TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Aww I have done it too!!!!!!!!!! Kyle's fingers are all still there :) Wesley's will be too!
They say that when they are that little start with a baby nail file, but I tried that and those were a joke! He will be ok. They heal so quickly at that age. You are getting very emotional because you are tired. I promise he will be ok. And on the plus side he won't remember it :)

Take a few deep breaths and relax. You are a great mommy. :) <3<3<3

We had this thing called a Pee Pee T P that was supposed to cover the pee pee during changes. It was to small and the baby squirms so much that it never got used lol. The kitchen roll is perfect idea!
Thanks kyles, that made me feel better :hugs: I always used to use a nail file on Olivia but for some reason I thought I could get away with it. What an idiot I am :dohh:

That is true though, he won't remember it :) lol

Olivia is still being a pain in the bum about bedtime. Tonight she's back to crying and tantrum throwing. She wouldn't let go of my hand when I tried to tuck her in and kept looking at me all teary eyed and begging me to stay with her. My mum stepped in in the end and is now lying with her till she falls asleep. I really hope she sorts herself out again soon :(

Hee hee! The pee pee T P made me giggle :haha:
Oh Sarah! :hugs: You are definitely not the worst mum in the world, no way :nope: Kyles is right, he won't remember & will heal super fast. I just nibble & pick Leo's nails when he's feeding :blush: Did the same with Rex too! Only used nail clippers once we stopped BF.

Anyway, do you not remember me trapping Rex's finger in the kitchen window & having to have a trip to A&E?! That is worst mum material! :haha:

Rex was a complete pest at bedtime too :wacko: They're just trying it on cos of the babies. I want to cry when I think how much I've turned Rex's world upside down by bringing Leo into the world. I know I sound stupid but I get pangs of guilt! I know deep down, he'll love having a brother but I think it must be the sleepless nights showing through & making me emotional!
Aww :hugs: to both of you! You both need to get at least a stretch of 4 hrs sleep at some point soon. I promise that will help how you are feeling.

Oh Saz i remember Rexs finger owie!!

He to healed :)

Fingers crossed Rex and Olivia sleep sound for you and same goes for wesley and Leo!
Yes, I remember Rex's finger. Now I know how you must've felt :(

It is hard to watch the toddlers adjusting. as I write this I've got Olivia in the bed beside me. She wandered in about an hour ago and I just don't have the heart to send her back to her own bed, (and she wouldn't go anyway). So now I can't lie Wesley back down to feed, therefore its back to the crib for him and no sleep for me :nope:
4 hours is definitely the magic amount of sleep that makes you feel human. Think we've got a while to go yet!

Leo did the same pattern of sleep last night as the previous 2 nights but the second stretch last night was in my bed. He wouldn't settle in his basket due to tummy ache/wind :(

The few doses of eye drops Rex had yesterday have amazingly cleared his eye already! :) Will keep them up today to make sure it's properly gone though.

Weigh in this morning :( Nervous again.
Woo hoo!! :happydance: At long last, Leo is above his birth weight! He's 8lb 6oz now :happydance: He's put on 120g in 5 days! I really don't understand how cos we haven't done anything different :shrug: But I'll take that weight gain!
Aw sorry to hear about Leo's poorly tummy last night. I hope he's a bit better now. That's great Rex's eye is looking better already :)

4 hours sleep would really do me fine right now. I only got maybe 20 minutes sleep after Olivia came into our bed last night :wacko:

Well I've almost survived my very first day all by myself with the 2 of them! DH went back to work today. My mum was supposed to stay till the weekend but my step dad is ill so she had to leave early this morning to see to him. I've done OK so far. We've watched a few DVDs, I put Wesley in the sling for a bit while we baked cakes and we've been to the park with the dog. We have to go to the supermarket a bit later then it should be just about time for DH to come home from work.

Yay! Fantastic news Leo has gained weight again :happydance:
Hooray Saz! So happy Leo is back on track with his weight :) Kyle was born at 8lbs 6 oz hehe.. Miss that size!!!

So glad Rex's eye is clearing up, i would keep the drops going for a few days.

