TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

DHs mum ended up with mastitis too :(

I just wish I'd found this BF lady when I was struggling to feed Olivia, it might have turned out differently.
Glad you've got someone to take a look, Sarah.

I went through all that with Rex. By 6 weeks when I was still sore, the breastfeeding support worker suggested I go to the breastfeeding drop in clinic at the hospital to see the specialist feeding MW. The first week I went, she was on leave so I had to go back the next week :wacko: She had a good look & said it did look like a tongue tie so referred us. We had to go to Dewsbury of all places for the appointment as that's the closest place :shrug: By the time of our appointment, Rex was 12 weeks old & I'd say feeding had got easier around 10 weeks. The doctor said he did have a tongue tie but not a serious one & that he'd stretched it naturally so that's why feeding had got easier. Just wish I'd known earlier on so I didn't have 10 weeks of pain & mastitis at 6 weeks.

Feeding Leo is still painful from time to time. Especially when I'm NIP & can't perfect his latch as much. But it's definitely not as painful as if was with Rex so I don't think Leo can have a tongue tie.

In other news, Leo did a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night between 11.30pm & 3.30am. Unfortunately, I didn't benefit cos Rex woke up at 1am & as we're at my mum's for a long weekend, I had to go to him cos DH wasn't there. Gutted!
Wow I can't believe it took them so long to sort Rex out. You did well to persevere all that time.

That's great Leo did 4 hours last night :) not so great you didn't get to benefit, though. Wesley did 3 hours between 8 and 11, had a feed and went back down for another 2 hours last night and didn't come into our bed till 4am yesterday. I was very pleased with that :)

I think we've had a bit of a break through with Olivia's sleep too. Last night she was still refusing to go to bed but she eventually agreed to stay in bed as long as I left her bedroom door open. It seemed to work last night so I've done it again tonight. Tonight she went down without any fuss other than to ask for the door to be left open. So far I've not heard a peep out of her. :)
Glad things are going well. Hooray for 4 hrs of sleep. Crappy u didnt benefit from it.

Kyle had a fit tonight going to bed. Couldnt get him down till almost 10pm. Its now 11 pm and i am stuck wide awake for the past half hr with baby hiccups. I cant make them stop!!!! Lol. I want to sleep!!!!!
Oh kyles, you scared me there, I thought for a minute kyle had had an actual fit! :haha:

Such a nightmare when toddlers don't sleep. I actually think its more frustrating being up with a toddler than being up with a baby! Fingers crossed he has a better night tonight.

Olivia did brilliantly last night, went down happily with the bedroom door open and slept all night :happydance: who would've thought that was what was bothering her! I just need to move bedtime back to a more reasonable hour again now :haha:

Its a beautiful day here today. Olivia is in her shorts (and complaining that she wants her trousers on of course), I think we will all go to the park this morning :)
Up at 7 am today lol
its a Kyle and mommy day. We have a birthday party this afternoon to go to.

Aarah enjoy your day at the park! I need to go food shopping and get this house in shape for when we leave for vacation.

Have a great day both of you!

Glad Olivia slept well and yes toddler fights at night time are the worst!
Feel like I haven't been on in ages! We've been at my mum's for 3 nights & got back yesterday tea time. We've been hectic! Visiting family & trips out to keep Rex occupied. Poor Rex's hayfever has kicked in with a vengeance :( Mine is bothering me but the pharmacist said I can't take anything over the counter while BF :( Might have to make a docs appointment if it gets worse.

Leo has been sleeping well for me :) Doing two 3-4 hour stretches of sleep. Anothet weigh in on Wednesday so getting anxious about that all over again.

I'm on my own with both of them all day for the first time today. Not doing too badly so far! Hoping to get out somewhere this afternoon. Had to wait in for my shopping delivery this morning. Currently having. Moment of peace while I feed Leo & Rex is on the iPad!
Morning :)
Very awesome Saz! hooray for Leo sleeping!!!

Ahh the famous IPAD down time, It's my favorite too when i want to put my feet up :) Kyle enjoys it! Hhehe. Good luck today alone!

What a crazy hectic weekend I had.

I have been so stressed lately. I haven't told you girls yet but my SIL is throwing me a sprinkle that happens tonight (shhh) it's a surprise.

It turned into total Chaos! Because my Mother didn't approve of it. So no one on my side of the family is going to support me because of a tiff she got into with my SIL. It's awful and very upsetting. But at least I will have it with DH side and a couple of my friends. It's the thought that counts :)

Just so sad that someone wants to do something nice for me and my parents don't agree with it so they told my family they can't go! It's unbelievable. I'm not 16 anymore.

There is more to the story but I just don't want to get down and get into it.

