TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

I think I will try it tomorrow night. I can't tonight cos I'm flying solo for bath time. Eeeeeek! DH has gone back to his usual Sunday evening footy :(

He's back to work tomorrow but thankfully my lovely mum has taken 2 days holiday to come to us on the days Rex isn't at the CM so I won't be on my own for very long with the 2 of them! Phew! I'm petrified about next Monday!! Bet we don't make it out the house :wacko:

Rex didn't STTN til his was 18 months old & he soon stopped that after a few weeks :dohh: He still had a night feed til 8 months too, despite being weaned & eating 3 good meals a day on top of milk. He was greedy! :haha: At least we know we can live through it this time & we won't keel over from exhaustion! I'd kill for a 4-5 hour stretch or 2 right now too :haha:
I hope bath time went ok! I'm still bathing mine separately, Olivia gets hers before bed and Wesley's been having his baths with me in the morning :)

Well Wesley decided to go down for his big sleep at 5pm tonight :wacko: I had to then do tea, followed by olivia's bath. At 7:30 I decided to go upstairs with Wesley and try getting some sleep. But then at 8:00 Olivia started kicking off at DH not wanting to go to bed. By 8:30 the bed time commotion was STILL Going on so I stepped in, told Olivia it was past her bedtime and she needed to go to sleep. She asked me for a drink then after I gave her one she went straight to bed and waved me good night, just like that. But for some reason DH is now in a huff with me for stepping in :shrug: :growlmad:

Of course Wesley woke up the minute I got back into bed and he's been up feeding for an hour now. He's just thrown up all over me too :(

Bad times!
Toddlers just won't go to bed for their daddies, will they?! Rex did the same the other night. DH put him to bed cos I was still feeding Leo. It was a disaster! Bedtimes are definitely mummy work :haha: I think you were right to step in :thumbup:

Bath time was ok. I think! I filled Leo's bath, ran Rex's & got him in. Quickly bathed Leo & got him dried & dressed in the bathroom. Washed Rex & got him out. Then let Leo kick in his cot while I got Rex in his PJs. Brought them downstairs & got Rex settled with his milk & biscuit on his iPad & I then fed Leo. Put Leo in his vibrating chair & got Rex in bed. Phew! Think it all worked ok! The only flaw was Rex kicking off about brushing his teeth when we went back up :wacko: Tooth paste everywhere!

Sending you sleepy vibes for a good night, Sarah!
Sounds like a pretty successful bath time, well done! :)

Sending sleepy vibes your way too. :sleep: I just got another 2 hours out of Wesley. Still knackered though! :(
Well, side sleeping may be a bit naughty but I got 2 stretches of 2.5 hours by letting Leo sleep like that, wedged in on either side so he couldn't roll onto his front. I've had 5 hours sleep! :happydance: I haven't had that much since Leo arrived I don't think!
That's great, Saz :)

Well I added my last post at 12:41. 2 hours later I was STILL trying to re-settle him in his crib. He fed to sleep 4 times but then every time I put him down he woke up and cried! He ended up back in our bed where he slept on and off till 6:00.

I miss sleep! :brat:
:hugs: Sarah. We know we'll get some sleep again one day at least. In a few months time, we'll bathing them & putting them to bed in their own rooms, wondering where time has gone. I'm trying my absolute hardest to savour this newborn phase can you tell?! :haha: cos I know we're not having another.
So sorry you girls are not getting any sleep :( It will get better and hopefully soon!!!!!!!

Weekend was nice, Saturday my sister graduated from College.
A storm rolled through so we all had to run to the school as fast as possible and they cancelled the ceremony half way through.
Talk about 7 months pregnant and running up hills and miles to and from the graduation. (AWFUL0

Mother's day was yesterday so we had a nice relaxing day and i was so sore from the day prior. :)
Kyle and DH bought me some really pretty flowers and we had my parents over for dinner.

Weekend seemed so short :( Can't wait for this vacation to come already. Work is starting to bug me! I need some time off!
Especially now that the weather is gorgeous and I am no longer sick!!!! (THANK GOODNESS)

How were your weekends?
Ha ha I suppose you're right, Saz. We should be savouring every minute. Its just a bit hard sometimes on an hour's sleep at 3am :rofl:

Great to hear you're all recovered, kyles :thumbup:

What a shame your sister's ceremony had to be cut short. Will they have to continue it another day? I bet you looked pretty funny running up the hill :haha: although it can't have been much fun for you! I can't believe you're 7 months pregnant already, your baby will be here in no time! :)

Happy mothers day for yesterday. Sounds like you had a lovely day.

Wesley got weighed again today, he's now 7lb 13oz - 4oz gained in 4 days! He's such a little chunk :)

Tonight, in an attempt to get him to put his bed time back a bit, instead of letting him cluster feed and fall asleep too early, I put him in the bath at the same time as Olivia. So far so good, he's only just fallen asleep now at 7pm as opposed to 5pm like he did yesterday.
Thanks. No they are not postponing they just cancelled it lol.