So sorry Sarah that you didn't get much sleep again last night :( Glad DH will be home soon to help and GOOD JOB all by yourself with the both of them :)

I am officially feeling UNCOMFORTABLE. I think this baby is breach just like Kyle :( I don't have a long torso so there is a little head in my rib cage AGAIN. Not budging. I don't understand why these kids enjoy my right side and want to sit up right....... GRRR it is very hard sitting straight up thats for sure. I am so uncomfortable :( Vacation is in 2 weeks. How will I ever make it :( On a plane, with a toddler. I feel like a bad mom already, when I pick Kyle up from my moms, go home, all i want to do is veg and relax on the couch so we put the TV on :X

is it over yet ? LOL
You're into single figures of weeks left now, Kyles. The end is in sight. You can do it! :thumbup: Don't feel bad about not having the energy to play with Kyle. I played why Rex from the sofa from a long while :haha: It
I'm joining your club, Sarah! Leo poo'd aaaall over me at the nappy change in between boobs at the late feed last night :dohh: I was too busy making sure he didn't pee on me that I didn't even consider the other end :haha: It was full velocity projectile poo as well :rofl: It went all over my leg & on our bedroom carpet :dohh: That's going to be an interesting stain to remove!
:rofl: that's hilarious, Saz! Poor you, I bet you got such a shock :) I was VERY careful when i changed wesley's bum this morning, no way I'm ever letting that happen again :haha:

Kyles, don't feel bad that you have no energy for playing with kyle. I was just the same in the last couple of months. Are you sure its a head you can feel in your ribs? Wesley spent an entire week with his foot jammed in my ribs and it was really uncomfortable. I had to sit upright constantly and every time I tried to gently push him away he kicked me! That's the only reason I knew it was a foot.
Hahahhaa saz's turn lololol. Thats hysterical. Needed that laigh this morning!

Yes Sarah its a head. Im geting kicked on my left side and in my bladder. If i stand or walk i get boom boom boom on my badder lol. I feel i need to pee and nada comes out :)
Oh no kyles, naughty baby needs to turn round ASAP!
Well wesley and I have had an eventful morning. We dropped Olivia off at nursery and went straight to the children's centre. They have a breastfeeding group there every Friday so I thought I'd just pop in and get someone to check his latch because it still hurts when he latches and I also wanted to check that his frequent feeding is normal and not due to a bad latch.

Well firstly little Wesley went to sleep before we left the house and didn't wake up for AAAGES and secondly when he eventually did wake up the breastfeeding advisor checked him and reckons he has a tongue tie. That explains why he won't open his mouth wide enough to get a good latch, and also why he's started struggling with bottom wind just recently. So next Tuesday I have to take him back to get seen by another lady who is an expert and if necessary she'll refer us to get it snipped.

And there was me thinking everything was normal!
Oh wow Sarah I never honestly heard of that!
I just googled it. Good to know! I am surprised they didn't notice that at his check ups.

Glad you got some answers. Fingers crossed its an easy fix!
It is weird, he was checked at the hospital when he was born and they said he was fine but the lady I saw today vsaid that she sees loads of tongue ties that were missed by the hospital.

I also had a chat with her about the many many problems that I had BF Olivia and how I was eventually forced to switch to formula after struggling on with it for 4 soul-destroying months. She thinks Olivia may have had the same problem and it was never diagnosed. I never did get to the bottom of why Olivia struggled to BF and it affected me so badly i almost didn't bother trying to BF Wesley until the midwife talked me round so if it does turn out olivia had the same problem it will give me some closure I reckon. Especially if I can get it fixed for Wesley and succeed where I couldn't the first time around.
Does that issue eventually go away? Or do you need to get it taken care of?

I wonder if that is why Kyle bit the crap out of me!!!!!!!

I'm going to look at his tongue tonight LOL
I'm so curious this is the first I have EVER heard of this!
I don't know an awful lot about it other than what the BF advisor told me today. She said that mildly tongue tied LOs can still feed but will always have problems, like mum will probably be sore, more likely to get mastitis and blocked ducts. Baby will likely always feed more often than normal as they can't suck efficiently. They tire themselves out from the effort of feeding so they fall asleep before they get full.
Severely tongue tied LOs can't latch at all and if not seen to it can cause speech problems later on.

You can tell if someone has it by asking them to stick their tongue out. If they can't stick it out very far they probably are. She also said that tongue tied people can't put their tongue flat against the roof of their mouthes. I asked DH to do it today and he can't so the kids probably inherited it from him. That would explain why MIL failed at BF him too.

Its a really simple procedure to snip the tongue tie, she said they don't even numb it as it literally hurts for just a second then they have a feed and calm right down. I'll definitely get it done if he does have it.
That is interesting.

Feeding Kyle was awful, I ended up with Mastitis and let me tell you that is the WORST thing ever! I am going to check this kid out for sure! Luckily its not painful. I would get it looked at as soon as you can!

Interesting that your DH mom had the same issue

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