My left ankle is starting to swell a lot more :( My back is also starting to go........
I am falling apart and this added stress is NOT NEEDED!!!!!!!!
Hi Girls, what a lovely weekend its been! All sunny and hot :) we took Olivia and Wesley to a petting zoo today, Olivia had a fantastic time!

Saz, sorry about the hay fever. I hope the doctor can give you something for it.

That's fantastic Leo is sleeping so well already. I wish I could say the same for Wesley :( if anything, his sleep is getting worse. That big 3-4 hour sleep he used to do at the start of the night has now turned in to just 2 hours so by the time I've put him down and sorted myself out, I'm lucky if I get an hour's sleep before he's up again. He then feeds for an hour, goes back down for an hour or two then he's up again and at that point he usually comes into the bed with me as he's up every hour after that. Last night was awful, he woke up at 2am and didn't go to sleep again till 4am. He was fussing like mad as well which really didn't help. Then olivia came in at 6am and had a tantrum on the bedroom floor, waking Wesley up in the process, all because she wanted me to get up with her instead of DH. :dohh:

I think last night might have been down to wesley's 2-3 week growth spurt (at least I really hope it was because that might mean he'll get better in a day or two)

Well done getting through your first day on your own with 2 kids :) its not so bad is it really as long as you have plenty to keep the older one happy!

Kyles, that's such a shame about your family :hugs: I hope you are able to enjoy yourself regardless. That's really nice of your SIL to throw you a party.

Aww sorry your so full of aches and pains, you need to have some down time, how long till your holiday now?

Tomorrow morning I'm taking Wesley to see the BF lady who will tell me for sure if he has a tongue tie. Wish me luck! I really hope we get to the bottom of it. His latch is getting more painful :(
Well, I've just got back from the BF clinic. It turns out Wesley has a posterior tongue tie and a bubble palate. The palate should be flat but wesley's looks like when you push a marble into a lump of play-doh.

She said that he's gained more weight than he should have done at this stage and that is a result of having the tongue tie. Apparently because he can't suck sufficiently it means he gets too much of the watery high lactose milk (fore milk) and this causes them to gain excessive amounts of weight. It also causes tummy aches, gassiness and explosive nappies. The tongue tie also causes his frequent (or should I say constant!) Feeding.

She has shown me a technique to get him latched on in a way that gets the nipple right to the top of his bubble palate and already I can hear him taking deeper gulps :) hopefully that will help him get a better feed and be more settled. If he's not any better in a few days she will refer him to get it snipped.

I really hope this helps, I had another rotten night with him last night, I can cope with the constant feeding but its the fussing that goes with it that is getting me down, not to mention his sore tummy :(
Aww Sarah fingers crossed he starts to get on the mend.
I am sorry you are having such a hard time with him :(
Let's hope it fixes itself and you get so R&R soon!
Glad she was helpful and that sounds like tons of information!

Last night the sprinkle was very very sweet and so nice. Lots of gift cards and small gifts. It was so nice.
Embarrassing my family wasn't there to celebrate with me but that's on them.
It was a nice small event and I am so thankful for my SIL for thinking of us and for doing it.
Sorry to hear about your family not showing up, Kyles :( You can't pick your family, ey?!

Fab that you got some info about Wesley's feeding issues, Sarah :thumbup: The woman you saw sounds like she really knows what she's talking about. Fingers crossed that the new technique works & Wesley becomes more settled for you.

Leo has been really fussy today :( Luckily it's one of Rex's days at the CM so I can just concentrate on Leo but still had to resort to the wrap to settle him & get anything done. Every time I've put him down asleep, he's woken up after 30 mins. That used to be Rex's trick too :dohh:
Wesley has been doing the exact same thing today, saz. He's barely slept all day and every time he's drifted off and I've put him down he's been wide awake and screaming in minutes :( he has been feeding all day long and every time I attach him he pulls off again screaming. At first I thought he didn't like me latching him on using this new technique but now I'm thinking growth spurt.

The carrier didn't work for me today, I tried putting him in it while I made dinner but he screamed and screamed. I've now given up and taken him to bed with me. He's calmed down a bit now and is snoozing on the boob at the minute. Still no idea how I'm going to put him down though!

I'm ashamed to admit at one point this evening I got a bit worked up and started crying in front of Olivia. She saw me crying and came and gave me a huge hug and said "its alright mummy". What a little sweetheart. But I now feel awful because I miss her so much. She never gets to do anything with me at the moment because I'm with Wesley 24/7 :cry: I so hope this is just a growth spurt and things will calm down in a day or two.

