to wake up and feed but he kept on sleeping.

He finally woke up about half an hour ago, had a little feed, did a HUGE poo and has just fed a little bit more. Now he's fast asleep again. Does that sound right for a week old baby?? He did a similar thing yesterday - cluster fed all afternoon, slept 4 hours straight and woke up for very quick feeds every hour for the rest of the night.

The thing is I'm getting really engorged while he sleeps and I'm not sure he's fully draining my boob when he does finally wake up and feed. :shrug:
Not being from my community team, I don't think the horrible MW could possibly know about Rex's issues. I mentioned it once she started lecturing me about how to feed but she'd already written up the feeding plan then :shrug:

Sarah, I wouldn't worry about Wesley's long sleeps, especially as they're preceded by cluster feeding. He's obviously just fuelling up for a long rest! Is he just being weighed on day 10 again?

I've just been a complete rebel. I didn't set my alarm for 3 hours after going to bed :blush: I was exhausted from all the feeding & I could tell Leo was too. I need rest to make decent milk after all. So I let him sleep until he wanted it & he's slept for 3.75 hours. I feel waaaay better already. I may regret it tomorrow if he hasn't put enough weight on but it felt right to let the poor little man sleep.
Good girl! I'd have done the same thing. I'm sure he will have done absolutely fine when he gets on the scales later on :hugs:

I'm not too worried about wesley anymore, after he woke up from his 6 hour sleep he woke up and nursed virtually every hour for the rest of the night :haha: he slept most of the night in his crib too and only came into my bed for a couple of hours from 4am. Yes he gets weighed at 10 days which will be on Thursday.

Olivia on the other hand has regressed in her sleeping again since the baby has arrived. She's refusing to go to bed at night again and last night she came into our room in the night wanting to get in our bed. DH had to get into her bed with her. There's always something to contend with :(
Leo has put on 40g in just under 2 days. Which means we're off the bloody feeding plan :happydance: It was my usual midwife today. She wasn't in the least bit concerned about his weight or jaundice :) She said to keep up the 3 hourly feeds round the clock but tbh, think I'm going to aim for 2.5 hours through the day & let him wake up himself to feed in the night so we both get some proper rest. I need it for running around Rex! Feel so relieved!

:hugs: for Olivia's poor sleep, Sarah. I'm sure it's just Wesley's appearance & she'll settle down again soon enough. I've taken to laying with Rex for 10 mins or so in his bed once his light goes off to settle him without a fight. It seems to be working but it's not ideal. He's appeared upstairs a few nights since Leo arrived too but doesn't take hardly any settling.
:hugs: Sarah, don't worry about Wesley's sleep patterns. I was always told, never wake a sleeping baby :) He will let you know when he is ready to eat. He could be growing too, taking those long stretches could mean growth especially since afterwards he cluster fed. I feel your pain in the engorging though, have you pumped at all to help with that? I hope Olivia settles down again. It's a big change with a new baby in the house! She will ease up soon enough i am sure of it.

Hooray Saz! I knew there was NOTHING to worry about. You know your child BEST. So glad you weren't given a hard time :)
Very exciting. Now go back to the normal way and heal those nipples lol.

As for me, i didn't get a wink of sleep. This cold is beating me up!
I called my doc this morning and they are ordering me some antibiotics. I gotta kick this fast. UGH......SLEEEEEEEEEP..............guess i better get used to not having any lol.

How is Rex doing with Leo? Still the same, getting any better?
That's fantastic news, saz. Go Leo! :happydance:

Olivia does this every couple of months, it's such a pain. It always seems to happen when there's a big change in routine, or in this case, a new baby. I have tried in the past getting into bed with her till she falls asleep but she then wakes in the night and gets upset that I've gone :( so we've been letting her fall asleep downstairs and carrying her up but sometimes she's not falling asleep until really late and I'm going to bed at the same time as her :dohh:

Thanks kyles, I'm definitely not worried about him anymore. He has spent the ENTIRE DAY cluster feeding today. I literally haven't been able to put him down since 7:00 this morning :( so I'm thinking he might have another big sleep tonight. Hopefully.......

Aww kyles, sorry you're still poorly. I hope you get your medicine soon xxx
aww cluster feeding craziness :)

Poor Olivia, I can 100% see Kyle do this too. We still have to lay with him to get him to sleep :/ I hate doing it, it takes a good half hour!
Somebody up above seriously dislikes me at the minute :( I had a couple of hours of feeling good after the MW left this morning then about noon I started with stomach cramps, like after pains all over again. About 2pm I went to the loo & passed a huge clot :cry: I'm talking 5cm x 3cm. I wrapped it up & called my MW. She was in clinic so sent someone else out to me. She inspected the clot & said it looked like it had some membranes in it :( and she felt my tummy & said my womb isn't back where it should be yet. She suspected I have retained placenta or an infection so made me an emergency appointment with my GP. The GP has prescribed 2 antibiotics which I'm worried about with feeding, even though she assured me it was minimal amounts that would get into my milk I'm still uneasy about it. I've got to ring in the morning for an urgent ultrasound. I'm worried it is retained placenta & I'll end up having a D&C :cry:

What else can be thrown at me, seriously?! :cry:
Oh no way, saz! That's awful :(

It's just one thing after another isn't it :hugs:
It really is, Sarah :cry:

Just had my ultrasounds. No clot in my leg :happydance: and no significant clot or retained placenta in my womb :happydance: I have got quite a bit of fluid in my womb which the sonographer said could be a sign of infection, which the antibiotics will sort, or just blood etc. which hasn't come out due to the clot preventing my womb from contracting fully. Suppose I'll never know. Such a relief to not need an op to clear me out. Was already thinking of the logistics of feeding whilst having the op!

I really hope this is the end of the problems now. Please!
Oh Saz so scary! Yet so GLAD that things are a-ok! What a relief.

Still sick here. My nose is so raw :/ No sleep at all. I need this to go away soon so i can feel normal again.

My DH said I should stay home instead of go to work. I told him staying home with a 2 year old is not resting LOL I have better chances at relaxing at work :)
That's good news, saz. Such a relief you don't need an op or anything. On the plus side, when all that fluid goes away you will see instant weight loss :)

lol I know what you mean, kyles I think I'd much rather be ill at work than at home with s 2 yr old :haha:
I can't believe you're still ill, Kyles :( That is one rotten bug you've picked up :hugs:

Hope Olivia decides to sleep for you tonight, Sarah.

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