TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Yes I am very sick. I think I have a sinus infection. Hopefully these antibiotics work soon. Day 6 and feel awful.
i left work early and picked Kyle up before nap time. Took an hr shower while he slept :) proud moment today when he went #2 on the potty!!!! Progress...... yahoo. Hopefully we get out of diapers soon!
Ouch! Kyles I feel your pain. I had a sinus infection when I was pregnant and it was SO painful, and there's really nothing you can take unless they'll give you the antibiotics. I hope you start to feel better once the antibiotics kick in. My doc wouldn't give me any for mine so it lasted something like 3 weeks. :(

Woohoo! Well done kyle :happydance:

Wesley gets weighed again this morning, hopefully he's put some weight on. (He's been feeding loads so I don't see why not.) Wish me luck!
Good luck for the weigh in, Sarah. Hope it goes better than mine did!

I'm already dreading Leo's next one tomorrow :wacko: He had a sleepy day yesterday so I had to wake him to feed every 3 hours. He's making up for it today, wanting it every 2 hours so far. Hopefully that'll compensate. Leo was a little tinker last night. After a day of sleepiness, he didn't want to be put down at all last night. He did one 3 hour stretch in his basket but apart from that would only sleep on one of us :dohh: We're both exhausted today & it's Rex's day at home :wacko:
Ooooh! Just thought! This could be Leo's first growth spurt! That would explain yesterday's sleepiness, his unsettledness last night and the increased feeding so far today.
Morning! Good luck today Sarah at the weigh in!

Saz dont worry about the feedings he is doing great. You are probably right. I bet its a growth spurt!!!!

I woke up at 10 pm last night soaked from head to toe. Must have finally broke a fever. Scares me a bit having a fever while pregnant. Yesterday was awful. I took 3 showers to kick and help drain my nose. I really hope im not hurting this baby thats all i keep thinking about. I know a fever while pregnant is not good. Today i must say i still feel awful but no where near how yesterday felt. Last night must have been a turning point. Hoping these antibiotics are working..... headed back to work today. Fingers crossed i can make it all day. Dh has been wonderful helping me out with Kyle.
Well wesley's done fantastic. He was 7lb 8oz at birth, at 5 days he'd dropped to 7lb exactly and today he is 7lb 9oz! He's a little chunk! :haha:

You don't think he's eating too much though do you? He doesn't really take a break between feeds like Leo does. Like today he fed more or less non stop all morning and has only just gone down for a nap now. When he wakes up he'll feed non-stop till bed time. I thought that was normal but now I'm a bit worried :-/

It sounds as though you may have turned a corner, kyles. Hopefully you will be all better soon. Try and get lots of rest and some paracetamol will help with the fever x
Wow!! Well done to you & Wesley! 9oz in 5 days?! Wow!

Noooo, I don't think a BF baby can eat too much :shrug: He wouldn't eat if he didn't want it. He's just a hungry little man! I wish Leo was so I didn't have this weight gain worry.
I think Wesley is doing great! Those are great numbers!
He is a growing boy he needs to eat :) If he isn't hungry he will stop. Must love the milk :)
Thanks girls, these little people always have a way of worrying us don't they! Feeding too much, not feeding enough... lol

I've been doing some googling and reading this afternoon and am pretty sure that both Wesley and Leo's feeding patterns are completely normal. They're just all different :thumbup:

I'm sure Leo's weigh-in will be fine tomorrow x
Thanks, Sarah. I hope so! Leo feeds in quite a similar way to what Rex did during the day but Rex cluster fed from around 5-11pm until 6 weeks, only having 20 mins break in feeding then starting again. Leo doesn't do that so I worry he isn't getting enough on an evening. But then Rex was slow to put his weight back on too :shrug: Who knows!