Kyles, your party sounds lovely, I'm glad you were able to enjoy it despite everything x
:hugs: Sarah. I know exactly how you feel about Olivia cos I feel like that about Rex too :cry: I have moments where I can't help thinking I've ruined his little world where he was mummy & daddy's centre of attention. Rex is really playing up whenever we have visitors & although I know it's just cos he's craving attention, it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. He's also having screaming tantrums about going to the CM on a morning cos he's worked out mummy stays at home. He's absolutely fine once he gets there but this morning I could hear him screaming as DH walked him round the corner to her house :cry:

Another fussy day here. I'm chained to the sofa with a sleeping baby on me. Every time I tried to put him down in his swing or his basket, he woke up. I'm not feeling well today either :( Sore throat, headache & coldy. Not what I need!
:hugs: :hugs: to you both.
It's ok to cry. That was very very sweet of Olivia. Here come the mommy guilt moments I am so not looking forward to them since I already feel them :(

Rex and Olivia love you both lots! It will get better. It will only last this way for a few months and they are so young that they will not realize it. Don't beat yourselves up to hard. (remind me to come back to this post) :)

You are both doing an amazing job. I am petrified to take care of 2!!!!!!!!!! I am already slowing down that I can't imagine how it will be chasing and taking care of 2.

My left ankle has started to swell. My calves look GIANT! ugh i hate this stage.... Just want to be back to normal again.

Kyle has been an angry boy the past few days, throwing things, being bad ugh... Its hard to keep up.

I am still so hurt by what my family did. And now my moms bday is coming up and I am supposed to go to a picnic this Sunday and I am not in the mood to be around family that didn't think a sprinkle was a good idea. I just don't know how to forgive this one. Just because one person didn't agree to it that means no one on my side gets to go? Or wanted to go? I go to every family event and they couldn't come to one event for my child? It's so depressing. I shouldn't be depressed at this stage of my pregnancy. I just wish I knew how to go on without feeling so hurt by everyone on MY side.
Well last night and today have been much more settled for Wesley :)

I think I've worked out what yesterday's fussy day was all about. On Sunday and Monday we were out all day and Wesley slept most of the day away...and was then up all night feeding to make up for it! Therefore I reckon my supply in the day decreased and my night time supply increased. Because yesterday he spent all day nursing and fussing as though in a growth spurt but come night time I had more than enough milk for him. A couple of times last night he woke and wouldn't take a nipple, choosing to settle himself back to sleep instead. Might also have something to do with sorting his latch out too :)

Today he still fed a lot but nowhere near as much as yesterday and without any fussing. His bottom wind seems better too :happydance:

Saz, I'm sorry your going through similar anxieties about Rex. It's so hard isn't it :( kyles is right though, it is only for a very short time and they probably won't remember it. It's just so hard though. I hate it when I can hear Olivia playing outside with DH or another family member and I just want to go out and join in but I can't because I'm chained to the sofa with Wesley. Or when she asks me to play with her or get her a drink and I have to send her to find her daddy instead :(

Kyles, you will be fine with 2. I'm surprised at how well I'm doing with the pair of them so far (apart from when Wesley is in a growth spurt. That's hell on earth.) Today I took them to toddler group/baby clinic by myself and it was absolutely fine. I find getting out and about and keeping Olivia busy is the best way, if we stay home she gets bored. Its also surprising how often random strangers take pity on me and help me out! Like yesterday I took them both to the supermarket and a man saw me struggling with them and went all the way across the car park to get me a trolley with both baby and toddler seats :)

Aww kyles, sorry you're having a crap time with everything. Your family have put you in a difficult position really, very hard for you not to take it personally. Like you say, you always go to family events yet they wouldn't go to yours :hugs: Was it the party itself they didn't approve of or your SIL?
Hooray for a wonderful day/night Sarah! So glad Wesley is doing better. Strangers can really surprise you can't they!

My mother and SIL butt heads like bulls, so it's more of an EGO thing on both ends which resulted in my mother not going and making sure no one on my side of the family went either.

It is what it is, I need to suck it up and move on. I have no choice but to get over it.
I just had my ultrasound check up for the babies kidneys. You could clearly see that the left kidney was larger than the right. At this stage the kidneys should be between 4-7 millimeters and the left one is at 9. The tech didn't seem too concerned and said this is common. Said plenty of fluid is around the baby so that is good news. Get another ultrasound in a month.

Good news all the pressure i have been feeling on my vag area is a baby head! So painful but at least this time we look good to go vaginally so far!!!

There is a pic of hair already! The technician was shocked at all the hair.

Heart rate was 132. And baby is 4.1 lbs already.
Yay, great news baby is doing OK and is upside down! :happydance:

I'd say it's probably not a problem about the baby's kidneys if the tech wasn't bothered. They would have referred you if it was.

Oh wow, hair! :) I love hairy babies, both mine had hair but Olivia had the most, she came out with the same hairstyle as DH :haha:
Here are some pics :)

The hair pic is NUTS!
The technician was SHOCKED at how much the baby had.


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  • 32 week hair pic.jpg
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