Hooray for a 7pm sleep time. Bath time together that sounds scary. Kyle is a splasher and a mover. It will be awhile before i get them in the tub together lol

I know right 7months. Im feeling it. Getting larger by the minute...
Oh no, I'm not brave enough to do their bath together just yet! :haha: I put wesley in first and Olivia helped bath him, then I got him out and wrapped up in a towel and put Olivia in. It worked out pretty well actually, Wesley loves the bath but isn't keen on getting out but he did seem to enjoy being wrapped up in a big fluffy towel. And Olivia enjoyed helping bath her little brother. :)

Olivia is still rebelling against bed time. She's only just gone down now. Thankfully the screaming and tantrums have stopped but she's taken a new tac tonight and that is stalling. Any excuse to put off going to bed and she's tried it. First she said she'd done a poo and needed a nappy change, then she wanted a drink, then she "accidentally" spilt her drink all over the bed and I had to change the sheets. :dohh: I haven't heard from her in about 10 minutes now so I'm really hoping she's given up!

Ha ha, aw kyles you still have 2 month's growth! one thing I really don't miss is my huge tummy. I just have lots of wobbly bits left now :rofl: I really don't miss that slow, sore, exhausted feeling either
I can't believe you're 7 months pregnant either, Kyles! :D You'll be joining us on the sleepless nights in no time! When's your EDD?

Sounds like you had a lovely weekend :thumbup: But hills don't sound fun at 31w! :haha: Happy belated Mother's Day :)

We had a quiet weekend, obviously. I had my uni friend over to visit from Manchester on Saturday & SIL brought her kids to play with Rex. We went to the IL's for Sunday lunch. That was it!

There's no way Rex will be going in the bath with Leo until Leo can confidently sit up :nope: I bath Leo in a baby bath for now & then he'll be in the big bath with a support seat but Rex will have to go in after him. He's far too boisterous & rough :dohh:

Glad you delayed Wesley's sleep, Sarah. Fingers crossed for a good night for both of us.

My mum & I took Rex to a play centre today & I loved being able to go on the play frame with him & it not being a huge effort or impossible! Rex loved having mummy to play with him again too :cloud9: I do not miss being the size of a house & unable to move :haha: I love how easy it is to get dressed etc. too! And I've nearly had everything on the banned food list that I was craving. Just need a G&T now & I'll be happy :haha:
Well, it wasn't quite the fantastic success I thought it was going to be. He only slept 2.5 hours for his "big sleep". But then after that he was only up 3 times and didn't come into our bed till 3:30 so I was pretty happy with that.

I've just had the most traumatic nappy change ever. He was refusing to feed or go back to sleep just now so I thought I'd check his nappy. He had done a tiny poo so I started to clean him off and as I was cleaning, he started doing the biggest poo ever all over my hand, his clothes, changing mat, all the way up his back! So I had to strip him off to clean him. I was just about done when he started peeing! All over himself, his face, the bed, his changing mat was swimming in pee. He was soaked! Nightmare. Why are little boys so gross??!
:rofl: Sarah! That is the nappy change from hell! I was prepared for the peeing everywhere after Rex so I keep a kitchen roll in the changing bag & put a folded piece over his willy while changing him to soak up the pee :haha:

Sorry your night wasn't as good as you hoped :( We had a similar one to the night before. He did a 3 hour stretch then 2.5 hours. I'll take that!

Going to go to a breastfeeding chat & play group this afternoon as Rex is at the CM so it's just me & Leo.

I think Rex might have an eye infection :wacko: His right eye was swollen this morning but it's not red & he says it doesn't hurt so idk :shrug: I can't face more doctors! Might take him down to the pharmacy later.
:hugs::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: OH Sarah that is GREAT!
I am so sorry! I so remember those changing days lol
Kyle pee-d in his mouth at one point!!! It was crazy i felt like a terrible mommy :)
Don't worry it will get better hehehehe.

I am sorry you had an awful sleep night :(

Saz glad you had an ok sleep night, 3 hrs and 2.5 impressive!

I hope Rex's eye is ok. That's scary. Could it be allergies?
Eurgh :wacko: When I picked Rex up from the CM's, his eye was a bit red & watery so off we trooped to the pharmacy. Felt like a right mission with 2 of them! They said it probably is an infection so he's got antibiotic drops. He was great with the first dose so hope he keeps it up cos I have to put them in every 2 hours when he's awake for 48 hours then every 4 :wacko:
Kitchen roll! Why didn't I think of that? :)

Kyles, Wesley did pee in his mouth! :-/ and in his eye too! Double bad mummy here :dohh: :haha:

AW poor Rex, hope his eye gets better soon. Its a good thing he doesn't mind the drops, that would have been a right pain otherwise!
Aww poor Rex :( I hope his eye gets better fast!

That's nice you can go to the pharmacy and just get what you need!
Here, you have to make a doctor appointment, have them send in a prescription for the antibiotic and then go to the pharmacy. (So backwards)

So glad Rex was good with letting you put it in his eye :)

Sarah haha you are an amazing mommy :) A little pee never hurt, besides while they are in our belly's that's what they drink :p :HAHA:

I hope today is a better day with the Wesley and Olivia!
We have the same system for prescription drugs, Kyles. Like antibiotic tablets. But for some reason, antibiotics eye drops are an over-the-counter medicine :shrug: so you can just go buy them.

That's very true about them drinking & swimming in their own wee, Kyles :haha:

Kitchen roll is the way forward, Sarah :thumbup:
OK so I'm actually the worst mummy in the world now. I was clipping wesley's fingernails and took a chunk out of his finger :cry: he was fast asleep when I did it and he jumped so he must've felt it :( it bled a bit but has stopped now thankfully. I feel awful though.

I'm never cutting his nails again. :nope:

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