Remember I said one of the PE teachers at work as due 3 days after me? I was chatting to her on FB yesterday & she's having similar weight issues with her LO. He actually lost weight between day 5 & 7 :( She's on a strict feeding plan with 3 hourly feeds, expressing whatever's left after each feed & topping up from a cup in between feeds. That's what I had to do with Rex. It was such hard work so I really feel for her.
I think if he doesn't cluster feed but also isn't going long stretches between feeds he's absolutely fine. I've got my fingers crossed he has a good weigh-in today :flower:

Oh how awful for your friend too. I don't know if I'm just being naive but I really don't get why the midwives have to step in with these feeding plans and supplementing so early on. Surely they should at least have given her LO till day 10 and looked for all the signs that he's feeding well (is dirty and wet nappies, good latch etc) :shrug:
The MW has just been. It was a lady is never met before but she was lovely. He's put in another 30g which I was concerned about but she wasn't at all. She said she's happy with that as he's gaining & some babies are just slower getting back to their birth weight than others. She's actually discharged us :happydance: I just have to get him weighed by the HV regularly until he's back up to his birth weight (only 3oz to go now!) and the HV will also keep an eye on his jaundice. Very relieved!

I think all MWs care about at this point is weight gain. That's their big indicator of whether a baby is thriving or not. They don't seem to take much else into consideration. I still get a little wound up that the growth charts on the red books are based on formula fed babies.
Such great news Saz! He will be at his birth weight in no time.

Hooray for healthy happy baby boys!

I am feeling so much better. Woke up stuffy but nothing to severe. Thank goodness this is almost out of my system. Now i will be able to have a productive weekend. I just hope Kyle doesnt get it. Or if he does he gets it now before vacation. Oye!
So glad to hear you're feeling better, Kyles :) At long last! Fingers crossed that Kyle escapes the bug.
Oh great news Saz, I knew little Leo could do it! :D and that's brilliant that you've been discharged!

I didn't realise the growth charts were based on formula fed babies, that is annoying! Somebody once told me however that apparently the growth charts were based on just 100 babies that were studied decades ago. I don't know if that's really true though, just what a friend told me.

Kyles, that's great you're feeling better! :) let's hope kyle doesn't get it next x
I'm soooo tired :( Leo's sleep is getting worse :dohh: It's so hard to get him to go down in his basket now. I think he's a bit more aware so knows when he's not with me now. The past few nights, I've had 3-4 hours sleep. It's really hard to function on that amount repeatedly when I've got Rex to contend with too :(
Join the club! Wesley is tormenting me every night at the minute. In fact i think both my kids are in cahoots :(

He has a cluster feed in the early evening and goes down for 3-4 hours. Great! Except its not great because he does this at around 6:00 every night and I can't join him in his 3-4 hour sleep because I have to do olivia's bath and bedtime first. So it's more like 8:00 by the time I get my head down and then he's up 2 hours later. After that initial long sleep he's up like every half hour to an hour for the rest of the night and it only stops when I finally cave and put him in the bed beside me (usually at around 3am) :(

Add to that a toddler that's refusing to go to bed again and keeps getting up in the night and refusing to go back to bed! My mum's visiting at the moment and is sleeping in Olivia's bed so Olivia is in her old toddler bed. She hates it. DH ended up sleeping on her bedroom floor last night because she got up in the night and wouldn't settle again. :dohh:
Glad to hear it's not just us. I know that doesn't help us but it's nice to know we're not alone! We have the same problem. Leo sleeps most soundly after bath time & a feed. But then I have to settle Rex to sleep, get myself ready for bed, sort the washing etc. I'm lucky to squeeze an hour in before waking him for the next feed. I have wondered about settling him upstairs when I feed him after bath time & then quickly rushing around & doing what I need & getting into bed & seeing what time he wakes, rather than waking him to feed 3 hours after his post bath time feed. :shrug: IDK. It's all trial & error & you just never know what to do for the best :( It's been like 1/2am when he's settled & he only sleeps til 4ish before he wants his next feed. Then I might get another hour before Rex wakes up :cry:

At nap time at lunchtime I tried putting him on his side (I know, bad mummy :blush: ) to see if that helped him to settle. I wedged rolled up blankets round him to stop his rolling onto his tummy. It did seem to help. Although he woke up a few times, we didn't have to go back to him to resettle him.
Yes it is good to know its not just us :)

I reckon it's worth a try settling him straight into bed after his bath and feed. You're already having a crap night's sleep so it can't make much difference giving something else a go!

I just keep telling myself that this part doesn't last long. OK so it was 2 years before Olivia sttn but she was sleeping a 4-5 hour stretch and only waking for 2 feeds every night from about 3 months old. I'd be over the moon if Wesley did the same...

Wesley has slept on his side a few times too :blush: a few times he's fallen asleep lying down feeding and I daren't turn him onto his back for fear of waking him, so I've just left him like that :haha:

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